The Horny Demons

Pairing: Natsu x Kyouka x Sayla

Natsu was captured by the demons of Tartarus. But something is different... when Natsu wakes up... He's a demon. He looks around and for some reason sees Kyouka and Sayla licking their lips. What's about to happen?

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drops of cold clear water dripped from an old musty roof. Each drop of water added to a small puddle that had formed by someone's pink hair. Drip. Another drop of water began to fall, but as it fell a slight wind pushed it and it landed on their rough skin.

"Oww..." Natsu began to moan as he woke up. The drop of water had landed on his face and begun to wake him up. Natsu quickly took his hand and wiped his face to get rid of the water. Once he had done that he raised his hand high above his face and looked at it. "What the..." Natsu muttered as he looked at his hand. Instead of fingers he now had long red claws that sprouted out of his hand.

Natsu quickly pushed himself up and began to look around. He looked left and saw hard iron bars. To his right was a wet gray stone wall with scratches all over it. As Natsu continued to look around he saw the floor was also the dull gray color just like the roof above his head and the walls. He was in a cell and had been sleeping on a stone cold floor. That at least told him why his back and head were hurting.

"Mm... so my new toy has woken up I see." A rough women's voice announced as she looked at Natsu. She quickly licked her lips as her eyes scanned his body. The demonic transformation had been a success. She had created the first ever demon dragon slayer. From his new red sharp claws, his demonic eyes, and his red scales showing around his arms and legs... this was her new creation.

"Who the hell are you...?" Natsu muttered aloud as he looked over and saw a woman standing there behind the iron gray bars. Natsu quickly saw her deep black eyes staring at his body and quickly looked down. Natsu began to blush slightly as his face went a bit pink like his hair. Natsu was naked for the world to see.

"I'm your master, the one that created you. My name is Kyouka." Kyouka replied as she smiled slightly at Natsu. "But don't worry you won't have to stay in here for long, feeding time is soon." Kyouka explained as she giggled aloud. The sound unnerved him, the cute giggle in extreme contrast to her demonic appearance. As Kyouka spoke the last few words she gripped the clothing she wore and pulled it down to show her two large breasts.

Natsu's eyes widened as he watched Kyouka pull her clothing down to shower her large breasts. Suddenly a craving came over him that made him drool and want her breasts. The urge filled him as he stood up and quickly went to the iron bars.

Kyouka just kept standing there as she watched Natsu walk up to her. Her eyes scanned everything, his large toned muscles, and his body. Kyouka just kept smiling demonically and walked up to the iron bars even more as she grabbed her left breast and placed it against the cold hard iron bar. Suddenly the cold left and a warm feeling appeared as she looked down and saw Natsu's mouth licking and sucking on her breast the best he could. 'Yes my lovely... feed yourself. You'll need your energy to feed myself and my lover.' Kyouka thought to herself as she laughed slightly and pulled her breasts away from Natsu's warm mouth.

She watched as drops of her milk fell out of his mouth and his eyes darted to her own pair of black eyes. "Don't worry; you can finish feeding in a bit." Kyouka announced as she smiled yet again and began to walk away.

From her hourglass figure, to her gentle strong hands, and to her bird like feet the women that he saw looked like a goddess. For some reason he craved for her milk. 'What the hell happened to me?' Natsu thought as he looked over at the disappearing Kyouka. His mind had taken control of him and just wanted her milk for some reason. It was like an addiction to it. He just wanted more and more of it.


Natsu looked away from his hand as he quickly looked at the iron bars. There was a small hinge that had a lock on it. Natsu looked at the lock and saw it was now unlocked. He grabbed the cellar door and began to push it open. An eerie sound filled the air as the iron bars opened like a door. "Well... now where did she go?" Natsu thought to himself aloud as he looked left first then right.

"Natsu... come get your meal..." Kyouka cooed with a soft voice as it rang threw the hall ways. Suddenly the urge came back to him as his nostrils quickly found her scent. Natsu began to sniff the air and dash off towards the direction she was in.

Natsu ran through a door way and only saw a gray stone wet walk way. He sniffed the air again and began running along it as the direction of Kyouka scent was coming from that direction. Suddenly as he continued to run towards the scent that was taking over his mind he saw two large steel doors. 'She must be in there...' Natsu thought aloud as he rushed to them and began to push them open.

