For shegoismyfav

Yzma was at her limit.

"Sit down and shut up!" she finally screamed at the ten-year old in front of her, who was fighting tooth and nail to get away from her.

"No!" Kuzco screamed defiantly, as he managed to climb up onto the back of the chair. Yzma's nostrils flared, as she struggled to calm down.

"Get down from there young man! Immediately!" she demanded, as she thrust her finger towards the ground.

Kuzco merely smirked at her arrogantly, before sticking his tongue out.

Yzma's pale face was immediately flooded with red, as she lunged up the large throne. "Get down here now!"

After much struggling on both parties' parts, Yzma managed to get her thin arms wrapped around the young man, tugging him down. He screamed and flailed, nearly hitting her several times.

"I am the EMPEROR! I refuse to do as you say!" he yelled valiantly, trying to make a break for it as soon as he was sat on the ground. However, Yzma didn't allow it, lunging after him immediately.

"I am your guardian! You will do as I say, Emperor or not!" she muttered.

They slowly made their way from the throne room Kuzco had ran into, Yzma dragging him along the entire time. Down several corridors they went, and through several different rooms. Eventually, Yzma came to a stop in a brightly lit room. It was sparsely furnished, only containing a swivel chair and a large mirror sitting on a desk.

"No! I refuse!" Kuzco yelled right in Yzma's ear.

She winced, before angrily sitting the boy down on the chair. He tried to escape, but once more, he was stopped by Yzma. She pulled a belt from the cushion of the chair, strapping it across his waist. Kuzco fumbled with the buckle, but was unable to unlatch it.

Yzma nodded, smirking slightly as she turned to face the desk.

"You can't do this to me! I am the Emperor!" he said again.

Yzma raised an eyebrow, though she didn't turn back to the boy. "No you're not."

"Not yet!" he whined.

"Exactly," Yzma muttered, sounding vaguely amused. Kuzco huffed slightly, before sinking down in his seat and pouting.

Several minutes later, Yzma turned around, quickly flinging a plastic sheet around Kuzco's shoulders. He immediately began fighting his restraint once again, but his hands were unable to escape the sheeting.

Yzma stood waiting. When Kuzco sighed heavily, defeated, she approached him, the sharp silver object in her hand glinting ominously.

Kuzco waited until Yzma was gripping a strip of his hair, before freaking out once more. Yzma yelped in shock - however, she was determined to complete the task she started, reluctant little boy or no.

"Be still!" she growled in frustration. The boy only fought harder.


Afterwards, Yzma yanked the sheet off him, quickly undoing the buckle. Her face was pinched, obviously annoyed.

Kuzco hopped down from the chair, clutching at his hair desperately.

"What did you do to me?!" he exclaimed in panic.

Kuzco's hair was horribly uneven, and half of it was sticking up in an odd fashion. One chunk was completely sheered from his head, the tiny bit of hair that was left being extremely short and spiky.

"I cut your hair," Yzma replied.

"It's horrible!"

Yzma raised an eyebrow, walking towards the exit of the room. "I told you to be still."

She couldn't help but smirk when she heard the little brat scream, "My hair! My beautiful hair!"

A/N I just have a feeling that Kuzco got brattier the older he got. So here's a cute and funny one-shot! Enjoy~

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