I do not own Naruto in any way shape or form.

Hello all Songbird here, well it finally happened my mind got tired of having another story in it and had to get it out of there . Now before I go any further this story, is going to have a very different feel than my other one, and at the moment my main focus will be on "The Leafs New Tree" at least until I hit the time skip, this is more along the lines of a challenge, what I'm going to do is write the first chapter, establish character etcetera and then if there is interest maybe keep writing on it, or I can leave it up as a challenge, and starting point.

As with my other story this one is based on a combination of two elements present on this site in spades, but I'll leave that till the end so the chapter reads well without hints. Now before we go any further nope not neglect, not in the slightest if anything this is the anti-neglect fic where it is the family and few others who stand by him, while the majority don't. If that sounds like fun I hope you like the story. Also for this one I'm going to leave the pairing open for this first chapter, so the challenge can be more open, but there is one stipulation, for my story I must make this clear, very clear. ANYONE IS OPEN TO BE PAIRED WITH NARUTO, I MEAN ANYONE, ANY NUMBER I DON'T CARE! BUT YOU HAVE TO TRY, GIVE A GOOD REASON! Ok, what I mean by this is simple. Say you want Anko in the role. Fine, then figure out a way that she would relate to Naruto, give them some back story together, and lead up to it with a few scenes, give them some private jokes, or actives, anything just try is all I'm asking. I'm sorry if this sounds like ranting, but situations where oh Naruto walks into a room and everyone loves him…..really all you've done at that point is turn every one of the female characters into freckling fan girls, and that is just a waste.

Ok rant over onto …..well whatever this is lol.

Chapter 1


"Thinking/Mental conversation"

"DEMON/God or the like"


-Love can stand the tide-

A blond haired boy stood beside his mother excitedly bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, as he looked ahead towards two large double doors, taking quick glances up at her smiling face.

"Kaasan, do you think Neesan passed, she had to right! right!?" Naruto asked as he looked out and fought to keep his excitement in check. The redheaded woman beside him looked idly down at the boy with a small smile before placing a hand gently of his head and giving him a fox grin that reached all the way to her eyes.

"You know it Naruto-kun! There's no way your Neesan wouldn't after all she's an Uzumaki just like us, and we never lose! Dattebane!" Kushina said happily while ruffling her sochi's hair, causing the boy to idly push at her hands. Naruto retaliated by wrapping around Kushina's leg with a happy call, that caused her to have to shift the small bundle she held in her arms.

From a small wrapping of blankets a tuft of bright orange hair came into view followed after by a small face of a two year old girl, who was apparently in deep sleep. Kushina let out a small giggle, at her sochi's antics, before turning to adjust the blanket so that it covered the sleeping babe once again.

"Ok Naruto carful, Kana-chan is still asleep, now be a good Niisan and don't wake her up." The woman said with a small smile, as Naruto suddenly let go and stood at attention as though he were a solider.

"Hai Kaasan, don't worry I'll look after Kana and Naruko no matter what." The blond boy said thrusting a fist into his chest as he spoke. Kushina couldn't help but smile at the determination on her sochi's face, and the pride she felt at the boys attitude. Out of the corner of her eye she happened to spy a small group of families also waiting for their children to exit the academy, a few giving the small family a few covert looks, as they whispered amongst each other. Kushina felt herself tense for a moment, before she was able to force the surge of anger out of her, and simply turned back to face the academy, paying the group no mind.

It had been twelve years, but it seemed that some people never quite learned to remove their heads from their own asses. What was worse was that they were directing their stairs and whispers against her Sochi…but there was little she could do at this point. If all they did was talk then she couldn't well put them in the hospital….well not anymore after the last batch Tsunade had given her an ear full about the extra work, and she still hadn't managed to convince Minato to just let her kill them, still she held out hope that he was waning on the point. With a small sigh she turned her gaze back down to her blond Sochi…her twelve year old sochi, who should have been with his sister today, charging out of those doors headband swinging in his hand as he ran to her…but it was not to be not after that day.

-Flashback twelve years-

It was over, the third hokage was gone…Tsunade had been the one to call his death, as the group gathered around him where he lay. Wounded and battered shinobi all looking on even the most battle hardened warrior shedding silent tears at the passing of the man.

