"C'mon, don't just chicken out... I'll be gentle."
"Shut up, I hate you." Ichigo punched him, still red in the face and worked up from Renji's skilled hands.
"You don't mean that."
"I know."
Renji groaned, rolling his eyes. "C'mon, It'll be good. I promise, it'll be good. It'll feel goo-"
"God, shut up! Just leave me alone," Ichigo said irrationally, not protesting when Renji grabbed him, kneeling behind him on the bed. He bit his neck and left a hickey, getting behind him and feeling up his comparably smaller body. Ichigo went slack, letting Renji hold him, caving in to the dominant hands, getting turned on by the illusion of being powerless. Renji couldn't make him do this after all. He was letting him take control; he could stop any time he wanted, and he didn't want to.
"It's... You..." Ichigo's eyes slipped closed as Renji grabbed him through his loose hakama, squeezing the bulge that was poking out in plain sight, a little black bump under his hand.
"I what?" Pausing in biting Ichigo's neck long enough to say something hadn't been a good idea, because Ichigo regained his senses at lightening speed, jabbing his elbow hard into his ribs and scrambling away.
"You- aaah!" Renji grabbed him by the seat of his pants before Ichigo could curse him, and yanked him back, not letting him get away.
"Get back here! You're so full of bologna it's insane! What made you change your mind? Ya' wanted to mess around earlier! Why the change of heart?"
"Shut up, you... you, you-"
"You what?! Spit it out!"
Ichigo got stuck, not knowing what to call Renji or how to insult him, so he just gaped helplessly for a moment as Renji grabbed him and lay back, making him straddle him, knowing that Ichigo was having trouble putting aside his pride. Ichigo had always needed to put up the proper amount of resistance for himself to feel that he was still strong, still proper and in control or something, and now that resistance was getting in the way.
Ichigo couldn't get past that with his pride intact, but Renji didn't care. He'd make him get past it. It wasn't as if Ichigo didn't want to do this. It was just that Ichigo didn't want to want to do this. Ichigo was scared of something. It was stupid, really, but Renji understood, and he'd help convince him so that he wouldn't be so gun-shy. Ichigo flopped forward in surprise, catching himself by putting his hands against Renji's chest.
Renji grinned, ponytail growing messy. He slid his hands up Ichigo's thighs, gripping his hips and pressing upwards with a needy growl. Ichigo went red when he felt the bulge being ground against him. His hands absently went down to his own crotch, rubbing himself through his hakama, looking back down at Renji whilst biting a hole in his own lip. He was becoming conflicted.
"You... You're..." As much as Ichigo wanted to say something forward and truthful like 'sexy as fuck', the words wouldn't come out, and all he could do was avert his eyes and sit there nervously, letting Renji touch him. After all, he didn't know how to admit what he wanted, but he didn't want to leave either. It seemed that the drug had given him a lot of courage earlier, because he was feeling at a loss now.
Renji just looked up at him, laying there with a dazed smile on his face, enjoying having Ichigo straddle him. Maybe someday the kid would get confident enough to pin him down like this and ride him with some sexy look on his face, teasing the hell out of him. Just the thought of it made him twitch, and he could see that Ichigo felt it when he jumped a little, looking down. "I'm what?" he asked, prompting Ichigo to finish his sentence.
"Stupid," Ichigo spat bitterly, pouting to himself.
"Aw, c'mon... Don't ya' wanna' do it with me?..." Renji asked, smile fading, growing disappointed. Of course, he didn't want to do it if Ichigo truly didn't want to. He didn't want that on his conscience. It wouldn't be right. "Ya' wanted to earlier... What, are ya' scared-"
"No," Ichigo said vehemently, denying it, even though it was somewhat, kind of, maybe the truth.
"Well then, what's the matter? I'm not gonna' tell... or... It's not like I'm gonna' toss you out or pretend like nothing happened afterwards... I like ya'... I wanna' take you on dates an' shit... Don't you wanna' do it with me?"
With a tremendous amount of willpower, Ichigo exhaled all of his frustration and pride, making an effort to be tolerant. "Yeah... Alright..." Ichigo gave in, sitting there awkwardly as Renji eagerly leaned back and got comfortable, letting Ichigo undress him. Ichigo hesitantly ran his hands down Renji's chest, admiring his large muscles and his tattoos, but was wary of Renji's watchful eyes. He didn't do much exploring out of nervousness, fiddling around for a while as he opened the tie to Renji's hakama, pulling up the front flap to release the insisting bulge that was kept inside.
