A elderly woman sat at a desk as I slowly approached. Her hair was pulled back in a bun to keep her graying hair from getting in her face, she had on a pair of thin wire reading glasses as she flipped through a book, a serene look upon her face as she read over the words. Hearing my footsteps and noticing my presence she looks up before smiling kindly as she put her book away.

"What can I do for you?" She questioned.

Slowly and awkwardly I set four books on the desk, and shuffle. I bush back a lock of brown hair, and adjust my glasses as I speak:

"I would like to check these books out." I say in a low and almost quiet tone, a small bit of nervousness creeping into my gut as well as anxiety.

Not paying any mind to my awkwardness the librarian smiles politely as she begins to check the books out, and asks for my library card and the approximate time I will return with the books. Silently I hand her my card and lowly answer her question, and once she was finished she handed me my books.

"Have a wonderful day Andreea." The elderly woman smiles.

I give a short nod.

"You too." I reply in a slight murmur

I will admit I am a rather awkward person, I don't like talking to others all too well and I always get slightly nervous when I am addressed I was polite, I always kept to myself and usually did not talk with others without reasoning.

I couldn't fully say I was shy because if I were being pestered I would have no qualms addressing the issue. If I were to be harassed I wouldn't just sit idle and let the person or people get away with it, without any problem I could stand up for myself or others if things became too severe.

Looking around I let out a small breath of air as the chilly November air nipped at me. Pulling my jacket closer to my body as well as clutching my books tighter, I quickly speed walk to my destination. Grabbing the handle of a door i pull it open with a jingle before quickly walking inside with a shiver. Instantly the smell of coffee assaults my nose, making me take in a deep breath before sighing.

Going to the front counter I order myself a coffee and a cinnamon roll before making my way to a table. Balancing my coffee and cinnamon roll on my books, I make my way to a far table in the corner of the coffee shop, before setting them down on the table. Organizing my books and treats, I have one of the books place and opened in front of me, the rest of the books stacked to the far right and my coffee and cinnamon roll on the left. Grabbing my beverage I take a slow sip as I let out a sigh. This was the most I did these days: Go to the library to get books to study and then head over to the coffee shop to do the actual studying. Nothing at all exciting and enjoyable but it had to be done.

I was a collage student studying Psychopathology, which was the study of mental disorders. It wasn't necessarily a path I was going to take for a career, it was actually out of interest I chose this subject. I had always wondered what would the thought pattern of different people with mental disorders was like as well as also having an interest in the thought pattern of average people.

I was always an observer, though out school I was always a rather quiet girl and I often found myself watching my peers interact with one another. Without even having to talk I could learn and observe the different behaviors of kids my age, what they liked, disliked, etc. Due to my quiet nature I never I very many friends, plus I had never really made any effort to make any. I was the girl people generally didn't talk to or about, since I was quiet, kids my age never really messed with me or bullied me, I was generally left alone. I didn't mind being left alone, I rather preferred it, it allowed me to get things done quicker without hassle.

I let out a low hum as my eyes scanned over the words of the book as I took slow sips of my beverage, every so often taking a bite of my cinnamon roll. An hour passed and my coffee was empty, my cinnamon roll gone and in my stomach, and the book I read half way finished. Looking at the time I stand to my feet and gather up my stuff and leave the shop.

Stepping foot outside once more I shiver and hug my books tighter as I begin my walk back towards my house. As I walked, I listened to the sounds around me and watched the area with curiosity. People were shouting and hollering loudly as they all began to gather in a certain area. It was rather active today, which was strange considering my small town was known for its peace and quiet. I thought nothing of the matter as I approach a small brick home on the edge of town, grabbing my keys from my pocket I unlock the door to my house and walk inside. Instantly silence greets me as well as darkness. Walking over to a coffee table I set my books down on it and discard my jacket off to the side as I plopped down on my couch with a grunt. Looking around my living room I smile lightly at the different pictures littering the walls. Some of a smiling couple with an infant, some of myself when I was younger, then joining the family pictures were posters of my many different interests.

As I sat on my couch I flip on the TV and put it on a random show and watch it with little interest, I spent about 20 minutes just sitting there before I sigh extremely loudly.

"This is so boring." I mutter standing to my feet.

I was completely alone in this house, no family members or pets. I do plan to get a pet, like a cat or something, but that would be later on when I know I can be home often enough to give it attention and feed it.

I stood up from the couch and was about to walk to the kitchen when a loud boom was heard and felt. Everything trembled, photos being knocked off the walls, dishware clattering from within the kitchen from the sheer force of whatever it was that made that boom. I yelped loudly as I tripped on my own two feet and feel to the ground with a pained grunt.

"Jesus Christ!" I wheeze, having landed on my rear which had knocked the air out of me.

Looking around I stood to my feet quickly before running to my front door as I opened it to look out the door. I could faintly hear the sound of metal on metal as well as loud bangs, almost like guns. My eyebrows furrow as I walk out and towards the end of my yard to get a better look around only to gasp in surprise I what I seen.


Sunstreaker was one unhappy mech. He was stuck in a small community of humans till the Autobots could get to him since he had only just landed on this flesh bag filled planet. Before landing on the planet he had managed to get access to all of the things he needed to know, such as the languages and customs of the flesh bags. During that time he had managed to find an alternate form that suited his style: A Lamborghini Aventador in of course the color yellow.

The only problem with choosing such a flashy alt-mode was the flesh bags drooled over his form as he TRIED to remain hidden from humans. So everywhere he tried to park the annoying flesh bags would crowd him and take what was called photos of his form, which of course boosted his already big ego, but after awhile it got old.