Sarutobi lay silent, a small smile upon his lips looking somehow peaceful upon the old wrinkled brow. At his feet his blond student had collapsed weeping as her white haired teammate held her, his eyes closed and head bowed in a silent morning of his own. Jiraiya had been the second to arrive on the scene… he had just stood there like a statue, his eyes not moving, just looking down at his master, so fragile now in death. He had only moved when Tsunade had arrived later breaking down. As if some force compelled him to he forced his own shock and fear aside, and did the only thing he could for the poor woman, he held her as she cried out at the loss of another piece of her heart. Kushina had watched all of this from a few feet away, tears streaming from her eyes as she held the two bundles close to her, crying in both sadness and relief as she felt the small forms moving against her, knowing that her children where alive.

The redhead turned tear streaked eyes up to look up at the figure beside her, holding her in a firm grip, his own face covered in fresh tears as she smiled down at her and his children even through his grief. Minato the fourth Hokage had managed to save Kushina from the mysterious assassin, but the man had managed to rip the Kyuubi out of her by using their newborn children as hostages. The fox had gone on a rampage, the fires from the fight still raging in the distance as those near stood in silent memorial to the sacrifice that had just been made.

Minato had been prepared to end the conflict himself, sealing the great fox into his two newborns at the cost of his own life…but it would seem that the old monkey had, had another idea in mind. Just as Minato had finished preparing the ritual he had felt a sudden blow, and the night still bright with the Kyuubi's fire had faded suddenly to blackness. When he had woken it had been to the twin cries of his children.

He had pushed himself up from the soft dew strung grass, and turned to see Sarutobi laying even as he did now, stiff, silent, and at piece. His addled mind had taken a moment to recognize the noise he heard as the cry's of newborns and had turned to see a small distance away their forms bundled together on the small alter a few feet away. With a strength he could not identify the man had dragged himself over to the two reaching out to pull them close to him, to hold them, to just feel the little lives he had never even dared to hope he would be able to see again.

Soon others had arrived, Kushina among them, being helped by Tsunade, but still fighting to reach the spot. When she had seen Minato she had all but flung herself forwards, even As Minato pulled her close, the two new lives held between the two as they cried, in happiness as the miracle that them being alive was to them.

Later the thirds body had been removed, with reverence, and Minato had taken Kushina back to their home…the village could wait, the world could wait, for now they were a family…a whole family and that was all that mattered to them.

It was a few days later when they had brought the two children in to be checked over by Tsunade and Jiraiya that they learned of the terrible news. As they had suspected the two children had been used as containers for the Kyuubi, the third having separated the yin and yang parts of the fox and sealing each into the two children respectively. However, what they found was horrible for the two parents. It seemed that somehow the boys chakra system had reacted violently to the Kyuubi's yang chakra.

"I-I don't understand what do you mean?" Minato had said looking between the two sages, his hands upon Kushina's shoulders as she cried holding the two children close to her whispering apologies to the two.

"Minato I'm sorry, but little Naruto's chakra coils have been completely destroyed... I've never seen anything like it in my whole life, it's a miracle he is alive, ever coil every bit of chakra in him is just gone… from what I can tell even the gates were flooded and destroyed, by all accounts the fact that he is breathing should be impossible." Tsunade replied a sad look on her face as she faced the parents. Kushina let out another small sob as she held the small form of her Sochi and Musume to her. Minato in turn knelt down holding his wife till her sobs died out an hour later.

-flashback end-

Kushina remembered all of this in a flash as she looked down at her now twelve year old Sochi as he waited for his twin neesan to finish her genin exam. The news had been horrible to learn for the parents, but neither had allowed it to change their view of their Sochi, no if anything it caused them to become closer as a family. After the fox attack the village had been in a difficult situation, and people had looked for someone to blame for the damage. No one knew who had begun the rumor, or where it had come from, but people began to look at the litter Naruto with sudden suspicion.

At first it had been just the occasional whisper and odd look, but as time passed there had begun to be open hostility towards the child. Somehow the idea had gotten out that the boy was somehow the fox in a new form. Then one day a Hyuuga had caught sight of the boy and seen his condition, the complete lack of chakra running through the boy's body. The Hyuuga had not been one of the mobs, but had mentioned it in conversation one day, and soon people were putting the information together and painting a horrible conclusion. Every living thing in the world held chakra, even the newest born child had some, but Naruto apparently didn't, and as with most things when it is different there is suspicion. Soon most of the civilians had become openly hostile towards the boy, along with some of the more thick headed of the shinobi forces.

