
Chapter 10:

Salty lips crash together. Sweaty bodies slide against each other in a slow rhythm. Fingers tangled in black strands of hair; he tugs just hard enough. Blue eyes roll back as pointy teeth trail down his pale smooth neck. He was throbbing for release, but Rin wouldn't let him off that easily. Please he moaned into the salty strands of red hair. He felt a smirk against his neck as quick fingers tugged away at his pants. Haru's entire body contorted to reach closer to Rin, his heart pumping so hard that Rin could hear it. Fingertips teased at his hips, a soft cry for release.

Rin, please he cried again, this time louder as he tossed his head against the sand. The waves crashed at his toes. He dug his toes and fingers into the sand to grasp for something, anything. He felt fingers ghost along his smooth thighs. A kiss following behind cold fingers.

Blue eyes glanced down to see his sharp smirk just lingering above his desperate erection. Blue and maroon eyes locked for a moment, he felt his hot breath ghost his erection. Haru wanted to explode. Through one cracked eye he saw a soft tongue slip out from between sharp teeth and make its way slowly to the base of his -

Haru gasped and jolted straight up into a sitting position. His heart was racing and he struggled to catch his breath. He looked nervously to his side, relieved to see the messy head of hair still nestled against his pillow sleeping soundly. Haru flopped back onto his pillow with a sigh, for weeks now he had been having similar dreams. Dreams that left him with...well.

He ghosted his hand under the comforter just at his lower belly to feel his hot pulsing erection; just as desperate as it was in his dream. He swallowed the lump in his throat and reached a leg over the side of the bed to grasp the floor with his toes. Haru slowly gathered both feet on the hardwood and tiptoed himself to the bathroom, careful not to disturb Rin.

Just as Haru cracked the door closed, Rin rolled around to give the bathroom door an annoyed stare. He wished he could just break through that door and take Haru then and there. Little did Haru know that Rin was left to deal with his own, ehem, problem.


Rin felt the bed bounce as the sleeping body next to him tossed. He was still groggy and half asleep when he heard the quiet whimper from the sleeping man next to him. Maroon eyes cracked open and Rin rolled over to be closer to the pile of pillows and blankets beside him.

He pressed his body weight onto one arm to prop himself up, blue eyes were still sealed shut, but thin black eyebrows furrowed. His cheeks were flushed and lips parted. His breathing was getting heavier. Rin bit down on his lip with pointy teeth as his own body began to get aroused.

Again? Rin thought, slightly frustrated that he had to watch this beautiful body so aroused and flustered without being able to do anything. A small moan escaped parted lips and Rin felt his blood rush right up to his cheeks.

"Please," Haru begged as clear as day, Rin's erection throbbed. He wrapped a hand firmly around himself. Haru's small body tossed slightly in the bed, more whimpers escaping his soft lips. "Rin, Please" Rin shoved his knuckles in his mouth to prevent himself from making any sounds and waking up Haru.

Why do you have to beg me like that? He thought, mildly annoyed at how irresistible Haru was at this moment. He gave a rough squeeze to himself and thrust against his hand. Oh god what I would give to feel his body right now. Rin laid back down and closed his eyes; memories of that night flooded his mind. He remembered exactly how good it felt to be pressed against that soft skin, he remembered all of the desperate sounds that poured out of his delicious mouth. He remembered how it tasted to have his pulsing -

Haru gasped loudly. Rin sunk into the sheets and stiffened up like a rock. Rin tightened his jaw and held his breath as much as possible, hand still shoved down his pants, but decently obscured by blankets.

When he felt Haru step out of the bed he knew he had not been caught, but secretly he wished he had been. All Rin wanted for these past weeks was to take Haru in his arms again and claim him as his own; to please him and be pleased by him. On mornings like this Rin just wanted to toss Haru's small body around and fuck him right then, grab his pillowy ass and just pound him into the mattress. Rin's hand was jerking furiously at his cock, he just wanted to take Haru again so badly. Or even better to have Haru ride him, he wanted to be fucked with the same desperation that was in those subconscious cries. They still rang in his ears. Rin, please, Rin knew what he was begging for. He wanted to give him that release, he wanted to give Haru his release. He wanted to feel his own release deep inside of his hot, tight ass while that gorgeous body fucked him senseless. Rin grit his teeth as he felt himself come in his hand. Not where he wanted to come, but somehow he always managed to find himself coming there. He felt his underwear get damp as he wiped his hand off.

Sleepy maroon eyes still managed to glance daggers towards the bathroom door, as if it were the bathrooms fault that Haru wasn't here riding him. Haru still hadn't gained back his memories and Rin didn't want to force Haru into going any further than makeout sessions and some occasional heavy petting when Haru got too feisty. As much as it killed Rin, he always had to back off. But fuck did Haru make it hard for him by waking him up day and day again with his sexy fucking moans and whimpers. Worse yet, Rin had to sit here and pretend like he didn't know what was going on while Haru is in the bathroom getting off on imagining that he was fucking Rin!

Rin scowled and flopped over in the bed, his back facing the bathroom door. He didn't know how much more he could take before he caved.


Haru's back slipped against the cold porcelain as the warm water rushed down his body. His blue eyes squeezed shut as he slid his hand quickly around his erection. He imagined the feeling of sharp teeth grazing his neck, hot breath in his ear. He imagined that his hand was Rin's hand grasping him, desperately trying to reach release.

Haru remembered how amazing it felt when he had straddled Rin's hips during makeout sessions. When he had already grown hard himself and managed to grind his hips down into Rin's, pleased to feel a hard mass there as well.

