)))) AfTeRwOrD ((((

Howdy, Folks ! :D

(which is exactly the same greeting as at the very beginning of this story, at the start of the FOREWORD chapter… so it creates a symmetrical effect ! ;D)

Alright, so I've cut this concluding bunch into sections, which I've been doing for a few stories now. It's like tiny chapters reunited in one…

So, shall we begin that long conclusion ?

Here goes :


I gotta thank first that Guest who wrote me a nice long review… in Spanish ?! Yup, Spanish… too bad I don't speak that language ! But I understood a good part of it after looking intently at the words, which resemble French or Italian for part of them, and had the rest translated into French via Google. Thanxxxx for calling my story a "wonder", dear Guest ! It's one of the most flattering compliments I've ever received on FanFiction ! :D

Another thank you to my dear Soleana… although I must confess I was somewhat disappointed, this time ! You used to write longer reviews… and for the ultimate chapter, the very conclusion of the story, I find it rather bitter that you have nothing more to say than this short group of words. I expected something more… expanded, a general positive feedback about the whole story, something longer and more detailed. So yeah, you made me a bit sad, exceptionally… but after all the positive input you gave me, I can't keep those hard feelings inside of me, and therefore easily… hum, "forgive" ya ! XD Thanxxxx a bunch for your enthusiasm all throughout it all ! You've been wonderful time and time again ! Kudos and thumbs up !

Finally, great great thanxxxx to Luigiaman14 for placing me among his favorite writers. It's even huger an honour than favoriting only one of my stories ! So, really, heartfelt gratitude !

Oh, and the introductory part of that last chapter, about time passing, also reflects the time that passed while writing this story. It's been so long, more than a year… so it had to induce some meditation about time, at some point. Yet, even when things last long… they have to end someday. And that concluding part here is where everything will end…

But can we conclude something without a good retrospective look at the statistics ?


This story is 26 chapters long, including both FOREWORD and this AFTERWORD, counts 221'183 words (I'm putting the final total, after finishing this AFTERWORD !), has received 73 reviews up to now, been favorited by 42 readers and followed by 54 (many having done both, thanxxxx again, Dudes ! :D) and has been written between August 20th 2014 and November 5th 2015 (just like with the total words count, the finishing date has been put after finishing this AFTERWORD !), which is one year and two and a half months. Finally, it has collected a current total of 14'143 views… and I'm sure it'll go on for a while !

Therefore, my longest story and, based on the favoriting/following stats, as well as the views, my most popular one by far. It even comes second in the review field, beaten only by MBC's RED PRISON, one of the fictions I'm the proudest of.

Pretty impressive, I admit. If someone had told me it'd go that far… I'm just speechless at such success… and extremely, extremely grateful, obviously !

Which brings us to next section…


Where would I be, dear readers, without you all ? You who took the time to discover that web I was weaving for you, month after month, you who honored me with favoriting and following this fiction, for which I am way indebted. I can repay you only with massive thanxxxx, and that's what I address ya : massive thanxxxx indeed ! You all made my days, and such awesome support is just stunningly amazing ! May you be blessed for your ongoing believing in me and my work.

A particular thank you to Soleana and CuttieGirll57, who reviewed the most (the vast majority of chapters) ! You girls definitely made me a happy man, because reviews are for an author what gasoline is for a car…

Speaking of Solana, I've got a bit more to say…


I thought I had mentioned to whom 'RavInX' was dedicated upon publishing the FOREWORD, but apparently no. Yet I still made it clear in the summary to the story : my good FFriend xXSoulDragonXx, who had been so supportive of my other lesbian story, MBC's A HUNDRED MILLION SUNS, which was also dedicated to her (she indeed has the same gender preferences as the heroines of both stories).

But I felt that I had to add another dedicatee for this sTTory : given her support, it's only fair I also dedicate 'RavInX' to : SOLEANA. You really deserve it, Girl, and your constant reviews have really warmed my author's heart. So this story is also for you, together with my endless thanxxxx for your constant feedbaxxxx. Your fantastic support has been a truly incredible source of motivation ! May ya be blessed !

I've spoken a lot about the story and about you, my dear fans… but what about me, the author ?


Isn't it logical I briefly let ya now how I feel about 'RavInX' ? Makes sense, since I'm its creator… no ? ;)

Well, given the success this fiction met with, I have to admit that this is one of my best worxxxx to date (together with MBC's SHADOWLAND and RED PRISON, two fictions which I'm also fond of… and which I strongly recommend ya to read, as they are packed with adventure and drama) !