Many knew the situation, and simply felt sorry for the boy for what they saw as a sacrifice to help keep them safe just like his neesan. Naruko in the meantime was spared the suspicion, as it seemed that the town had focused on Naruto despite everything. Needless to say both Minato and Kushina had been outraged at the people's actions, the large amount of hospital visits was proof enough of that, but there was little they could do to stop the attitude of the ignorant masses. What they could do was make it clear that they would punish anyone who dared to harm their family, and show Naruto that he was loved, by them and those who knew of his condition.

So Naruto had grown up a happy child, bright eyed, and kind. Learning of his affliction hadn't seemed to stop the boy from proclaiming that he would always protect his family from any danger or hardship. His neesan Naruko in turn had always fired back that she would protect him, and the two were often found getting into small arguments that usually ended with the two dissolving into a truffle that ended with both laughing before having to avoid Kushina's scolding. All in all the family was happy as they could be, and just two years ago they had added another member to their family, Kana. Born with bright orange hair she had been almost the complete opposite of the two hyperactive twins being a quite child, but shared her sibling's happiness. She positively glowed when she was around them, always chasing after the two when she was home, or just taking turns clinging onto one or both of them letting out happy giggles.

Naruto was still watching the front doors in gleeful anticipation. Soon his neesan would be coming out a real kunoichi. The two had been talking about this since they were old enough to learn about what their Kaasan and Tousan were, and they had both decided that this was the life for them. It had been only a month later that Kushina and Minato had sat down with Naruto to explain his condition to him. He had cried into his parent's arms for hours, even as Naruko just kept crying about how it wasn't fair and the stupid fox she had should fix it. But there was no fixing it, and after a time Naruto had managed to move past it. So here he was to support Naruko, and cheer as she kept the promise they had made all those years ago as children.

Just as Naruto was about to start asking Kushina again, when the test would be over, there was a flash of yellow light and Minato appeared his hokage coat billowing out around him as he looked around to find his family. He soon found them thanks to a small impact into his back, and a voice he recognized.

"Gottcha Tousan!" called Naruto had he threw himself onto the Hokage's back with a cheer. Minato's face broke out into a smile as he feigned concern and began to squirm.

"Oh no not the dreaded Naruto what can I do against the mighty maelstrom!" Minato called in mock fear as he reached around grabbing onto his Sochi. Naruto let out a small laugh had minato yanked him from his back holding him a few inches before his face the two blonds giving each other identical smiles as both fought to keep from laughing into the others face. Minato then proceeded to place the boy in a headlock before rubbing the top of his head causing Naruto to cry out in surrender. Kushina steeped forwards smiling, as she reached the pair.

"Ok you two, enough!" the redhead called, although both blondes could tell that there was no bite behind the words. Still the two released each other, as Minato stepped over to give Kushina swift kiss before looking around.

"I'm not late am I?"

"No she should be out any moment." replied Kushina as the group turned to face the great double doors of the school. Only a moment later the doors swung open as children poured out racing towards their parents, cries of joy, or pride ringing out everywhere. At the head of the group was a red headed girl with bright green eyes that cheered as she saw the Namikaze family adjusting her path to reach them. She wore a simple dark blue ninja suit along with a red vest the same color as her hair, and had a large smile on her face as she stopped before the group proudly showing the gleaming headband that sat upon her brow.

"I DID IT I'M A KUNOICHI OF KONOHA!" called Naruko as her family crowded around her all wanting to offer their congratulations to the girl.

It was several hours later, after Naruko's celebration that Naruto was to be found sitting on the back porch of the Namikaze residence his feet dangling over the edge as he looked up at the full moon hanging in the sky above him. He didn't know why but he had always found it peaceful to be out during a full moon. Heck he had always found himself happiest in the forest for that matter. He was not a stupid child, impulsive yes, but never stupid. He had heard the rumors about him, how he was some kind of freak, or the demon fox. He could even remember a few times when a drunk had tired to harm him in their delusion and anger. None had managed it thanks to his Kaasan, or Tousan, but the pain of being hated was still there. However, worse than that, at least for him was the helplessness he felt. He wanted to be like his neesan, and if he was honest with himself he was jealous of her.

He was never going to be able to become a shinobi, no matter how hard he tried. He had tried, oh how hard he had tried, running working out, he had even come across a boy who apparently had the same idea as him, although the boy's eyebrows had worried him at first. But even that hadn't worked, the boy had, had small underdeveloped chakra coils, but coils none the less, and the chakra had allowed his body to continue to progress long after Naruto's own body could, and soon Naruto had finally stopped as he saw that without any chakra he could never become a shinobi.

