I think, I'm out of my mind for writing a SciFi fiction, but here it is. XD I don't know how fast I will update this, but I guess I will once in a while, when some new idea won't leave me alone. xD I hope you enjoy. Reviews are always welcomed. ;)

Language: English is not my first language.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke or any of its characters.

Chapter 1

Year 2159

After long and hard negotiations, the President of the earth decided to open the gates for extraterrestrial travelers. It is decided that this was meant only as a resting post for aliens who needed to wait to continue their flight. No extraterrestrial species were allowed to settle on earth. The security was set to the highest level. Special agents were in use and each jump gate was guarded with the greatest attention.

Five years later …

Aomine Daiki chased over the roof top and skidded around the corner of a small staircase building, somewhere in the suburban area of Light Tokyo. He fell back against the wall and pressed a hand to his side, where blood gushed through his fingers and fell in huge droplets to the hot floor. Heaving heavily, he leaned forward, one eye closed and wiped the sweat away from his brow. After a quick look on his wristband navigator and some more frantically hammering with his finger on the surface, to only get a static noise, he gave up. Cut off from communication and without, soon to arrive help in sight, he only saw one way out. He could already hear the horrible scratching of sharp pliers on metal and the sudden screeching sound when it was bent against its will, let him look up and peer back around the corner. They had almost broken through the heavy metal door, who was the only thing that separated him from his definitive death.

Rounding the other corner of the staircase building, he took a few steps back and measured the distance he had to the roof top rim, with his midnight-blue eyes. He didn't have enough run-up and the space he had to bridge, was far too wide but there was no other solution. Inhaling deeply, he set his eyes on the building he was determined to reach, got in position and agglomerated als his strength. The next building was roughly ten meters away. He had to make it, there was no second chance. With a loud bang in the background, he pushed off and sprinted across the roof. The edge came closer and closer and with a last wish on his lips, he jumped and sailed through the bottomless air …

Three month earlier ...

Bored out of his mind with his daily job as a local police officer, Aomine hadn't decline when he was approached by a special unit scout. Humanity had seriously underestimated the skills of some extraterrestrials, who, of course, managed to bypass the barriers and got into hiding on earth. Some of them even had a regulated life, by hiding their true identities. But faced with the sheer mass of the now settled aliens, the President had established a special force to distribute the foreign population, since not all of them were peaceful. Men and women first volunteered to serve in the service of their home planet and removed unwelcome visitors, even by force if needed. But now after five years of endless battles, humanity had somehow given up. There were lesser and lesser volunteers and the masses of extraterrestrials hardly to restrain. The training was tough and the job dangerous, which was also a reason that no one wanted to do it anymore.

Every unit was meant to work in groups, which was not really Aomine's thing, since he was a loner to begin with. But he seeked the thrill and thus, could overlook such a small detail.

He went to the three-monthly, sweat and blood driving training. Increased his natural abilities to the highest level, to be faster than anyone else. He even managed to cope a bit with his teammates, what actually wasn't so bad.

There is Kuroko Tetsuya; a small guy, who can hide his presence almost as if he is invisible. He is also the heart of the team and keeps the various quick-tempered characters in check. Then there is Akashi Seijuurou, who always seems to look one step ahead and is the undisputed Captain of the team. Kise Ryouta, ability copycat. He can so perfectly impersonate other people, that one almost notice no difference. Midorima Shintarou; his tsundere-nature drives everyone around him into madness but Aomine has never met anyone who is so unerringly in dealing with a weapon. Always at Midorima's side is Takao Kazunari; the young man can see things which happen three blocks away, what goes along very well with the greenette's sniper skills. And last but not least, Murasakibara Atsushi and Tatsuya Himuro. Aomine sometimes wonders that the big man with the purple hair hasn't since long crushed him like a fly. His physical strength is enormous and Aomine actually owns it only to Himuro's fluent movements that he is not glued, flat as a pancake, to the next house wall. The last one in the team is Momoi Satsuki. She sits in headquarters and guides them through their different jobs with her foreseeing skills. She can almost to 100% predict their targets next move, which comes in handy in tricky situations.

