The first thing she heard was whispering, choked and desperate whispering.

"I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to call you stupid. Please don't go.." The voice faded in and out as [Name] began to gain consciousness.

A second voice came, "Raph don't worry.. She'll be ok, I promise." She recognized it as Donnie, and felt his slender fingers on her face as he pulled her eyelid up and shone a light in her eye, grinning as [Name] pulled back and gave a whine, rushing to cover her eyes. "See, she's getting up n-"

Raphael jumped up, shoving Donnie aside and crouching over his girlfriend hastily. "A-Are you alright?" He gasped, quickly wiping his eyes and staring at her in horror.

Donatello pulled him away gently, "Please Raph, don't overwhelm her!" He leaned in, frowning at her still weak state. "How do you feel?" He murmured gently.

[Name] looked up at Raphael, her lip quivering before she burst into tears. "I'm sorry!" She sobbed, burying her face in the blanket covering her as Donatello looked at Raphael with a look of bewilderment.

"Uh.. Should I go?" He stammered, pointing to the door nervously.

Raphael turned and glared, stray tears still streaming down his face as Donnie bolted from the room. He turned back to [Name], shakily lifting her into a sitting position and sitting down beside her. "Please don't be sorry baby.. I-It's all my fault." He choked, clutching her close to his plastron and stroking her hair gently.

"I-I should have listened to you.." [Name] muttered softly, clinging tight to him as she let her tears flow freely. "I understand if you don't want to teach me..."

He shook his head, "Of course I'll teach you…" He whispered, kissing her cheek softly.

She gave a weak smile and lifted her head, wiping his tears and placing her lips on his scar. "Raphael.." She murmured softly, hesitating with her words for a moment before continuing. "I love you."

Raphael stared, dumbfounded before kissing her passionately, every movement making her heart pound faster as he cupped her face in his three-fingered hands. The two remained locked for minutes, breaking only to gasp for air as he pulled her into his lap and tangled his fingers in her hair before finally pulling away slowly. "I love you too.."

Donatello knocked, cracking the door open to peek in, "Is it safe?"

Raphael laughed softly and shook his head, "Yeah, it's fine."

The tallest brother gave a smile and walked inside, stooping down to meet [Name]'s eye level. "Well, there's no serious damage but you do have a bit of a concussion, so avoid bright lights, etcetera."

[Name] nodded with a smile as she listened. "Thank you Donatello.." She murmured, hugging him tight.

He laughed and ruffled her hair, "You don't need to thank me, but you're welcome. You should get some rest though."

She nodded, blushing as Raphael rushed to help her, tucking her in and grinning softly. It was one of the few genuine loving smiles he gave. She leaned up, hugging his neck and kissing his cheek. "Thank you.." She cooed softly.

He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed, "Yeah yeah.. Just get to sleep, alright?" She nodded with a smile, pulling the blankets closer and shutting her eyes.

A few days had passed now, [Name] felt completely healed - she had for a while actually, Raphael just didn't feel safe letting her get up and move - and April was taking her out shopping to celebrate. Raphael sat on his bed, once again tangled up with [Name] in an embrace, his forehead resting against hers as she reassured him that she would be fine. Raphael had become more open about his feelings when the two started dating, and even more so since the accident.

"Don't talk to anyone who looks suspicious, got it?" He commanded again, staring into her wide, [color] eyes as she nodded in understanding for the twentieth time.

"Raph, it'll be ok.. I promise." [Name] murmured, kissing his scar gently and giving him a small smile. He sighed, the sincerity of her gaze lifting some of the fearful weight from his chest as he nodded.

"Yeah.. Yeah you're right." He whispered hoarsely, clutching her to his chest and kissing her forehead softly as his brothers cheered in the main room, signalling the arrival of April. The mutant released her from his grip and kissed her temple softly before heading into the other room with her.

He greeted April and the brothers waved them off as they left, Mikey still waving as he turned to look at Raphael. "You're really not gonna follow her?" He inquired, "That'd be pretty impressive."

The red ninja scoffed, "You're damn right I'm following them."

April smiled as the two walked out of another store, carrying bags full of clothes while they talked and continued down the street, unaware of the eyes watching them from the alley. But.. Raphael was on the rooftops as he watched the girls, unaware of the stranger in the alley. The ninja followed along silently, watching them go in and out and slowly start to make their way back to the lair. He heaved a sigh of relief and leaned back against a wall when he hopped down into a dark alley, thinking of the quickest way to get home as he heard a familiar giggle come from down the street. He quirked an eye ridge curiously, peeking out of the alley to see some man talking to April and [Name].

He was tall, with scraggly black hair and some rough stubble, he wore a tattered flannel and torn jeans as he smirked down at the two in a way that made Raphael's fists clench, especially since [Name] was smiling as he flirted with them. He stormed off, heading home quickly in a rage.

In reality, April and [Name] were just acting nice to just try and make him go away faster. April gave an uneasy smile as she grabbed [Name]'s arm gently. "We should really get going, we have to get back home."

He scoffed, placing a hand on the wall as he towered over the two and blocking the path before them. "Come on, it'll be ok. Just get a couple drink with me."

April squared her jaw and narrowed her eyes, still keeping her sweet smile as she began to move around him with [Name]. "No really, we need to leave." She spat, hurrying off before the man could reply.

The two returned to the lair quickly and were, as usual, happily greeted by the brothers, all except Raphael. [Name] frowned, heading off to his room and peeking inside shyly. "Raphael..?" She murmured gently, giving a sigh of relief at the sight of him on his bed. He turned his head, glancing at his significant other from the corner of his eye and giving a grunt. She frowned and walked forward, "What's wrong..?" She cooed, placing a hand on his shell gently and smiling at the small shudder he gave.

He remained silent for a while, at least a few minutes before deciding he didn't want to have a fight. "I saw you with that guy.." He muttered, his voice a low growl.

"So? You know I don't care about anyone but you.." [Name] frowned, knowing it would be best to not acknowledge that he had followed them.

"Do I?" Raph snarled, turning his head to face her and glaring harshly. "What choices do I have?" His voice grew louder as he demanded answers. "You have a whole species of options if we don't work out! What do I have?!"

She flinched back and frowned, "Raphael I swear I would never hurt you like that.." She whimpered softly, grabbing his hands gently and staring into his amber eyes.

He sighed, his breathing relaxing as he gripped her fragile hands in return and pulling her close as he muttered an apology.