So here he sat watching the moon as his memories showed him the scenes of his failed attempts to change his fate. After a little while there was a snap as the back door to the yard closed causing Naruto to look round. Naruko was standing there a pair of drinks clutched in her hands as she offered the boy a small smile.

"There you are sunshine, I was afraid you had already fallen asleep." Naruko said a happy note to her voice as she shroud forwards to plop down beside her niisan offering one of the drinks to him. He took it before smiling back and giving her a small poke with his elbow.

"Ya right tomato head what about you isn't it past your bedtime." Naruto fired back a smile playing across his own face as Naruko gave him a small happy scowl.

"Humf I don't have to worry about things like bedtimes anymore I'm a kunoichi now!" she replied striking a pose as she spoke, not recognizing what she had said till a second too late. She froze and turned to see naruto looking down slightly over his drink not speaking.

"Oh crap, Naruto I'm sorry I didn't think, ga I feel like a jerk." She said looking sadly over at Naruto while reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture. Naruto didn't move for a moment before he turned to look at his Neesan a smile on his face.

"Hey don't worry Naruko I'm ok really, it's great you became a kunoichi just like we always talked about really!" the boy insisted trying to make his voice sound happy, but Naruko could hear the small sadness in it all the same. She had hated having to watch as Naruto wasn't able to follow with her in training, and to the academy. The family had always been there for the boy, but it never changed the fact that Naruto was still an oddity in the world of Shinobi. Naruko looked over at Naruto for another moment before deciding to do something to cheer the boy up.

With a small hop the girl landed on the cool grass of the back yard and turned to look back at the boy, who was looking at her with apparent curiosity on his face. Naruko just gave the blond a fox grin before turning her drink forwards and flinging the liquid into the boy's face covering him with a fruity smelling drink. Naruto spluttered for a moment wiping small drops of punch out of his face as he heard Naruko giggling in front of him. Despite himself he found his own mouth twisting up into a grin as she hopped of the porch as well.

"Oh you are so dead tomato!" he called as he landed and started to run after the girl. Naruko for her part just smiled wider as she took off, as a mild pace so as to not leave Naruto too far behind her. So the two sprinted off into the forces that the yard bordered their laughter echoing through the woods. It was a nearly a half an hour later when Naruko finally brought the chance to an end as she ran into a clearing with a small wooden shack turning in time to have Naruto fling himself on top of her bringing to two into a pile on the forest floor their laughter ringing out.

"Ha got you!" called Naruto knowing that his neesan had allowed him to catch her but simply allowing the happiness of the moment to be. Naruko in turn rolled around with her neesan for a few moments the two mock wrestling until both simply plopped down both looking up through the canopy above them. They lay like that for a few moments before someone broke the silence.

"Thanks Naruko…I needed that." Naruto whispered out his voice still carrying the traces of his last laugh upon it. Naruko smiled at the boys tone as she pushed herself to her feet and turned to pull him up as well.

"Anytime Naruto just remember you'll always be better than any shinobi in my book." She replied as the two smiled happily. Naruto was looking at his sister happily, which was why he saw the oversized shrunken that was flying out of the woods behind her. His eyes went wide as he moved, acting to keep a promise he had just spoken a few hours before.

So without a moment of hesitation, without even a sound Naruto pulled with every bit of strength he possessed, Naruko hefted towards him, as the boy pivoted trying to force her down. Naruko only felt a tug before she found herself landing upon the cool grass again. Ideally she heard a small wet smack, but ignored it spinning where she lay expecting to see Naruto grinning down at her. Instead what she saw froze her blood.

Naruto was standing there, but there was also a large sharp point of metal sticking out of the boy's chest red blood already seeping into the white shirt the boy had been wearing as a small trickle leaked from his mouth. As if in slow motion Naruko watched as Naruto fell to his knees his eyes wide as they looked at her, his mouth moving, but no sound coming out, even as she sunk slowly to the ground unmoving.

Before Naruko's mind couldn't even begin to process what she was seeing as a voice called out through the woods around her.