But even if her predictions are usually 100 % correct, today she achieved her first error rate. Completely false information, had him and his team approximately not led into a soda noodle shop to convince the resident extraterrestrials to clear out peacefully, as it was originally planned, no. They had stirred up a hornet's nest of Raznaf. One of the most feared alien races known. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Just as Kise had torn open the door, Akashi muttered that something seemed wrong but it was already too late. Moving in, the team exchanged stunned glances with the present Raznaf and once the surprising moment was over, hell broke loose. Raznaf always occur in swarms. The sheer mass of those insect-like beings is their deadliest threat. In less than ten minutes, the team was scattered in all directions. In the predominance of over two hundred deadly clicking pliers, they couldn't stand firm, not with the best sake. Normally, such nests were treated with poison bombs and careful preparatory work, because this breed was never removed without a fight. And therefore, it wasn't over yet. Raznaf were unfortunately also known to hunt a threat until it was death.

Which lead to his current situation.

The flight through the air seemed endless. His heartbeat was thundering in his ears but his eyes were fixed on the goal. It was almost in reach. He moved his arms forward to get a grip at the edge, but gravity had other plans with him. Pulling him down, his eyes wide, frozen in terror, he crashed, hands first, into a window right underneath the roof. Only his quick reflexes let him roll over a table, which was standing behind the glass, and prevented more serious injuries to his face by the shards. But the fall had still caught him bad. He had bumped fiercely into something and felt that one of his knees was dislocated. Therefore, a further escape was impossible. He would die on his very first mission and there was nothing he could do about it, except taking as many with him as he could, in his death throes.

He rolled onto his back to await his death sentence, as his hand touched something which had toppled earlier, with other things, from the table as he had fallen through almost half of the room. A universal remote control. It was possible to use it for almost everything and his eyes zeroed in to one button he was searching for. Closing the blinds. Maybe it would give him some time to still get out of here. He pressed the button and waited.

"Shield activated." A mechanical woman's voice informed him and let his head snap perplexed back to the window. Shortly before the blinds completely closed, he saw a flicker in the air. A hexagonal grid building an invisible shield right outside the window. "What the …", he murmured baffled and twitched heftig when the lights above his head turned on.

He peered through slitted eyes, not yet accustomed to the sudden brightness. Beside the chaos he had left, he found himself in a meticulous tidy living-dining area, decoration held in comforting beige and brown shades. What had first seemed to only be a run down building without inhabitants, turned surprisingly out to be a high-end-condo. There was a fireplace with a white, fluffy looking carpet laying on the floor, a tad beside hung a huge flat screen TV on the wall, with cream colored sitting furniture grouped in front and a small maroon coffee table in-between. Behind the couch was an also maroon colored dining table, with four linen-related chairs around it. Two of them were currently shattered on the ground, destroyed by his fall. His eyes roamed further through the large room to a, in dark-metallic held, kitchen. The working surfaces were colored in the same reddish-brown color as the tables and glared spotless back at him. The only mess in the room was caused by him, but guilty feelings weren't his nature. But really, here had to live a wealthy, cleaning freak. Not even a speck of dust was found on the ground, as far as he could judge that through the shards and scattered documents. If he thought of his own apartment … But that aside. He still wasn't found by the Raznaf, which meant the guy who lived here had installed a top notch security system. How fitting for Aomine's situation, it also seemed to have a defense system. Raznaf were good at tracking scents and if he considered that and that he was still alive, it meant there had to be something what held those creatures back from invading this place.

