Disclaimer- My own series of one shots. Yeah I'm working on my other stories, just be more patience. I love you all for your constant support to me by pms and review. Thanks people. If you have an idea and want me to write a one short about it, pm me or leave it in a review. I'll try my best to work on it.

Also a big thank to my bet reader- comehomeziva, she is amazing and we had alot of disccusion for this chapter. And in the end we got it the way in which we both love it. Thanks darling for everything.

Summary- AU. Kensi and Deeks were already married before they met in Hand to Hand. Set during 2x01 Human Trafficking: Julia overhears a conversation between a certain two lovers in a coffee shop.



It had been a week since I arrived in LA. I'd gone to Alaska for work reasons. It had been week since I returned and since then, I'd been doing my best to stay at home. It wasn't that I didn't like going out, but I just had a bad feeling that something was going wrong but I didn't know what. I'd been trying to stay home thinking that the feeling would go away-it still hadn't. Finally, today, my friends dragged me to a coffee shop saying I needed fresh air.

So here I was sitting with my four friends, in a coffee shop. It wasn't a big one so tables were kept very near to each other, which made listening to your neighbors very easy. Very few people were there. Everything was going okay until Martha exclaimed, "Oh my God!" It was a bit loud made us all jump, but thankfully no one else took notice.

We didn't know what it was about, so Patricia asked her, "What happened, Martha?"

She answered, "That girl is frankly gorgeous. Just look at her, she's so beautiful!"

We all turned to look at the girl who had just walked in, who was wearing blue jeans with a black button-down tucked into them, the top button undone.

She was looking wonderful, and with polychrome eyes she reminded me eerily of my daughter Kensi. God, I miss her. I could only imagine where she was now—far away, I figured sadly.

"I'm just saying it like it is: she's beautiful, hot and sexy," Linda said.

"Forget about everything, look at her legs. Man, I would kill for those legs," Sally said.

"I completely agree," replied Patricia. I didn't say anything because I was just looking in her eyes. I saw a hint of sadness in them as if something was wrong with her. She looked happy, but her eyes were saying something else. It was really hard for me to read her.

We stopped talking about her because she came to sit down in our line of sight, in such a way that we could see her but didn't have a straight view to us. And even if she could, it seemed like she wouldn't notice because she was engrossed in her phone.

She ordered two cappuccinos.

"I bet she's here to meet her boyfriend," Linda whispered so that the girl couldn't hear.

"How can you be sure about that, maybe she's here to meet a friend," argued Martha.

"Whoever she's meeting, is must not be important to her because she's way too engrossed in her phone," said Patricia.

I replied, "I agree."

Then her phone rang and she picked up. "Yes, G? ... I'm here to meet a friend and it's an emergency. I talked to Hetty and I've told Eric to call me if you get a lead," she said.

"G, really? What kind of a name is G?" asked Martha.

The woman looked to the front and then smiled to someone. God, she had an amazing smile.

"G, I'll call you back." She hung up on him, and stood up and walked forward.

From the entrance, a scruffy surfer was coming in who looked like death warmed over. He had a few cuts and bruises on his face and was walking relatively slowly.

When he came near the table, she went up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Aw, they're so cute together," whispered Martha. We all smiled.

"Told you she's here to meet her boyfriend," said Linda.

"God, I missed you so much," said the boy, still wrapped up in her.

He pulled away but he was still holding her. He cupped her face and kissed her on the temple. Meanwhile the girl was just standing-or maybe she was crying. I don't know.

The boy smirked at her and said, "Princess, I know my charm leaves you speechless, but I would love it if you said something."

"The boy has guts," said Linda, and we all shushed her to be quiet. It's not nice to eavesdrop, we knew, but these two were something different. I expected the girl to say something witty, but she surprised me by saying, "Don't ever do this to me again. For God's sake. Please." The girl was now definitely crying.

The boy hugged her again and said, "I'm sorry princess. I'm so sorry."

They pulled away few seconds later and instead of sitting down opposite to each other, they sat next to each other holding hands.

The boy tucked a strand of the girl's hair behind her ear and said, "I'm okay, Princess. Nothing happened. I'm here. I'm not going away. You know that, right?"

The girl didn't say anything, just nodded her head. The boy pleaded, "Princess…"

He wanted her to say something. The girl kept silent for few minutes and then said, "I love you. Don't you ever do that again or I swear to God, I'll kill you myself."

The boy didn't say anything; instead, he laughed. The girl started to say something, glanced around, and finally said, "Justin…," they exchanged a connected glance so fast I almost missed it. "I'm serious. You scared the hell out of me. You're not supposed to do this."

Okay, so the name of boy was apparently Justin.

Justin then smirked again and said, "Princess, you know I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't know something like this was going to happen. Everything was going according plan—I don't know what went wrong. Forget about that, how are you… Melissa?" His lips quirked.

Okay, so maybe the girl's name was Melissa, and she replied immediately, "I'm fine."

They shared a look and couldn't help but start laughing. The waiter came to deliver their cappuccinos. After the waiter, the boy asked, "Does anyone know you're here?"

"Yeah, Hetty does. So do Sam and G," answered Melissa. Justin tensed and asked, "You told G and Sam that you were coming here to meet me?"