When he pulled the fabric away, Ichigo's eyes bulged, getting big and round as his cheeks flushed, seeming to be intimidated by Renji's size. He was starting to doubt that he could do this without being split in two. Maybe he shouldn't do this. Maybe he should change his mind. Oh, but Renji just looked so arousing, so abounding in masculinity and power, laying out before him with all he had to give. There was no way he could back out of this opportunity. Renji might not give him another chance if he denied him now.
"Wow..." he mumbled, peeking through his fingers at Renji's thick erection. Renji just grinned at him, averting his eyes a little so Ichigo could feel free to take his time. Ichigo looked closer now that Renji wasn't watching him do so, and he noticed that the bold black lines that had spread all over Renji's body in a tribal pattern were present here too.
His own erection got a little harder. There was something erotic about it, Renji's tattoos, and he wanted to trace them with his fingers and his tongue so badly, but no, he didn't want Renji to watch him do so. It was too embarrassing.
"What the hell? You actually got tattoos on your dick?! Didn't that hurt?!" Ichigo shriek-whispered incredulously, grabbing at his own crotch in phantom pain. Any man who let a needle anywhere near there had to be insane. That was hardcore as fuck. Let no man say that Abarai Renji was faint of heart.
"Ugh, yes, what do you think? Don't even mention it, I still have dreams about that," Renji cringed, rolling his eyes. Ichigo nodded, getting a little closer, holding out a hand as if he was about to pet an animal that might bite him. His eyes flicked up to Renji, who was watching in fascination and arousal, half drooling and about to get a nose bleed.
"Don't fucking look at me with your stupid face! Stop!" Ichigo shouted angrily, causing Renji to hush him up with a loud 'Shh'.
"Stop watching, I said. I'll only do it if you close your eyes," Ichigo mumbled, face ablaze as he made Renji put a hand over his eyes. Renji just laughed a little, leaning back further, arm over his face, trying to take the pressure off of Ichigo. Of course he was going to peek, but only a little bit to keep the poor boy from being too embarrassed.
He watched Ichigo bite at his lip a little, and then the teen deliberately reached out and touched him. Renji immediately twitched, making a pleased little noise when Ichigo gripped him hard, making a real effort to do well.
The look on Ichigo's face told Renji that he was nervous and unsure, trying to work past it. For a moment, Renji thought he would back out, but Ichigo didn't, leaning down with an anxious swallow.
Was he really going to-
Then Renji felt it, and he immediately clenched his gut up to keep from losing control of himself. He couldn't come quickly today if he was really going to get Ichigo in bed with him.
Renji could see from the gap under his arm, Ichigo was hesitantly sticking out his tongue and giving the head of his cock an experimental lick. Ichigo seemed to mull over the taste for a moment, before giving it another cautious try, swirling his tongue around in a little circle, increasing the pressure. Renji gave a low guttural groan.
"Yeah, just like that..." he whispered, shuddering as Ichigo finally took him into his mouth, sucking a little. Renji was more vocal than normal today to give Ichigo some confidence. The poor kid needed it.
Ichigo wrapped his fingers around the base of his cock, moving his hakama down a little, and he moved his head down to take him in a little deeper, not enough to choke himself, which he seemed to be extremely wary of. Renji was sure to keep his hips glued to the bed to keep Ichigo from getting paranoid. Nobody liked gagging.
Ichigo sucked a little harder, moving his head slowly as he got used to the feeling. Renji moaned lowly, a hand going down to hold the back of Ichigo's head. When Ichigo withdrew, he gripped Renji hard, licking along his slit teasingly, glancing up at him. Immediately he stopped, growling in anger, cheeks turning red. "Stop fucking looking!"
"Aw c'mon, babe, ya' look so hot!" Ichigo just crossed his arms grumpily, feeling betrayed, not looking at him. "C'mon, don't be mad..." Renji nudged him, and Ichigo still didn't look at him, a miserable expression on his face. "... Fine, I won't look, just stop being so pitiful."
"I guess you can look... just... don't..." Ichigo seemed to be afraid of being made fun of or something, which Renji could understand. "It's embarrassing."
"Okay, okay, I promise I won't tease, just try again," Renji begged, laying back again with a smile. Ichigo blushed, looking at him warily as he tried again, breath just a little shaky.