He silently thanked the unknown person who lived here -the furniture looked like a man's taste- and slowly sat up. His hands moved through a puddle of blood on the floor, which still oozed from the wound on his side and his arms, who got cut earlier. But a sharp pain, which rocketed from his dislocated knee through his body, let him forget about it for a moment. He grunted in pain, violent red danced behind his closed eyelids and his breath came in broken hitches. After a short time of getting his composure back, he decided that relocating his knee came first. Robbing over the ground, leaving a trail of blood on the clean wooden floor, he got to one of the armchairs and maneuvered his foot, with some exertion, underneath it. He bit his teeth, held one hand to his knee and closed his eyes. This would hurt like hell but he was determined to go through with it. He inhaled sharply and jerked his body into the opposite direction of his injury. His world did a whole one hundred eighty turnabout on him as a terrible pain shoot through his leg as the bones of his knee snapped back in place. He cursed in every swear word he knew and plummeted back to his back. Breathing heavily, he blinked a few times at the ceiling to get the black interspersed with light flashes from his eyes and waited for the pain to fade away.

It didn't take long. His body was it trained to endure immense pain. But not immense blood loss. He tortured his body onto his feet and limped to the kitchen counter in search for a cloths to cover his wounds. Once he had the found towel shredded to long pieces, he tapped the water faucet on and stripped his torn black jacket and shirt away, to get a better look at his side. "Urg. Fuck! They got me good." He cleaned the blood from his pulsing flesh and managed to make a compress bandage, before he cleaned out the glass shreds from the cuts on his arm. Afterwards the sink looked as if something had been slaughtered in it but Aomine didn't give a fuck, more concerned about what he could do now. He needed to contact Akashi but as he had previously noticed, his radio device was destroyed beyond recognition. This left only to dial the number of headquarters to get help from Momoi. It was anyway the only number he could remember. "So, where has this guy his phone?"

His eyes roamed over the shattered objects on the ground and found nothing. He inspected the kitchen and the small coffee table but again nothing. Finally he caught sight of a device hanging from the wall between the TV and the fireplace and with slow movements, to avoid unnecessary stress on his leg, he tried to reach it. But unfortunately his luck was used up for now. Even before he could lay a finger on the phone, he was out cold on the white carpet, the sheets of unconsciousness tightly draped over his mind.

"Have you found Daiki?", Akashi asked and swept blood from his face. They had barely escaped at the last minute and now a cleansing team was in the building. No one had heard or seen Aomine since the attack and even the GPS transmitter, which all of the special forces contributed under their skin, gave no signal. "Maybe they got him.", Kise murmured with a serious voice and got instantly punched in the head by a small fist. It still hurt and the blonde pulled around to whine at his light-blue-haired teammate but was interrupted by Kuroko. "Don't jinx him, Kise-kun. It is possible that his transmitter has a defect. I'm sure we will hear from him soon." The small man had the slightest injuries of them all which he only owned to his ability to get invisible. But even so, his scent had still lingered and irritated by smelling but not seeing him, one of the Raznaf had flung his pliers wildly around and struck him accidentally. But that was all of it. Kise and Murasakibara had gotten it much worse and were currently tended to by Midorima and other healers, while Takao flocked over the greenette's own wounds. "Takao this will heal in no time. Make yourself useful and get us something to eat. But nothing from Momoi or we will all end up in the hospital." Takao smirked mirthful, "Understood." and spun on his heals. Meanwhile, the two other physicians had a problem to hold the grumps, which were falling from Murasakibara's mouth, away from his wounds. "Atsushi, I think it is better you wait until they are done. You only hinder their work." Himuro already had his treatment and tried to convince the purple-haired giant with his words. "Eeeh~ but I'm starving, Muro-chin." He munched on and peered over to Akashi who currently was on the phone with their superior and negotiated the possibility of a search party for his missing teammate. "Do you think Mine-chin tasted yummy?" At this moment, Akashi finished his call and glared at the purplenette. "Atsushi for you applies the same as for Ryouta. As long as his body isn't found, you're not allowed to jinx him. It does indeed need more than luck to escape from these critters but he wasn't included for nothing into our unite. Give him some credit." Murasakibara rolled his eyes, "Haaaai~"

