Sookie had been pacing back and forth in her hotel room for some time now. She couldn't sit still; not after what she had barely prevented Godric from doing. They had both left the rooftop; he in a swoosh and her trailing at human speed behind him. He wasn't in the hallway as she descended the stairs from the roof so she went back to her and Bill's room. She couldn't bring herself to lie down with her sleeping vampire either. He was dead to the world and oblivious to her internal dilemma over his nemesis' maker.

To say that she was worried was an understatement. What prevented Godric from walking back out there to the roof since she was gone and no longer festering in his ear. She hoped that Eric was with him but she remembered the scene on the rooftop and there was nothing that Eric could say or do to keep his maker alive. So how had she succeeded where the one thousand year old vampire hadn't? Did Godric like something she had said to him out there? Maybe it was her enticing smell; as she's been told that it's the most delicious scent many vampires have had grace their senses.

She stopped pacing instantly and stood there in the middle of her room with a decision made on impulse. She had to see him. She had to make sure that he was still alive and hadn't run back out after the coast was clear of her. She made her way out of her room not caring that she was only in an almost transparent nightie. The same nightie that Bill had purchased for her before this trip. She had heard through the grape vine that Godric preferred the opposite sex anyway. Her barely clad form would do nothing to arouse him she figured.

She found herself standing outside of Eric's door. She didn't know where Godric's room was. For some reason there was a request to have the meeting with Nan in her and Bill's room. She knew Eric's was just down the hall because of course he hadn't failed to inform her of his whereabouts during the day, had she found the need or want for him. She rolled her eyes remembering that Bill had been standing right next to her when Eric softly whispered that fact into her ear. She shook her head in shame as she remembered shivering at his words and growing hot in her belly as he chuckled in reaction. Still, even after all that Eric has put her through. She finds herself strangely attracted to him in ways she doesn't necessarily wish away. She raised her hand to knock on the door but as her knuckles landed on the door it swung open almost as if in response. There in naked form stood Eric, wet and grinning from ear to ear.

¨Sookie. You came.¨

¨Yesss..¨ She hesitated quickly glancing behind him into his room. There was no Godric but the bathroom door was slightly ajar and she could here the water running still. She wondered if that was Godric still in there or if Eric had left the shower in a hurry when he felt her presence outside his room. Her bet was on the latter even though she knew Godric was with him. Or Eric wouldn't be smiling. He probably wouldn't have even answered the door for her had his maker not survived the rooftop occurrence. ¨Were you expecting me or something.¨

¨More like hoping for you actually. My maker...¨

¨So he is still alive?!¨

¨Why do you act so surprised when you are the one who saved him?¨ Eric stared at her in confusion.

¨Well yes, of course I know that...its just that, well...¨ She shifted from one foot to the other and Eric stepped to the side gesturing for her to come in. Sometimes the telepaths odd antics he just couldn't get a grasp on understanding.

¨I thought that maybe he would have just wanted to get away from me so that he could die in peace.¨

Eric stared at her not feeling entirely comfortable with her choice of words but he held his tongue as she was the one to save his maker and he owed her a debt indefinitely. Coming from the bathroom however was a chuckle as the water turned off. So he was in there. Sookie smiled as the door opened wide and quickly whipped her head to the side as a naked Godric appeared in the doorway smiling almost identical to Eric's previous smile. She closed her eyes tightly and as if that wasn't enough, turned her back to him. There was another chuckle from Godric and in an instant and slight whoosh of wind she felt him behind her and his voice in her ear as he hovered over her from behind.

¨Hello Sookie. May I call you that?¨

¨Well yes it is my name after all.¨

¨Will you turn to face me?¨

¨After you have put on some clothes.¨

¨I have my lady.¨

Sookies belly dropped and she could feel the warmth growing inside of her. She hadn't had any of Godric's blood so she wondered why. She quickly put the growing sensations inside of her in the back of her mind and turned to face the Ancient boy. He smiled at her softly and Sookie wondered if he and Eric had just...

¨Forgive our indecency. Eric and I partook in leisurely pleasures after you brought me back to my senses and I returned to him still whole. For that I owe my life to you dearest Sookie. However I fear that you do not understand the power behind that statement.¨

¨I'm sure you will elaborate.¨

Sookie smartly shot back when she felt that to be an insult. Godric caught on and shook his head.

¨Not today. Tonight maybe. There is a lot to entail to you. I will need a night, maybe two with you. I want you to fully understand and contemplate my proposal to you.¨

¨I'm not sure if Bill will allow that. And what do you mean by proposal?¨ Sookie said a little apprehensively.

