Lantis took a deep breath after leaving the mail hall. It was only then that exhaustion from the day's events took over his body. He could feel his head pounding too, deepening his usual passive facial expression into a scowl. He then proceeded to walk towards his old room in the palace, looking forward to the comfort of his bed.

            His talk with the master mage added to the stress he had experienced that day. Explaining never was his forte, and the fact that he had to report everything, including what the new Mashins told him was too much for him. So when Clef asked him about his plans now that the ordeal was over, he chose not to answer---not that he would tell anyway. 

            Despite the fact that he was very much used to leaving his old world for long periods of time, he must admit, he always did miss Sefiro. It had always a place in his heart, wherever he might be. No wonder in his childhood days on his life as Kyle, he had always been seen playing in the woods near his family manor. He suddenly remembered Jean---'The poor man must be worried sick about me,' he thought to himself. The knew that the spell that the master mage had cast was irreversible…meaning that he will always have his other life in Earth, whether he had completed his duty or not.

            He shook his head, cursing silently at the headache he had been having. He opened the door to his room and went inside. He was tired, so he might as well sleep. But before he did, he decided to do something else first…


            Hikaru hurriedly went to the kitchen and found Satoru already finished cooking breakfast. "You are going to Sefiro today, aren't you?" he asked her.

            "Yes, I am…after school," Hikaru said, smiling.

"Will you go with Kyle-kun today?"

"No I will be meeting him in Sefiro…" Hikaru then frowned, realizing that Lantis would not be her classmate anymore since he had already returned to Sefiro.

            Satoru noticed the sudden change in his sister's mood. "Hikaru-chan? Is there something wrong?"

            "Uh…no! No! It's nothing…"

            "Don't worry Hikaru-chan, you are going to see him when you go to Sefiro later today. Besides, he can visit you here also if he wants to right?" Hikaru heard her brother say, as if he just read her mind. Hikaru nodded. Deep inside, she was still very disappointed. She always loved being with Lantis---loved it too much actually, that when he asked her if she could be his life-mate several months ago, she never had a second thought in saying 'yes'.

            "Ne, onii-sama…"

            "Yes Hikaru?"

            Hikaru took a deep breath before she continued. The thing that she was going to say isn't really easy, even if she thinks that her eldest brother would understand. She never did like keeping secrets from Satoru though. "The day I lost my memory…The last time I went to Sefiro that is…"


            "Lantis…he…He asked me if I can be his life-mate…"

            "You mean he asked you to marry him?"

            "Yes…in a way…something like that…"

            "And you said 'yes'?"

            "Uh…yeah…I mean, we agreed not to proceed with the actual ceremony until I'm old enough…I mean over here…because of course, in Sefiro you can just will your own age you know…but I mean…you know…when I'm finished with my studies…Of course, he have to meet Mom and Dad first…" Hikaru babbled on. "I mean of course now he can't meet them yet because they're on a trip and all…But anyway…it won't be until much later and…"

            "Hikaru…you have my blessings…"

            "…And if you want we can get married here and then in Sefiro also…Or if you want I can all bring you to…What did you say?"

            "I approve of him as a brother-in-law."


            "Yes…I mean, I must admit that I do think you are too young, but since he is willing to wait for a couple of years I wouldn't have to worry…I know that you have a bright future with him, whether you choose to live here or Sefiro. I suggest we don't tell your other brothers about it yet. They had just been getting used to the idea that you have a boyfriend actually."

"Thanks onii-sama." It wasn't long until she was again smothered by her other brothers. It was only when Satoru cleared his throat that Masaru and Kakeru finally let go of Hikaru and sat on their usual seats.


            Hikaru said goodbye to Satoru and then left for school. Her two brothers had already gone to the university earlier, which was the first. She usually was the first one to leave the house. She didn't run on her way there as usual, instead, she walked slowly. She wasn't really excited reaching school early---the truth is she didn't want to go to school at all…but of course, she never was the type to cut classes---and she wouldn't start to now. She figured she'd just have to wait later to see Lantis again.

            Soon she will visit Sefiro once more…she will also get to see Umi and Fuu again. Fuu had been busy preparing for the university entrance exams, while Umi now lives in America as an exchange student. They only get to see each other in Sefiro, where time isn't really significant, and since Hikaru's memory had been lost, she hadn't been able to will her friends to the other world.