I'm extremely proud of this sTTory, my third in the Teen Titans archive. I was very pleased with my first one, '8', but this one here beats it with flying colours, as they say ! And given the attention I garnered, and the success I was rewarded with in return, I have to be way pleased with this fiction, and how it so incredibly positively turned out !

I know that parts of it were… hum, pretty graphic, either in sex or in violence, but I also know that one cannot always avoid the basic reality of facts. Coz, what can I say, life is just that straightforward sometimes, and toning things down continuously, like Yankees tend to do… nah, not for me, guys !

So yeah, I'm pretty content about the outcome, and even if I'm aware that some sentences and word uses were a bit awkward (but keep in mind that English isn't my mother tongue…!), that some events, dialogs, ideas could have been better, written better, that some maybe should have been avoided… well despite all that, I can't help being happy about 'RavInX', and very proud of it !

And now that it's officially finished… well, what now ?


There is at least one plot I'm gonna continue to develop : that's evidently INLAND EMPIRE, which I started during 'RavInX' 's writing. I'm still waiting for my co-author SKYCHILD101 to publish her own chapter (we alternate chapters), for me to pursue that fiction. I just hope she just won't let me down… like my precedent co-author, Hahli Nuva, the only other writer I had collaborated with on a story before SC101 !

For the rest, I have another Teen Titans story in mind. It will be way different, once again : after a long dramatic love story, next fiction will be a comic one-shot. Nothing much in common with 'RavInX', eh ? But then again, I love to switch from one genre to another, from one kind of plot to another : sentimental lemon, adventure, (lesbian) love story, sex and friendship blend, adventure, drama, mix of action and adventure and sentimental stuff, horror, drama mixed with (lesbian) love, and now comedy… See, I'm a chameleon and like to try new things ! :D

It'll be my second one-shot after SPOOKY (actually, my very first FFiction was a one-shot in the first place… but a one-shot long of more than 23'000 words, that's a lil' long, eh, so I had to slice it up into chapters !), and my debut in comedy. Never wrote pure comedy, only scattered funny moments here and there in my plots, so that'll be a new challenge for me. Hopefully I'll do good in that new genre as well.

I'm also considering writing for a new archive. A story that will be an improbable mix of sex and horror, including death (not exactly what I write the most about, me who do my best to avoid death of characters… but still, another new potential challenge to confront to !)

Apart from these 2-3 projects, nothing else. So I must once again reiterate my help request : would some of you be so kind as to make plot proposals on my forum, called MY TOPICS FORUM, whose links is on my profile page ? That would be reaaaally nice to help me find further inspiration… it's like the nicest thing ya guys could do for me ! :D

Right, I've said it all… haven't I ? So time has come for…


Eh yes, this AFTERWORD is a conclusion… but even a conclusion must be… concluded, eh ! And the final dot has to be… finally put ! XD

I want to once again, for the umpteenth time, wholeheartedly thank you ALL to the maxxxx for deciding to read 'RavInX' and granting it that much importance. It's way flattering, and an unspeakable honor to have one's abilities valued that much. My eternal gratitude to ya all, Folxxxx ! You've been making me so incredibly happy during all those months of crafting & crafting, and for this… well, words can hardly be accurate enough to express the full extent of my appreciation !

I'm somewhat sad to have to leave 'RavInX'… but I can't avoid to ! No story is endless, after all, so… gotta be strong and cope with that demanding task of finishing a long achievement, dear to my heart !

It was smashing to have had you wz me all along the way. I'm sure ya liked the ride on the rollercoaster "Love 'n' Drama", and I was honored of your presence on board. It was great driving ya around, but time has come to step out… Perhaps you regret having to, but as for me, I sure DO regret to be forced to leave 'RavInX'. Got so used to it, ya know… so used to writing it, chapter after chapter… it feels strange to think that I'll stop doing that for good…

Ahum, let's not cry, eh ! We're all mature, all grown ups, and grown-ups don't cry… or do they ? (**turn away to wipe a tear**)

I'll be wishing ya all the best, much luck wz yr own stories (and wz yr studies, naturally !), much pleasure reading the marvelous stories FanFiction has to offer, best of mood and health, tons of happiness, and all my sympathy ! I really owe ya a lot, guys !

Alright, time to let the curtain fall over 'RavInX'. It was one hell of a ride, and I'll sure treasure this fiction as one of my major achievements.

Thanxxxx again, all of you readers, reviewers, favoriters, followers !

Be all fine !

Coolest vibes !

Nicest thoughts !

And, for the last time…

PeAcE, LoVe, EcStAsY !


:::::::::::::::::::: Léo ::::::::::::::::::::
