Hi everyone! This is the start of a new story that i've been thinking about for a long time. The inspiration came from a song by the band Skillet called "Don't Wake Me." The lyrics are listed below. I hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it!
Disclaimer: I do not own the Avengers, no profits were made off of this story, and no infringement is intended. All rights and lyrics of "Don't Wake Me' belong to Skillet.
Don't Wake Me
By Skillet:
I went to bed I was thinking about you
I ain't the same since I'm living without you
All the memories are getting colder
All the things that i wanna do over
I went to bed I was thinking about you
I wanna talk and laugh like we used to
When I see you in my dreams at night
It's so real but it's in my mind.
And now I guess this is as good as it gets.
Don't wake me 'cause I don't wanna leave this dream
Don't wake me 'cause I never seem to stay asleep enough
When it's you I'm dreaming of I don't wanna wake up
I went to bed I was thinking about you
And how it felt when I finally found you
It's like a movie playing over in my head
Don't wanna look 'cause I know how it ends
All the words that I said that I wouldn't say
All the promises I made that i wouldn't break
It's last call, last song, last dance 'cause
I can't get you back, can't get a second chance
And now I guess this is as good as it gets.
Don't wake me 'cause I don't wanna leave this dream
Don't wake me 'cause I never seem to stay asleep enough
When it's you I'm dreaming of I don't wanna wake up
Don't wake me we're together just you and me
Don't wake me 'cause we're happy just like we used to be
I know I've gotta let you go, but I don't want to be alone
These dreams of you keep on growing stronger
It ain't a lot but it's all I have
Nothing to do but keep sleeping longer
Don't wanna stop 'cause I want you back
Don't wake me 'cause I don't wanna leave this dream
Don't wake me 'cause I never seem to stay asleep enough
When it's you I'm dreaming of I don't wanna wake up
I went to bed I was thinking about you
"Cause I don't wanna leave this dream
It ain't the same since I'm living without you
'Cause I never seem to stay asleep.
I know I've got to let you go but I don't wanna wake up
Don't Wake Me - Chapter 1
Buildings are crumbling, fires are burning, people are dying, and the Avengers are fighting. The Chitauri are back and they are coming in waves into New York City in a full on invasion. The Avengers have been holding them back and protecting the city since early that morning when Captain America called for them to assemble. That was nearly 13 hours ago and they're all at the point of exhaustion. Even Thor and the Hulk are looking tired, but they continue to defend the city. The sun is starting to set into the orange and red sky and the Chitauri are beginning to realize that they are fighting a losing battle.
"They're starting to retreat," Captain America's commanding, but spent voice comes over the comm link. "Keep driving them back, Avengers!"
As tired as they all are, they follow their Captain's orders. Iron Man flies up over the buildings in his battered and damaged armor to pick off the Chitauri Skimmers flying through the city. He rolls and dives in a show of aerial acrobatics to dodge their attacks and buildings while firing missiles and repulsers back at them. His well aimed blasts find their marks and skimmers are exploding and Chitauri are falling out of the sky left and right.
Thor and Hulk are working on the last Leviathan hovering through the city. The giant beast is destroying buildings and raining debris down on the people below. Hulk takes a running leap off of the top of a rooftop and slams into the side of the monster's head, knocking it off course toward the bay.
The sky darkens and the clouds turn an ominous black color as Thor lands heavily on top of the Leviathan in a show of lightning and thunder. The demi-god raises his hammer and strikes it's armor with his hammer, sending thunder and lightning through the creature. The Leviathan screeches and tries to shake the two Avengers off, running into buildings and swinging side to side wildly, but with no success. Hulk pounds and punches the creature, weakening the metal armor that surrounds the beast. He finally sends a fist through the dented metal and rips off a large chunk of the armor. Thor delivers the finishing blow with a powerful lighting attack to the exposed skull of the monster and the Leviathan screeches again before it crashes into the bay.
Clint and Natasha are bruised, dirty, and completely drained. Their normally pristine SHIELD uniforms are dusty and torn from the battle, but they keep on fighting in the chaotic streets of the city.
