Hello everyone! Well I haven't been posting much lately as I was busy and all, today we'll start with an insight on the relationship beetween my and my friend's ,who's like a sister to me, countries.

This is an insight of England and Portugal's story during the centuries, their lives with the other fellow nations and a secret that has been kept for centuries! I do not own Hetalia and Portugal is based on Himaruya's sketch with the female, long haired ,Portugal. This story is strongly history based so the chapters might take a while, don't worry I'll keep writting ^^. Enjoy.

An Englishman's Secret

Chapter 1 – Nightmares and Solace

The streets were silent, too silent for the ears of the British man as the dawn gave life to the destruction that occurred over night; it was a painful sight to see his heart in ruins, consumed by the flames of hatred that were deep inside of those who started this dreadful war. The gravel hid the corpses of several families and companions as the ashes kept floating around his tired body, the flames that gorged the buildings, the stench of death… Arthur Kirkland could barely stand the pain the echoed inside his soul, but this war was also for a better cause, and the spirit that lead his soldiers forward could be easily seen in the burning eyes of his fellow countrymen that were already rising from the shelters where they spent the night. His people were scattered everywhere, counting the wounded and searching for the dead; both civilians and military helped each other on the attempts of keep moving forward. But today was a victory as well, he was the almighty United Kingdom and he would not fall without giving a proper fight, the causalities were on both sides and the damage taken by the Germany Air force was far larger than what London took on the present night. England counted the days and wished for the end of the war with a burning passion; however no one knew how long it would take, how many innocent souls would leave the world of the living until the massacre was over.

Dark black circles could be easily seen under his bright unwavering green eyes, the sharp pain coming from his right shoulder slowly took the last fuse of patience that he currently had; although he should probably bandage it in the medical facilities that were quickly arranged down the street, he still had plenty to do, people to find and someone to meet later that day. His movements were restrained as he tried to move the rumble out of his way, just timber, bricks and dust covered his path, it should be an easy walk for him… he was a strong country after all however, these construction objects that were destroyed by the force of several Nazi bombs, were covered in blood that kept dripping slowly from the walls that remained stood proudly in place. Small puddles of blood covered the floor of the country he loved; his mind was on the verge of breaking, the thoughts and images made his intracranial pressure rise giving him a terrible headache. How he wished he could have a soothing cup of tea at that moment.

Tomorrow England and the rest of the Allies would have a meeting to retrace their steps and also to develop a strategy that could change the course of this bloody war and, if he was lucky it would all go smoothly… well not with France on the same room as him, or America talking with his mouth full of greasy hamburgers… how could someone eat so much grease and not get sick? It didn't matter anyways, tomorrow he would present to the others the battle strategy that he started working on few days ago, but for that to work he would need the help of an old comrade, someone he trusted for over 557 years and would continue to till the end of his days. Someone he trusted with all his heart and soul, not only as the country he was, but also as a human being; he just hoped it wouldn't harm her more, he knew she was going through a rough time as well.

Wondering who that might be? It was Maria Carriedo, Spain's older sister and the country known as Portugal. He was nervous about meeting her later that day, they didn't see each other for a while now and he missed her more than he would ever verbalize, the feelings that woman provided him… he had no control over his actions, he was drawn to her by strong feelings that could only be described as love. His heart would skip a bit every time he saw her, his face became flustered immediately after a single thought of the lady who kept his heart. Bloody hell, he couldn't bring her to the meeting! Any insinuation of any kind would definitely make him blush and reveal the secret both shared for centuries. It would be him who would ruin it, he knew so… he didn't want to hurt her anymore due to the alliance both shared, if the other countries knew that there was more, she would probably be invaded more frequently, her people killed and he wouldn't allow it; as for the other reason: pure mortification, he knew he would never be more embarrassed in his life if the others knew…

1943 was the year this unfortunate event occurred and as the sun rose from the depths of the skies, it kissed England's pale skin with the warmth of a cloudless day ahead of him, the reds, oranges and pinks painted the landscape with the hope that was kept within his sore heart. He was looking forward to the rest of the day; a small smile appeared in his soft lips expressing his heart's content in meeting with another soul. He just had to do some cleaning around first, as well as on himself for that matter, he looked like a train ran over him to be more precise and it as no way to present himself to his lady; so, with the strength that was left, he continued to search the ruins for his fellow Englishmen before he could get some sort of treatment for himself.

