A/N: Hey everyone! I've decided to make this for the people who don't follow me on Tumblr where I post a lot of shorter drabbles and such. This is basically going to be a collection of things I write that aren't long enough to be their own story...

Just a reminder, my Tumblr is tai-chi-leigh. If you follow me there, then you've probably already seen all of these.

Thanks, and enjoy :)

It's Valentine's Day, and neither Annabeth nor Percy gets any cards.

Percy is surprised—he thought Annabeth would get dozens. After all, it's easy to notice the looks she gets in the hall, on her way to class, raising her hand to answer a question that the teacher asked.

She's a magnet for guys. She's stunningly pretty, smart, and nice (when she wants to be). Percy can see past her glare and intimidating façade.

In fact, she's actually so cute, it physically hurts him sometimes. The way she bites her bottom lip lightly when she's confused on a problem, the way she pushes her glasses back before she raises her hand to give an answer. The way she wears sweaters in the winter that are just a bit too big so that they fall off her shoulders.

Maybe Percy thinks a little highly of his best friend. But it's his job; he has held that title for nearly twelve years and goddammit, if Percy can't be the best in math or English then he's going to be the best best friend there ever was.

Plus, the title comes with a lot of perks. Spending a lot of time with Annabeth is one of them.

They're at lunch and Annabeth is reading something that looks incredibly boring and horrible—the print is tiny and it makes Percy upset because it's probably something he was assigned to read and never did. Each time Annabeth turns the page, she twitches her nose to the side and it's so intoxicating to Percy that he figures he better put an end to it before she notices the blush he can feel rising on his face.

"Hey—hey Annabeth."

She looks up, blinking, like she didn't realize he was there the whole time.


She's beautiful. Percy's not sure how, but she even looks good in the school cafeteria.

"Got a Valentine?" he raises an eyebrow and smirks, though he already knows the answer to this question.

"Nah." She shrugs and returns to her book, looking a cross between flustered and confused. This time, though, she pulls the book really close to her face. It's one of those things she does when she's trying to avoid a conversation—he can tell she's not reading as intently as she was before due to the set of her shoulders and the expression on her face.

He doesn't push the topic; instead, he resigns to eat his sandwich in silence for the next ten minutes.

So it shocks him when Annabeth looks up, just moments later.

"Do you?"

He jumps, a mouthful of PB&J.

"Do I whawwt?"

She crinkles her nose. It hurts him.

"Have a Valentine?"

It takes all Percy has not to say 'you' with his cheesiest grin.

"Nah." Way to play it cool.


And then she smiles at him, and it's warm, and goofy, and a tiny bit shy.

"Then we'll just be Valentines for the day. Show them what they're missing."

He almost chokes on the peanut butter, but Annabeth takes it as a yes.

They spend the rest of the day pretending to date—walking through the halls with their arms linked, sitting side by side in class (even though they did that every day, anyway). Percy carries her books for her, and Annabeth waits for Percy outside the classes they don't share.

It's stupid and laced in sarcasm and overdramatic, but they're having fun. Annabeth smiles at him all day, bumps his shoulder in the hallway, gives him cheesy winks.

It's strange, because they don't get any weird looks from any of their classmates—almost like everyone expected this sort of thing. Like it was always Percy and Annabeth, and everyone else was in on the joke long before they were.

So yeah, their relationship might be fake today, but when Annabeth gives him a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye—

—hey, it seems pretty real to Percy.

And maybe one day soon, he thinks, it will be.