Clint ran out of arrows a long time ago and has picked up a staff from a fallen Chitauri to defend himself. He fires energy blasts into the oncoming army and feels quite satisfied to be using their own weapons against them. Another group rushes the Archer and he runs at them head on. At the last moment he uses the Chitauri staff to pole vault over the stunned aliens and lands gracefully behind them. He quickly spins around and fires the staff at the Chitauri before they even have a chance to turn around.
Hawkeye stands and admires his good work when an energy blast flies past his head and he instantly drops to his knee and swings his head around behind him. Another squad of Chitauri is advancing up the road and he quickly runs and dives behind a nearby car for cover as a shower of weapons fire is sent his way. The car is pelted with holes as the group continues to fire. He dares to peer out around the car to scan the terrain and spots a puddle of gasoline leaking out from a car that's been tipped onto it's side. The squad continues to advance and Clint risks another look and fires the staff at the car. The gasoline ignites and erupts into a huge fireball when the spark travels to the car. The Chitauri are instantly incinerated.
"Whoa, that was cool," Clint whispers in awe while he stares at the burning wreckage. His moment of pride is cut short when more Chitauri close in. "Geez, you guys can't let a guy enjoy the moment for even a second, can you?" The Archer dives back into the battle and drives the aliens back as best he can.
Natasha is at his side while she empties another clip into a horde of Chitauri. She reloads with lightning speed and fires, not wasting a single bullet with her sharp aim. The Chitauri drop to the ground, dead in their tracks, but they continue to bombard the two Avengers.
The Widow catches a glimpse of a few stray Chitauri closing in on a small group of civilians. She quickly takes a running leap at the monsters, landing on the back of one and slicing it's neck with one of her deadly blades. The others round on her to go on the offensive, but she ducks in time to dodge their attack. She swiftly sweeps her leg across the ground to kick their feet out from under them and the two remaining aliens fall roughly to the ground. The Master Assassin doesn't waste a second and quickly drives her knives into their hearts in one solid strike.
"Get out of here!" She yells at the stunned civilians after she rips her knives from the alien's carcasses and returns her attention back to her original targets.
Captain America, even with his super strength and peak physical endurance, is feeling the fatigue. Even he has his limits, but he fights on with a new burst of energy now that there is finally an end in sight. His shield flies through the air, hitting it's targets with deadly force. Bones break and Chitauri fall when his shield finds its mark.
He finds a small horde of the aliens trying to regroup, but instead they are plowed down by the Captain before they even get a chance to form ranks. Steve is in the middle of a small army of the Chitauri and he knows he'll soon be overwhelmed if he doesn't think fast. He throws his shield, holding nothing back like he normally does. The shield slices through the crowd of aliens before bouncing off of a building, leaving a sizable dent in the brick. Steve continues to throw punch after punch and kick after kick as he starts to take each one of them down. The Super Soldier quickly bends backwards in true Matrix fashion as the shield comes flying back at him. It soars past him, barely grazing his chest, and barrels into the group behind him. Steve snaps back up to his feet and sends a round house kick into the first unlucky alien he sees. The shield bounces off of another building and punches through another line of Chitauri, leaving a line of bloody carnage in it's wake.
Steve turns to grab a Chitauri's head, but the monster pulls a dagger and drives it into the Captain's arm. His face twists in pain as he drives his knee into the alien's skull, crushing it, before he turns at the last second to catch his shield with one hand as it flies back to him. He turns to his arm and tries to pull the dagger out, but it's long, serrated blade has dug itself deep.
Captain America pulls his attention away from his throbbing arm and sees a lone Chitauri running toward a building where a large number of civilians have taken shelter. Steve's sharp eyes catch a glimpse of something he's all too familiar with from the last battle with the Chitauri: three small, metal boxes with a flashing light on the side are strapped to the alien's chest. They're just like the bomb that threw him out of the window at the bank and into a car the last time they tried to take the city. The alien is making a suicide run. Cap quickly intercepts the monster and sends him flying back with one hit from his shield. He doesn't give him any time to recover. As soon as the Chitauri is on his feet he charges and drives him back away from the building.
"Tony!" Steve yells over the comm-link while he continues to punch and kick the monster back while dodging the attacks coming back at him.
"I'm right here, dear. No need to yell," Tony answers back sarcastically.
"I've got a hot one down here and I need somewhere to put him."