A tasty, mind numbing smell suddenly drifted through the air and the purplenette's stomach wasn't the only one who rumbled loudly. Takao was back with the food and some soft drinks. He distributed them to the eagerly outstretched hands and sat down beside Midorima to munch at his own sharing. "Puhja~ this yakisoba bread tastes delicious. Where did you get it?" Asking with a full mouth, Kise shoved the rest of his meal in and licked the remaining sauce with relish from his fingers. "A block away is one of the best restaurants far and wide. I go there sometimes when I'm out in the region." Midorima lifted disapproving one of his lean green eyebrows. "And what exactly is it, you do in this run-down area?" He hadn't heard of this before and it got very much against his pride to not know something about his partner, even if he wouldn't admit it. "Awww~ Shin-chan, feeling jealous?" Takao nudged him at his elbow and smirked knowing. "As if!" Midorima snorted, averting his eyes while he pushed the rim of his glasses back on his nose. Takao, quite the puck he was, leaned in and whispered something into the greenette's ear, which let the taller man blush fiercely and howl out the black-haired man's name in embarrassment. Jumping away, before Midorima's flat hand could connect with the back of his head, Takao laughed gleefully and moved to Kise's side, who shared the joking-nature of the raven. Both were in their element and understood each other without words. Leering at the greenette, they smirked and began to chant in unison, "Midorima the pure maiden. Midorima the pure maiden." It was a running gag in the group. No one could blush more beautifully than Midorima did at only the slightest mention of sex. "Cut it out you two." Akashi's hands landed on both their shoulders and let them instantly shut up. "Daiki is still out there and I couldn't get permission from the chief to search for him. First we need to go back to headquarters and write our reports of this disaster. He is currently mincing Satsuki. And I don't like for my fiancée to get minced. Get your asses moving gentlemen, we are out of here."

Akashi was their leader so they did as they were told. Arguing would be completely out of place, since their boss had instructed him to come back.

"What an eventful day.", he thought as he reminisced while he walked the way back to his condo.

First he had overslept and the second he had opened his shop, it was invaded by a horde of strippers from planet Excelion, who had finished their night shift and made a detour into his restaurant for a morning snack. And as soon as he had fought off their touchy feely hands from his bum - and they had many of them, each alone had four arms - some drunkards thought that the sign, which announced that the shop was open, was a pissing pillar. After a lot of yelling, cursing and four wet kisses to his chin, he finally had his freedom until midday rolled around.

He could only sight in exhaustion and pull one of his customers back at his collar, when he heard the screaming of a, to him well known voice, and push the emergency button on his wrist watch. As soon as the shield was up, Takao Kazunari came flying by with fluttering hair caused by his full run speed, a swarm of Raznaf high on his heels. "Let the fucking barrier up until I tell you otherwise." He roared and was around the corner before he could hear the positive reply. Talking soothingly to his guests - it weren't only a few at this time of the day - he guided them out of the back door and into an underground tunnel, which was there because of emergencies like that. No one wanted to seriously mess with the Raznaf. Only a few idiots, to which Takao belonged, would be so stupid to storm into a breeding hoard of this dreaded species and that in broad daylight to boot. It was well known that this species preferred the night and bright sunlight brought them to a rage. Or so he thought. This knowledge seemed to be not as widespread as he had guessed. Perhaps it would've been better if he had informed Takao of the nest before his unit could do something as stupid as they had done now. He wondered himself, why he hadn't mentioned it to the guy when he last visited. Maybe it was because he liked to live in peace with all kinds of species which roamed around on this planet.

But anyway, now it was too late, which meant that his shop was closed down for the mean time. He change the plate at the sign and got back inside to chop the ingredients for the late night service, hoping that he could re-open by then. He didn't really needed the money, but he liked to use his cooking skills for a broad mass and got delighted when customers praised his newest dish.