¨I am not worried about what Bill may or may not allow he is not a superior nor an equal to me. I will promise 'you' however that I will not touch you.¨

¨Unless you ask him to however.¨ Eric added to this as Godric moved to take a seat on the bed. Sookie didn't move a muscle as she ignored Eric and stared at the older vampire. Her frustration bubbling inside of her.

¨Eric leave us.¨ Godric turned to his progeny with a sharp look and waited till he obeyed and vacated the room. As the door slammed shut from the speed of Eric's angry departure he turned back to Sookie and sighed.

¨I apologize for him. I understand that he fooled you into drinking our blood. I apologize for this as well. Our blood is sacred and shouldn't be given so freely. Eric does this quite often you are not the only one. However I feel that you are the first to deserve the blood.¨

Sookie immediately softened up when she realized that Godric wasn't like Eric after all. Well, she was sure he was in some ways but he wasn't as sexually aggressive and persistent as Eric.

¨What do you mean by 'our blood'?¨ She asked.

¨I'm Eric's maker, you know this, but because I have never released him he and I are still bonded by blood. We share a connection much like the one you and he share albeit stronger.¨

¨Is that why I feel the same for you as I do for him?¨

¨Yes.¨ He replied stoically.

¨So...then does that bother you? You seem unhappy about it.¨

¨No... and yes.¨ He sighed again.

¨I don't understand.¨ Sookie was getting frustrated.

¨No it doesn't bother me that I can feel you as he does. You are a human worthy of that connection to me. However I don't approve of his methodology. I would never have tricked you into the connection you are now stuck with...for some time, I hope you understand this.¨

¨How long?¨

¨A few months maybe. The blood is of an ancient blood line.¨

¨How ancient?¨

¨Very ancient.¨ Godric smiled at the girls veracity. ¨Four thousand years to be exact.¨

¨Are there many vampires older than you?¨

Sookie went to take a seat right next to the vampire and he stiffened. This did not go unnoticed by Sookie but she smiled. Something about Godric looking like a boy made her feel safe and like he was harmless. Although her spirit was screaming otherwise. It could feel the power emanating off of this vampire next to her.

¨No.¨ The vampire answered quickly with a sharp intake of unnecessary breath. ¨Only a few.¨

¨Do I make you uncomfortable?¨

She asked softly, worried his answer would be for her to move away from him. She forgets all the time how touchy vampires are. He turned to her slowly and stared intently into her brown orbs.

¨Very much so.¨

Sookie stood up immediately and began to move but felt a hand grab her wrist quickly before her second step was finished.

¨May I feed from you?¨

Sookie returned to her seat and watched the vampire watching her.

¨Will you control yourself?¨

Godric smiled at the girl. She understood the way of vampires very well. But she underestimated the ancient vampires power and control of himself. A century ago this would have angered him. He may have done atrocious things to the girl to prove her wrong and the extent of his powerful dominion.

He leaned in with a whisper that caused Sookie's heart to race. ¨Do I scare you Sookie Stackhouse?¨

¨A know, the whole two thousand years and all.¨

Sookie felt that Godric was a little too close to her but she didn't move. She knew to keep her ground with vampires. They loved to toy with humans and since Godric was so old she was sure that is where most of his amusement came from. She also understood that it was highly admirable. Vampires loved a human that could show internal strength.

Godric replied with a laugh and moved back away from the vicinity of her neck and to his original position.

¨I would like to feed you but Bill...¨ She began but Godric quickly cut her off. It seemed to her like the mere mention of Bill's name infuriated him. In some ways he was like Eric.

¨Are you afraid of Bill as well?¨

Sookie was a little taken aback by the slight tag of annoyance in the Ancients voice.

¨No. Its just not right to him. Especially considering that blood elicits a sexual reaction from vampires.¨

Godric was amazed at the amount of understanding Sookie had for his kind. It was baffling. He knew this was not an evolutionary occurrence in humans since the great revelation; he has seen many humans since and they all seem to be the same lustful, power hungry, money greedy humans that inhabited the planet when he was first turned. So this human was special. And Bill did not deserve her. She should have been with a powerful vampire such as Eric or...himself. Did he really just suggest himself as a better companion for the beautiful girl before him whom he also knew to be a fairy?

¨You are so very loyal. Yet I fear for you that he is not worth your loyalty.¨

¨Why? You and Eric both. Tell me why I shouldn't trust Bill.¨

¨He works for the Queen of Louisiana and she has a taste for your particular type of blood.¨

¨My particular type.¨

¨Yes.¨ Godric hoped that she would just assume he meant her blood type and move on to another question. He didn't want to have to divulge anything to her. For fear that she would run and tell her Bill, who already knew. If she learned of her heritage than Bill would surely take her back to his Queen in a hurry.

