Disclaimer: Not mine.
Very sorry for the very long wait. So this is obviously after Talon's book and Zarek's but I am saying Wulf's hasn't happened yet so I think I may be messing with the timeline.

Chapter 7

"Hey Sam," Nick greeted as he dropped into the seat beside the other Squire.

Sam looked up and grinned. "Hey Nick, how was your weekend."

"Not bad, you?"

Sam shrugged, "Papers and trying not to get lost in the house."

Nick laughed at that. "Yeah, I was overwhelmed by Kyrian's place for ages. Um…so…you wear sunglasses…"

Sam laughed, "smooth subject change. Yeah, genetic issue makes my hyper sensitive to light."

"Oh, that much suck."

"I'm used to it," he shrugged. "I'm just thankful computers have adjustable light settings."

"True, that would make it easier." They set up their books and got to work on the assignment.


Sam ducked out of his chair and sighed as the table was crushed. "Pay day Dean!" he called to his brother as he stared at the pile of gems and gold, shaking his head. You'd think someone so powerful would learn to move with the times, banks had been around for a long time now.

Dean came out, hair dripping, even as he yanked on a shirt. "Well at least it wasn't something important," he commented when he saw where his pay had landed. "You got plans tonight?"

"Nick invited me to Sanctuary to meet some of the local Squires and yes, I've memorised the Handbook in case anyone asks," Sam grinned at his brother who shook his head.

"Mardi Gras is coming up so be careful."

"Yes Dad," Sam smirked as Dean threw a pillow at him.

Dean was just happy that Sammy was really losing the haunted look, going to school was good for him. And it wasn't like he'd stopped hunting, he just did it on weekends or during the holidays. He knew Sam couldn't afford to back off his skills, he was proud of how good Sam was, of how other hunters looked up to him.


Sam walked into the bar and slammed his shields up tight before he could be overwhelmed by all the varieties of powerful beings' present. He looked around and spotted Nick, walking to join him and two others at their table. Nick grinned at him and made the introductions and they began chatting, Sam the quietest but he only knew Nick. The bar may be a safe place, but he wouldn't become a regular, not with having to shield so strongly.

"You okay?" Nick asked after an hour and Sam shrugged.

"Headache," he answered, sipping at his soda, not feeling like drinking, not that alcohol affected him as much anymore.

"You want to head out?" Nick offered, and Sam hesitated but then nodded and said his goodbye's before leaving only to run into Dean's boss, literally.

Ash quickly steadied the younger man, seeing the pain lines in his face. "Alright there Sam?"

"Hi, it's just a headache. Not used to so…much," he wasn't sure how to explain it but Ash nodded.

"Take it slow," he advised, and Sam nodded, managing a tired smile.

"Thanks," Sam slipped out into the night and Ash for a second considered following to make sure he made it home safe but then shook it off, Sam was fully capable of looking after himself. And then Nick jogged out after him and the two walked back towards the Winchester's home.

They were half way when Sam tensed slightly, nudging Nick gently who looked over at him. "Armed?" Sam breathed, and Nick swallowed but nodded slightly. "Daimons," he used the hand between them and therefore out of sight of their followers to point and Nick causally glanced that way before swearing.

"Where's Dean tonight?"

"Half way across town. Valerius is the only other Hunter in town, know his route?"

"Not near here at this time," Nick answered, glancing around but they were in the wrong area for there to be anything open. He yanked his phone out to call for help and the Daimons picked up speed.

"Run," Sam grabbed his arm, yanking him into a run, they wouldn't make the house but there had to be somewhere he could make a stand and keep Nick safe. He swore as they accidentally turned into a dead end but he pushed Nick back and drew the Colt, taking aim as soon as the enemy cleared the corner, taking two down before they could realise it.

Nick stared in shock, yeah, he could fight, but the way Sam had shot…and then Sam moved as the Daimons closed in. Nick was confused, he'd never seen a human fight like that, but Sam definitely wasn't a Dark Hunter and Were Hunter was very unlikely too. Nick ducked as one closed in on him, as long as it stayed one on one he had a chance. He saw a Daimon latch onto Sam, fangs in his throat but then it stumbled back, screaming before vanishing into dust. The others froze and stared at Sam who put a hand to his bleeding throat and Nock realised his glasses were gone, revealing yellow eyes that were actually glowing slightly.

"What the hell are you!" one of the survivors demanded warily.

Sam grinned, "Good guess," the cat was out of the bag now anyway and he sent them flying telekinetically. He tore through the remaining Daimons and then stopped, his back to Nick, had he seen?

"Sam? Nick called warily, gripping his knife tightly, confused and not sure what was going on. He scrambled for his phone as Sam turned, calling Ash. He stared into yellow eyes as he gripped his phone tight. "Ash? Help please," he whispered, and Ash appeared, looking around.

"You're bleeding Sam," Ash called as he realised they'd been attacked. He pulled a pair of sunglasses from his ever-present backpack and tossed them to Sam who slipped them on.

"Thanks," he pressed a hand to the bite mark and shrugged. "It's already healing though now we know what happens if a Daimon bites me. You alright Nick?"

"Yeah…would someone tell me what the hell is going on?" he demanded.

Sam sighed, glancing at Ash who shrugged slightly, it was Sam's decision. "I'm not entirely human Nick, hence the eye colour," he explained.

Nick looked from Sam to Ash who nodded. "Sam is not a threat Nick, not to humanity," Ash assured his friend who slowly relaxed.

"Okay…part human….so what's the other part?"

"Well, you know how you mentioned hell?" Sam asked, and Nick swallowed.

"What? You're saying your part demon or something?" he demanded, and Sam nodded. "Oh." Well, that was different. Did it change anything? "Are you really a Squire?"

"Sort of? I'm in the records. Dean's not my uncle…he's my brother," Sam offered. "I died, and he sold his soul to a demon to bring me back but when his time was up, and he was being killed he called out to Artemis and she took him. I spent a long time trying to find out what had happened to him, but we only found each other a few months before he was posted here."

Nick nodded, you could sell your soul to bring someone back to life? He'd never heard of that before. "Okay, so why College? Surely you have a degree or two?"

Sam shook his head, "No. this is my first time attending. Schooling was different back then and we grew up on the road. Are we okay?" Nick was his first friend outside of hunting, he liked the Squire.


Ash smiled, glad Nick had accepted Sam. "I think you both need to get home." He quickly transported Nick and then Sam to their homes rather than risk another attack.