This time the girl laughed and said, "No, you idiot. I told them I'm here to see a friend and it's an emergency. I also told Eric to keep me in the loop. I needed to see you."

"Me too, " replied Justin.

"Hetty told me everything," said Melissa.

"I need to do this," said Justin.

"No, you don't. In fact, you shouldn't," said Melissa.

"Princess, if you're here to talk me out of this, then we're not having this conversation. You and I both know I need to stop this," replied Justin.

To which Melissa answered, "Weren't you were the one who told me that you couldn't protect everyone, if I remember correctly?"

"The situation was different that time," came his reply.

Justin sighed and then said, "I know you're worried about me. I know you're scared..." he got that far before Melissa cut him off .

She said, "Scared! Scared is an inadequate word to use, Justin. I'm terrified. You weren't there when Jess's car was blown up. I was there. I was going to talk to her. I was going to ask her about you, and then, one moment she was walking in front of me and the next she wasn't. You have no idea what I've been going through since Hetty told me that LAPD had lost contact with you. I thought..."

Who are this people? Car blown up, LAPD—are these two cops?

"I'm sorry," said Justin.

"Don't say sorry, just don't go again. Please, what if your cover's blown?" asked Melissa.

Justin answered, "Melissa, you need to calm down. Now listen to me very carefully: I know that Jess was killed. I'm sorry for that. But there's no way that my cover was blown and even if it was, I'm meeting Lazik and that's final."

"Justin, are you out of your mind? Do you even realize what you're saying?" asked Melissa.

"There's a shipment of girls that has to be stopped. If I back out now, it would be like forfeiting a winning battle," argued Justin.

To which Melissa said, "Or maybe forfeiting a lost battle."

Justin smirked at her and said, "Whichever way princess, but it's worth a try."

Melissa was the one who sighed this time, knowing she wasn't going to win this argument with him. So she turned her face away from him.

Justin saw and said, "Melissa, look at me. Please."

She turned to him but she was in tears.

She asked, "Why are you doing this? LAPD doesn't even give a shit whether you live or not. They won't cooperate with us. They won't tell me what happened to you. I'm your wife, goddamn it."

Justin wiped her tears and said, "I'm doing this for Jess. I can't let her death be in vain. I'm doing this for those young girls who are going through hell, for their parents and most importantly for myself. You and I both know that I'm not getting any sleep if don't give this a try."

Melissa just nodded but said nothing. Then Justin said, "Besides, who gives a shit about what LAPD thinks? I've got the three best NCIS agents having my back, and then I have Hetty. I'm pretty sure she can scare Lazik as well as any. You know it's true."

Melissa looked at him for brief second but then she laughed.

"Oh my God, they're married. They make such a great couple," said Martha, all of us nodding in agreement.

"The love story of a cop and an agent, wow," said Patricia.

Before we could say anything else, Justin said, "Who did you meet from LAPD that got you so pissed at them?"

"Scarli, he didn't cooperate with us nicely. We told him that you're our liaison and we need to know about you, but he doesn't gives a shit about you. S.O.B." answered Melissa.

Justin laughed at this but didn't say anything. This time Melissa broke the silence by saying, "You look like hell."

Justin eyed her and said, "Thank you so much darling, that's what every husband dreams about hearing from his wife. You know I was in an explosion, so I would really appreciate if you don't go on my looks. It's big miracle itself that I'm alive."

Oops, wrong thing to say. Justin realized that too and said, "Sorry, didn't mean it that way."

They were interrupted by a call on Melissa's phone. She picked it up and said, "Yes, Eric?"

There was a pause. "Okay, on my way," she said, and cut the line.

She looked at Justin and said, "Eric found something. I need to go."

Justin didn't say anything, just nodded at her.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid?" asked Melissa.

To which Justin answered, "Is that your way of saying, 'please come back to me alive?'"

"Justin," warned Melissa.

"Of course, Melissa, do I have any other option?" he answered.

Melissa was about to say something but Justin stopped her by giving her a kiss.

When they pulled apart, they stayed close to each other, their foreheads touching.

Melissa then said, "Get yourself killed and I'll hunt you down, revive you, and kill you myself. Got it?"

"Yes, wifey," Justin said and kissed her again.

They pulled away from each other, hugged one last time, and then Melissa left.

The guy was sitting there when a small woman came out of nowhere and sat in front of Justin.

"You know, Mr. Deeks, this is completely against the law," she said.

"And you and I both know that this can be the last time she and I see each other," said Justin.

I looked at my friends, and all of them had tears in their eyes.

The woman didn't have any change in expression and said, "Go home, Mr. Deeks, and sleep. Mrs. Deeks is not going to like you if you come back to her in a sleep deprived mood."

Justin laughed at this and then left. A few minutes later, the woman left too.

My friends, who were always laughing and joking around, had tears in their eyes. I, too, was trying not to shed any. There was something about those two that touched my soul. Maybe it was that the girl looked similar to my daughter, or maybe because they were fighting for the side of justice and I knew what that meant. I really wanted to know what happened to the love story of the cop and the agent.

What I didn't know was that soon I was going to find out. Soon I'd be part of the love story of a cop and a agent

Hope you guys like it. Don't forget to leave a review. They make my day.

Much Love