"Were my teeth hurting you?" he asked in concern, leaning down to start again. Renji shook his head, saying that it felt good, but still to be careful. "Okay."
Ichigo spat into his own hand, stroking Renji a couple times with a blush, determinedly not looking at Renji. Then he took him into his mouth again, trying to go deeper, sucking when he came back up to the tip. A little trickle of salty precum leaked into his mouth. It wasn't so bad, really. If he thought of it as if he was doing it on himself, it wasn't so bad at all. It was just a little nerve-wracking to be watched so closely.
"Hm? How's that?" Ichigo asked, licking around the sensitive head, sucking teasingly. It was getting easier all the time now that his mouth wasn't so dry from anxiety.
"Real good, baby… Ah… yeah," Renji stroked Ichigo's hair with one hand, the other behind his own head, propping himself up on his pillows as Ichigo attempted to pleasure him. He wasn't very skilled, of course, but Renji was still hard as a rock, letting Ichigo go at his own pace.
It was probably better that Ichigo wasn't good enough at this to get him to cum, because Renji needed his stamina for later.
"Okay, ya' ready, babe?" Renji asked, loving the view of Ichigo's shy eyes flicking up at him while he licked around his head.
"Ready?" Ichigo asked a little cluelessly, braindead because of his nerves and arousal.
"Yeah. Ta' do it," Renji clarified. Ichigo turned red and nodded uncertainly, rubbing at the back of his neck as he backed off from Renji's erection. "Hey, if you don't want to… Uh… we don't gotta'," Renji offered, but Ichigo just smiled, opening his yukata enticingly, getting Renji to pounce on him.
Ichigo enthusiastically returned his kiss, much more sure in his movements as he wrapped his legs around Renji's waist, holding his face to pull him closer to his own lips.
"Mm, oh," Ichigo mumbled as Renji licked at his neck, sucking and teasing with his teeth. Renji was probably going to leave a hickey, but he didn't give one single ounce of a damn.
Then Renji backed off, looking down at his prize, Kurosaki Ichigo who was coveted and admired by so many. He was splayed out so beautifully beneath him, and this brave man, Soul Society's hero, this wonderful young man was all for him. He was so good-looking like this, hair ruffled up even more than usual, clothes in a disarray, cheeks slightly flushed. The grumpy shyness and that virginal clumsiness was so appealing to Renji, turning him on so much that he could hardly deal with it.
He was one lucky bastard. "Okay, ya' ready?"
"Yes," Ichigo said, tight all over from anticipation and slight anxiety. Renji just got out a coin, and Ichigo relaxed a little in confusion. "Huh?"
"We flip this," Renji said adamantly, "to see who gets to be on the bottom. So I'll flip it, and if it's tails, you top, heads, I top, bla bla, okay?"
Ichigo nodded uncertainly. Of course, he got heads. "Uh... Ya' don't have to if ya' don't wanna', of course," he said in concern. Ichigo said it would be fine. "Lucky bastard," he mumbled, grinning at Ichigo as he moved back down to kiss him. "Ya' done this before?" He assumed that Ichigo was a virgin because of how skittish the poor guy was, but of course, he had no proof.
"No," Ichigo said.
"Okay, then don't worry, I'll be gentle," Renji assured, starting to take off Ichigo's clothes, pulling his hakama down, "I'll be so gentle, babe, don't look like that." Ichigo tried to smile, a little nervous, but eager to try this out. "It'll feel great, I promise."
Renji prepared him well, and as promised, it did feel great. At least the fingers did… Well, not right away, but Ichigo could tolerate it. Of course Renji's penis was bigger than his fingers, so it hurt, a lot, and Ichigo's eyes were pricking with tears as Renji pinned him to the bed. Fuck, it felt like he was being impaled. Was he bleeding? It wasn't supposed to hurt like this, was it?
"Ahh," he groaned in pain, gripping Renji's hands tightly as he lay on his stomach, Renji's powerful body hovering over him. Renji was kissing his shoulder, but it just hurt so badly that he couldn't even enjoy it, trying to get through the blinding pain that was pulsating through his whole body, radiating out with each heartbeat. Of course, he could take pain. After all, he'd been stabbed dozens of times, but that didn't mean he liked it. He'd never been hurt here before, and besides, being aroused made it more sensitive because of the increased blood flow.
