Hohoho, it's Crazy ole' Mani again *pretend that I'm Santa and you really wanted this chapter for Christmas. Lol*

Chapter 8

Monday… Naruto curled more against himself. He hated Mondays.

Sasuke carefully re-ironed his faded grey skinny jeans. He watched as they steamed under the heat. Deep down, passed his narcissism, he knew he was an ugly bastard. Not the ugly that was hard to look at, but the kind that God didn't like.

He had gotten Minato to somehow drop him home, and he hadn't told the blonde about it.

Honestly, despite the attitude that he had, he couldn't have stayed the night anyway, he would have raped Naruto. And the blonde wouldn't have seen it coming. He made a mental not to get some lube, the edible kind. He definitely wanted Naruto to blow him again. But he would be prepared for it this time. He smirked as he thought about it.

Mondays were always his better days.

Kushina had Naruto's breakfast ready as he dashed from the stairs. "Mom, I'm late!" He shouted, it was obvious he had only just flung on an orange and black checkered flannel shirt that would have been tight if he were any bigger, and mint green capris. He just barely had his feet tucked in black Ruidas. "Where's Sasuke?"

He asked, looking around the large space for him.

"Didn't he tell you?" Minato asked, "He asked me to take him home. He said it was of utmost importance."

"Forget that," Kushina frowned, "Go put on matching clothes. And those shoes… no." She shook her head.

The blonde groaned loudly, "Mom!" He whined, "Leave me alone. These are my Monday shoes. They reflect how I feel."

"You feel like crap?" She asked sympathetically.

"Well now I do." He scoffed. Taking her advice anyway, he kicked the shoes off and decided to wear the black and orange canvasses at the door.

"Hurry son, you need to eat your breakfast. Mom made grilled cheese hamburgers." He smiled brightly, "Good thing her son's back, so we can finally eat junk again." He narrowly missed a fork as it flew past his head.

"Oh yea, Kurama's back." The blonde perked up immediately and somehow the anguish of not seeing Sasuke disappeared.

"He got here early morning. So he's dead tired." Kushina muttered softly.

Minato nodded, "I was shocked to see him, even though Naruto gave us a heads up."

"And he grew bigger too." She added, "He consumes way too much carbs."

The rest of the conversation faded and the three shared a bout of strained silence."

"Mom! I'm gonna be late!"

Konoha Academy stood proud as always, and the gates were open to allow a streaming number of cars to enter. Naruto never failed to notice the tiny cameras hidden in the trees, and the number of men dressed formally, seated at the entrance of corners and perched on the benches that occupied chattering first years.

He was early, and he realized that today was inter school reaction for the entire first three sessions. He sighed with dread as he approached his class room on the senior block. His home room was moderately empty, save for the 'nerds' who were studying. He figured they weren't so smart after all if they couldn't make it in the advanced classes and he sneered at the thought of studying when he didn't have to.

"I guess that really makes me an idiot."

He plopped in his seat by the other side of the room and set up his phone to listen to music and text. He knew the gang was by the football field but he didn't want to get sweaty so early in the morning.

Naruto didn't notice the shadow that loomed over him until it was too late.

Someone pounced on him and he almost bit his tongue as a girly squeal erupted, "Naru, is it really you?"

He recognized the voice to belong to his youngest female friend, Moegi. "Moe, hey!"

She eased up a little and a soft blush covered her cheeks. "S-sorry! I was just passing by, when I heard some girls whispering about how an adorable yummy blonde Namikaze just passed them, and I had to check to see if it was really you."

"Oh." He laughed a little embarrassed at the sudden attention. "So how's Maru?"

"F-fine." She twirled the tip of her skirt nervously, "He's at the art department."

"Oh, so I guess you were about to go see him?"

"Y-yea. He gonna do a nude portrait of me."

The blonde's eyes widened, then he started to laugh, "That little pervert. Go on then, I don't want to hinder him from seeing you naked."

Moe was about to deliver a well deserved punch but after he locked eyes with hers and his deep cerulean met her doe brown, she had a change of heart and instead pouted and stuck her tongue at him.

Something had changed, she concluded, Naruto was no longer fit for her girly abuse. She decided to tease him back instead.

"Naru… I just noticed how pretty you are when you smile, wont you join the cheer team? We need more cuties like you."

She was never prepared for him to nod thoughtfully and then say "Oh Moe, that's a great idea, we could both be on top the pyramid!" He mocked.

She blushed darker, and then ended up giggling and ruffling his wild blonde spikes. "You are so mean."

"I learn from the best."

With that, Moe left and blew a kiss at him. He glanced at the few students who were looking at him fondly.

He smiled good naturedly at them.

The buzzing of his cell had his attention as he texted away with Kiba, whom he had already forgiven for the day before.