Morning soon gave way to the afternoon, the sun shone bright through the windows of one specific house where we see our blonde man cleaning as much as he could before the arrival of his beloved brunette. The thought of her crystal blue eyes with the small bits of green reminded him of the ocean both conquered not so long ago, the waves crashing against his ship, the salty breeze that filled his lungs with ease and adventure. It was an easier time for him; this former pirate enjoyed the long trips through the unknown wishing secretly to find in the endless seas his own secret treasure… Instead he found her brother, well it was ok if he sank his ship and stole his goods right? That thought always made him smirk like in the older days, when he was the most feared pirate in the seven seas. He refrained himself from pirating her ships, but it didn't mean he wouldn't take a peek inside the Caravela just to search for those blue orbits that made him stop breathing until his body reminded him that breathing was necessary to keep him alive. Her long hair always got entangled in his fingers after… He instantly blushed, but… he missed those moments when the world was theirs, when he could easily go check on her or be alone. Arthur signed, he couldn't let his mind vague away, soon enough she would arrive.

He checked himself on the mirror one last time just to confirm that he looked like a mess, his hair was all messy as always but he looked indeed tired, the war took a toll on him as expected. Arthur wore his military uniform as there was not really much time for formalities; his arm supported by a sling next to his chest already wrapped up and slowly healing; now he could just rest for a while and wait "patiently" for Portugal's arrival.

Not far away from there, Portugal walked down the streets of London and she couldn't help but shed a tear for those who succumbed during the hell that was brought on earth once again. She remembered clearly what happened in the previous war… As the humanity evolved; wars became more violent, innocent blood spilled on lands… She hated how the world would have come to this; she was also suffering from this war but more from those who were ahead of her government. Her once tanned skin looked pale, even ill in comparison to the previous years, however she would not worry him about such thing, if she did more of her people would suffer; barer of the cross of strict neutrality, she kept her brother from joining Germany's side, and even with the small help she could give to Arthur, she was able to maintain her country out of more potential harm during this horrible time… Portugal would never break their commitment to each other, even if it put her on target.

There were many things you should know about Maria Carriedo, although she was a small country she was brave and adventurous, kind and supportive. She was friendly to anyone knew, she could cook and be there for you as soon as you asked; but if you tried to invade her or any of her little brothers that she found during the Age of Discovery, she would haunt you down with her explosive anger and battle tactics. Who said a small army can't beat someone to pulp? Her relationship with her younger brother, Espanha, was just like a bumpy road, just plain stressful; although they had their moments, he would always annoy her, try to take her lands, invade her… but deep down, in a place where she locked it with chains and locks, she loved him like every older sister would. She was sort of cheerful like him, but his extra cheerfulness made him look like a complete idiot and embarrass her in front of everyone; especially of the one she shared centuries of history and love. She had a gigantic patience indeed…

One of the things she hated the most was being compared to her brother, it would have been a disgrace if she was born a male; and she thanked god that didn't happen. Right now there she stood on the front of his porch looking nervously at the front door that led the way to a typical British house. Normally she would wear her uniform that consisted on a pair of pirate looking thin high boots, some dark brown trousers with a beige dress shirt that hid her ample chest and a long earing with the colors of her country's flag; but even though she was a bit tomboyish she liked to dress herself up sometimes, especially if that involved looking pretty for someone that was always in her thoughts. She was one independent woman, she shouldn't feel all mushy and flustered about trying to look pretty for him, but she couldn't hide her rosy cheeks even if she wanted. She was there, right in front of his door wearing a slim cut cream dress with dark brown wooden pumps on her feet, on her chest was an ancient heart shaped silver necklace that she wore all the time; incrusted in it was a sapphire starfish with some more gems around. That necklace had a great history behind and she would never take it by all means, it represented the history she and Arthur had together; it was the key of their secret. The one, who found out what the necklace, would find the truth behind their history as allies.

She took a deep breath before knocking on his door, her heart beat was accelerating, her already rosy cheeks became deep scarlet, and, before her hand made contact with the door, she looked around to see if anyone was looking or passing by. A quick sound of relief came from her vocal cords as she caught the sight of no one around; now calmer; she knocked on the door expectantly with her suitcase on her right hand and butterflies flying inside her whole self. They haven't seen the other for far too long, and she wished that this trip would ease some of her longing for him.

