~Selection Fanfiction

I stood in front of Maxon staring into his big brown eyes while he looking into mine. He's gleaming with happiness.

"Do you Maxon take America to be your forever?"

He grinned like an idiot and i had to hold back a giggle, so I just smiled instead.

"I do."

He looks at the priest.

"Now America do you take Maxon to be with forever?"

I resisted rolling my eyes. That shouldn't even be a question.

"I do!"

My smile grew bigger knowing what was coming next.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

Maxon leaned into me he wrapped one and around my waist and the other cupped my face. His lips soft and smooth are now on mine. He leans me back. His hand thats around my waist is all thats supporting me. Then he lifted me up off my feet and made me yelp. He spun me around then sat me back down on the floor. I let out a little giggle. Maxon chuckled at me.

Then the crowd went nuts. They were screaming and yelling. There were a few whistles too.

I grabbed Maxons arm and we walked down the aisle. I know that it was a short walk from the podium to the door, but it just felt like forever until we finally passed the doors. I sighed and sat on the couch right by the doorway.

"Tired already my love?"

"How about we say I need to get used to all the attention."

Maxon chuckled at my comment. I ran my hand through my hair. Mary left it down instead of putting it up. She said that I should look 'more like who I truly am'. I agreed wholeheartedly.

"Come on America we need to get ready for the reception."


I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I stood up and Maxon picked me up like a kid who needs to be cradled.


I screamed at him and swatted his shoulder. He started running up the stairs. I freaked out. Maxon laughed at my bewildered expression. I'm going to kill him! As if he read my thoughts he

"I bet you're not. If you do you'll be missing all the things that come with this package."


I laughed, I can't believe he just said that. Its a damn good thing that no one's opened the door to our room with a hard kick.

"You're going to break the door if you keep doing that."

"Yes my Queen."

I'm going to need to get used to being addressed that way. Maxon kicked the door closed.

"Really Maxon?"


I rolled my eyes at him. He walked over to our bed and dropped me. He crawled on top on me and kissed my neck. He kissed a line up to my jaw and then to my lips. I kissed him back. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He grabbed my waist and I wrapped my legs around his torso. I knew we needed to get ready for our reception, but it could wait.

Then someone knocked on the door. I released Maxon and he cursed under his breath. I sat up on the bed. Maxon got up and walked over to the door. He opened it and there was Mary.

"The guests are waiting your majesties."

"Sorry we'll hurry up. Tell them we'll be down in a few minutes."

"Yes your majesty." She curtsied then left without another word.

I finally finished changing into a lighter gown. Maxon should be waiting for me down at the reception. I opened the doors and everyone got quiet. Its was awkward to be honest. Everyone was staring at me. The girls who were once in the selection were staring daggers at me. Marlee just smiled then went about herself. I looked around for Maxon then spotted him and walked over to him. The people finally started talking again.

"Hello my Dear."

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me 'dear'?"

He shrugged.

"Shall we make our rounds?"

"Yes we shall."

Maxon chuckled at my sarcasm. The rest of the day went by in a blur.