He remembered how when his guard was down, he heard a deep feral growl escape Rin's throat, a growl that made Haru's whole body tingle. Haru's head rolled back against cold shower tiles, his cock leaking with pre-cum. He wanted Rin to come into the bathroom and force his whole body up against the tile, he wanted to feel Rin's hands on his skin, his lips against his own. He wanted to feel his tongue caress every inch.

Haru gasped as he felt his body jerk, his cum dripping from the tip of his slowly throbbing erection. His body relaxed against the cold porcelain as the water washed everything down the drain, his breathing slowed to a normal rate.

Each time Haru had those dreams they became more and more vivid. Each one felt more real than the last. They made it harder for Haru to stop himself when Rin let him kiss him or touch him a little. But every time Haru felt Rin's firm muscles against his body, or felt his sharp teeth brush his skin it was like a part of him snapped inside and he just couldn't stop.

The water from the shower began to run cold, Haru twisted the knob of the shower to off and quickly brushed his teeth in the sink. He wrapped himself in a warm towel and made his way back to the bedroom where he found a now-emerged Rin who was half dressed.

His heart fluttered a little when he saw the thin trail of red hair running down Rin's lower stomach, disappearing into his pants. Haru wanted to caress it so badly.

Rin flashed Haru a smile as if he had not just been tortured. "Good morning Haru, how did you sleep?" Rin already knew the answer.

Haru smiled sheepishly and ruffled his hair with a towel.
"I slept fine, I'm sorry if I woke you when I got up."

Haru turned to face the dresser and dropped the towel around his waist. Rin's jaw dropped and he felt his mouth run dry when he saw Haru's perfectly toned ass bare and directly within reach in front of him. This was bold, even for him. But Haru acted as if he had done nothing new, taking his precious time digging through clothes before deciding what to wear. Rin was frozen in place the whole time.

Blue eyes glanced back over his shoulder, black strands dangled down in front of his face.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" What a tease...

"Ahh, n-no. I slept fine." Rin rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He didn't want Haru to catch on that he had just masturbated as well.

A meek smile flashed back at him, perky cheeks still in plain view.

"I'm glad." Rin was still frozen in place, it was like he had forgotten how to move his body. Just as Haru stepped into a pair of shorts, "What are we doing today?"

Rin glanced away so that he could focus.

"Well uh, we could go for a few laps at the ocean. I haven't been training the way that I should be. Maybe we could try a few new spots to see if they jog your memory…"

Haru glanced down at the floor as he slipped his white t-shirt over his head. His memory… Rin was always trying to help him figure out some way to restore his memory. Haru was getting frustrated at this point. What if he never regained his memory?

Rin noticed that Haru got quiet. "Maybe before we go anywhere I could cook you up some mackerel?" Haru's blue eyes sparkled with excitement.

At least he was easy to please.


Haru was sitting downstairs in the kitchen, happily eating his mackerel when he heard Gou loudly burst through the door. Rin had taken a trip down the street to pick up some more fish,

"Haru could eat enough fish to feed a whole aquarium" Rin would tell Haru. Haru didn't understand how much fish an aquarium would eat, but he didn't care as long as he got mackerel.

Gou was talking loudly to someone as they walked in the door, Haru peeked through the doorway and saw a tall figure by the front door.

"I've just gotta change into my uniform, I'll be right back!" Gou darted down the hallway into her room and slammed the door. Haru heard footsteps as the person approached the kitchen.

"Rin, where have you been hiding lately? You've missed all -" the deep voice stopped as he met blue eyes. "Oh." Haru stared wide-eyed at the tall stranger standing in front of him. He was wearing a store uniform and had a backpack over his shoulder, he had a light jacket that looked similar to one that Rin always wore.

"Where's Rin?" The man asked. Haru swallowed the bite of mackerel he had been chewing on.

"He went to the store." The room was eerily quiet. Haru had a strange chill come over him, it felt almost like it does before a storm blows in.

The man had sunken into a deep frown after the surprise of seeing Haru wore off.

The atmosphere had completely changed, no longer was Haru happily enjoying his breakfast in the safety of his kitchen. This stranger had a darkness about him that Haru had not experienced before.

"Gou told me about you." He stated rather than asked. He stepped closer into the kitchen, palms pressed against the kitchen table.

"You're the reason Rin has been missing all of his practices and training sessions." Haru leaned back in his chair to gain some space, the man towered over him.

Haru could smell the harsh chemicals of chlorine coming from the man, he was wearing a peppery cologne. Rin had smelled like this before when coming back from swimming. Haru didn't enjoy swimming in pools as much as the ocean, the chemicals made his skin feel dry and they smelled weird. This man must have come from a pool recently.

"What are you talking about?" Haru could sense the man's anger towards him, even though he never even met this guy. Or did he? He wasn't sure. The man pushed closer, Haru backed out of his chair to get away, he didn't know what this man was so angry at him for.

"You're holding him back. You have no idea what is good for him." Good for him? Holding him back? As far as Haru knew he wasn't holding him anywhere from anything. Haru felt his back bump against the refrigerator. The large man grabbed a fistful of Haru's shirt and pressed him hard against the fridge, Haru felt a painful pressure against his collarbone. His hands began to tremble, he had no idea what to do. The man just stared deep into his eyes with so much anger.

Gou's voice rang down the hallway. "Sou-chan, I'm ready!"

The man leaned in once more, blue eyes narrowed and face set in a deep scowl.

"Don't you ever get in Rin's way again. Or I'll be back." And with that he dropped Haru's shirt and left out the front door, Gou trailing shortly behind.

Haru was shaken, he had never experienced anyone so full of anger before. He felt uneasy from the whole encounter. Slowly he sunk down to the floor and curled his knees to his chest. The mackerel was left on the table half eaten and cold.


I'm back bitches,

xo Chayin