Tony scans the area around Captain America. "There's an empty parking garage a block north of your current position. Can you get him there?"
"Don't have much choice."
"Hang on. I'm on my way," Tony flies across the city to help Steve, but he's intercepted by more Skimmers. He fights his way through as fast as he can to get there in time.
Steve continues to drive the alien back, but the beeps are getting louder and faster and he knows what's coming. In an act of desperation he slams his shield into the monster and physically drives him back for the last half a block. The beeping is so quick now that they start to sound like one continuous wail. Steve quickly grabs the alien by the leg and spins him around once before launching him closer to the parking garage.
Still not far enough Steve thinks to himself in frustration. His arm is burning and he's starting to feel dizzy, but he runs back to the fight.
The Chitauri charges at the Captain and he meets him head on, slamming his shield into him. The monster stumbles back and quickly pulls his arms up defensively when he sees the shield flying trough the air directly at him. It hits its mark and the alien skids deeper into the empty garage. Steve catches his shield as it ricochets back to him before he sprints out of the garage in search of cover when the Chitauri finally detonates. The Parking Garage takes most of the blast, but Steve is still launched forward while concrete, debris, and shrapnel fly through the air and collapse all around him.
"Cap!" Tony yells as he flies over the garage, shielding his face from the dust and debris flying up into the air. He lands on the ground with a loud thunk and runs through the cloud of concrete dust. "JARVIS! Lock onto Cap's communicator and locate him. See if you can find any vitals." JARVIS quickly displays a small dot on Tony's Hud representing where Steve is under all the rubble. Tony quickly runs to the area and starts digging.
"Sir, Captain Roger's vitals are critical. He is in need of immediate medical attention." JARVIS also displays Steve's vitals on Tony's Hud.
"Avengers! I could use some help down here!" Tony yells.
"We are on our way, Stark," Thor answers.
Tony continues to dig through the pile of rubble, shoving large slabs of concrete away and throwing metal rods and chunks of cars to the side. Thor and Hulk finally arrive and Clint and Natasha are running up the street to meet them as well.
"What happened?" Natasha yells when they arrive on the scene.
"Steve's buried and his vitals are getting weaker. We need to get him out. Now!" Tony reports frantically. Thor and Hulk immediately help to move some of the larger pieces of debris away while Clint and Natasha provide cover incase any Chitauri decide to take advantage of their situation. Thor throws a large slab of concrete aside when they see blue peeking through the debris.
"Cap!" Tony yells and the three Avengers start clearing away the rocks until they uncover the upper half of Steve's body. He's laying flat on his back with his head tipped to the side and his arms laying across his face in an attempt to shield himself from the blast.
"Steve! Can you hear me?" Tony asks, gently moving his arms to his side and patting the side of his face. Steve lets out a soft moan and his face twists into a wince as he tries to regain consciousness. "Come on, Cap. Look at me," Tony orders. Thor and Hulk continue to dig their Captain out of the rubble when Thor grabs a piece of rebar sticking up out of the debris to throw it aside. Steve jerks with a sharp gasp and winces as he shoots up from the ground, grasping weakly at the rebar.
"Whoa, everybody freeze," Tony holds one hand up and uses the other to hold Steve back. Thor and Hulk stop where they stand.
"What's going on?" Steve slurs and Tony gently guides him back down to the ground.
"You didn't run fast enough," Tony answers while he works on clearing away the dirt away from Steve's torso. His heart drops at what he sees. The rebar has pierced through Steve's body armor and is sticking up out of his side and the rubble under Steve's abdomen is covered in blood.
"JARVIS," Tony whispers while he inspects the large piece of metal sticking out of Steve's side.
"The metal rebar has punctured Captain Roger's spleen and possibly his stomach," JARVIS answers and, as if to confirm the diagnosis, Steve immediately coughs and starts throwing up blood.
"Shit. Hey, take it easy Spangles. You still with me?" Tony turns his attention from the rebar to Steve who is growing more and more pale by the second. Steve nods weakly. "Good. Stay that way." Tony's eyes fall on the dagger sticking out of the Captain's arm. "Geez Cap, you off your game today? How many times did you let yourself get stabbed?"
"H-had to pick up your s-slack," Steve stutters. "I was busy t-taking on half the army w-while you were busy messing a-around." Steve starts coughing again.
