A/N: It's funny. I was trying to write chapter 11 of Cafe Jupiter and got chapter 4 of With You Always instead. I tried guys. This is kind of a hint to what Jason's next part would have. Things may seem Leyna-ish but like life, it's a long winding road. Sorry for the lack of Liper, Piper just didn't want to show up this chapter.


Reyna: Are you free?

Leo: As free as a junior during finals.

Reyna: haha, so not. We can talk later.

Leo: Nope, you've distracted me. Let's talk now. I don't need that credit. ;)

Reyna: Leo… get undistracted then. I'm at Cafe Jupiter all day if you want to stop by. Just ask whoever at the counter where I am.

Leo: Not at your usual table?

Reyna: Not during finals. See ya.

Leo read over the series of text again, trying his hardest not to mentally parse each word, phrase and and punctuation, making ridiculous connections that aren't there. He sighed, rubbing the back of his head and glanced at the laptop digital clock. 11:00am. He grimaced, tapping his pen against his notebook debating.

Today is his free day, left purposely empty in his busy schedule to give himself room to breathe and study the material. But like every other college student, Leo procrastinated, racing to finish two major final assignments and cram for his last exam.

"Fuck, Leo." He murmured, looking up at the ceiling of his individual study room. "Why did you read that text? We could have been blissfully unaware for a few more hours and got things done. Why did you watch that cute cat video and saw the little notification in the corner? Why did you click said notification?" Leo groaned, flipping his phone in his hand before setting it face down away from him.

"No, you are going to be productive." He said, flipping through his advanced mathematic textbook and randomly picked an equation. His pencil copied the series of numbers and letters, tapping against the desk as he thought. Unconsciously, his eyes wandered to the phone every few minutes. "No, bad." He murmured, pulling his gaze back to the lined papers. Leo rubbed his forehead, scribbling a few more numbers before stopping, reading over his work. "Fuck. That's not how you divide sixteen." The boy groaned and set his forehead against the cool desk. He's been in the library since they've open.

"An early lunch won't hurt anyone." Leo decided, standing up to stretch and close his laptop. "Famous last words." He murmured, shoving his notebook, textbook and laptop into his backpack before leaving the cramp room. As he took a few steps away, a tiny freshman rushed by taking the space. Leo chuckled, amused how finals drove everyone a little crazy.

I wonder what Reyna wants. Leo thought as he set her a quick text saying he's heading her way. They didn't talk much after their failed date. She sent a quick message asking if he and Piper were fine which was kind. They had little interaction here and there but always missed each other. Either she was rushing off to a class or he's too engrossed in whatever he was doing, missing her texts.

Leo tapped his phone looking at his screen lock. It was a photo of his family from last summer at the lake. Harley and Shane grinned at the camera, completely soaked with water. Christopher sat underneath a shade of a tree, reading a book with two of their younger sisters beside him. Hephaestus and Amie, Leo's foster parents, prepared their lunch with the baby strapped to Amie's back. Piper was there like every year, clinging to Leo's back as she held bunny ears behind his head. Just looking at the picture calmed him before Leo took the familiar path to Cafe Jupiter.

Leo pushed the door open, immediately assaulted by the earthy smell of coffee grounds, wood and freshly baked pastries. Soft acoustic played in the background, blending in with the clink of cups and chatter of patrons. All the tables were occupied by students of Olympus, collaborating over papers, checking each others' work or cramming for their exams. Lupa, with the help of Reyna and the student body, organized tutors from the study center to be present, another place for a valuable resource.

At the counter, Annabeth and Percy sat with a freshman helping with his English paper. Bobby held a mini physics lesson with a whiteboard and everything. Gwen stood drying a mug as she chatted with a stressed out sophomore about the latest book she was reading. Leo smiled, people didn't just love Cafe Jupiter for its coffee or food. It's the staff who drew people in with their open friendliness. The back door swung open and Jason appeared carrying a bag of coffee beans.

"Hey," Jason greeted with a wave. "Look who emerged from the engineer cave. How's hibernation?"

"God, I wished I was sleeping." Leo replied as he hiked his backpack strap up. Jason looked haggard as well. His typical neat hair fell ruffled over his eyes. He wore a hoodie instead of the traditional flannel. Leo squinted. "Are you wearing glasses?"

"Not as a fashion statement. I was too tired to put in my contacts." Jason said as he pushed up his thin wire frames. It made Jason look a little bookish and older. He grabbed a paper cup from the stack. "Coffee break?"

"A royal visit." Leo said as he set his bag on the stool beside Percy. "Her Majesty requested me." Percy tilted his head as he shifted in his seat. His green eyes narrowing at the phrase. Jason tapped his sharpie against the cup before looking up, connecting the dots.

"Ah, and are you here as a jester or knight?" He asked.

"Jester? Give me more credit, Grace. I'm a damn prince." Jason chuckled as he wrote down Leo's usual. "Now are you the guard keeping the princess locked in the tower?" Leo asked, keeping the analogy alive.

