Nanoklik: 1 second
Cycle: 1 minute
Klik: 1.2 seconds
Megacycle: 93 hours
Stellar cycle: 1 year
Meta-cycle: 13 months
Vorn: 83 years

Not in recharge any more, not fully awake yet. Ratchet was aware of his state but unwilling to online his optics. He felt rested expect for so many times when their current tasks had left him exhausted. Ever since the night the scout returned with his self-inflicted damage to gain the medic's attention, things had changed. Despite his worries, Ratchet had given in and allowed the younger one to occupy a part of his spark that had been empty for far too long. So much time had passed, but he never had regretted what had started on that night over a meta-cycle ago.

Along with the tasks at their servos, they had protected their privacy and longed for the rare moment they were able to spend with each other. Since Cybertron had been restored, the time Ratchet was able to spend with Bumblebee lessened, with his stationing on Earth. He paid occasional visits when his skills were required, or to visit his lover. Who else could brag that their mate would burn this much Energon just to be near the other one? Primus save him for anyone finding out…
His current stay on his home planet was for the latter reason. And a night like this, where the medic knew the black and yellow scout was recharging right next to him, made up for all the distance which separated them most of the time. At some points of their journey, he thought that there was no way they would make it. But he was glad to look back and know that the scout still lay in his arms.

Ratchet laid on his back just a few servos' breadth away from the edge of Bumblebee's berth. Of course he had private quarters assigned to him, but he had all his possessions with Bumblebee and spent his time with him whenever he was home.
One after another, the medic's systems came back online. His right servo was the first one to set itself in motion, searching the space on his right side for the other mech. The berth seemed to be empty and Ratchet frowned for a klik. However, he felt the younger one's presence and his EM field not too far away from him. A feeling of longing washed over the medic's frame as his own electromagnetic field reached out for the other mech.

"If I am not mistaken, your place is next to me," Ratchet grumbled and raised his servos to search for his lover when he felt a pair of servos stroking over his chest armor. Their digits transmitted the gentle vibration of Bumblebee's revving engine. It was an all-too-familiar sensation to Ratchet, and gave the scout's current position away. The medic onlined his optics, looking directly in the blue optics of his lover who knelt over him, one leg on each side of Ratchet's waist and his servos placed on the other one's upper frame.
"I like it up here too," Bumblebee chuckled when the medic finally reacted. "Besides, I remember you told me, you wanted to recharge."
"I can hardly recharge when I get distracted like that," Ratchet responded with an annoyed expression, but for some reason he wouldn't mind not being fully recharged when he had to go back to Earth.
The scout leaned forward, fully aware of his lover's foul moods when his recharge was disturbed, and spoke directly in the medic's audio output: "Go back into recharge if you want to. Don't mind me." Black servos drew circle patterns in the area over the medic's grill and spread low charges over the plating, knowing that the small sparks would beckon his owner to take the invitation of the scout. And Ratchet didn't need a second one.

With a sigh of pleasure the medic's servos slid up the black legs. Reaching Bumblebee's hips, he pulled the sports car down to sit on him. He knew that their paint jobs would mingle with each other before each of them would reach their peak. But he didn't mind. For a while now he had thought that black would matched his own colors perfectly.
He scouted the seams of the younger one's lower frame, searching for already discovered spots which allowed him to reach sensitive wires below with the digits of his servos and maybe a new possibility. He spared the area around his interface panel and simply stroked around the close appliance on the scout's lower stomach. Bumblebee's black and yellow frame trembled - Ratchet intended to challenge the speedster with his slower way to enjoy their togetherness, fully aware of how impatient his lover could get. At the same time, the medic was unable to deny Bumblebee anything once he began to beg.

The younger one leaned his frame forward, touching the front plating from the medic with his headlights and stroking upwards over the exposed neck area. Low discharges teased the cables on Ratchet's neck and tempted the medic to lean his helm back and moan.
Servos traveled fast and slipped under the scout's black armor to fondle wires and cables, searching for various wire nodes to return the favor. Bumblebee's engines revved under the caress of his lover as he bucked up his upper body and offlined his optics for a nanoklik to let the sensation wash over him.
Ratchet took advantage of the distraction and sat up. The younger one slid in his lap, willingly wrapped his legs around the white and red frame and laced his pedes behind the other ones back. Venting to cool his systems, the medic spoke words of affection in their mother tongue while he leaned forward and forced the scout to bend further backwards. A trail of electric discharge stroked up his arms. Bumblebee didn't try to hold on, knowing Ratchet would hold him.

