Uncassandra is one of my favorite mangas. I really wish it would be officially translated because I would buy the volumes in a heartbeat.

This may turn into a series of drabbles since I definitely enjoy writing these two.

Bekku reached the classroom, letting out a tired yawn as she pulled the door open. Some of her fellow students greeted her and she sleepily returned the gesture.

She trudged her way to her seat beside Banjou's empty spot and wondering idly why he wasn't there yet. She knew for sure he wasn't trying to break a premonition because, since teaming up, the pair had set up a routine of planning for the premonitions ahead of time. There wasn't anything on the schedule to be broken today; her neatly combed hair could attest to that.

She rested her head in her hand, staring out the window in the spot Banjou would be if he was present. A few moments passed before she gave a glance to the rest of the room. She startled when she saw that it was full except for her partner in crime and the teacher.

"Hey," she said, motioning to a student beside her. She think she recalls the girl's name being Ami. "Have you seen Senpai yet this morning?"

The girl hummed, setting her text book onto her desk. "No, why?" She answered.

"Just wondering." Bekku said, turning to face forward. The clock above the chalkboard was always a little fast but Banjou was still going to be late if he didn't get here soon.

He tried to tell her not to mind too much about his school life. He may have been held back a year and had a terrible attendance record this semester again but he assured her he at least kept his grades up. Or so he told her. She still couldn't help but worry about him getting held back another year. She didn't like the idea of graduating without him.

She frowned then, realizing her attendance as of late wasn't much better than his. At least she knew for sure her grades were good.

The school bells chimed, signalling the beginning of class, and she snapped out of her thoughts. She glanced to Banjou's spot and he still was absent. Worry bubbled up in the pit of her stomach. Maybe something had happened?

She reached for her phone but stopped midway when the teacher stepped into the room, already beginning his lecture for the morning. Bekku sat back up, trying to pay attention to what he was saying but her finger tapped impatiently at her desk.

She was reaching the peak of her patience and was nearly about to shoot her hand in the air to ask for permission to go to the infirmary when the classroom door slid open. She let out a relieved breath when she saw Banjou, in all his pink bespectacled glory, step in.

Banjou apologized to their teacher, stating that he had to help one of the other teachers carry something. It took some convincing but the teacher accepted the reason and pointed Banjou towards his seat.

When he was settled, Bekku leaned in his direction. "What was the real reason?" She asked in a whisper as the teacher returned to his lecture.

Banjou smiled slightly, leaning towards her as well. "I used my alarm clock to break the last premonition and forgot to get a new one so I accidentally slept in."

Bekku gaped. All that worrying for something as simple as that! She wasn't sure if she was relieved or angry. She chose not to reply in any case and sat back straight.

She felt Banjou's gaze on her for a time before he leaned closer and whispered. "Wanna go shopping for a new one with me later?"

Bekku kept her eyes forward, trying not to smile. After a length, she nodded yes and she could sense Banjou's smile in response.