"My demon... I'm so glad you could make it for dinner. Why don't you dig in?" Kyouka announced as Natsu opened the heavy iron doors and looked in. There sitting in front of him was a naked Kyouka. From her goddess like body... to her large breasts... green hair and black eyes, Natsu wanted her.

Kyouka sat there on top of a large white bed with nothing else in the room. All Kyouka was doing was pointing at her large beasts with her erect nipples. She smiled at Natsu and brought her finger up. She pointed at him and then her breast as she smiled and nodded.

'Why can't I stop… and why do I want her breast so bad?' Natsu began to think to himself as he walked towards Kyouka. The doors behind him slammed closed as he neared Kyouka and a splotch of drool dripped out of his mouth. He wanted her... he wanted her milk.

"Mm... yes my demon. Drink up... yes... drink up." Kyouka urged Natsu on as she felt Natsu go up to her and grab her breast. She watched as Natsu opened his mouth and licked her hard nipple. "It's alright... you may fill yourself up." Kyouka announced as she looked down and saw Natsu's warm black eyes looking into her own black eyes. Natsu nodded to her and began to suck on her breast as he fed himself.

'What's going on?! Why does my body do whatever she tells me to do?!' Natsu thought to himself as he continued to suck of her large soft breast. His tongue repeatedly licked her nipples as milk dripped into his mouth. It was like an addiction to it, once he had some. He wanted more.

"Mm... that feels nice. Now... you must be wondering what's wrong. I'll gladly explain." Kyouka giggled aloud as she felt Natsu's warm naked body rub against hers as he fed on her right breast. His mind was so focused on her milk that her soft voice entranced him. "Your no longer a human my little dragon... you're a demon dragon slayer, a demon dragon slayer that I created for just my needs." Kyouka whispered in Natsu's ears as she informed him of what happened.

"So... as you can guess that's not the whole thing. My curse is also the reason. My curse makes people, or demons, obey my commands. So all I have to do is give you a command and your body does as I say." Kyouka continued to explain to Natsu as she took her hand and ran it through Natsu's spiky soft pink hair.

"Ooh... I see your playing with your new toy. May I join?"

Kyouka looked away from her new toy and saw another demon in front of her. She had black hair, two golden horns sticking out the sides of her head and pointing upwards, she was also wearing a white band which separated her hair, and a small circular symbol on her forehead. Her outfit consisted of a very revealing beige-colored Kimono bearing decorative marks on her shoulder. Her kimono is wrapped around her torso with a thick decorative yellow rope that tied behind her back. Her outfit is complemented by thigh-high socks that reveal her heels and toes.

"Sayla... glad to see you. Of course you can... it's feeding time if you want some." Kyouka announced as she smiled at Sayla. Kyouka grabbed and lifted her left breast which wasn't being sucked on as she showed it to Sayla.

"Alright, but after that I want some food from your new toy. Something else of mine is a bit hungry." Sayla replied as she giggled perversely and walked towards where Kyouka was sitting with Natsu sucking on her right large breast. As Sayla got closer she moved part of her beige kimono and revealed her raw bare sex to Kyouka.

"Don't worry, once my toy is done eating he will feed the both of us." Kyouka informed Sayla as she looked down at Natsu and watched him continue to suck away at her breast.

"Mm... you always taste so great." Sayla announced as she got into the bed and up and close to Kyouka. Sayla quickly dragged her wet tongue against Kyouka's left breast and watched as a few drops of milk fell on it. She quickly drank and smiled at Kyouka.

"I'm glad..." Kyouka replied as she watched Sayla and Natsu indulge their selves as they sucked on her breasts. She let the pleasure of their mouths roll through her body as the pleasure made her lightly moan. "Natsu... would you like me to tell you about how you got here?" Kyouka asked as she watched Natsu and Sayla fed on her breasts with small sounds of them sucking away.

"Yeah..." Natsu replied as his body took over again and forced him to agree with her. Once he answered her he quickly went back to sucking on her breast as he sucked her breast milk out of her and drank it.

"Mm... good dragon." Kyouka replied as she kissed Natsu on his forehead and prepared to explain what happened. "Apparently Silver found you trying to break into our castle. From what I found out... you were coming all by yourself to rescue two girls named Mirajane and Erza. Sadly Silver froze you and brought you to a cell and told me. When I went over to see you; all I could see you as a new toy. So that's exactly what I did... I took you to our lab and made you into a demon myself." Kyouka explained to Natsu and watched as his eyes opened wide in shock.

