Okay I am so sorry guys that the first chapter came out the way it did. I have spaced it out and changed a little of it here and there and i hope you guys and gals like it.

"Your eyes? Nick the news reporter said

"What about them?"

"Do you always have sex with your eyes closed?" he said with a grin on his face.

"No I have sex with my eyes wide open." Olivia said as she kissed him again.

As they made there way to the middle of the living room they continued the kiss. "How about we pretend?" Said Nick as he pulled Olivia's back into him and dance with her.

"Pretend what?" Olivia giggled.

"I'm the guy in the subway!"

Olivia's face went serious. "Mmmk, stop it."

"Just for fun!" He said as he pulled her back into him and held her tight.

"No no, no really... Stop it." Olivia said as she tried to get away from him.

"What would you do?"

"Oh my gosh!" Olivia said as she got out of his grip. Olivia started to walk backwards toward the bathroom. "Wow! I'm going go wash my face and my hands, and my mouth and there's the door and make sure your out when I get out of here... Gone!"

"No Livy, it's the 10,000,001 time that I have offered my undying love for you." He said as he lunged toward her and grabbed her."You said tonight I'm going to get lucky!" He throw her on the couch.

"What the hell are you doing? Get off me!" Olivia said as she struggled underneath him.

"What are you going to do Liv?" He reached down and started to undo her pants?

"Get off me, HELPP!" Olivia yelled when she felt him pulling down her pants.

He covered her mouth. "Oh no, we can't have that. And no panties Olivia? What a little slut!" he laughed.

When he started unzipping his pants his grip loosened on Olivia's wrist and she found the opportunity to punch him in his face. When she hit him he fell onto the floor and as soon as he fell Olivia got up and ran to her bedroom. And locked her door. Nick on the floor shocked by the punch but quickly recovered and got up and ran to Olivia's door.

"Open up Olivia, I know you want me... If you are looking for your gun I got it right here! Oh look! Your phone too!" Olivia didn't, say anything she looked for anything to defend herself against Nick. "Come on Olivia!" He slammed into her door and broke it down. "Ah, what do we have here Olivia? Whatcha looking for?"

"Get out of my house!" Olivia said through gritted teeth as she back away as far as she could away from him.

"And if I don't?" he asked as he got closer and closer until he had her stuck in a conner. Olivia didn't know what to do. She knew she had lost this battle, so she slid down the wall and all she could do was cry. "I knew you wanted me Olivia, now get up!" He smirked Olivia didn't budge. "I said get up you stupid bitch!" He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her to her feet and dragged her to her bed. "Let's see what we have here?" He said as he ripped her blouse off. "Mmmmm, nice!" He ripped off her bra second. "Olivia, I don't know if anybody has every told you this." He position himself at her center. "But you are gorgeous!" He shoved himself into her and she cried out in pain.

"P- Pl- please stop." She stuttered.

"Oh no baby." he started to get rough. "I'm almost there baby!" Olivia realized that he wasn't wearing a condom and he was stating that he was about to spill his seed inside of her.

"No, please don't." She started to thrash around as she felt him cum inside if her. "STOP!"

"Oh you don't want me to stop?" "YES, PLEASE STOP!" Olivia screamed.

After he finished he lied on top on her for a couple of minutes. "I had a good time Livy!" He got off her and put his pants on. "You tell anybody about her night don't think that gun will protect you, I have friends." he whispered in her ear.

Olivia rolled over on her side when he left her bedroom and got under her covers. She looked over at her clock and it was 5:34 and she had to be at work at 7:00am. She didn't know what to do. She heard Nick in her living room shuffling around and she remembered that the file was still in there. She didn't have the strength to get up and take it back from him. When she heard her door close she started balling her eyes out. At 6:30 she knew she had to get up and get ready for work. She couldn't tell anyone about what had happen just 2 hours ago. She knew she had to move on with her life and act like nothing happen. It wasn't that she was scared of Nick, she just didn't want people thinking she couldn't do her job and her partner thinking she didn't have her back. So she got up and took a shower for around 2hrs. When she got out of the shower she saw that her captain was calling her. She had to answer it or they would know something was up. "

Hello?" Olivia answered with nervousness in her voice.

"Olivia where the hell are you?! I want you here now. When you get here I want you to come straight into my office!" Craven voice boomed into the phone.

"I- I will be right there sir. I- I am so sorry sir." Craven heard the nervousness is her voice

"Um, are you okay Liv? I didn't mean to yell at you like that it just we have something new on the case and your involved."

"I'm fine, I will be there in 10 minutes. You didn't seem to concerned when you where yelling at me two seconds ago!" Olivia yelled into the phone, and before Cragen could respond she hung up the phone. Olivia got ready for work and walked into the preceint. She walked right into the Captains office. "Did you want me?" Olivia asked with a hint of attitude in her voice.

"Yeah. What is this?!." Cragen yelled getting a little annoyed by her attitude as he throw the paper onto his desk that had an article about the subway rapist.

Olivia read it and memories came flooding back from the night before. I'm sorry, he was at my apartment last night and I asked him to leave. I turned my back on him." Olivia's voice getting softer as she spoke.

"Never turn your back on a reporter." Cragen said sternly and a bit more calm.

"Yea, I'm sorry." Olivia looked down at her feet and went into a flashback.

"No, please don't." Olivia felt him cum inside of her. "STOP!"

"Oh you don't want me to stop. He laughed as a got rougher.

"Olivia?" Cragen asked for the third time. She snapped her head up. "Uh yeah sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked you was that all that happened?" Cragen asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"Yeah, he left when i went to the bathroom. Olivia got up from her chair and walked to the door.

She looked back at Cragen then walked out of his office.

Cragen could see in her eyes that something else happened in her apartment last night and he didn't like the feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. He to dig more into this and make sure his worst nightmare did not come true to his best detective.

Thanks for reading please leave a review!