"Well I hit the freak instead of the fox, still I suppose it is a good enough shot for now wouldn't you say Naruko!" called a horribly familiar voice. Naruko looked to see Mizuki coming out of the forest his silver hair blowing slightly as a twisted smile spread across his face a large scroll slung over his back. Naruko was just coming out of the shock, and without another through threw herself forwards to Narutos side, grabbing onto the boy, calling out to him, screaming his name, trying, praying, wishing, doing anything she could to will the truth before her eyes away. But the boy didn't move… Mizuki seeing this let out another small cruel laugh before pulling out a second oversized shuriken.

"Oh isn't this just precious what's wrong little fox, sad that your freak of a brother is dead, don't worry he won't be missed, heck I would say the village will be glad to see him go, and as for you, don't worry you won't be around long to have to be sad about him." chuckled the man as he approached the pair.

Naruto was still trying to get Naruto to respond, tears falling heavily from her eyes, and her knuckles turning white as she tightened her grip, willing the truth before her not to be true. When Mizuki spoke again she felt a bone deep rage enter her. As if a floodgate had been opened red hot fury began to slide through her veins, turning them to blazing paths of hate, with only one purpose. As the man approached Naruko swung her face up her eyes glowing crimson and slitted as the whisker marks upon her cheeks deepen.

"Y-YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU!" she screamed leaping forwards and swiping clawed hand forwards at the man's throat trying to rip it out. Mizuki was just fast enough to dodge the first blow swinging his shuriken up to cause the girl to leap back giving him some space. However, despite the girl's transformation the wicked smile did not leave his face.

"Oh so the little fox wants to fight does she, well then let's see what happens when a fox meats a tiger!" he shouted as his form suddenly shifted swelling out as fur and strips covered him. Naruko didn't seem to notice at all so lost in rage, and lose, she simply threw herself forwards at the man who meet her charge head on. As the two fought across the clearing teeth and claw reaching out in time, trying to tear the other asunder, inside Naruto's body something was happening.


Naruto found himself sitting in a great open field, stretching out in every direction, as a soft breeze ran through it causing the grass to sway slightly. The boy looked around confused, unable to think straight, his mind showing him flashes of a shuriken…then…then. Naruto shot up reaching both hands down to his chest where…where there was nothing, no wound and no shirt. For the first time Naruto realized he was naked, but at the moment it wasn't a pressing concern, instead he heard a cry of pain and Naruko's voice echoed around him.

"NO N-NARUTO NO PLEASE, YOUR OK, YOU'LL BE JUST FINE, NO PLEASE NARUTO!" the voice cried out Naruto spinning round trying to find its source running through the grass, pushing through it as it came up to his waist, calling out in answer.

"NARUKO I'M HER, I'M COMING WHERE ARE YOU!" he shouted, and then as if in answer the sky before him showed him the scene happening in the clearing. He saw Naruko charging forwards at Mizuki, the man's change, and the ferocity at which they fought. To his horror he saw Naruko was slowly being pushed back. She was a strong kunoichi, Minato and Kushina had helped her train just like any other aspiring shinobi, but there is a difference between practice and real combat that cannot be prepared for. On top of that Naruto could see that his neesan was in an almost blind rage, charging ahead ignorant to her own health trying to simply reach out and tear her enemy to pieces. Even as he watched Naruko over reached a strike and Mizuki burred a clawed hand into the girls back before slamming a knee into her face forcing her back across the clearing.

Naruto found himself tensing as he watched the scene raw hate filling him as he watched the man dare lay hands upon his neesan...upon his blood. Unaware to the boy he was slowly sinking to the ground the grass rising slightly as he bent, but he took no notice of the shift his gaze never leaving the scene of the clearing. Soon he was on all fours his face contorted into a growl of rage as he watch Mizuki pushing Naruko back, striking her over and over. He didn't notice as his teeth slowly elongated, or as the nails on his bare feet and hands slowly shifted into sharp points, all he could see was the pain that Naruko was in. His ears were next slowly slipping up his head elongating as he was able to hear Naruko's cries clearer than before, the sound of impact as she slammed into a tree and the jeering laugh of Mizuki as he delighted in her pain.

Naruko's anger had begun coming out as a deep troughed growl at this point, but again he either didn't notice or didn't care. Noor did he seem to care as the bright red/orange hair burst out of his arms just below the elbows carpeting his new clawed hands I soft fur, that also covered his new pointed ears. The final change came as he saw Naruko slammed to the forest floor and heard the crack, as her arm snapped under the foot of Mizuki as he smashed it down upon it causing her to cry out in pain, even as the red chakra around her flickered and faded. Naruto's now slitted eyes went wide for a moment as he let out a roar of purr animalistic rage as nine great tail burst forth form his back and he screamed out in fury one thought throwing itself out in that one animalistic sound one memory…one promise.