"You're now my toy... you belong to me. Not Titania or the demon Mirajane. You're my dragon..." Kyouka whispered into Natsu's ear and licked it slowly. Kyouka watched as a cold shiver ran through Natsu's body and ran her hand again through his pink hair.

"Mmmm... Kyouka can I have some of your new toy?" Sayla asked as she looked up into Kyouka's black eyes and pouted. Her eyes kept glancing over to Natsu's strong muscles and his body.

"I guess. Natsu sit over there and Sayla come here." Kyouka replied as she smiled and pointed to a spot on the bed for Natsu to go. Kyouka watched as Natsu's mouth let go of her wet breast and quickly sat Indian style where she told him to. Kyouka then watched as Sayla turned around and rested the back of her head against Kyouka's stomach. Sayla then grabbed her kimono and began to pull it up to her waist to reveal her naked wet sex.

"Will you prepare me for feeding?" Sayla asked as she looked up into Kyouka's eyes with a puppy eye dog look. She watched Kyouka smile and then nod to her as she began to lick her finger. "Mmmm..." Sayla moaned as she felt Kyouka's wet fingers brush against her sex and begin to engulf them into her.

"Shh... it's alright my love. Let the pleasure course through your body." Kyouka whispered into Sayla's ear and she pushed her finger deeper into her tight sex. "Just remember that... he soon will be feeding you." Kyouka giggled by Sayla's ear as she used her other hand that wasn't in her sex to point to Natsu's growing erection.

"Please... Natsu... feed me." Sayla whispered between pants of moans and pleasure. Her eyes eyed Natsu's large erection and she quickly licked her lips in anticipation of it penetrating her sex and filling her up.

"Mm... I guess so. Natsu why don't you feed Sayla for me... she's very hungry." Kyouka announced as she demonically smiled and watched Natsu's body begin to do what she ordered him to. She watched as Natsu moved to right in front of Sayla's gushing wet sex and readied himself to push straight into her.

"Y-yes... feed me..." Sayla moaned as she felt Kyouka's hand slip out of her sex and held open her sex as she felt the heat rolling off of Natsu's erection which waited to push into her. She looked over at Natsu and watched as Natsu leaned forward and pushed into her, encountering no resistance.

'N-no... stop... body stop!' Natsu kept thinking as he felt his body move by itself and grab hold of Sayla's hips. Natsu then felt himself lean a bit forward and feel a warm feeling around his erection as something warm began to wrap around it.

"Yes... there it is. Begin feeding her my demon..." Kyouka whispered as she watched Sayla's wet sex take in Natsu's erection in and watched as she moaned loudly. Kyouka brought her left hand up to Sayla's neck and her right hand to her sex. As she grabbed her neck and rubbed the outside of her sex she began to leaves small wet kisses on Sayla's neck as she moaned between gasps of breaths.

"Y-your demon... I... l-like him..." Sayla purred between moans as she felt each thrust of Natsu's erection pumping in her. "Mmmm..." Sayla moaned again as she felt Kyouka hand leave her neck and move her head to the side. As soon as it went to the side she felt a warm pair of lips connect to her own and begin to make out.

"Fuck..." Natsu finally moaned aloud as he thrust in and out of Sayla's sex. He could hear her moan over and over again. The more he thrust the more he enjoyed the feeling of pleasure coursing through his body.

"Mm... Natsu... that's your name right... I don't know... w-why... but mm... I love you." Sayla moaned as she broke her kiss with Kyouka and looked deep into Natsu's warm black eyes. As she did she felt her heart beat faster and become warm. Her feeling changed.

"The ability for someone to fall for you... such a perverted curse to behold. But it suits a demon that can feed a lot of women. I guess it will work..." Kyouka giggled as she watched Natsu's curse take effect on Sayla and instantly made her fall for him. 'His eyes... that's how the curse takes effect. This could be quite useful actually...' Kyouka thought to herself as she watched Natsu repeatedly thrust in and out of Sayla with a slap of their warm skins meeting each other.

"Natsu... Natsu..." Sayla repeatedly moaned between gasps of pleasure. Each thrust into her sent shock waves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Y-yes... I'm g-getting close..." Sayla moaned as she looked again into Natsu's warm black eyes. The lust in them made her fall deeper for him. All she wanted to do was be there with him. "Natsu..." Sayla whispered as she brought her mouth up to Natsu's and began to passionately kiss him.