"Easy there, Old Timer," Tony helps Steve lean forward a little and watches with concern when he coughs up more blood. "You win. You kicked ass today."
Tony looks at Thor who is also looking a little pale while he stares at his Captain. "Hulk, I need you to keep clearing away the debris. We need to be able to get Cap out of here immediately once we take this out," Iron man places his hand on the bar. "Thor, I need you to keep him still long enough for me to pull the rebar out. If he moves too much I could cause more damage." Thor nods and kneels above Steve's head and places his hands on his shoulders. Hulk has the lower half of Steve's body uncovered and Tony grasps the rebar firmly in both hands.
"Are you ready, Captain?" Thor asks gently and looks down at Steve who is not looking entirely with it. Steve nods weakly and Thor nods to Tony.
"Here we go," Tony breathes in a deep breath and pulls with all of his strength on the rebar. Steve struggles and yells while Thor holds him down firmly. Tony ignores Steve's cries of pain and continues to pull out the rebar until it finally comes free. Steve's body collapses back down into the rubble, the star on his chest rising and falling rapidly. Thor releases the injured soldier and Steve's eyes roll shut.
"Steve! No sleeping!" Tony quickly rips a piece of cloth from Steve's uniform and ties it tightly around the gushing wound. Steve inhales sharply and his eyes snap open when Tony ties the knot tightly around his abdomen. "Sorry, Spangles. You've lost a lot of blood and you have to stay awake, alright?" Steve stares blankly at Tony, his eyes glazed over and struggling to comprehend what he's telling him. Tony lifts Steve up from the ground as gently as he can, but Steve still winces and groans as his side is jostled. Iron Man blasts off and speeds as fast as he dares go with Steve to the helicarrier.
"Hey Cap, you still with me?" Tony looks down to see Steve's head starting to loll to the side. The makeshift bandage on his abdomen is already soaked through with blood. Tony shakes Steve's body and he moans while his face twists in discomfort. "Sorry Steve. Listen, you need to talk to me."
"What 'bout?" Steve mumbles.
"Anything. How are the Dodgers doing this year?" Tony is so concerned about keeping Steve awake that he's willing to talk about sports.
"S'off season, Tony," Steve slurs again.
"Right. How about football? Or some other pointless game where a ball is abused and grown men run around a field in tight pants?"
"Just let me sleep."
"No, you have to stay awake. Once we get you fixed up you can sleep all you want, but for now you need to stay with me."
"S'matter Tony? Ya worried 'bout me?"
"No," Tony insists. "As usual, I'm saving your star-spangled-ass again. Don't want to break my winning streak." Steve lets out a pathetic excuse for a laugh.
"You've still gotta long 'ways t'go t'catch up with how many times I've saved your butt," Steve mumbles while he struggles to stay awake. Tony dares to speed up a bit more to get to the helicarrier faster. He's running out of time.
"Oh really? I am pretty sure this is the fifth time this week I've pulled you out of the fire. What's your count?" Steve doesn't answer. "Steve," Tony shakes the man again, but Steve is still out. "Rogers!" Tony yells and shakes him more violently this time.
"Wha…," Steve asks blearily.
"I told you: No sleeping."
"Sorry," Steve sighs. "M'just tired." Steve's eyes flutter closed and his body goes limp in Tony's arms.
"Cap!" Tony shakes him again, but Steve doesn't wake up. "JARVIS, report."
"Captain Rogers has gone into hypovolemic shock, Sir."
"Damn it, Steve. You're not dying on me! Do you hear me! You're not doing this to us!"
Steve suddenly realizes he's being set down on something soft and they're moving. Whoever is moving him must be frantic because the steering and speed is chaotic. He tries to open his eyes, but he only gets flashes of his surroundings. Everyone is talking, but not to him. He can hear their words, but they're jumbled and muted, like they're talking through water. Steve tries to get up, but his body isn't listening to him. Something pries his eye open and shines a bright light into it. Steve tries to close his eyes against the light, but he can't.