Heat radiated between both of their frames and grew with each touch they shared. Ratchet leaned his helm against the chest plating which covered the younger one's spark, feeling the pulse which perfectly matched his own.
Bumblebee's voice formed sounds of longing as he grinded his hips against the medic's lap, begging for more attention. Their interface panels barely touched, but were near enough to feel the tension of their desires. The scout rolled his helm back, lost in another moan.
Holding the yellow 'Bot with one servo, Ratchet's other hand travelled down the trembling frame. Paying attention to each seam and sensitive wire he slowly neared the desired spot. Impatiently, Bumblebee's body leaned into the touch on his abdominal plating, mewling sounds escaping him while he writhed under the medic's touch in the most appealing way.

With a smile on his facial plating, Ratchet let out a lustful growl. "Good things come to those who wait, little Bee," he said and circled the panel, skipping it on purpose. He offlined his optics with a moan when he felt a wave of small sparks on his helm, ignited by the servos of the younger one as an answer to his teasing.
Small black servos travelled down his neck, sliding down his white and red frame and seeming to burn his heated plating even more. Craving for each of the sensual touches, the medic was unable to follow his own journey over the younger ones frame. Groaning shamelessly, he moved himself against the scout, not minding the scratches they would find all over them in the morning.

Ratchet's interface panel slid open immediately when the scout's prying servos reached their destination. The tips of Bumblebee's servos trailed the outlines of the medic's port and the tip of medic's jack-plug. Onlining his optics, Ratchet lifted his helm and looked in the blue optics above him. Bumblebee's gaze transmitted sly amusement and an undeniable lust.

Skilled servos stroked over the panel of the younger one, demanding access to his most sensitive equipment. Bumblebee obeyed and leaned back on the servos which kept him upright. Carefully he unwound the cable out of Ratchet's panel and felt his lover following his example, plugging the scout into him and establishing the desired connection. Ratchet pulled him up to his chest plate and leaned his helm against the other's. His servos traveled over the edges of Bumblebee's doorwings, leaving both lovers venting for air while the connection got initiated.

Bumblebee's frame went rigid when the first data transfer was exchanged over their cables. His helm rolled back and the servos on the medic's shoulders gripped the armor tightly. With a shameless moan of pleasure, the medic let himself be washed away by the sensations. Freeing one of his servos, Ratchet placed it over the spark of the younger one, feeling the fast pulse vibrating under his sensors. Caressing the area, the scout leaned himself back to give him more room while he sank into the mutual pleasure of their connecting.
Carefully, Ratchet pulled the scout back to his chest and took Bumblebee's hand off his own shoulder to place it on the armor above his spark chamber. The scout's engine revved with desire when he onlined his optics suddenly, as he felt the armor part under his touch.

Another data exchange rushed through their systems - their helms leaned against each other, bathing in pleasure. When they looked at each other again, a faint blue glow filled the space between them. Bumblebee looked at the pulsating orb inside Ratchet's chest, looking up in surprise. They had discussed this and Bumblebee had agreed to wait until the war was over, as Ratchet had asked.
"Are you sure?" Bumblebee asked in awe. With the Decepticons disbanded, there was, after so many vorns, hope for a peace, although it would need time for Cybertron to be up and about again. He hadn't brought the topic up anymore, but it was a painful wish in his mind and spark whenever he thought of his mate.
Ratchet took the servos of his lover once more and placed them on his facial plating, nuzzling against them. His vocal systems rebooted several times in between the low moans, before he was able to express himself. "Primus, I wouldn't want it any other way." A smile lost in desire spoke of the sincerity of his request. "Looking back today, I shouldn't have asked you to wait that long."
Bumblebee turned his servos to take hold of Ratchet's, sending waves of affection over their connected sensors. "I think tonight is perfect, Ratchet."