¨And you think that he is scheming with this Queen? Wait you all have Queen's. Do you have King's?¨

She couldn't stay on topic. Partly because she didn't believe that Bill was scheming against her with another woman, let alone a Queen. He was her first love. Some how she felt her thoughts to be naïve. Like the truth had been staring her right in the face this whole time. There were things about Bill that screamed indifference to her.

¨I'm afraid there simply isn't enough time to indulge anymore information Sookie. And partly because I do not have it all. I am growing tired from the days noon arrival and I feel the bleeds coming along. We will have to talk further another time. I hope I do not upset you because of this.¨

He absentmindedly without thinking of her response or remembering that she belonged to another vampire, reached out and tucked a strand of Sookie's hair behind her ear. He loved the curls that framed her face. She looked angelic and wanted to touch more of her. The deviant inside of him wanted out. He was hungry. And as if reading his mind Sookie immediately shot out.

¨Well let me go ahead and feed you before I leave.¨

Godric smiled softly and shook his head slowly.

¨I do hunger but I fear I no longer have the energy to drop fang.¨

Sookie knew immediately how to do so and drew her hand back before swinging it down and across Godric's face within a second. He saw it coming but did nothing to prevent the hit. He knew it would work too. The sound of the smack nearly echoed off the walls of the room and in an instant not only had his fangs dropped but he had Sookie pinned to the bed on her back as he snarled near her neck. She maintained her composure and trusted that he had great control of himself. He did.

¨Sookie!¨ his voice was hoarse, shaky and barely above a whisper. He was worried he may take too much of her blood. He was so hungry. It had been months since he had last fed. She yelled out as he sunk his fangs in her soft flesh. She didn't mean to but the pain was sharp and sudden.

A wave of fear was sent to Bill through the bond she shared with him and in the next second Bill was on the other side of the bedroom door beating on it ferociously.

¨Eric! She is mine.¨

Sookie could hear him yelling from the other side of the door. He was faint though. So was the sound of the door as it was torn from its hinges. She heard a loud growl and the next moment Godric was off of her and she was sitting up dizzy and almost faint. Her eyes immediately fell on her boyfriends face and the immediate shock plastered all over it as he found himself standing in front of a snarling Godric who sat in a kneeling position on the fancy kitchenette counter that overlooked the entire room.

¨You dare!¨ Godric spat out.

Bill regained some of his composure when he realized that Godric had been weak from his hunger and was still gaining his strength. Sookies blood made him quite high every time he drank from her. This was why he chose to try and drink from her primarily in the early morning hours before he went to day rest. Godric's choice to move to higher ground away from Bill showed him that Godric was high and unable to focus on his surroundings at the moment. He was still no match for the Ancient, however he felt that he had a chance to walk away alive.

¨She is mine.¨ Bill did not include the term Sheriff at the end of his statement hoping that it would somehow indirectly remind Godric that he was no longer in that position of authority.

¨I know this.¨ Godric moved to the floor when he realized he must look like a savage; blood plastered all over his mouth with his fangs out from his defensive stance.

Bill turned to see Eric walking through the door casually as usual, his hands in his pockets as he glanced at each creature standing in the room and then down at the broken door on the floor. His gaze immediately went to Bill and then his maker, where it lingered for a moment before he turned around and exited the room again with a light chuckle and whisper. 'Oh Billy!'

Sookie found herself trying to refrain from smiling but failing. She knew she would be fighting with Bill later when his eyes landed on her after feeling her amusement. So did Godric's. Bill noticed this next and repeated his previous statement only to be cut off by the much older vampire who refused to take his eyes off of his previous meal. He wanted more of her.

Dearest Sookie, I enjoyed that immensely and I appreciate the opportunity to indulge in your blood.¨ Next he turned his gaze upon Bill. ¨I understand she is yours, however being older you should also understand I retain the right to taste her. I will compensate you well for the blood I took from your human of course.¨

He turned back to Sookie whose face was set ablaze. He immediately laughed when he realized what he had done. She was sensitive to belonging to Bill and Godric just caught on. This meant that she didn't truly belong to him after all. Otherwise she would have had no problem with Godric's financial offerings to her master. He could be a better master to Sookie. However something told him that she would never openly except such an arrangement. Therefore her and Bills companionship was flawed. She didn't understand all of the vampire ways as it turns out. Godric stepped to the side and gestured to the doorless entrance.

¨I bid you goodnight my lady.¨ Godric smiled at Sookie as she realized he was asking her to leave and hopped from the bed. She went to Bill who narrowed his gaze at her and they both exited rather quickly thanks to Bill's urgency. She felt his hand on the small of her back and Godric's gaze lingering on hers until she was no longer in sight. He walked to a chair and fell on it with an exhausted sigh and pondered over the girl. He realized she had definitely saved his life and wished for Sookie to understand; his eyes were set on her.