He can feel his body jerk and slide around as they push him down a hall. The over head lights pass by quickly and he can see unfamiliar faces staring down at him. Steve's staring to feel a little nauseated at he quick movements and he can feel himself starting to get sick. Blood starts to flow out of his mouth as he coughs and chokes, struggling for air. The crazy driving continues while someone turns him onto his side and the blood and bile spill out onto the floor. Steve gasps for air while he wishes they would stop swerving around.
Steve catches a glimpse of Tony running along side the stretcher with the unfamiliar faces as he shoves his way through. He sees his hand lift from the stretcher, although he doesn't remember willing it to do so. Tony grabs it and holds it tightly in his own and says something. Steve tries to ask where he is, but is embarrassed and confused when only a low groan escapes instead of his question. He tries to focus on Tony while the man continues to talk about something, but the panic and chaos are so disorienting. Each blink is getting longer and longer until Steve can't keep his eyes open anymore and his vision goes dark.
Steve opens his eyes again and there's more yelling and more talking, but they've finally stop rolling. One of the nurses starts to push Tony away and back into the corner of the room. He's rolled onto his back and someone starts cutting away his uniform and pulling his gloves off. His head is lifted up and his cowl is removed while a mask is placed over the lower half of his face. The oxygen is cool and fresh as it rushes into his lungs.
An older man stands over him and places a cold stethoscope on his chest before he turns his attention to his side. Steve can feel the mask on his face shake when a moan escapes when the man presses on the wound. He tries to lift his hand to push the man away, but a nurse is there and holds him back. The man puts his hand on his shoulder and says something, but Steve doesn't quite catch what it was. He just wants these people to leave so he can sleep, but more people swarm him, placing wires on his chest and clipping something to his finger. He feels a sharp sting on his arm and hazily looks down to see a needle being shoved into the crook of his elbow and a cold sensation travels up his arm. Loud beeping starts to fill the room on top of the people talking and it's overwhelming.
Steve feels like he might pass out again when he realizes someone is touching him again. The doctor is looking over the dagger that is still sticking out of his arm before he turns to talk to one of the nurses. She nods and turns to adjust something near one of the monitors. Steve begins to smell something different coming through the mask. It smells sweet and he coughs a little as it floods the mask. He can feel himself start to panic as he desperately fights off the incredibly strong urge to sleep that he had so welcomed only a few moments ago.
Tony pushes though the nurses to the side of the bed and Steve tries to focus on him.
"You're safe, Steve," Tony places a hand on his head. "You're okay. We got you out and you're safe. It's okay to sleep now."
Tony keeps talking and Steve can feel himself relax as the inventor's calloused hand brushes his hair back and off of his forehead. Tony's voice is getting farther and farther away as the sweet smelling gas fills his lungs. Tony's eyes meet his for a moment and Steve blinks a couple more times before he can't keep his eyes open any longer and his mind fades into unconsciousness.
Steve slowly comes to his senses when he feels sunlight shining down on his face. He's laying on his side and takes in a deep breath of fresh air. The smell is familiar. He knows that smell. He opens his eyes and slowly looks around the room, which is also strangely familiar. The walls are painted a light tan color and it is sparsely decorated. There's a wooden coffee table in front of him and a short bookcase with a radio on top of it against the wall. Steve shifts his gaze down to where a kitchen is setup. It's very small with a few wooden cabinets, a small fridge, and stove with a sink next to it.
I know this place. I've been here before. This is my apartment. I live here. Steve slowly sits up and looks around the tiny studio apartment before looking down to the olive green couch he has been laying on. His eyes land on a small picture frame on the end table next to the couch. He picks it up to see him, Bucky, Peggy, and Howard all posing near a large plane. He pulls the photograph out of the frame and it's been dated in his handwriting as being taken less than a week ago. Steve remembers when that photo was taken, but it seems like it was so long ago.
Steve frowns while he shuffles through his foggy brain to try and remember what he was doing before he went to sleep when there is a loud knock at the door. Steve stands unsteadily and walks to the door to open it.
"Good morning, Soldier," the visitor greets and Steve nearly falls over. "Whoa, Steve, are you okay?"
Steve just stares at the person for a moment in complete shock before he brings himself to speak. "Peggy?" He frowns and looks her over, not quite ready to let himself believe that she's really there. She is as beautiful as ever. She's traded out her army uniform for a beautiful black dress that flows down to her knees and has just a bit of sparkle to it when she moves. It suits her well.