Three hours and forty minutes later, a completely tattered Takao was skipping against the barrier and cursed in pain as he skillfully landed on his ass. "Fuck this stupid shield." Smirking, he pushed the button and watched on as the hexagon surface shortly flared in the air and vanished without a trace. "You knew this was up, why run against it? Wasn't it you, who told me I should wait for the all-clear? And that with the eyes of yours. It makes me wonder if the guy who put you into that 'Special Force' was right in his mind." Takao snickered and held a hand out. "Yeah right, shut your trap and help me up. My teammates and I are hungry. Make us a huge load, we have the giant with us."

Snorting through his nose, he helped the guy up and walked back into the dim light of his shop. "Do you know how much money I lost because of your teams little stunt? Who is going to compensate me for that?" He flicked the lights back on and got behind the counter. Placing a wok on his stove, he pulled the trigger for the gas twice and held a flame beneath the cooking grid. "Why did you anyway need to disturb them while they were breeding? Your boss has probably only straw in his head." He squirted some oil into the hot wok, threw some vegetables into it and stirred them around until he deglaze it with broth and put the noodles inside. Takao meanwhile, had made himself comfortable on one of the bar stools and sniffed the delicious smell wafting from the oven. "What are you? A dog?" He shot a disgusted glare at the black-haired man, put the requested dishes in several bags before he handed them over the counter. "Hm … sometimes yes." Takao winked with a smirk to his lips and hopped down from the stool. "I will catch you some other time. Let me know if something interesting happens."

"Yeah, right. Why I am always the only one who gives information?", he asked but Takao was long since gone. The first dinner guest were approaching the restaurant and he heard the jingle of keys in the back door who announced that his staff was coming only thirty minutes too late today. He sighed, "Better than nothing." and greeted the first pair of customers with his loud voice.

The evening had pulled on late into the night and when he finally closed, he was one staff shorter, since he had caught the guy with his seven fingers too deep into a visitor's pocket. It was one thing if they demanded an increase of their salary each week but a completely other when they began to steal from his guests. He should search for new staff, more trustworthy ones. But finding one seemed almost impossible in this day and age.

Ascending the stairs to his apartment, he jiggled with his keys but stopped short in his tracks when he felt the charged air dancing over the mere skin of his arm. Why the fuck was the shield up? He could have sworn, that he had forgotten to switch it on when he left in a hurry this morning. Tapping at his watch, he lowered the barrier to zero percent and quietly tried to unlocked the door. If someone was there, he would rather catch them by surprise than being the surprised one himself. But the door didn't budge an inch. He wrinkled his forehead and looked back at his watch. There, blinking in the upper right corner was a small red light, blaring at him that his guarding system was activated since almost ten hours ago. "What the fuck?" He squinted his eyes and shook his wrist, but the time still stayed the same. He was definitely not home, when the system got activated, which meant ... someone was still in there. He exhaled slowly and let his broad shoulders roll back. Some muscles snap back in place and he glared at the still closed door. Couldn't this day be simply over and done with? Why did he had to catch a burglar in the middle of the night, after a fucking long shift on a more fucked up day?

He shortly considered to call the local police station but dismissed the thought immediately as he thought of the last time. They had only laughed at him and hung up after telling him that it was his own fault if he still lived there. They didn't wanted to clean up a mess left by extraterrestrial and informing their higher-ups would only get them a shit load of paper work to do. So they left the area almost unattended. Only sometimes, a patrol car whirled the garbage on the streets up, when they once in a while got the order to do their jobs right. The suburbs were a dangerous plaster and no one wanted to be caught in-between the alien fights, which decided to whom you had to pay the protection fee. "Protection fee, my ass.", he snarled through gritted teeth. It was the same to him whether a human, an overly large cockroach or a purple-green speckled slime ball lived next door to him. A neighbor was a neighbor. Either you helped each other or hated each other. But he was lucky with his neighbors until now.

