Naruto travels past part 5

"Where the heck is he" yells Tsunade while both Jiraya and orochimaru are trying to calm her down.

"Calm down Tsunade he will come" says Hiruzen."I told you he is a bit lazy and i forgot to tell him to meet us at 6:00 AM morning".

Everyone was waiting for Naruto at the gate of konoha as one hour has already passed, suddenly there was a red flash in front of the gate and there appeared Naruto in Jounin clothes with a orange scarf around his neck.

"Good morning everyone such a lovely day isn't it" says Naruto who is not even bothered by Tsunade glare which is directed at him.

"Why the heck are you late" yells Tsunade at Naruto but he ignores her.

"Old man why are 6 Anbu here i thought only four us going" asks Naruto eyeing Anbu who are also packed with some important stuffs required for the journey.

"Oh they are elite team of konoha" tells Hiruzen. "Boar and Inu are the captain while other four are in their teams."

"Enough chit chat let's move out" says a fuming Tsunade who is thinking how to embarrass Naruto.

Naruto turns to Jiraya and asks "What's her problem is their something on my face".

Jiraya replies back "oh its nothing we were waiting for you from last one hour,so she is just angry that she couldn't leave early".

"clap clap" claps Hiruzen "Ok everyone Jiraya and orochimaru will lead the team while Naruto will be temporary leader, i want this mission success with no failure. All the best everyone".

Everyone replies"Hai" and all ten of them vanish in the forest.

After 3 hours

Everyone was moving at fast pace it was looking like blur for those who were taking shelter in the forest. Naruto and sannins were fine but Anbu's were looking tired as they are moving for 3 hrs.

"Let's take a break here" tells Jiraya while everyone nods.

Everyone settled down and the Anbu took out the food and drinks which were stored in sealing scrolls and gave one one to others.

Naruto sat across Tsunade who was eyeing him every time he is take a bite of his food.

"Am i that handsome that you are looking me every time" asks a amused Naruto.

Tsunade face faults at that blunt sentence and mumbles silently "blahblahblah".

"Sorry i can't hear you" ask Naruto who is still grinning.

"I said you are looking cute in that jounin uniform" replies a blushing Tsunade which perked up Jiraya interest as he started giggling by seeing Tsunade red.

"Oh really thanks for the compliment" grins Naruto while he also amused by seeing blushing Tsunade."You also have nice boobs".

"What i will kill you how dare you say such shameless thing in front of everyone" yells an angry Tsunade and moves out to beat him senseless but Jiraya calms her down.

After 10 min of refreshing Orochimaru orders "Ok everyone lets leave for our destination within next 4 hrs we will cross the fire country and will reach to Amegakure".

After 4 hrs, Amegakure

Amegakure is a small, yet highly industrialised hidden village located in an unnamed country. Its architecture is composed of several metallic skyscrapers with rowed ducts connected to them and many power lines surrounding. As its name suggests, it rains almost constantly due to a storm above the village. All the water seemingly ends in a large lake that surrounds the village. A number of smaller villages also surround Amegakure.

"What a heavy rain" comments Naruto as he is standing at a distance away from village.

"Yeah this country is always surrounded by water as it always rain constantly" replies Jiraya

"But something suspicious is going on" says Orochimaru and continues "Sensei told us there will be Hanzo forces in the border area but we didn't find anyone there".

"Yeah that's true looks like they are planning something" tells Tsunade.

"oh thats what going on" Naruto smirks while everybody sees him.

Tsunade inquires "What are you.." but she gets cut off suddenly a big creature jumps upon them.

"Watch out everyone"yells Jiraya as everyone escapes from that area.

There was a massive salamander in front of them as Naruto hears orochimaru yelling Ibuse which he assumed is the name of the creature.