As soon as England heard the soft knock on the door, he knew who it was; he left his seat almost abruptly leaving the book he was reading abandoned on the floor of his cozy home. He was ecstatic and couldn't help but smile on the way to the door. With his hand around the door knob he opened the door slowly revealing the woman he was expecting, she looked beautiful as always, to be honest he was not counting on seeing her in a dress but God she looked stunning. Immediately his heart stopped and his pupils widened at the sight of such beauty, his available hand quickly found the way to serpent around her small waist pulling her right into his chest. Right now he was in Heaven and he would never let an angel such as this return from where it came from.

Portugal just smiled sweetly as soon as the door opened to reveal what lay hidden on the other side, although inside she was having an internal battle with her pride and already flustered cheeks that fought to became more evident, outside she appeared calm like the sea before a storm. "Olá Ingla-ah.." was all she managed to say as she was abruptly pulled into the warm arms of the Brit which made her lose her grip on her luggage; well she only felt one circling her as she still was unaware that the other was hurt. As soon as she made contact with his chest she became completely scarlet, what happened to him? He wasn't usually fond of public affection… and right now they were on his front porch hugging. All the air left her lungs all left when her chest and hands entered in contact with slightly muscled chest, her legs started feeling jittery from the emotions that rushed as electricity from the tip of her fingers to the rest of herself. How could he just sweep her out of her feet so instantly? She was no frail maiden who would melt at the slightest display of affection; but her heart couldn't help but swollen by the feeling of love. Even embarrassed by the abnormal impulsive behavior that Arthur just displayed, she just put her hands on his back and hugged him as close as she could. Her face felt so hot, she just hid it right there on the nook of his neck. He could feel her breath warmly against his it, the warm fuzzy sensations just kept spreading along his body as he rested his head next to hers and closed his eyes momentarily. He mumbled something inaudible as he breathed in the familiar scent; she still had that salty scent of the sea lingering on her waist long hair and he loved it. He completely forgot where he was until he realized two things: one, there was something very soft and quite big pressing against his chest and two, as he opened his eyelids he could see that they were standing outside where everyone could see.

Feverishly his face and body heated up immediately, the pulse dropped and his hand quivered under the touch of the Portuguese woman, gently, with his left arm, he pulled away looking everywhere but her eyes. "I-I'm sorry… Hello love", he said quietly aware that her gaze was upon him. He still failed to realize that he was still holding her shoulder lovingly, but she would not say a word or he would became more red then a tomato; there was a lot more about England that met the eye. He was quite romantic when he wanted to, Portugal loved him for who he was, and truthfully she thought that his tsundere kind of personality was quite cute. "Hello Inglaterra.", even her velvet voice set his senses on fire, he couldn't refrain from looking at her anymore. "What happened to your arm?" she asked with both a frown and a sweet smile, he could easily see that he had worried her once more. "I'm alright love, it was just a bit sore that's all." He answered as he removed his left arm from her shoulder and took hold of her luggage. She was still worried but she would leave it for now as they were still in the front of his humble home. "Come in, I'll make us some tea.".

Portugal gladly accepted his request and entered Arthur's home, crossed her arms around her chest and gave a quick look around the house. "I missed it here…" he heard hear mumble quietly, and a warm feeling immediately burst from the depths of his heart. He set the luggage down and closed the door behind them; he could say that in this moment nothing could ruin his happiness.

"Maria…" he called with his voice failing him, he couldn't be more embarrassed and so he stepped forward towards her; when she heard her name she turned to the green eyes she ought to see till this very moment, her heart pounded violently, her chest burned and she felt herself quiver with the sound of his voice, to be honest she loved his accent it made the butterflies inside her stomach spread their wings and fly around wildly. She was about to kiss him, she felt it, the force that pulled them together, but as soon as she was going to turn that thought into action… "Do you want help unpacking?" he solely asked making her stop on her tracks. "No there is no need, I'll just put the things upstairs for now.". Outside she was smiling like she would always did, but inside she couldn't have felt more frustrated; as soon as she picked the luggage and turned around to climb the stairs, she bit her lip slightly and cursed her mind for thinking that he would just kiss her right after they've seen each other. "I'll prepare some scones and some tea okay love?". "Sure, I'll be right back." She answered half heartily… She didn't really want to eat one of his scones… but for love, she guessed that her stomach would suffer during the remaining hours of the present day.