Mrs. Barixta who lived two apartments beneath him, sometimes got miracolouses for him. A plant, similar to an apple, who only grew on her home planet Beta 007418 or named Quiroux in her mother tongue. It was glowing red from the outside and the dark-blue fluorescing fruit flesh tastes sour-sweet, what was a great refreshment on hot days. In exchange, he let her try his new dishes first and always got complimented with a tight hug, which unfortunately left sucker cup footprints on his clothes. It bothered him not really. He simply called it a new fashion print and laughed out loud, when the first customer in his shop asked from where he got his newfangled shirts. The whole thing lead to a boom of sucker cup printed shirts all over the suburbs and beyond and Mrs. Barixta made a small fortune from selling them. He still got them home-delivered and sometimes even a larger mark on his right cheek. He smirked to himself but then snapped back to reality.

There still was this problem, that most likely someone was inside his condo, had activated the security system and was now waiting for him. But staying the night outside wasn't listed in his options and so he stepped forward to the small control panel beside his door and leaned down to get his iris scanned. "Identity confirmed to fifty percent. Activate vocal recognition." A metallic voice blared into the night and let him wince. He had forgotten to change that after his hearing got better again. A gas explosion in one of the neighboring buildings had almost made him deaf for a week but that was already three weeks ago. Before the voice could request him again, he cleared his throat and spoke his name. "Kagami Taiga."

"Identity to hundred percent confirmed. Welcome home." The voice informed him and a metallic click could be heard when the door unlocked. Now it counted. Slowly opening the door, enough that he could slip his huge build inside, Kagami closed the door behind him and pressed his body against the wall to his right. Very carefully he approached the living room area. The lamps were set to the maximum and he needed to blink a few times to get his eyes used to the bright light. And what he saw then, let him instantly forget the possible burglar, laying in wait for him and left him speechless. His bag dropped to the ground as he gaped in sheer despair and let his eyes roam over the disaster which had come over his living room.

"What the BLOODY hell?" His voice boomed through the room, after he recovered from the shock, since it was literally like that. Blood. Blood every fucking where. And shreds, broken chair parts and … were this his, laboriously sought, recipes on the floor? He clutched at his red hair, eyes roaming from the once spotless paper sheets back to the table. There also was blood. It was on the table, the floor, actually a whole fucking bloody track was on the ground and then his red eyes caught the sink of his kitchen and a horrified wail escaped the confinements of his throat. "Noooooooooo!" His kitchen! His beautiful, spotless kitchen got murdered … no wait. Something else had been murdered in it. He was sure of that. Almost tumbling over his own feet, he ran around the counter, not giving a flying fuck that he left even more bloody footprints on the ground. Heavily placing his hands on the sink, he looked down, a shiver running down his spine of what he possibly would find. There was what seemed to be one of his kitchen towels, shredded to pieces and of course bloody as almost everything else in this room, but no severed limbs or other things in that direction. He exhaled loudly and attempted to close his eyes in relief for a moment, when he caught a glimpse of black, sticky clothes thrown to the ground in front of his fridge. Picking it up between his thumb and forefinger, he held it against the light with a disgusted expression on his face. If he would get his hands on the shithead who had murdered his kitchen, he would wish he had never been born.

It was then that he heard a groan coming from the living area. He instantly let go of the clothes, which made a smacking noise as they fell back on the ground, and spun on his heels. His eyes searched hurriedly from where the sound had come from but since it wasn't repeated, he slowly, step by step, approached the space. He didn't need to search long. There, sprawled out right before his fireplace, laid a man. Upper body naked and dark skinned, disheveled, dark-blue hair sticking in every direction and drowned his carpet in even more blood. "What the fuck?", he screeched and was by the man's side in the blink of an eye.