Sasuke liked to believe that Karin wasn't related to Naruto, but the truth remained that she did. She was just as loud, if not more so than the blonde and she gave the word obnoxious a whole new level of meaning.

"And then he totally ate her out like he was fucking starving!" She just could not whisper and the entire world seemed to notice it but her. She was chatting away to Sakura and Hinata and they were too into her scandals to see the guy she was talking about stuck in the door way.

He wondered how the blonde had reacted to not seeing him that morning. He hoped it would make him earger to come searching for him in his free time. However, when an hour ended and he neither saw nor heard from the blonde, guilt slowly started to sting at his conscience. Was the blonde mad at him for leaving so suddenly? Was he upset that he hadn't told him about "the urgent matters" that he had been attending to?

He groaned under his breath and glanced at his cell once more. Why wasn't the idiot texting him and seeking his attention?

Suddenly, he felt the vibrations he had been waiting for. A satisfied smirk marred his features. A second later, it was a disappointing scowl.

Naruto hadn't been the one texting him. Instead it was his e-mail subscription.

Having wearing his patience thin, he got up and hoisted his bag over a shoulder, practically leaving a trail of murderous intent behind.

Lee skipped along the halls joyously, he lifted his hand to wave to Naruto as he was seemingly dragged away from their class room by a fearsome Sasuke.

"I wonder what that is all about?" The slim green clad teen shrugged after a moment of thought and continued skipping along as if he hadn't seen anything.

"Could you quit dragging me around like a mad man?" The blonde finally regained some composure as they exited the building.

"Shut up!" Sasuke breathed heavily.

Naruto figured he was either really upset, or exhausted. "No! Stop tugging my arm!" He pulled away and glared at Sasuke menacingly, "I'm not your freaking dog."

"Why have you been such a retard?" The Uchiha yelled. There were no students passing by, but he was still loud enough to be heard from the inside.

"I'm a retard? That's crazy, I don't even know what your problem is!" Naruto yelled back, and it was way louder than Sasuke's.

"Come 'ere." He held the blonde's arm again but not so tightly, and he walked briskly instead of moving at breakneck speed.

They ended up in the empty auditorium, and he tugged the blonde around the corner and pushed him against the door of an abandoned janitor's closet.

By now, Naruto had guessed what could have made Sasuke so angry.

"Well?" He asked softly, "What's all this drama about?"

"You." Sasuke snapped aggressively. "I just hate you." He said softer. "I hate that you left without telling me and you disappeared for so long… I hate that you don't understand the things I can't say out loud" He got frustrated again. "I can't get you out of my head, and I keep having these dreams…" He leaned closer to the silent blonde and leaned down to rest his head against his shoulder, he sighed. "I just hate everything about you." The words held no more acid, just extreme detachment.

Naruto allowed Sasuke to regain his voice. He just stood still and let the Uchiha vent.

The words had stung, painfully deep, and he wondered how the friendship had climaxed to this point. Even lovers had quarrels, but he hated when he and Sasuke had a real argument. They usually ended up like this. And Naruto was always the one to apologize and then do something to cheer the intolerable Sasuke up.

At first, nothing came to mind, he had already explained to Sasuke why he had to leave so suddenly, but apparently he hadn't been forgiven properly.

Eventually, Sasuke leaned up, and he looked away immediately. "You infuriate me."

"No." Naruto shook his head, "I arouse you." He looked up at Sasuke as his face turned a bit pinker. "I don't get you at all. We've known each other since forever and you never change. Every time I do something you disapprove of you yell at me and make me feel bad. I'm just about tired of it. I never know how to react to you. My senses go haywire and my actions defy all reasonable thought; just so I can please you. What more do you want from me? What should I do to make us OK again?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Sasuke captured his face between his hands and leaned down to kiss him. He moved his lips frantically, trying to find some relief. "Give me you." He breathed against his opened mouth. "Give me your soul too." He added, "And do everything I say."

Naruto was too shocked to respond when Sasuke opened the door and stepped them inside. He wanted to make a comment about how this joke had gone on long enough, but somehow words failed him, and he succumbed to the urges in his head. He had agreed to let Sasuke have sex with him. But now didn't seem like the best time to say that the room they stepped in was probably bug infested and that the box he was being leaned over probably had chemicals in it that could ruin his shirt as it got quickly discarded.

Naruto just let it happen, and then he blacked out from the pain and being unprepared. He knew they crossed the friend zone, but he couldn't help but wonder when it happened.

Surely, he never noticed before, but Sasuke was more than just a 'best friend'. He was way more than that.

A/N: Don't kill me, I'm already dead tired and I wasn't in the mood to make a good lemon. He'll have the memory though. Hehe

Thanks for the love my lovelies, and don't forget to leave a sweet review to compel me to make more of this.