Chapter 1: Platform 9 ¾

A young red haired boy appears from the brick wall with his red haired mother holding onto his shoulder. His father follows with the trunk. No one notices the small raven-haired boy slip in after them, struggling with his own trunk. The smaller boy drags his trunk onto the train, while the red-haired boy and his parents headed towards a gaggle of gingers. The dark-haired boy manages to find an empty compartment, flopping down on the seat he begins to drift into his own thoughts

I'm sure Ethan is doing fine he'll be trying to get away from Lily and James so he can get to his friends. I wouldn't try to get away if it was me, but it's never me.

"Hi" a young girl with bushy brown hair and buck teeth cut through "Mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full" Judging her to be a first year like himself from her black tie he simply nods, causing the girl to take the seat diagonal from him.

"I hear the boy-who-lived is attending Hogwarts this year. I bet he's really nice and kind, he's probably really powerful… and good looking…"She babbles

Great… Another Ethan lover, here I am not a single friend while Ethan already has thousands begging to look at him. Maybe James is right I'm not good enough, maybe if I was more like Ethan they would all like me too. Maybe James and Lily would want to be my parents again. Who am I kidding no one could ever care about the poor, pathetic useless twin

"…I hear he was only 15 months old when he was attacked by he-who-must-not-be-named. Did you know he managed to survive the killing curse, and he-who-must-not-be-named was dead? He has got a scar from it, how brave was he? He's got red hair like his mum and brown eyes like his dad" Her voice suddenly stops as the compartment door opens three people entering, two strutting in and one shuffling.

"Hi, I'm Hermione Granger. I'm a muggle-born, and you are?" She asked to the three new boys. The boys in question looked in shock at the speed this girl was speaking

"Urm… Hi. I'm Ethan Potter, this is Ron Weasley" The red head said gesturing to the ginger to his right "and Neville Longbottom" gesturing to the round-faced boy on his right. Hermione's eyes widened

"You're the Savior? Do you have the… Um" Hermione asked suddenly feeling very awkward

"The scars?" Ethan supplied, pulling his fringe back to reveal his two short scars running along his head in the form of an = sign. While Harry began absentmindedly flattening his own over his lightning bolt scar that was marking the middle of his forehead.