"... Is it too much? Do you wanna' stop?" Renji asked in concern, sounding guilty.
"N-..." Ichigo panted, making an effort to relax, because Renji was being gentle and considerate, going very slowly to keep from hurting him. It still hurt a lot, because Ichigo had never had to consciously relax those muscles before. He knew it was probably his fault more than Renji's, so he tried to work through it to keep from making Renji feel bad. If he thought of it as a challenge, just another battle to get through, he could get through this. He tried to relax, and it was easier to do so when Renji stayed still. Whenever Renji moved, he couldn't help but clench up, unable to control it.
"No, keep going," he gasped, not willing to back out even if it was hurting so bad. He'd gotten this far. Renji moved again, uncertainly and with plain guilt. The sliding was easy despite Ichigo's tightness, because of the lubrication. Renji only withdrew about an inch, thrusting back in slowly, listening to Ichigo hiss in pain. "It's getting better, keep going," he said, gritting his teeth, assuring Renji that he could do this.
It did get better, the pain lessening as time rolled by, and he slowly relaxed around Renji's pulsating erection. Soon his muscles were just aching instead of hurting, prickling and tingling, and Ichigo told him to try for real. Renji gave an experimental thrust, and Ichigo grit his teeth through the pain; it was hurting again, and he could tell that Renji was about to quit and tell him 'no more'. He couldn't help but tighten up every time Renji withdrew, which was making the ache come back fullforce.
"It's not supposed to be this bad, Ichigo, I think we should stop," Renji said thoughtfully, pulling out, but Ichigo denied it, saying that he was fine and that they should keep going. Renji looked at him knowingly, understanding that Ichigo didn't want to give up even if it was difficult. There was that bull-headed pride again.
"Here, let's try another angle," Renji suggested, rolling Ichigo over onto his back, putting a pillow underneath him to hoist his butt in the air a little. "It'll feel better for ya' this way. It's a straighter shot, an' it goes with gravity this way. Just try an' relax, babe."
"I'm not yer' babe," Ichigo gasped as Renji entered him slowly, locked in a gaze. They kissed for a moment as Renji thrust in, and Ichigo consciously tried to relax, even though he would twitch now and then, involuntarily tightening up.
"How about now?" Renji asked, bottoming out, abdomen meeting Ichigo's thighs. Ichigo looked up, surprised that he'd done it so easily that time. Renji hadn't even made it all the way in before.
"Not so bad," Ichigo said, smiling a little. Renji grinned, grabbing his waist, pulling back a little and thrusting in again cautiously. It was still hurting, but this time it was more of a burn as the lubrication started running out. Renji seemed to notice the chafing too, pulling back to get some more. When Renji entered him again, that was when Ichigo felt it. At first it was hardly noticeable, but as Renji started thrusting slowly in an even rhythm, it started getting stronger and stronger, until it finally hit completely.
"Ohh… Oh, wow, what is that?" he asked breathlessly, gasping and shivering all over as Renji rolled his hips deep and slow, going so far inside of him that it sent tingles of pleasure through him like lightning. "Oh… yeah, don't stop," he begged, "… Nn… It's so deep," he said in awe, marveling at the feeling of having Renji be so connected to him, pleasure shooting up his spine.
"Ya' like it?" Renji asked, going a little harder, causing Ichigo to moan helplessly as the pleasure shot through him more with each thrust. The ache was completely worth it now, twinging annoyingly in the background, but not enough to distract him from the good feeling rushing deep within him. He hadn't known that it could feel so good inside there. He'd thought that it was just something that gay men sacrificed to help their partner feel good. He'd had no idea it could feel like this.
"Yeah, I like it," Ichigo said, sweating all over, legs wrapping around Renji's strong waist as he dipped down to kiss him. Ichigo's arms encircled Renji's neck and his powerful shoulders, kissing him back with fervor. There was red hair hanging down and tickling his cheeks, and he smiled a little, laughing when Renji bit him playfully.
It hurt every now and then still, but not enough for Ichigo to want to stop now. It felt so good to be like this; he'd had no idea that it could feel this way, and he loved it. Renji thrust with more enthusiasm, causing Ichigo to make a noise against his lips with every little smacking noise. Just as Ichigo had twined his tongue with Renji's, the bigger man moved back with a grin, causing Ichigo's heart to beat erratically. Damn this fluttery feeling. The eye contact was sending tingles up his spine. Part of him was overwhelmed with a surge of affection for Renji. That smile of his looked beautiful all of a sudden.