As the scout's armor parted the glow was doubled and bathed them in a faint blue light. Merely apart, the tendrils of their sparks were already reaching out for each other, longing to be united as much as their owners. Bumblebee leaned his helm forward with a static moan, pulling the medic close to him and embracing everything he offered, everything he was.
Keeping the scout close to him, Ratchet was washed away by the wave of sensations. From one klik to the next, the younger one became an indispensable part of his very existence. Leaving traces in his processor, systems and each vital part of himself. Ratchet was overwhelmed by the feeling of once again accepting this bond with another mech. For stellar cycles, he had only remembered what it was like to lose, and he had forgotten how it felt to accept someone close to his spark. The medic swore to himself, he wouldn't make this mistake twice.

With a muffled moan against the neck of the scout, Ratchet felt how his systems heated up as they approached the critical point. He didn't need the bond between himself and Bumblebee to feel the youngster stepping over the edge when the frame in his arms tensed up. Static sounds of pleasure mixed with Ratchet's voice when he followed.

As the sound of their voices faded away, only the whirring efforts of their vents was heard in the medic quarters. Still entangled with each other, the two Autobots enjoyed the moment of bliss. Gently stroking over the back plating of the other one, they realized that even if the galaxy separated them, they would never be apart from each other.
Bumblebee whimpered silently when he felt the loss of the other one's spark when they separated from each other. He nuzzled against the medic and let his engines rev in his satisfaction.
"We should make use of the rest of the night cycle, before I have to leave again," Ratchet suggested and carefully disconnected them from each other.
The scout slid off his mate and made himself comfortable next to him. With a cheeky smile he responded: "I wouldn't mind another round if you insist."
Ratchet's optic ridges rose as he looked down at Bumblebee. "I 'm talking about recharge, little Bee. This old 'Bot lacks your stamina." His words just gained him an amused chuckle.

Bumblebee purred words of endearments to his medic while leaning against Ratchet's broad chest plate.
Even in the dim light of his quarters, Ratchet was able to make out streaks of white paint on the black and yellow frame. It looked good on him and awoke the desire to let everyone know who this scout belonged to. On the other servo, they mustn't rush, as long as they knew who was in possession of their sparks.

Suddenly Bumblebee moved in his arms and raised himself up. The medic followed his gaze into the rest of the dark, quiet hallway of his housing.
"Did you hear that?" he asked and looked down to Ratchet.
With a groan, the older Autobot pulled him back into his arms. "Don't ask me to check for Unicron under your berth. I can assure you, he isn't hiding there. Lay down again."
Bumblebee snorted but did as he was told. "If he shows up tonight, I'm leaving you to him."
"Charming. Only remember that we are bonded now. Wherever I go, you will follow." Ratchet offlined his optics to give himself a well-deserved recharge.

Primus knew, he was relieved that he was the only mech to be seen on the hallway in which Bumblebee's quarters was located. Smokescreen was aware that Knock Out was living here as well, imagine if he had walked by to see him sneaking out of his buddy's quarters in the middle of the night-cycle.

With a huff he leaned against the door which had closed behind him and heard his vents kick in to cool down his systems. He couldn't think of a more awkward situation to blunder into. He covered his face with his servo and growled in embarrassment.
Smokescreen had been aware of the close friendship between the medic and scout, but he had no idea how close they were. That was until he mindlessly entered his friend's quarters this night. He didn't even know that Ratchet was back on Cybertron.

The reason he had entered Bumblebee's private quarters had seemed good, at least a while ago. Bumblebee had contacted him earlier this evening to let him know that he wouldn't meet up with Bulkhead, Wheeljack and him for a cube of high-grade. In possession of the access code and already intoxicated, Smokescreen agreed that Bumblebee's reasons were not enough to bail on them.

They haven't seen him at the end of the small corridor but Primus, he had seen more than he ever wanted to.

His gaze shifted to the white panel next to the door, which asked him to enter the correct entrance code, but Smokescreen vowed to himself to never use it on this particular quarters ever again, if not asked by it's owner.