"Natsu... be a good demon and finish her off..." Kyouka whispered into Natsu's ear as she leaned forward with Sayla's head still resting on her stomach. She grinned demonically as she quickly heard the slapping of skin grow louder and rougher. Kyouka watched as both Natsu and Sayla's moans rose higher as both of their peaks began to come quick.

"Y-yes... feed me..." Sayla whispered as she arched her back and looked up into Kyouka cold eyes. She stared up at them as she felt her sex lock up around Natsu's erection and felt the pleasure of cumming run through her body.

"Sayla..." Natsu whispered as he felt her sex lock around his erection and instantly drive him over his edge as he began to fill her sex to the brim with his milky white cum. Natsu stayed there as he slowly pulled his deflating erection out of Sayla and watched as drips of his cum leaked out of her.

"The feeding process is done it seems..." Kyouka laughed as she looked down and saw the bliss face of Sayla. It had looked like Sayla had broken and now laid there trying to return to her normal self. Sadly though, it might take a bit as she slightly kept hearing her moan Natsu's name. "Come with me Natsu..." Kyouka ordered as she moved Sayla off of her and stood up as she began to walk off out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Natsu asked as he quickly followed her without trying. He already knew he couldn't resist anymore as he now knew once Kyouka's order is given; there was no way to not do her order. Natsu looked around as he walked down stairs into a musty old smelling gray hallway.

"Don't worry... we are just going to a special place to feed me." Kyouka informed Natsu as she began to smirk and sway her naked hips back and forth as they walked to this new location. They passed another musty old hallway before they stopped in front of a rusty old gray iron door. "We're here... are you ready?" Kyouka asked as she stopped in front of the door and looked behind to see the naked Natsu standing behind her.

"Of course..." Natsu responded as the order was sent to him and Kyouka's curse forced him answer her. Natsu watched as Kyouka's naked body turned again and faced the door as she slowly unlocked it from a small latch. Once she had undone the small latch she pushed the door open to reveal a gray old musty brick room with chains littering it. The most surprising part of it was two naked chained females. Mirajane Strauss and Erza Scarlet. From there swaying naked goddess body's to their flowing silky hair. The two strongest women of Fairy Tail stood there chained and gagged as Kyouka walked in naked.

"Ooh... good. You're both awake." Kyouka purred as she demonically giggled aloud and watched both Erza's and Mirajane's eyes open wide at the site of Natsu. "Don't worry... like I did to both of you... I'm using my curse to make him my slave. But that's not all as you can see..." Kyouka whispered in Erza's and Mirajane's ear at the same time. Both girls' eyes were scanning along Natsu's muscular naked body. From his new small red scales... his claws... and the piece of nice big meat between his legs standing tall. Both of their cheeks were now pink.

Both women watched as Kyouka giggled again and faced both of them as she grabbed each of their chains with one hand. They watched her slightly bend over and look straight into each of their eyes.

"You about to watch me... be fed by Natsu... my new demon..." Kyouka whispered between Erza's and Mirajane's ear as a grin appeared on Kyouka face. "Natsu... please feed me..." Kyouka ordered and quickly felt two warm strong hands on her sides. Suddenly she felt something large and strong push into her sex as it quickly began to give her pleasure.

"Yes..." Kyouka moaned aloud as she felt Natsu's erection penetrate into her and began to fuck her as he pushed into her. Kyouka kept her eyes looking into Erza's and Mirajane's as she felt each thrust into her. She watched as their faces tried to get rid of their gag and scream. They couldn't do anything to stop it. "Don't... worry. A demon like me... can't get pregnant... that's what... you're both for." Kyouka whispered between each gasps of pleasure as she looked behind herself and saw Natsu thrusting into her with a slap of their skin touching each other.

'Erza... Mirajane... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I can't do anything to stop this...' Natsu thought to himself as he held onto Kyouka and pounded into her over and over again. Each thrust sent jolting waves of pleasure through their bodies as he slightly moaned. The pleasure of her sex gripping his erection sent wave after wave of pleasure spikes through his body.

"Oh god... yes! Feed me!" Kyouka whimpered between gasps of, pleasure pushing into her. Kyouka suddenly let go of Erza's and Mirajane's chains as she slowly ran her smooth hands along both of their bare backs until she got to their round perfect heart shaped asses. "Mm... apparently you both enjoy what you're watching..." Kyouka whispered as her hands continued to roam until it touched two wet dripping sexes.