In the kitchen, England was preparing the ingredients and everything that he would need to bake the scones, the kettle was already heating up the water so that he and Portugal could share a nice cup of tea together. "I blew it…" he told himself, actually he had every intention to kiss her right there on the spot. He missed her and he wanted to tell her that he did; that he loved her… But he chickened out, he still had present in his mind that moment where he just hugged without a care in the world outside and then, when she turned around and he saw her sweet smile, her flawless skin, her perfect plump lips that he desired so much; his body came to a halt. He was so angry at himself that he couldn't stop frowning and complaining under his breath. He would get what he wanted, that greedy desire was what made him people shiver during his pirate days, no one could defy him; he always got what he wanted.

Since he couldn't move well with the sling on his arm, he removed it and took hold of the magic wand to mix the dough perfectly; he wanted those scones to come out perfect for her; who knew that England had such a romantic side on him. Meanwhile Portugal was upstairs in their room unpacking her clothes, she hated it when Arthur ceased his impulses of kissing her without a care in the world, she felt in her skin that he wanted to kiss her too, but… BOOOOMM! She heard from down stairs and as soon as the sound waves reached her ears, her skin ran cold and she ran downstairs frantically; where they under attack? "Inglaterra!" she yelled as loud as she mustered as she ran towards the kitchen. "Ingla… Hum?" she stopped.

"Portugal…?" he innocently asked. He saw Maria's face twisting in a funny way and then she started laughing hysterically. She couldn't breathe through each fit of laughter as she was caught in the view of England with dough all over his hair, kitchen and a broken magic wand fuming on his right hand. Her belly was starting to ache so badly. "Why the bloody hell, are you laughing woman?" he said angrily at her, but that just made her bend over her stomach laughing harder. "I'm sorry.. I-I'm…" but she couldn't end her sentences as the laughter returned and tears of amusement ran down her rosy cheeks. England was losing his patience but he did the exact opposite of what we expect him to do, instead he grabbed hold on her right wrist surprising her and captured her lips in a warm passionate kiss.

With the shock, Maria didn't kiss him back immediately, but as soon as she realized what was happening she melted in the kiss that both shared. Her lips moved lovingly against his easing the want that her heart desired for such a long time, slowly he began to pull her closer with a stronger grip with his arms around her possessively; Arthur tilted his head lightly and deepened the kiss. Portugal was swept away by the emotions and sensations that came with the kiss; she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Smirking into the kiss, England groped her butt which angered her, but startled he was able to snake his tongue inside her perky lips making her moan sweetly. After several minutes relishing the kiss, their lips parted. Breathing erratically, wiped the dough that passed from his face to hers. "I love you." he proclaimed boldly looking deep into the soul of the Portuguese woman; he missed her for far too long… "I… I love you too…" was all she could say before a kiss was once again stolen. He smiled into the kiss devilishly with second intentions. This time he wouldn't let her go.

The moon rose from the depths of the sky as both Portugal and England got in their bed, England had bought a larger one ever since she started spending some nights there with him; with her there he could always find peace in this ruthless world. Portugal looked dashing in her nightwear, her violet nightgown, contrasted with her slightly tanned skin that shone whenever the moonlight shone. She always braided her hair before sleeping; when questioned she answered that there would be plenty of knots to deal with in the morning. And England knew that she was not a morning person. Cuddling next him, Portugal gave him a small peck on his nose with wish the Brit responded by wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her forehead gently. "Sweet dreams Artie" she said smiling. "Sweet dreams Maria, and please don't call me that." he said flustered. Portugal just giggled at it; his pale skin would always trick him into showing his embarrassment. Maria leaned in for one more kiss before they drifted to sleep and once they got comfortable, they stayed that way until the sun rose once more to announce a new day. Several events lead to their union and love and, to untangle the mystery itself, we'll enter a voyage and take a deep look into the Oldest Alliance in the World. Who'll be the first nation to find out their century old secret?

Stay tunned for chapter 2, Review and Rate please. I would love to know the opinions of other hetalians. I'm taking suggestions if you're willing, but not those who change the course of the story. See ya around.