"MOOOOOMM! Christy's playing with my robot again!"

"I am not! He just went here and I invited him in."

Their mother came into the room, obviously stressed out and annoyed. Irritated. Stressed. And not in the mood to have a moment with her kids.

"Bob, we've been through this. Share your toys with your sister." Mrs. Tomato said.

"But I'm making a movie and my robot's the lead! And she didn't even ask for my permission!"


"Okay, fine!"

The tomato handed the robot to her younger brother who grabbed it from her hands as fast as lightning. He walked away from her, raging. When he wasn't looking, she blew a raspberry at him. He didn't see it. But her mother did.

"Christy!" Mrs. Tomato scolded.

The eight-year-old tomato hopped upstairs, entered his room, and slammed the door shut. He was supposed to be making his movie, but he was too annoyed. The house was a mess. His family was a mess. Everything was just wrong. There was a knock on the door. It was only his mom.

"Sweetie, don't be upset with your sister."

"She always acts like she's the boss of me." Bob complained.

"She is older than you by two years." His mother shrugged.

Her son fell silent for a few seconds, fiddling with his toy robot. She can tell that he was thinking something other than his movie.

"Mom, when will Dad come back?" Bob asked.

Now this question was something she was sure she wasn't going to answer. She shouldn't be surprised he asked this. But she is.

"Um… you know what, sweetie? I don't know," Bob's mom replied.

The eight-year-old hung his head low. "Oh,"

A long pause helped the mother and son sink that in.

"He's never coming back, is he?" Bob asked again.

"Well… only God knows. I'm sure of that,"

She pulled her son closer to her, getting ready for a pep talk.

"Is it my fault?"

Mrs. Tomato shook her head. "No. No, honey. It's not your fault."

"Then why do these things happen to us? I don't get it."

"Me neither, Bob. But… we got to face the fact that it happened. I'm sure God meant it for good."

"What's good about it?"

"I don't know. I don't know what will happen or why wrong things happen but promise me to remember one thing, Bob." She looked at her son's eyes as he waited eagerly for what she was going to say. "No matter what happens, remember that God made you special and He loves you very much."

"No matter what?"

"No matter what,"

Bob has a bad memory; even as a kid. But he promised to remember. And he never forgot.

The next day, Bob was drawing something on a piece of paper. He was sitting on his desk which was right in front of a window. He could see his neighbor's house from there. One of the neighbor kids, who was also Bob's friend, saw him through the window.

"Hey, Bob!" A blonde blueberry asked.

"Oh, hi, Blue!" Bob greeted.

"Whatchadoin'?" she asked.

"I'm drawing something!"

"Can I see it?"

"You can but it won't look good down there!"

"One second,"

She rushed out of his sight. He finished his picture, grabbed it to show to his mom and went out of the room. Just in time, his friend got upstairs to see it.

"Let me see! Let me see!" The girl jumped up and down.

Bob laughed. "Hold on! You might rip it!"

Blue stared at it for moments.

"It's cool! Where'd you get this?"

"From my mom,"

"She's a genius!"

"That's because she is a genius," Bob stated with a proud look on his face.

Bob's mom was having a hard day. She went up the stairs, not knowing what her son did.

"Mom! Mom! You gotta see this! I made it by myself!" Bob proudly announced.

Mrs. Tomato looked at her son's picture… and it just made her day.

"You know what? Let's frame this," Mrs. Tomato suggested.

Bob couldn't be happier. When his mom frames a picture, it meant it was really special. It was an honor that an eight-year-old tomato would want. Years have passed, Bob had grown up, but the picture was still there. In his office, was a framed eight-year-old drawing that says "God made you special and He loves you very much."

If it weren't for that phrase, what would his show be like? He only had one thing to say.

"Thanks, Mom."

Whoa! Sorry for a REALLY LATE update, guys! But… you know school. One day you're excited, the next day you want it to end. Like LITERALLY the next day. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! :D

Bob's sister, Christy, is actually based on Phil Vischer's older sister who is also named Christy.

Got love our moms!

P.S. Yes, Bob's neighbor and childhood friend that was featured in this fic is Madame Blueberry.

P.P.S. Yes, I ship BoBerry! (TY, iheartgod175!) Sorry if I misspelled it :3