There were people standing upon him. First one was a rather muscular man of average height, with long blond hair reaching down to his back and a prominent scar on his right cheek, his eyes were portrayed with a normal white sclerae and brown irides , he bore a distinctive cross-shaped scar. He had a dark hat on his head and his lower face was mostly obscured by a helmet-like respirator. The upper portion of this mask bore the symbol of Amegakure and was mirrored by four indentations on the part covering his mouth. His typical attire consisted of a loose wetsuit-like outfit typical of his village, accented by bandages wrapped around his wrists and lower legs, a flak jacket with swirls on the chest-plate, standard shinobi sandals and a dark cloak that reached down below his waist. Underneath this wetsuit, he donned a dark, short-sleeved, midriff shirt which exposed his lower abdomen.

The second person was same like first one with his hair was significantly shorter and he wore a respirator with only a single cartridge instead of two.

"Well well what do we have here Konoha shinobi and my three cute sannins" shouts the First person.

"Hanzo" yells Tsunade and continues "Boar and Inu you are our backup you all stay back while we will deal with all this mess".

"Yes Tsunade sama" shouts Anbu's and they vanish from that area.

"oh you will take care of us but first"says Hanzo calmly suddenly they were surrounded by 1000 Ninja of ame.

"Dad let me take care of them" says the second person who is Hanzo son.

"Of course my son i also want to see how you will fair against those sannins" says Hanzo as his son throws poison from Ibisu mouth.

A big form of green color Liquid of 100 m diameter falls on them but Jiraya yells "Lets escape".

"Pathetic attack"says a lazy Naruto "Shinra Tensei" entire Liquid reflects back on both Hanzo and his son but both of them escapes.

"You are good brat i don't know how did you deflected it but don't worry i will show you my true power" comments Hanzo on Naruto.

"Hanzo we all have come here to negotiate our treaty with your village so stand down but if you will not then we will be forced to destroy you" says Naruto calmly to Hanzo.

"You will destroy us" growls Hanzo son."Everyone kill them" All the ame ninjas marches forward to kill them.

"Everyone lets be ready"shouts Jiraya all the three as they also start marching towards the ninjas.

"wait let me take care of this" says Naruto which stops them on there tracks.

"Look Naruto i know that you are strong but fighting an army alone is nothing but suicide"argues Tsunade with a stoic face but inside she is worried about his safety as both Jiaraya and orochimaru nods.

"Don't worry i don't plan on dirtying my hands on blood " tells Naruto calmly as he weaves three hand seals simultaneously between himself and shows his red eyes rinnegan as he yells "Tengai Shinsei".

It was then the sky became more darker than it was with clouds and something blocked the path of light. All ninjas in the Army looked up sensing something. A sense of dread began to fill them as something big seemed to coming towards them from above. No one moved for or said anything. The feeling in their guts just could not allow them to do anything other than stare into the heavens, and waited.

''What the hell!?'' one of the man yelled as a large meteorite appeared above them. The thing was ridiculously huge. There was no way of stopping such a thing. They simply could not believe what they were seeing. This was one of the things that you did not just dream off, even in your nightmare. Who could have thought that a large meteorite could come down from the sky? It was just ridiculous thinking about it.

"Holy shit" shouts Tsunade, orochimaru, jiraya while there mouths hung open, even all the Konoha Anbus were gaping by seeing a large meteorite coming down from the sky.

''Holly...'' another muttered falling down on his knees. This was unbelievable. They were not even expecting this type of power coming from a 11 year old kid. But there was nothing about this. This was not even ninjutsu. Perhaps they were in some sort of Genjutsu.

Someone seemed to have the same line of thoughts with him. ''Is this real, or are we in some Sharingan Genjutsu?'' it was possible for the Genjutsu of the Sharingan to trick them. The doujutsu was notoriously known for its power Genjutsu. What he was seeing just did not seem real. It was unbelievable. This had to be an illusion, So the kid has sharingan.

''It feels real. Yes, it is real. This is no genjutsu,'' he was a sensor. If it had been a genjutsu, he would know regardless of how powerful it may have been. It was real, and the bastard kid had pulled it but how. He had felt his chakra spike considerably when he was going through hand seals. But it was perhaps nothing compared to how much chakra the kid had.