"Can't lock someone who's up there willingly." Jason countered, messing with the complex espresso machine. He shook his head when Leo reached for his wallet. "Nope, on the house today. You look like you're about to pass out."

"Thanks, finals will do that to you." Leo said as he tucked his wallet back. "How are you holding up, Percy?" Percy shrugged in response, running his hand over his face as he leaned back in his chair.

"Barely. It doesn't help that there's a swim meet in two weeks." Percy blinked at Leo, studying him a little too intently. Leo resisted the urge to scratch his face, wondering if there was something wrong. "You're going to see Reyna? Busy girl. Malcolm was here a few hours ago."

"Yeah, what are they scheming?" Leo joked, trying to ease this tension he felt by just Percy's dark gaze. He felt like a mouse being stalked by a cat. "What's up?"

"Nothing..." Percy said in a tone that clearly meant something. Before Leo could ask, Jason set a cup of coffee with two pastries on a plate.

The warm buttery smell from the croissants made Leo's stomach growl. He sipped the drink, closing his eyes appreciating the rich strong taste of the coffee followed by the sweetness of chocolate. "I needed this." Leo sighed as he smiled at the barista. "Though I can't eat both of those."

"You're not trying hard enough." Jason replied with a smile. "The chocolate croissant is for Reyna. I haven't seen a hint of her since my shift started." He casually checked his watch as he picked up Percy's empty cup. "She should be at the study room at the end of the hall. You can't miss it." Leo nodded thanks as he gathered his treats and headed up the narrow stairs.

"What's up with you?" Jason's voice still carried up the stairs. "I thought you like Leo."

"Finals." Percy murmured.

The stairs creaked under Leo's sneakers as he headed up. He's never been on the second floor. It had a more serious atmosphere than the lower level. The walls had shelves of books ranging from casual reading to high level textbooks. A side table had water and snacks for the patrons. Smaller tables organized in rows like a library. It's a quiet zone, designated for individual studies. Everyone had their headphones, lost in their work.

Leo walked down the narrow hall where the study rooms were. He smirked, amused by everyone's studying style. A young man had three books opened around him, furiously flipping through the pages of one. A girl twirled her hair as she reviewed her notes, mouthing the words. Reyna's room had a big 'Reserved' sticker slapped across the pane of glass.

Reyna sat cross-legged on top of a solid oak table, staring intensely at the whiteboard like it held all the answers in the universe. She tapped the dry erase marker against her knee as she thought. The board is a colorful mess of words, diagrams and sticky notes. Her fingers tapped a few keys on her laptop before she gracefully unwound her legs and crossed off a section of her work. Leo tapped his fingers against the window, not wanting to startle the girl. Reyna turned with a bright smile and waved him in.

"Whoa." Leo whispered, not expecting the soft latin rap to be her study music. It had a lot of beat and rhythm as Reyna bobbed her head, mouthing the words as she gathered her notes. "I come bearing gifts. What exploded on your whiteboard?"

"Philosophy of Law." Reyna answered as she turned her music down. She wore a light purple hoodie with a pair of running leggings. Her hair tied up in a top bun with a few strands falling loose. She rubbed her eyes, clearly mentally exhausted. "Please tell me you're not going to fail your class."

"It's only Advanced Calculus." Leo kidded as he sat down. Reyna let out a sigh as she sat down across from him. "I'm joking. I'm not going to fail, Ms. VP. You can stop looking at me like I'm a disappointment. I just need an excuse for a break. Hello excuse." Reyna shook her head but the smile on her lips told Leo he wasn't really in trouble. He pushed the plate towards her. "You look like you need one as well, Queenie."

"You enjoy that nickname too much." Reyna whispered as she massaged her neck. "I've been here since seven." Leo cringed. He barely rolled out of bed at eight but mostly because he was hungry. Reyna leaned her head against her hand, resting her eyes and thinking. Leo munched on his croissant, trying not to disturb the girl.

"This is probably bad timing." Reyna murmured, looking at him. Leo shrugged.

"Maybe but I'm already here so no take-back." Leo said, trying to keep the tone light. He readjusted in his seat, trying to ease the tension in his shoulders. This is just Reyna. "Would playing Uno help?" A smile spread across Reyna's lips and she turned laughing into the crook of her arm. "I'm going to win one day. You just need to give me a chance."

"I know you will." Reyna chuckled, reaching for her chocolate croissant. "No Uno rematch today. How does a movie and dinner sound? After finals?" Leo blinked at her words. He knew what they each meant individually but together in a sentence coming out of Reyna's mouth felt unworldly. Reyna shifted in her seat, tearing a piece of her pastry nervously.

"Hey, don't freeze on me, Leo." She said nervously. "We didn't finish our first date. It was more of half a date. I don't know how I feel about you but I like you as a person and a friend. So maybe... Gah this is so embarrassing." Leo grinned as her words washed over him. It was cute and unexpected, Reyna rambling for once. She pouted at him. "You're going to make me say it, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not that cruel, Queenie." Leo said. "But it's a date."