Tears well up in my eyes as I look at my daughter, and daughter soon to be. They stand in front of the mirror, with white gowns and flowers in their hands. They look absolutely stunning, and I know that Zach and Damon will think so as well.

Summer Rose Leger and Katie Grace Schreave both 17.

Summer has known Zach since she was 11, they started dating when she was only 15. They dated for two years before Zach proposed. She now has a deep red hair color with her dad's chocolate eyes. Tall and thin she's the most beautiful of all the others.

Katie won the selection only after winning Damon's heart. She's an only child after losing her twin sister to cancer 7 years ago. She's average height and thin, with espresso brown hair and emerald green eyes.

I'm surprised that Damon and Zach decided to have a double wedding so that he and his sister could share another big day. So, here I am with the two brides about to cry in happiness. I look over at my other girls, Isabella and Payton are the two brides maids, and Juliet is the flower girl. Summer and Katie agreed to have them. Summer's maid of honor is her friend Laura, and Katie's is her friend Anna. My other son Ander is the best man for both the grooms, the memory is funny about how they fought over him till they agreed to share.

This wedding will be wonderful.

The music starts playings and I hear the doors creak open, looking back I tear up when I see my daughters. Maxon looks like he's about to cry at any moment, but keeps it together for his little girl. Katie's father Rick is passing her over to Damon; he too looks as if he's about to cry. I don't hold my tears back, I let the joy filled cries stream down my cheeks.

Maxon hands Summer off to Zack, and Rick, Katie to Damon.

Isabella and Payton look stunning in their little brides maids dresses walking down the isle. Juliet with her dress throwing out flowers is just absolutely adorable.

I focus my attention back up to the preacher as they exchange their vows to each other. Summer beams and Zack too. Katie couldn't have an bigger smile on her face than she has now, and Damon he just seems to be saving the emotion.

"You may now kiss the bride!" the preacher calls.

Damon looks at Katie with such adoration, and kisses her as dad did me when we married. Zack just leaned Summer down and kissed her, nothing extreme. I can see the love for each other in each and everyone of them. Walking back down the isle the newly weds go off to the reception and soon enough their honeymoon.

My life might've not been the fairytale some people thought princes and princesses live, but in my mind it's even better. Having a big loving family and a country by my side. I'll always feel like I'm the one; Forever the One.

And that's a true happily ever after.

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed my fanfiction. I'm proud to say that this story is now complete! 30 chapters and an epilogue, wow. I don't know if I'll write another story, if I do it'll probably be for Legend or Divergent. What would you guys rather read? So I guess this is goodbye... for now.