I finally continued. XD

I realized too late I wrote the entire thing in first person. Please excuse me. I'll write this way from now on.

The poor girl never saw it coming. With little effort I hacked her arm off and revelled in the blood. I like blood. People say it's red, but that's only a lie. It's a reddy-brown colour really. I decided it would be my favorite.

Haku wasn't dead; no, not yet, but that was okay. The longer that drunkard survived, the more fun I could have. I considered taking a foot too, but it would throw my garden off balance.

''Rin, stop it...'' she whispered in a hoarse voice.

''Sorry, Haku. But don't worry. I'll make sure to keep you looking fresh and beautiful forever.'' I promised her. ''You can be right next to Miku.''

''You...You sick bitch!'' Haku yelled.

''That wasn't me! Miku didn't die at my hands. But you soon will.'' I couldn't see reason. I couldn't see anything except my prey. Before she could say anything more, the knife had pierced her heart. I feel numb for a second, but then kick the body down a pathway.

This will have repercussions later, but for now I need to plant my new flower.