Chapter 7: No Risk, No Reward.

Hey guys, I'm making this chapter a bit longer because I know how short my one was last time. Hope you enjoy. Notes at the bottom.

I Do not own Naruto


" SHINSHI," m. Naruto yelled once they had reached their destination. It appeared as though they were in an empty storage building. Each of them looking around warily at their surroundings, as if they were waiting for something to come out of the shadow's and bite them.

"Where is he," m. Sasuke hissed at m. Naruto.

"How the hell should I know." He whispered back.

"Come on guys, fighting isn't going to help anyone. Let's just get this over with." The third member of their group whispered angrily.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the three of them were starting to get antsy. None of them knowing the trap that had been laid for them.

Suddenly, they heard voices coming from behind them. They each spun around so that they could face whatever was headed their way.

A man in a black business suit and tie, with a blood red button down walked out of the shadows, his shiny black shoes making a distinct squeak against the dusty tiles. He was rather short and pudgy, but his five body guard each made up for that. While two had a heavily muscled build, the other three were rather lean, but that didn't mean that they looked any less dangerous.

"The deal was that you would come alone Shinshi." M. Naruto hissed at him, his eyes flashing dangerously from blue to red. "We risked our lives to get you this stuff, and this is how you repay us."

"You'd do best to keep a civil tongue when in my company, demon. This deal didn't just benefit me either. You got me my drugs, and I got you your information. That seemed rather fair, don't you think" The previously indentified Shinshi replied.

"Yeah, whatever, just tell us where she is and we'll give you the bag." m. Sasuke said to him.

"First, give me the package, and then we'll talk."

"And how do we know that you won't just run off with the drugs once you get them. Plus, I know that Geosin is rather hard to find, along with rather expensive, so I don't think that you're in a position to negotiate." M. Sakura said to him smugly.

Shinshi flushed an angry red and immediately, three more men dropped from the ceiling and grabbed each of the three children.

"I think that I am in a position to negotiate, actually. Now hand me the bag, and I'll spare your pathetic excuse of a life." He hissed.

All of a sudden, it was if the children had been replaced by other people. Immediately, there were noticeable changes in how they looked.

m. Naruto's back seemed to stiffen and he bent down, as if trying to stand on all fours but couldn't do to the noticeably sweating guard, his ear's began to elongate and sharpen, along with his teeth. His hair became longer and spikier, as well as his teeth and nails. The tattoo on his arm started to spread across his body, as if it were a living thing, and his yells of outrage started to sound less and less human, until they were just growls and hisses. When he looked up, his previously shifting eyes had settled on a red that looked eerily similar to blood.

He roared and swiped his hands through the air as the force from his attack continued and the condensed air pressure hit the solid steel beams on the wall leaving three seep imprints that looked as if they had been clawed into the metal.

m. Sasuke's spine straightened, his eye's becoming more squinted as they turned blood red, two tomoe (spelling) appearing in the left, while one appeared in the other. When looking closely at his back, you could notice that something was growing out of his shoulder blades. The unknown shapes ripped through his worn down clothing and he was dropped ungracefully by the man who had been trying to restrain him, as twin raven black wings unfolded behind him. M. Sasuke's eyes narrowed and the tattoo of an eagle on his shoulder started to writhe across his skin until it formed lines of ink across his skin that seemed to form very faint outlines of a feather.

He let out a piercing screech that caused a wave of energy to be produced by mere sound alone. Immediately, the dust around him began to pick up and push outwards in a perfect circle around him.

The man who had been previously holding him had leapt onto one of the empty support beams as he waited for the wind to die down.

M. Sakura's change was the most drastic. Two curling horns grew out of her abnormally large forehead, the light reflecting of the pure white almost beautifully. Her eyes, whites included, turned pitch black. That same black could also be found left highlights at the tips of her hair which seemed to grow out until it ran down her entire back. Where the hair ended, a newly formed tail started. It whipped angrily in the air and whenever it would strike the ground, the entire floor seemed to vibrate. As her tattoo spread across her body, it traced over her veins in black so that in the end it looked like she had cracks all over her skin. Her entire body seemed to shake as clearly defined muscles that while large, were not bulky or extreme formed.