"Hai Kaasan, don't worry I'll look after Kana and Naruko no matter what." The boy had said…and the roaring beast took up that charge out into the real world


In the clearing Mizuki was grinning at the pinned girl below him his mind racing as she looked at her now whimpering form.

Two children of the hokage in one night, with the scroll I am sure to be rewarded, this will show those bastards for pushing me aside for so long, the leaf will burn for its mistakes, and I am the one to start the fire. So much for the great fourth hokage, helpless to save even his family! Thought the man dreams of grandeur dancing around in his mind as he raised one clawed hand to finish the deed. Mizuki swung down in a killing strike…but something seemed off to him.

Looking down he saw that Naruko now had a line of red drawn across her back right where he had been aiming, but something was off about it. It wasn't a gash or cut…not it looked more like someone had painted the red on…or spilled it. As his mind was still thinking this there was a twinge in his arm and he looked down at it….only it wasn't there. Mizuki's eyes went wide as he saw that his arm had been severed just above the elbow cleanly as though with a single cut. The man then let out a cry of shock and pain stumbling back from Naruko his head twisting round as he swore and cursed.

"WHAT THE FUCK, WHO, WHAT!" he roared as she found himself falling back onto the ground with a thump. At first he believed he had just lost his footing, but as he leaned up he saw to his horror that his left leg just like his arm was simply gone cut cleanly away as if it had never been there and with that Mizuki lost it.

"NO NO NO, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WHO IS DOING THIS!" he roared trying and failing to sit up sprinkling droplets of crimson around him and onto the grass matting it down with a heavy coating of his own blood. Then from a small distance away he heard it. The man stiffened as the noise came to him. an almost subsonic growl, the sound he had heard only once before…twelve years ago when he was just a child.

Slowly the man's face turned to look over into the forest. There two bright glowing red eyes…eyes he remembered looked out at him. The man's mouth opened in a primal streak of terror that never came and the next moment Mizuki still transformed lay dead, his throat slight wide open, his face frozen in a look of pure terror.

A few feet away Naruko was fighting her way through her pain as she forced herself to remain conscious. As she tired to push herself up she felt a small soft pressure under her, helping her up. Ideally her mind wondered who this was, but for a moment she simply allowed herself to be guided by it until she was sitting up. Her mind suddenly came back and she turned causing her arm to twinge painfully as she did, but she paid it no mind, turning to look to where she knew Naruto lay, her mind hoping praying that he still lived…but the boy wasn't there.

Instead there was just a bloody shrunken lying in the grass. As she tried to understand this she felt another soft…whatever it was brush against her back moving to supporter her, and a voice she recognized speak out beside her.

"nARu!?" the voice said in an oddly rough voice, but one she could recognize all the same. The redhead spun her eyes wet with tears to face her niisan Naruto. However, what she was faced with almost caused her to cry out in shock.

There crouched beside her was…well Naruto, but not the boy she knew. Naruto now sported deep whisker marks just like her own, and his bright blue eyes were slitted like cats, and one long canine tooth draped down over his bottom lip as he gave her a small comforting smile. However, that wasn't the biggest change, on top of the boys head sat two reddish orange fox ears twitching slightly in the evening breeze, along with this Naruko looked down to see that Naruto's arms from the elbow down were also covered in the same colored fur. Most noticeable were the nine tails that even now swayed out behind the boy, two stretched under her body helping to hold her up.

Naruko could only look at her niisan for a moment her mind racing and her mouth opening and closing several time's as if trying but failing to find words. Finally she seemed to find her voice.

"N-naruto niisan i-is that you?" she asked causing the fox boy to quirk his head sideways as if the question didn't register to him for some reason. The movement was so Naruto that Naruko almost let out a giggle, but before he could Naruto had leaned in to her with a small whining noise.

"nARu, NarU safe….naru safe." The fox boy said as she looked at the girl in apparent concern. Naruko found tears coming to her eyes as she saw the boys expression. It was the same one he had, had whenever she had been hurt when they were growing up. Naruto would first run around in a panic usually causing more harm than good, before just setting himself beside her and looking at her in concern just watching until he was sure that she was safe…just as he was now. Naruko let out a small chocked breath before she reached forwards with her unbroken arm to wrap around the boys neck pulling him into a hug as she let the tidal wave of emotion flood out of her.