            She took a deep breath before opening the door to their classroom. Deep inside, she was half-wishing that she'd see Lantis sitting on the seat behind her own. Her friends greeted her and she greeted them back with less enthusiasm as usual. "Ne, Hikaru-chan…class will be starting soon and Kyle-kun still isn't here…" Chiharu told her.

            "It isn't him to be late for class, right Hikaru-chan?"

            Hikaru simply nodded in response, refraining herself to tell her friends that they might not be seeing Kyle any longer. She remembered her private conversation with Lantis the night before.


            Hikaru followed Lantis after he went out of the door. "Lantis…wait!"


            "Anou…I was wondering…how were you able to come here? I mean, I'm the only one who can send you here right?"

            "Clef cast a spell that transfers my soul and whole being to be reborn here in Earth. In that way I can fulfill my duty with ease."

            "So now that your duty is done…there is no reason for you to stay here any longer, right?" Hikaru asked, wishing that Lantis would disagree with her statement.

            "You might say that…"

            "I see…" Hikaru said, very disappointed.

            "Don't be sad Hikaru, you sound as if we won't be seeing each other again…I have to leave now Hikaru…and you also have to sleep."

            "One more question…"


            "So what do you plan to do now?"

            "I plan to choose the life I want to keep and to stay to the place where I belong."

"And that is?"

"To the place where my duty lies as a protector, Hikaru…"


            'Where else that place would be but Sefiro?' Hikaru told herself.

            "Hikaru-chan! Hikaru-chan!" Keiko said, waving her hand in front of Hikaru's face.

            "Oh sorry…" she murmured.

            At last, Kobayashi-sensei entered the room. After the class did their usual greeting to their teacher, Lantis entered their room, handing a letter to their teacher. Hikaru seemed to have been frozen on her seat out of surprise.

            Kobayashi-sensei opened the letter, and then said, "If that's the case then McKnight-san, you may now take your seat."


            "Ready to go?" Lantis asked Hikaru as soon as the school bell rang. Hikaru nodded and then walked out of the room with Lantis, carrying her lunchbox. "You looked like you saw a ghost earlier, Hikaru-chan."

            "I thought you left Earth for good…"

            "I told you I'd see you today didn't I?"

            "But I thought you meant you'll see me when I go to Sefiro…"

            "Was that the reason why you looked so sad last night?"

            "Well it's not my fault that I misunderstood what you had said. You were so much in a hurry to leave…and when I asked you about your plans, you told me that you'll choose to stay to the place where your duty as a protector lies…So what do you expect?"

            "I'm sorry, Hikaru-chan…I admit I was too much in a hurry to explain my answer last night, but I needed to talk to Clef right away. I had been very rude to him as Kyle when he was constantly reminding him my duty in my dreams and I would want to at least make up for that."

            "…And you were late this morning, too…So I really thought that you won't be coming to school anymore…"

            "I actually went to school early, but I met the principal at the entrance and he asked me to go to his office. It turned out that he wanted me to represent our school in some contest…I turned him down and told him I already have many things to do…It took time to convince him though…"

            "So the letter you gave Kobayashi-sensei was from the principal?"

            "Yes…" They then reached their usual eating-place. After they stopped walking, Lantis then took Hikaru's hands. "Hikaru-chan, " he started to say, "I told you I would choose to live to a place where I belong---That place is by your side. And as for my duty to protect…As a Magic Swordsman, it is my duty to protect the Pillar, which is you…As Sefiro's guardian it is my duty to guard and protect the vessel of Sefiro's power, I share that obligation with you…And most importantly, my duty as your chosen life-mate, I am bound to the duty to protect the woman I love…and that is you. Do you understand now?"

            Touched by what Lantis said, Hikaru felt her eyes start to water. "Yes…yes I do understand."

            "My duty has not ended…nor will it ever end. And from now on, do not forget that whichever life you choose…whether you choose to stay in Sefiro later on…or stay here, or choose to live both lives as we do now…I will be with you…" Wiping the tears flowing on Hikaru's face with his hands, he continued, "Never again will we part from each other." He then wrapped his arms around Hikaru, trapping her into a warm embrace.

            "Never again…" he heard her whisper. 




AUTHOR'S NOTES: YEYYYYYY!!! This is the last chappie, folks! I hope ya liked me story!!! Anyway…until next fic! Arigatou, minna…