"Fuck..." Natsu moaned between thrusts as his warm skin slapped against Kyouka cold skin. Natsu looked over slightly and saw Mirajane's blue eyes were widened and staring at Natsu's erection push in and out of Kyouka wet slippery snatch as it received each thrust into it. Natsu looked the other way and Natsu Erza was looking straight down and trying to rub herself as she kept looking at Natsu's erection slamming into Kyouka.

"Yes... yes... I can feel it... it's... going to feed me soon..." Kyouka whimpered between each thrust as she moaned and moaned again. Pleasure continued to wrack her body as it sent vibes of pleasure through her already aching body.

"I'm... I'm gonna..." Natsu whimpered between thrust as he felt the urge to cum but only could feel Kyouka's sex tighten around him even more. "I'm going to cum..." Natsu yelled suddenly as he arching his own back and pushed his baby making seed deep into Kyouka's sex.

"Yes... mmm... that's nice." Kyouka whispered between each last thrust as she fell face forward near the ground but caught herself. As she arched her back like Natsu she could feel the warmth of Natsu's seed feeding her aching pussy as it sent her massive amounts of pleasure.

"I... I'm done..." Natsu whispered as he slowly pulled himself out of Kyouka with a small pop and watched as his own cum slowly slid out of her and dripped onto the floor.

"Mmm... I can feel the warmth sliding out of me..." Kyouka whispered gently as whimpered in pleasure and licked her lips. Drips of Natsu's white cum dripped out of her abused sex as it splattered onto the gray brick floor. Kyouka stood up straight and attempted to take a step but almost fell over. "Guess not... hmm... w-wait no!" Kyouka suddenly yelled as she slowly turned around and looked straight into Natsu's eyes as suddenly she felt herself begin to fall for the demon she had created.

Natsu began to smirk as his new claws and scaly arms lit on red fire. "Pay back..." Natsu announced with his smirk and pulled his fist back to knock Kyouka out. As Natsu's fist slammed into Kyouka, she was slammed back into the gray brick wall and fell over.

"Heh... if I'm going down, you're at least going to fuck and get Erza and Mirajane pregnant..." Kyouka muttered as her black demonic eyes rolled back and fainted on the floor. Natsu's milky white cum still slowly dripped out of her as her last and final order was sent through the air at Natsu.

"N-no..." Natsu muttered as his eyes opened wide. He already knew that a demon couldn't get another demon pregnant. But a demon could get a woman pregnant. "Mira... Erza... No..." Natsu whispered as he felt his body go into effect and watched his right foot take a step towards the two girls.

"Mm!" Erza tried screaming between the gag. But it was to no anvil as she couldn't say a word. She tried her hardest to tell Natsu what she wanted to... but couldn't. All Erza could do was look to her left and look into Mirajane's blue eyes as she watched her nod.

"I'm... sorry. Her damn curse... I can't stop it..." Natsu whispered as he walked up to Mirajane and Erza. Natsu used all the muscle he could and grabbed Mirajane's and Erza's gag from their mouth and ripped them out as he stepped again closer to behind where Erza and Mirajane were still chained in the musty brick jail cell.

"Gah...! Heh... Natsu..." Erza whispered as she watched Natsu rip the gag out of her mouth so she could at least talk. "Natsu... don't... worry. At least it's you... at least it's someone I trust and can live with if something happens..." Erza whispered between each gasp of breath she tried to suck in from being gaged for so long.

"Natsu... Natsu... just make us feel good. At least... we'll be having a child with you..." Mirajane whimpered between gasps and shivered when she felt Natsu's hand touch her bare naked shoulder. The shivered turned to a bit of joy as she felt the warmth spreading into her. She was no longer cold... she was now becoming warm.

"Natsu..." Erza whispered as she felt Natsu's other hand brush against her naked back and become lower and lower. In her heart she was glad that it was Natsu and no other random man that was about to take her virginity and make her pregnant. She was glad that it was someone she could trust and fall in love with.

"I'm sorry..." Natsu whispered as he felt his body move again and leave Erza as he adjusted himself between Mirajane's bare goddess like body. He grabbed his growing erection and positioned himself to fuck Mirajane.

"Natsu!" Mirajane screamed as she felt Natsu's erection push into her sex and break it open. It had begun.

The two shot has begun. Chapter 1 of 2 done. Next chapter will begin with Erza and Mirajane. Then what happens to them will be after. ;)

Idea by: Natsu is Awesome

Thanks for reading... see you in the next chapter. The final!