"Were you waiting for someone else to go dancing with tonight?" Peggy smiles before she sees Steve's confusion. Her smile turns into a disappointed frown. "You do remember that tonight is our first date and you were going to take me out dancing at the Stork Club, right?"
Steve didn't remember that they were going dancing tonight. It's strange. He doesn't really remember anything before this moment, but he does remember things that happened last week evidentially based on the photograph. But all those memories feel like they happened a life time ago. Steve closes his eyes and presses his hand to his face.
"What's the date today, Peggy?" Steve asks.
"It's June 28th, 1942. Steve, what's wrong? You're starting to scare me."
Steve sits down on the couch, his mind reeling. Something isn't right, but he can't will his mind to tell him what. Something clicks and he jerks his head down, remembering that he was injured. He quickly lifts up his white t-shirt and searches his side for any sign of injury. Nothing. Not even a bruise. Even with his accelerated healing there should be at least a bruise or some discomfort still.
"Steve, please tell me what's wrong," Peggy frowns.
"Nothing," Steve finally answers. "Must've been a bad dream." He looks at Peggy before he breaks into a grin and hugs her. "Peggy, I've missed you."
"Steve, we just saw each other yesterday," Peggy hugs him back before feeling his forehead to check for a fever.
"It just felt longer," Steve replies.
Peggy smiles and holds his hands in hers. "Are you feeling well enough to go dancing?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Steve smiles and stands, offering a hand to Peggy. "You know I still don't know how to dance."
"Don't worry, I'll show you how," Peggy stands and embraces Steve again.
"How's he doing?" Bruce asks while he slowly walks into the hospital room.
"Not well," Tony frowns from his chair.
Steve is laying in the hospital bed surrounded by monitors and machines. There are IV's pumping blood and fluids into Steve's arms and wires connected to his chest and arms to monitor his breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and a whole load of other things that Tony can't even think of right now. There's a tube that sits between Steve's slightly parted lips that is connected to a ventilator to breathe for him. Tony watches Steve's chest slowly rise and fall to the rhythm of the ventilator. He stands and throws a blanket over the sheet that's been pulled up to his waist when he notices his temperature drop a little in the chilly hospital room.
"The doctors were able to repair most of the damage from the rebar and his body is trying to work on the broken ribs, shoulder, leg and all the shrapnel wounds," the Inventor reports.
Bruce walks over and reviews the chart on the electronic pad at the end of Steve's bed before he gently lifts the bandage covering the wound on Steve's side. The site is swollen and surrounded by a large, angry looking black and red bruise. Large, black sutures hold the wound together. Bruce gently palpates the area, but stops when Steve's muscles involuntarily contract at the pain and his heart rate spikes for a moment. Bruce frowns and replaces the bandage and inspects the thick cast that has been set all the way up Steve's thigh.
"All of these things will eventually heal on their own," Bruce says, thinking out loud. "It sounds like this is our big problem," Bruce lifts the short sleeve of Steve's hospital gown to reveal a white bandage that's been soaked through with blood and a greenish discharge. He pulls the soaked bandage away and collects supplies to re-bandage the wound.
Tony leans over to inspect the nasty, deep gash in Steve's upper arm. The laceration is red and oozing blood and the tissue around it has turned a light green hue. The same black sutures hold the deep gash closed.
"Did you get a look at what weapon did this?" Bruce asks while he wraps Steve's arm again.
"Yeah," Tony answers. "It was a nasty, serrated dagger. Doctors say that it was dipped in some kind of alien toxin. It was a through and through stab wound. The doctors haven't ever seen anything like the poison before and they have no idea what it is, but it's putting up one hell of a fight against the Super Soldier serum. That's why he's not waking up and why his healing has been so slow."
"It's barely been a day, Tony," Bruce puts a hand on the man's shoulder. "His body just needs some time to catch up."
Tony nods and Bruce quietly leaves him in peace after he finishes redressing Steve's arm. The Billionaire stands and starts to pace the room a couple times before leaning on the plastic side of Steve's hospital bed. "Come on, Steve. Come back to us." He whispers.
Next chapter is in the works and we'll start to dive into what Steve's life might have been if the plane crash had never happened and he was able to come home after defeating Red Skull.