Prolouge Miss Athena Blaze
Disclaimer: Any characters other than Athena and any situations related to the book or any other Harry Potter related items belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. I do not gain any money from this. I only write to relieve stress and to get the ideas out of my head.
A/N. Sorry for the lack of Harry in this chapter. I just felt that it would be better to get the background on Athena and why she will act a certain way when she interacts with people in London. Also I apologize in advance for anything that seems weird or out of character this is my first time writing a Harry Potter Fan Fiction. The rating of M is just to be safe.
Boston, Massachusetts. May 31, 2000.
Athena stared at the ground hands shaking as the rain continued to pour down in her city. "You're breaking up with me?" she asked her companion in a small voice trying to hide the tears threatening to fall.
Her male companion brushed the golden hair out of his eyes allowing it to stick to his forehead "It hasn't been working out Athena besides Madison isn't always at work or too busy for her own boyfriend. Face it we have been over for months you just refused to let go."
Athena looked up at him one last time "So you were cheating on me with Madison then? I can't believe I fell for your good looks and charms when everyone warned me you would do this. I can't help that I'm the best lawyer and with all the latest terrorist uprising by his followers I've had many cases to research and help prosecute. The department head has even said if this continues I may have to go to London to get help dealing with this."
Alexander glared lightly at her "Yes I have cheated on you with Madison. You are always working and never around. I thought I would be more important than a job but I guess not. Good bye Athena. I hope you're pleased with yourself. You just lost the best thing that could have ever happened to you." He walked away leaving Athena standing on the corner in the rain with no place to go.
Athena cried softly as Alexander walked away feeling her heart break into a million pieces. She couldn't believe Alex had thrown away two years of their lives just because she had to work hard to keep her job. It was bad enough she dealt with a boss who thought women had nothing better to do than to get married, have kids, and take care of the home. She had worked her way up the court system for the American ministry over the past two years proving to be one of the best lawyers they had. Her life had been perfect. She had the perfect job, the perfect apartment, and a perfect boyfriend or so she had thought.
Athena walked back to the ministry now that her lunch was over she muttered a hot air charm the minute she was back in her office. She sat back down and worked on organizing her case files before she turned back to her research on the recent Death Eater uprisings. The last uprising had been a few days ago near the Salem Witches Institute in Salem, Massachusetts. A number of muggleborn students had been attacked but had received treatment in time to avoid any serious injuries or fatalities. 'The world was rid of Voldemort two years ago yet his followers still feel it is necessary to exterminate anyone who is not pureblooded. After a while the only ones left will be the purebloods who will have to intermarry to keep the blood lines pure which could lead to genetic problems, if they can even have kids after all the intermarriage that has happened in those families.' She looked at the picture of her parents thinking about her own pureblood heritage before smiling glad that her parents had a differing view on blood purity than most.
A pig of a man walked into Athena's office smiling "so Athena. Now that you and Alex are finished how about you and me get together for some drinks and maybe both of us will get lucky." He leered at her drawing his gaze down to her chest as if he was willing the buttons on her blouse to magically unbutton.
Athena pushed a lock of hair behind her ear not looking up at the man "As I have told you a million times Max I will not go out with you or sleep with you. If you try to use your position as the head of the department again to try and get me to sleep with you or threaten my job with your harassment I will report you to the Minister."
Max walked closer to the desk he picked up a paperweight before dropping it in the middle of the files spread out across the desk. "I am your boss. You will show me respect. The only reason you have gotten as far as you have is because you are attractive. No one will take a female lawyer seriously. No let me rephrase that no one will take a woman seriously. Not that long ago women were not even involved in the work place. They did what they have always done: stay at home and take care of the kids and make sure a hot meal is waiting for their husbands when they get home. It is in your best interest to give me what I want if you have any intentions of moving up in this department. Oh by the way in September you are going to London with me to talk about updates to international magical laws. I would hate for you to miss the opportunity because of insubordination." He walked out of the office whistling figuring she would give in to him due to the possibilities of career advancement.
Athena rubbed her temples frustrated with the male population of the Ministry and their backwards views on what females should and shouldn't do. She continued to work until her shift was over before heading to the Minister's office. As she made small talk with the Minister's secretary she pondered different changes that needed to be made to the Ministry and opportunities that women seemed to lack due to the old school ways of the ministry. She filed a complaint against her boss hoping that something would actually be done for once but doubting anything would actually change.
Finally she was able to leave she headed down the streets of Boston to her decent sized apartment near Fenway Park. The beautiful apartment with a state of the art kitchen had been a gift from her parents when she graduated from Salem witches Institute at the top of her class. After eating a small meal she opened her favorite Mary Higgins Clark novel starting to unwind from the stressful day. She looked around the apartment sighing softly at the various pictures of her and Alex scattered around the apartment before turning her attention back to her novel. Athena marked her page before getting up. She started taking the pictures off the walls before shoving them in a box "I will get over that jerk. If he can't handle me working long hours that come with being a lawyer then he isn't worth my time. The fact that he cheated makes him lower than pond scum in my opinion and I'm better off without him." She smiled to herself before going back to reading quickly losing herself in the novel.
Eventually a yawn escaped her mouth as the sun finally set on Boston informing Athena that it was finally time for bed. It did not take long before she was passed out in her bed ready for the terrible day to end. Dreams of a better day floated around her head before it all went dark as she fell into a deep, restful sleep.