by Sbuna101
A/N: This is just a little one-shot, a bit personel to me. I might write another chapter, depending on how some certain things go, but for right now, it's a one-shot. thanks :)
Imagine that one person. The one who you'd do anything for, and couldn't live without. That person that you've said things to; things no one else in the world has heard you say. That person might be a sibling, a parent, a spouse, a lover, a friend, a neighbor. For me, it was a friend. A best friend. A best friend who I have lived with for years, and in evey second of it, I wanted to be his lover. It was Phil.
Now imagine a secret. Your secret. The one you haven't told anyone. It lays under your skin constantly pushing, trying to escape, but you have to hold it in. The secret could be anything, but only you know. Only you. It's the type of secret that you can't let out, for once you do, you can't draw it back in. For me; it's the secret of my sexuality. I have been battling with myself for awhile, not sure if it was true or not, but soon enough I realized, I was gay.
That's enough imagining for now, come back to the present. I was in the hallway of my apartment curled up in a ball, my knees pressed against my chest. Phil had just left for his holiday in Florida, giving me a hug goodbye. The entire week I had been building up the courage to tell him. I had been dreaming of it: Phil would be about to leave. I would stop him, tell him my secret, and receive a hug of pride and what not. That's not what happened though.
"It's fine, I can take a taxy to the station." Phil smiled as he shuffled his luggage out the door.
"Oh- okay." I said, still trying to find an excuse to why I could come, but he was a grown man, he could take care of himself.
"I'll see you in a week!"
We exchanged hugs, but I knew I had to. I had to tell him. "Erm- Phil. Wait."
This was it. Time to let him know everything that's been hidden inside. I had practiced it all in my mind; but what if he doesn't accept it? What if he calls me a freak and doesn't come back. I stood starring at him, probably looking like a fool.
"Uh- oh um. Nevermind." I chickened out.
"Okay then. See you very soon! Bye." He beemed, knowing his taxy was waiting.
"Bye," I forced a smile, my voice shaking slightly.
I got up, cringing at the fact that I could have told him. I could have gotten this all off my chest. What I could have done.
Imagine the rejection. Imagine him leaving. Imagine that blue-eyed, black-haired, man, that one person I loved, call me 'queer'. Would Phil do that?
Imagine acceptance. Imagine him beeming at me, telling me how proud he was that I was brave enough to say these things. Imagine him, hugging me senseless, completely fine with how I was..
I held up my phone, my finger hovering over the 'Phil Lester' number. Should I take the risk?
The End
A/N: This is the first thing I've written on here with no phan cuddles or kisses :3 anyway, thanks for reading, and please reveiw!