"Here, hold your legs up." Renji pushed Ichigo's legs up for Ichigo to hold, leaning back so he could watch himself disappear inside of Ichigo over and over, tattoos swimming in and out of view with each thrust. "Oh, yeah, you look so good like that, Ichigo. Mmm," he moaned, leaning back in to kiss him again, taking him in his arms so he could thrust harder.
Ichigo lay there, moaning in enthusiasm, soon deciding to roll back onto his stomach, propping himself up on his knees. Renji spent a few minutes squeezing his butt appreciatively, slicking himself up again to make everything nice and slippery. He thrusted in again, going harder as he held Ichigo's hips still, looking down so he could watch their motions. Ichigo was moaning then through gritted teeth, giving him little words of encouragement as he squeezed the sheets hard.
Renji kissed up his back, asking Ichigo if it was okay for him to come inside of him.
"Okay," Ichigo gasped, pushing his hips back harder to get more friction, enjoying the rougher thrusts while he could. He tensed himself up, causing Renji to gasp and stagger, nearly falling down onto him as he moaned in pleasure. "Okay, but it's my turn next time."
"Deal," Renji agreed breathlessly, thrusting in hard and fast selfishly as his toes curled. He began to gasp, movements becoming choppy, and then he pinned Ichigo down, holding his hips tight to his, coming deep inside of him. "Oh… Ichigo…" he moaned, panting, scalp tingling.
"Oh… Oh, I can feel it," Ichigo said, face to the mattress, trying to describe the strange sensation of having warmth pumped into him. Renji thrust in and out a few more times slowly, relishing the feeling of the aftershocks, watching his cum start to seep out and coat his cock, trickling down Ichigo's leg.
Immediately after he pulled out, he grabbed Ichigo by the ankle and turned him over. He stuck his fingers deep inside of Ichigo, curling them teasingly as he leaned forward and took Ichigo's rosy erection into his mouth, shaking his head a little as he tried to go all the way down.
Ichigo moaned in shock as Renji's nose brushed against his stomach, and one would think he had nearly had a seizure from the way his eyelids fluttered when Renji hummed lowly. He bobbed his head and timed it with his other hand, squeezing tight at the base as he swirled upwards. Ichigo twitched, moaning as he held Renji's head with both hands, warning Renji that he was about to come. Renji did not pull away, letting him orgasm inside his mouth, nearly sending Ichigo into spasms when he swallowed around him.
He licked his lips voraciously, swallowing it all down even though it always made him feel a little sick to his stomach afterwards. Ichigo looked back at him, limp and stuck to the sheets. "Wow," Ichigo said, a little stunned as Renji crawled up to flop next to him, hot and tired.
Renji snuggled up to him, even though they were both sweaty, gross, and overheated. "Didn't know you liked snuggling," Ichigo teased.
"Shut up," Renji retorted, "I'm tryin' ta' sleep here." He closed his eyes again grumpily, holding Ichigo closer despite the teasing. Ichigo just played with his hair while he took a nap against his chest.
"Daisuki," Ichigo whispered.
"Tch'," Renji replied, "Who's bein' sentimental now?"
"Shut up, just say thank you. That took balls."
"I know it took b-"
"Shut your mouth!" Renji just laughed a little, biting Ichigo's ear.
"I'm kidding. Thank you... I just wanna' say that... I'm glad you changed your mind... I don't regret this, and... I like you too, Ichigo... You're stupid though."
Ichigo just scoffed, grinning to himself. Renji smiled and fell asleep, even though it was two in the afternoon. He'd thought his chances were shot to hell when he had walked in on Ichigo changing, but things had actually gone better than he'd ever imagined they would. Who knew.
Maybe that stupid mixup would lead to something nice, something that would make long hard battles worth it. Maybe they'd stay as lovers. Maybe Ichigo would let him be sweet on him. Maybe Ichigo's drink being spiked had been the universe telling him to get his rear in gear.
Renji guessed that had just been opportunity knocking.
"Hey guys, guess what! I totally got Ichigo to be my squeeze, and- Hey, where are you guys? Senpai?! Anyone home?"
"Oh, come on, again?"
"I think it's high time we invested in some quality locks, Ikkaku."
~Fin, for real this time~