This guy was hurt pretty badly, if he considered the look of his room. But his carpet came first. Rolling the man around and away from his precious property, Kagami pulled the carpet away and looked in distress at the huge reddish-brown stain on its surface. "You will pay for this you bastard!", he growled and threw the ruined carpet to the side. It was anyway too late to save it. Again he let his eyes roam over the unconscious man. Now that he laid on his back, Kagami could see his face. Even through all his anger, he noticed how good looking the guy was -if not to say pretty, that normally didn't go for guy's- and that the once white remains of his towle, which was bound around the man's waist, was drenched with this red thing called blood which was all over his flat. No no, enough of that, it wasn't really important anymore. The guy would bleed to death at this rate -Kagami wondered on that occasion that the guy was still was alive, giving how much of his life elixir had already dropped to the ground- and laid a hand against the dark skinned throat. It was almost not noticeable but after he held his breath and remind completely still, he could feel the slow pulsing of the guy's artery.

They needed an ambulance. The guy, because of severe blood loss and Kagami, because he was shortly before a nervous breakdown. But no, he exaggerated. He just never had seen so much blood in one place and couldn't quite believe that the man who had lost it was still alive. Well, not for much longer if he further lingered around without doing anything. But until the ambulance would be here, if they were to come at all, it could also be too late. Considering all that and that he noticed how pale the man was, even with his tanned complexion, only left him with one choice. He hadn't done it in awhile but guessed, that something like that, couldn't be forgotten.

Knowing what to do now, Kagami scooped the large man, with some exertion, up into his arms and carried him on staggering legs over to his bedroom. Huffing madly, he placed him on his bed and propped his hands to his sides. "You're fucking heavy." He leaned his upper body back and let his spine crack, before he got to his attached bathroom and closed the door behind him.

When he emerged again after a few minutes, he had the necessary utensils in hand and a slightly pained expression hadn't completely faded from his face yet. Kagami placed a jar on his bedside table and pulled the cork with his teeth from a small bottle, which was filled with a golden glowing substance. "Even if you would give me your salary of thirty years, you still couldn't afford this.", he murmured while dropping two droplets of the shimmering substance into the jar. He carefully closed the bottle again and put it out of reach. Next thing he needed was a herb called angels dust. Luckily he had some in stock, even if it was almost as rare as the golden liquid from before. Pulling ten of the small leaflets from the thin branch, he put them into the mortar which he had brought from his bathroom previously and grabbed the pestle to grind them to a fine powder. Adding it into the jar, he finally pulled out the most needed and absolutely unusual colored feather from his back pocket. The basic colors were black and red, but depending on how it was turned in the light it shone from deep red to orange to almost porcelain white at the tip. It had to be one of the longest feather in existence and the most rarely to boot. The ability of this one was passed on as myth but here it was, held in his hand and he would use its mystical power to save the life of this miserable creature. The brief predatory flicker of his red eyes went unnoticed, since the man on his bed was still out cold and thus couldn't witness it. But he felt the dominating power, which he had over the man's life and a dangerous smile crept over his lips. It soon vanished though and Kagami proceeded to make the elixir. He wasn't doing this to hurt the man further. By putting the feather inside the mixture, a hissing and gurgling sound was emitted from the jar as it slowly disappeared and reddish-golden smoke curled to the ceiling.

When the smoke was gone, Kagami removed the bandage around the guy's waist and flinched as he saw the deep wound. "They got you pretty good, huh? So you're one of Takao's teammates, I guess. Taking on the Raznaf was really stupid." He dipped his forefinger into the now honey-like substance and tapped it at the guy's wounds, all of them. Scooping up the pitiful remains -the guy really had a lot of injuries- he pushed his finger into tanned man's mouth and smeared it on his tongue. "That should do it." He cleaned up the utensils and put the vial back into the with a number-code protected cabinet whom he had put into the wall in the bathroom.

After a short shower and a deep sigh at the sight of his apartment, Kagami put out the lights, activated the security system plus the shield and crawled into his bed next to the stranger. The guy's breathing was quiet and steady, so was his heart beat, now more noticeable. He crossed his fingers with those of the bluenette and closed exhausted his eyes. "You better be fucking grateful in the morning.", he whispered and was out like a light. Shortly after Kagami had passed out, a golden glow emerged from their crossed hands and ghosted over both their bodies, blanketing them with a warm, comforting dim light.