And at the top of his list that made him the most fragged off was that the fall to Earth must have busted up his navigational system because he was getting no response from Optimus or any of the other Autobots. What made it worse was that he couldn't reach his twin, at all. Pit he couldn't even feel him, and that worried him and pissed him off.

What had that imbecile gotten into? Probably got his aft handed to him in some way or another, too weak and vulnerable since he wasn't with him. His engine revved aggressively as rage went through his systems.

Fragger had to be an idiot and get separated from him. As soon as they reunited he was going to beat that fragger to scrap before patching him up to do it again. Knowing Sideswipe he would probably just laugh and mock him to get him even more pissed off. His spark thrummed painfully in its casing. He needed his twin by his side again, Sides was all he had, and like pit he was going to lose him.

A noise caught his attention and he turned his sensors towards the source. Several black vehicles drove straight towards him, he drove forward, not liking the idea of being hit only to snarl in pain as pain exploded through his sensors from his side. He was hit and by a flesh bag!

He revved his engine in rage as he took off further away from the town before he transformed as the humans chased after him. They shot at him more and each time he was hit felt like he was being shot by a decepticon.

Their weapons were stronger than he had expected. He snarled as he shifted his servos into blades before lunging forwards and quickly driving them through the middle of the vehicle known as an SUV. More shots were aimed at him before one managed to knock him back on his aft. Rage surged through him

How dare those disgusting meat bags attack HIM!

He shifted his blades to cannons and shot at the humans, causing explosions which resulted in the substance known as asphalt to go flying through the air and dirty his paint even more.

He could care less about the humans, disgusting creators is what they were. Optimus may have said something about him killing the humans specially since he had his whole don't kill with out reasoning thing going, but he was not here, therefore he could do as he pleased. So if the flash bags attacked him, he would attack back.

With keen audio receptors he heard the whirring of a cannon before he quickly rolled out of the way of a shot directed at him. He snarled before his optics landed upon a black mech as he growled in his native language.


Sunstreaker has heard of many different mechs throughout the war, and Lockdown was one of them. It wasn't great amount he had heard about him, all that he knew was what he looked like and that he had a thing for hunting bots and cons alike and really good at doing it as well.

Warning alerts flashed across his optics, and he looked over his body before growling lowly as he viscously crushed the warning. His left leg strut was messed up, his side was leaking a large amount of energon, and his chest plates were dented only slightly. A dull pain shot up and down his backstrut as he stared at the approaching mech as said mech began to shift his arm to a weapon.

Sunstreaker would lose this battle, he knew that much. He was never one for backing down but he had better things to do then fight with the bounty hunter Lockdown. Maybe when he was reunited with his twin, then he could really have fun ripping the spark from the mech's chassis. He was about to transform and get out of the area as fast as he could only for pain to shoot up his backstrut only this time it was stronger.

Warning alerts flashed across his optics once more as he crashed into a human dwelling, a noise catching his attention, resulting in him looking down.


My breath caught in my throat, everything seemed to be happening so fast. The giant yellow-gold Transformer taking out several SUVs and then getting shot and thrown back against my house. The situation was way to dire for me to worry about my house as I fell back on my rear with a yelp, my eyes wide and filled his surprise.

This seemed to catch the attention and it turned its head towards me, brilliant electric blue eyes met dark blue/gray, and everything in me freezed up. I was eye to optic with a Transformer, my mind couldn't fully comprehend this, because all I did was gape. I looked over before my eyes widened even more at seeing the other Transformer.

I had heard of the Transformers, the war between Autobot and Decepticons that destroyed Chicago. Good vs bad, and I looked between the two, trying to figure out which ones were on our side, or at least I hoped. I scrambled back as the black transformer shot at the yellow one as he tried to get up, I watched in horror as the transformer slammed back against the ground with a snarl of pain, then I saw it.

The Autobot symbol.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as the transformer of an unknown side pointed his large gun at the Autobot. Fear for the Autobot grew in me.

I couldn't let him die!

I jumped to my feet and began to flail around while screaming loudly to catch the transformers attention before I grabbed a bit of rock and threw it as hard as I could at it. This made the transformer look over at me, and that's all it took for the autobot to tackle him to the ground. I heard grunts and the sound of metal clanging against metal, watching as the Autobot delivered a blow to his foe's face before being kicked off and back towards my direction. I let out a shriek as I narrowly avoided getting squished.

Dirt got into my eyes making them burn, and I quickly rubbed them as adrenaline pumped through my veins. My heart was beating at a fast rate, my stomach churned with something similar to butterflies form my adrenaline. Fear and anxiety crept up as the autobot remained laying on the ground, not even thinking I quickly ran up and climbed up on his chest before going towards his head.

His eyes were flickering slightly and I tapped the bots head fin, making him jolt before his eyes brighten. His eyes looked to me and something like disgust formed in his eyes before they darted to the transformer that stalked towards him.

"All of you Autobots and Decepticons make a mess, leaving me to clean up as usual." He sneered in a deep voice.

"I've managed to get rid of the medic, all I need is the Prime." He growled.

The Autbot snarled something I couldn't understand before suddenly he roughly grabbed me and put me in a lower spot on his chest before the sound of clicking and grinding met my ears. I let out a gasp as parts began to form around me, unconnecting before reconnecting before I found myself slammed back into a leather seat. Before I could move or even react a seat belt snaked over me before clicking in place, restraining me tightly as a voice that could only be described as H-O-T snarled at me.

"Don't move flesh-bag!"

This story may or may not be slow on updates. While I do have muse for it, I have school and that take a lot of free time sadly. I do plan on the chapters being long as this and longer, so even if I do take a while on updates each update will be as long as I can make them.

Please tell me what you think of this story.

Have a wonderful day/night!

See you later!