M. Sakura picked up her leg and slammed it until the ground as a huge dust cloud formed. Whe it had cleared, a deeply formed crater was underneath her. The man who was holding her had jumped aside to avoid the recoil of her attack.

That was when the fighting began.

M. Naruto lost all of his (very little) sense and dropped down to all fours. He seemed to disappear from sight as the air around him blurred.

Only experience kept the guard he had attacked from being torched by a wave of dark red energy. The ninja tried to retaliate but was to slow and ended up with a fist in his gut. He shot away from the enraged Naruto like a bullet and slammed into the wall on the other side of the building. As he fell to the ground, he felt a foot hit his back as he was sent speeding toward the floor.

Before he hit the ground he flipped and made hand seals in quick succession. "Katon- goukakyuu no jutsu" he shouted. A large fireball shot out of his mouth and went towards the half fox child as he braced for impact and slowed his descent enough to land on his feet. M. Naruto didn't even try to avoid the attack as he jumped towards it.

Apparently when he had changed, he had also lost his sense of self preservation along with his common sense.

He hissed in pain as he felt the fire consume him and when he hit the ground, his entire layer of skin had been burned off, along with most of his clothes.

The ninja stared in horror as the boy's skin seemingly grew out of the old layer. In about ten seconds, it looked as though he had never been hit.

M. Naruto slowly walked toward him but after the first few steps, he blurred out of view again and before the ninja had even known what happened, there was a hand sticking out of his chest.

He tried to speak but ended up choking on his blood. His suffering was ended quickly though as M. Naruto pulled out his hand, but dragging out the man's spine as well, effectively killing him.

Meanwhile M. Sasuke had almost finished up his guard. Unlike Naruto, he seemed to have a plan of attack for each of his movements.

He would fly in close and then use the feathers in his wings as a type of projectile. They would fly everywhere and most of the time would hit their intended target.

The ninja he was fighting looked like a human pincushion and it was a wonder that he was still standing. Apparently growing bored of his game, M. Sasuke dropped to the ground and grabbed his opponents head, and pulled.

A sick popping sound was heard as the man's spine separated from his body.

When M. Sasuke turned around, his eyes caught M. Naruto's and narrowed slightly in anger.

While some part of him knew that this was his friend, an even larger part was thinking on instinct and how this thing had thought that it was better than him and his animalistic pride wouldn't let that go without a fight.

He pulled back his wings and let loose a barrage of pointed feathers, along with a powerful gust of wind.

Apparently, M. Naruto had had the same thought and at the exact moment that Sasuke pulled back his wings, he took a deep breath and let loose a steady stream of fire.

The pressurized air met with the fire head on and the resulting collision formed a large explosion which rocked the very foundation of the building.

This explosion had caught the attention of M. Sakura, who was just finishing with her opponent.

She quickly turned her head and pulled her arm out of the dead ninja's chest.

Before she could join in the fight, she heard pitiful sniffles from coming behind a pile of old wooden beams.

She charged head first at the pile and without thinking cocked back her fist and sent it at the wood, shattering it on impact.

M. Sakura pulled out the cowering Shinshi with very little effort.

She held him up to her as his sniveling cries increased.

"Please, I'll tell you anything you want! Just, please don't kill me." He said in between his sobs.

"All I know is that in seven years, it will be the annual Golden City Big Risk tournament. Anyone can enter and every time, Tsunade comes and get her ass handed to her in the poker section. My sources told me that she will be coming to the next one and that she's hiding from her debtors. That's all I know, now please let me go." He whined again. "Ple-"

Whatever he was about to say was cut off by M. Sakura as she snapped his neck. She dropped his body to the ground, where it landed with a light thud.

The girl looked around and again caught sight of the fox and eagle. She charged toward the fight and collided with the black haired boy.

If they thought that they were going to have a fight without her, then they were sorely mistaken. No one was better than her, and she was going to prove it.

I Hoped that you enjoyed the chapter and I am again sorry for the wait.

Remember that they are each being controlled by their animal instincts at the moment and any questions that you have you can PM me. Thank you so much to my lovely reviewers and I hope that you keep it coming with the feedback. Please tell me if I made any mistakes. I know that I'm not perfect and I would love all the help that I can get.

XOXO The fox has left the building,