Disclaimer: I don't own anything related with or to 'Smallville' like characters etc. I am just a fan of the show, well the early seasons and actors are good at their job.

M Note: I was reading manhwa; Noblesse bc I love it and wanted/needed to catch up. And yeah, I thought I'd update cause I have nothing better to do, well I'm lying I do but procrastination is in the ballpark rn so- going with it. Okay so ooc-ness & AU.

"Clark..." Lex sat up and leaned back against the wall. All of a sudden he caught wind of the weird vibe his favorite farm boy is giving off and he feels like a fucking idiot. He must have done something awful-well that Clark just now found out about.

What exactly he isn't sure of just yet because Clark is just sitting here next to him not even having the decency to look at him.

He wants to be drunk again, blameless. For no one to pin anything on him because he doesn't-should not know what he is doing.

"Can we skip to the part where you either kiss me again or just cut the crap and kick me out now that you have had time to realize the grandeur of a mistake you just made by inviting me up here."

"I-uh, I'm sorry. I didn't think I would start with those exact words so close to the beginning but you deserve an honest answer-response." Clark looks less troubled than he actually is which is awesome because he is terrified.

Would actually prefer anything else to this conversation. But he has got to grow up and come clean.

On one side he has already fessed up to most of his friends, all he has left is Lex. Hell even Jimmy knows.

Plus that conversation had gone way better than expected but Kara had been there for him as well at the time.

And Tess because of her marriage to Oliver.

On the other Lex is all around irreplaceable. Facts.

So there's that to consider.

"Y-yup..don't sweat it Kent..." Lex cringes internally at himself after the comment but rolls with it. He wishes he could pay someone to have this conversation for him, an interpreter so to speak because he's not winning any points here.

"Clark. I sincerely hope you- No that's not good enough. Look. I think that we can still be friends. I mean you're still my best friend and I-" Lex stopped talking and at this point even breathing because the oxygen level in his lungs dissipated when Clark shot himself straight into his arms like a scared cat from a tree branch.

"This isn't about..I have a secret and I want you to hear me out. Lex.. Just." Clark looks up at him and sighed softly as he stares at the opposite direction and Lex is wondering why Clark is looking like he's about to start bawling like a teething toddler.

Thinking that if it's not him and his previous endeavors that Smallville's very own Super hero is in some deep shit or well on his way expecting to be and Lex is growing ever curious as the seconds tick.

"Please save any and all 'comments' until you've heard everything." He knows what he's asking isn't something fair but neither is life so he doesn't count it as such an injustice.

When Lex nods albeit a growing fear gnawing at his stomach. He trusts Clark above anyone and with good reason so he wants to brush the thought away as soon as it arrives before it lingers or worse, has a chance to fester.

Clark takes it as enough confirmation and allows himself to breathe deeply. The words 'here goes nothing' replaying in his mind as he wishes he'd grabbed a glass of water. He's dying of thirst or so he thinks because it hurts to swallow when his mouth is dry.

Thinking there is no easier way to say this he dives right in while moving off of Lex and taking a few steps backwards.

"I am Kal-El of Krypton." He doesn't really know how to follow up with that so he wings it. His mentally prepared speech flying out the window at sonic speed all at once after the words.

Any further details once held vanishing with his fear because Lex mumbles a 'go ahead'.

While unknowingly to the Kryptonian chiding himself internally because Luthor's don't mumble according to his father's words at some point saying 'leave that to peasants'.

Clark knows he'd rather show than tell in this moment. It is so much easier.

He notices Lex's eyes widened in mild surprise before confusion settled and Clark thinks 'now or never' as he begins to preform what at first seemed like a simple handstand.

Only to propel himself upwards by pushing his hands against the wooden flooring and seemly levitating at first several inches then feet off the ground by breathing. Blowing air into it slowly before he adds a little kick to it and it freezes over.

After what felt like half a minute melting it with his heat vision. Almost twirling he spun so fast. Landing safely on the ground with both feet looking a mixture of self amused and outright nervous.

The next thing he knows is that he hears a thud and Lex is on the floor dead apparently or at the very least clearly out of commission for the day.

"Oh shit" Clark looks around and taps his friends shoulder as gently as he cares to. "Hey buddy.. I'm going to set you on my bed. I'll be back. Just wait for a minute. Okay. Great." Clark whispered softly as looked at him knowing there isn't anyone else around to hear him but this feels personal.

He stumbled his way out of the barn only to jump in the air and leave earth with a loud boom sound Mars bound because he's freaking out.

And he needs either his Fortress or J'onn because J'onzz can give him a pep talk when Pete's not around since he is a definite go to and his parents are out of picture celebrating their victory and the question.