Hi guys this is going to be the last chapter. I had an idea and somewhere along the way it sort of changed courses on me. I think the problem was that I had 2 story ideas and tried to make them 1. I had originally intended this to be a little longer but I think it wrapped itself up nicely.

Billy bolted upright in his bed. The sound of someone screaming in terrible agony had disrupted his sleep. He fumbled his way out of bed, landing face first on the ground and scrambled up so he could run/slam into walls until he managed to make his way into Tommy's room.

Tommy was sprawled across his bed gripping the front of his shirt screaming.

Billy didn't know what to do. His parents were in the hallway looking at him curiously.

"I think he's having nightmares," he said.

His mom walked right up to the door and looked in. She watched Tommy struggling and didn't pause, she walked straight over to his bed and sat down next to him. She gently brushed her fingers through his hair making small soothing sounds. She motioned for Billy to sit with her while she calmed Tommy. Billy kneelt on the floor next to Tommy's head.

"I'll always save you," he whispered.

Tommy's struggles and screams died down very slowly. His body was drenched in his sweat. After a few minutes Tommy's eyes fluttered open. He coughed and shifted away from the attention he was being given.

"What the hell-"


"What the heck are you guys doing in my room?"

Billy's mom smiled warmly at him. "You were having a nightmare dear."

He blushed and turned away from them.

"I'll leave you to sort this all out," she said leaving the room.

Billy leaned against the bed resting his head on his arm staring at Tommy.


"Just waiting for you to talk about it."

Tommy stared at the wall. After a few silent seconds he moved over in the bed making room for Billy to sit next to him.

"So what was your nightmare about?"

Tommy sighed. He really didn't want to talk about it. From the look on Billy's face though he knew he would have to.

"Just reliving everything. When I was trapped in the dreams if all felt so real. I can still feel the burn on the cuts even now."

Billy hesitantly placed his hand over Tommy's.


"I don't want your pity Kaplan."

Billy shook his head. He noticed that Tommy hadn't moved his hand away.

"Not pity Tommy, heartbreak. I don't know how to make things better and I really want to," Billy said.

Tommy laughed sharp and bitter.

"There is no making this better. I've dreamed like this since I was rescued."

But he'd slept near Tommy. They'd gone on a kind of road trip together hunting down the scarlet witch.

"You're wondering how you haven't noticed am I right? I would wait till everyone was asleep and go somewhere else. This was for me to deal with."

Billy squeezed his hand. "Not anymore."

Billy offered to stay with Tommy until he fell asleep, he didn't disagree or send him away. He intended to go back to his own room once Tommy was sound asleep but resting his eyes for just a second lead to waking up still facing Tommy, who was still asleep. He didn't bother leaving. He waited for Tommy to wake up and asked him if he had anymore bad dreams throughout the night. Tommy told him that he didn't think he dreamed after the incident the night before.

"I'll be fine from now on," Tommy said.

"You can't speed through everything Tommy. It sounds like you're still suffering and dealing through some stuff. I'm here as long as you need me."

"I'm done being weak," Tommy said.

He said he was done but every night he woke the house up with his screams. By the 5th night he had lost his voice. During each episode Billy would calm Tommy down and climb into bed with him intending to return to his bed once Tommy was settled. Every morning Billy would still be laying next to his twin. It became their ritual. Billy would wait for Tommy to talk about the dreams and his patience paid off every time. Tommy slowly went from telling him it was reliving the torture to telling him about each dream specifically and in detail.

It took years for Tommy to move past what had happened to him. He had never received any help before but he found he liked when Billy would sit and listen to his dreams. If Billy wasn't there Teddy would always come into check on him and he was just as good at listening. Teddy didn't sit with Tommy until he fell asleep. He'd never admit it out loud but he always slept easily through the night if Billy sat with him.

He took Billy's advice. He knew he couldn't just decide to be better. He took the therapy the Kaplan's offered to get him. He let Billy, and Teddy, help him when he had nightmares. Most importantly he started letting the team know what he needed. He was still the snarky speedster who whizzed through life but he could also be the hurt boy who needed help from his friends.