''This is ridiculous. We can't outrun this thing. It is too big for any of our jutsu to destroy it. Is this even ninjutsu?''. There was one thing common in all these man who spoke fear even Hanzo was feeling fear for the fiirst time in his entire lifetime.

The thing was getting closer Naruto uses his speed and jumps in front of gaping sannins who were dumbly seeing above, he catches their wrists and transports them far away from destruction area and again transports to the gaping Anbu's and transports them to sannin location.

The Meteorite was getting closer, and even though they could not outrun it, they started to run around in all directions. One man in the mist of others knew that they could not outrun this thing.

A bunch of Earth jutsus were thrown into the fray as the large meteorite crashed down the ground and crushing everything beneath it. Its crash shook the entire Ame country and also in the Fire country. Some in the Fire country felt it given that it had happened close to the border of the country. It took a while for a everything to settle down.

The sannin were all thinking that Naruto had just done something that was impossible. They had never seen anything like that before. They had fought second world war, and nothing had come close to what he had seen today. Had it not been Naruto teleporting them,they may also have been crushed.

The meteorite crashed down and broken into some pieces, large pieces in that matter. It did not do any good to the surrounding landscape. If the meteorite would have have fall down on village it would have destroyed the village.

"Naruto how did you do that" asks Jiraya with some fear."Are you some type of god or what".

"Don't worry it is my rinnegan abilites and then also i made it too small but if i would have used my full power, i would had it made it 4 times bigger than the ame village" replies Naruto.

The sannin and the Anbu were shocked to the very core of the earth while thinking the same thing 'rinnegan' 'can even make it 4 times bigger than the ame village '.

There were no survivors. All were buried under there comes the creature Ibuse outside from the rocks in a bloodied form but he immediately dies. The mouth of the creature opens from it comes out Hanzo and his son who escaped at end time in the stomach of Ibusu.

"It is impossible" shouts Hanzo who can't believe his eyes by seeing the landscape is surrounded by chunks of big-big rocks.

Naruto and his companions lands in front of him "Hanzo we only came for peace treaty but you didn't listen to us now you will face my wrath".

"You i will kill you"yells Hanzo but when he sees his riinegan he shakes with fear "Rinnegan".

Hanzo son jumps at amazing kage speed to kill Naruto but Naruto without even moving from position cuts his head. The sannins were shocked that he without even releasing his kunai kills Hanzo son like he was nothing but a ant in front of him.

"Now its your chance Hanzo" glares Naruto as unknown pressure forms around Naruto.

"I will not be killed" Hanzo prepares for attack but next thing his mind went blank as his head is cut from his body as Naruto comes behind him in a very fast speed.(A/N: think naruto is using shunpu as in bleach).

"Well the war is over" says Naruto lazily as he walks back to them.

"Are you kidding us you killed both the kage level fighters in less than one minute but we did't do anything"says Jiraya grimly but inside he was happy the war is over.

"Jiraya those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash! If I'm going to be called trash either way, I'd rather break the rules! And if that somehow makes me anything less than a real shinobi, then I'll crush all of the so-called "real" shinobi!" says Naruto.

"Yeah you are right but when we return to the village you will tell us how you are so powerful" says Jiraya happily. Suddenly a kunai flies behind Naruto but he doges it but it immediately went for Tsunade whose back was turned away, Naruto immediately teleports in front of her and pushes her away.

"It looks like one ninja survived" says orochimaru who rushes to that ninja and kills him.

Tsunade moans'why am i moaning,what is this pleasure feeling', she opens her eyes and sees Naruto above her but what made her uncomfortable was as his both hands were pressing her breasts.

"Ah what a nice melons"says a amused Naruto.

"Naruto you pervert" shouts Tsunade and starts pounding Naruto. Jiraya was crying in anime tears as Naruto stole his Tsunade Boobs while orochimaru was liking his lips as he witnessed Naruto power today.

The ANBU's sweat dropped on sannins antique "Powerful people are always weird".

chapter ends