"H-hai Naruto I'm safe, I'm ok, oh Naruto." she choked out as she felt a few more of Naruto's tails move around her holding her softly as he let out a small soft purr of happiness.

The two stayed like that for a time, until finally Minami managed to calm herself enough to reach into her pouch and pull out one of her Tousan's kunai throwing it a few feet from her. A moment later there was a blinding flash of yellow light that lit the clearing like a small sun, and Minato, along with Kushina were standing in the clearing blinking as their eyes slowly adjusted to the dark.

"Naruko it's about time we were star." Minato began but froze in mid-sentence as his eyes took in the sight before him. Mizuki's body torn to ribbons and half transformed into a tiger. The scroll laying a few feet from him, and finally the pair before him his musume injured and looking like she had just been in a battle, and his sochi….his sochi by kami. Kushina was in a similar state of shock, but some maternal instinct seemed to have taken hold of her as he found herself kneeling down and reaching out to the pair of teens her eyes wide but full of concern over all else.

"Naruko…Na-naruto?" she whispered as she took in the state of her children, her eyes tracking the slow swish of Naruto's tails, and finding their way to the boys bright blue eyes. As she knelt Naruko moved to allow herself to rest against her mother letting out a small sigh of apparent contentment at the simply contact. Naruto in turn did the same action only with a small happy purring his nine tails wrapping around the pair as his voice whispered out causing Kushina to let out a startled sob before pulling the pair close.

"Ka-kasan." The boy had whispered. As the words reached Minato's ears he found himself moving as well falling down to reach out to wrap his own arms around the three, his mind momentarily blank, but for now that was ok, what mattered was that whatever had occurred he hadn't lost his family. And hours later after the Anbu had come and gone the Namikaze family sat in their living room Naruto curled up on the couch his tails curled around him as a pillow and blanket, as Naruko leaned against him one tailed pulled up to act as a pillow and plushy all at once. Kushina on the other side her hand resting upon the golden locks of the boy her eyes looking down at him with concern clear on her face. Even little kana had found her own place to sit, having apparently just accepted Naruto's shift with not comment and instead simply marching over to curl up in the bed of his tails using a pair of them as blankets as she rested her orange hair against one of Naruto's furry arms. Minato in the meantime was standing looking down at his family as Jiraiya and Tsunade stood a few feet away looking completely clueless as what to do or say. Finally after a few moments Jiraiya managed to choke out a few words.

"M-minato what happened?" the sage asked causing both Minato and Kushina to look up at him for a moment before Kushina gave a small nod and Minato turned to explain what Naruko had explained to them about the events of the night.

AND DONE. Ok fokes that's my challenge for you we are going family alive, loving, and feral naruto. The village is not all hostile; we are looking at the majority of civilians and stupid ninja here. Clans and the like are up in the air, make them smart make them stupid it's up to you, but I will ask you make them realistic. Please don't go and make Ino some kind of slut, or Hinata some kind of sadistic bitch, or Sakura an obsessed fan girl that would kill for a penny. True this is up to you, but please try and make the characters interesting on some level.

For the setup it is as follows.

Yes naruto is basically feral, he had memories but his communication and actions are mostly based on the fox part so they are limited.

Yes he had no chakra cause what happened was when the fox got in him the coils burst and the two merged, it just took a traumatic event to cause the change.

Power is up to you, I would say don't make him full nine tailed strength just yet but that is up to you

Family is to be kept supportive and nice kind of the idea here anit neglect idea if that makes since. Feel free to mess with their personalities as you see fit here I left them pretty open I think.

If you want to add to this or take away from this first chapter by all means do so, to make it your own this is just a template to give you a head start for the project.

The rumor mentioned, had a small plan to it, being Danzo trying to cast suspicion onto Minto's family and weaken his rule, without getting him to leave the village. Idea being A he protects his son and losses face, or B he abandons the boy and losses face, either way a winning move for Danzo to gain support politically against him.

Ok I think that's everything if you have any questions or comments then I would be happy to answer them. I hope that someone looks at this and goes oh I want to run with this. Until then I will be leaving this as a standalone at least until I finish with "The Leafs New Tree" and maybe even after that really this is just an idea I had to get out there…heck I wrote the thing in two hours so the quality isn't to great lol.

Oh I almost forgot the name of the challenge is Konoha's feral tale