*Please do not read if you haven't read the manga, or it's sequel. It will make absolutely no sense if you haven't.*

Ohhhh my god I'm so sorry for the absolute lateness of this. Like... more than half a year late. I'M SORRY. I lost my juju for a while but it's back! I'll make up for it with the next chapter.

As a little gift, I'll be taking more requests. But let's be honest: I'll only do it if I like it. So, my cute little deranged readers, go ham in the reviews or PM me something you'd like to see in the next chapter.

And one last thing before I shut up. My writing, in this short amount of time, has improved. It probably will be displayed more thoroughly in the next chap.

Some discretion: The first bit is kinda gory so if you don't like that...Forget what I said. You watched/read Tokyo Ghoul. You like it.

Happy reading. :)

Kaneki was beginning to tire, wheezing every few strides as he dived into a darkened corridor. He clicked his tongue as two figures strolled lazily from the shadows, veering off into another smaller alley. The scuffles and swearing of pursuit grew closer, the scent of Shirazu and Kuki filling his nostrils bitterly. Mutsuki must've fallen behind; he was never good with tracking down ghouls on foot in the first place.

From the irritation and killer intent practically coating his sinus, Kaneki could tell he would have to do more than subdue the petty duo.

Ready for their ever growing presence, he sucked in another breath as their scents became overwhelming, their pulses puttering against his eardrums.

Unwilling to waste any more energy in the futile escape to undermine the incessant officers, Kaneki centered himself in front of a chain link fence towering tens of feet above his head, a deadly stillness following the hiss of his feet sliding against the ground. He took a deep breath and steeled himself as the hard clap of their shoes hitting asphalt dissipated into mocking, slowed strides, lanky and prominent shadows lolling into view.

He set his feet slowly, drawing in a measured, cooling breath. Their shadows stretched further and thinner as they stalked forward, crawling ominously over Kaneki's feet. He dipped his head and let their scent rest on his tongue for one last moment, his hair shielding a quirked simper on his lips.

"Sassan-" Shirazu taunted, swiping a tongue over his sharp teeth, "-or whoever the hell you are. I've always wanted to see that big mouth of yours in action."

Urie stayed silent, his eyes trained intensely on Kaneki's shrouded form. He stopped suddenly, alarm dumping cold adrenaline into his system. Shirazu, however, already had unsheathed his kagune and was drawing dangerously close to the SS-rated ghoul.

Fool, he thought, but made no move to halt his companion's unprecedented advancements. Shirazu's grin had stretched his cheeks so far he was sure they'd spilt in half, kagune writhing and squirming around his body in an excited wake.

The orange-haired boy realized his mistake a moment too late, malicious grin deterring into a rueful scowl as his former group leader's head snapped up, a sadistic gleam in his eyes so unlike him, it stopped Shirazu dead in his gait.

Kaneki's kagune unfurled from his back like liquid blood, crackling and swelling in a mass of glimmering crimson. A familiar rush of elation danced through his ignited veins as the bicolored man took one step forward, his heart thrashing in wild excitement.

A muted glint from one exposed eye was the last thing Shirazu saw before warmth exploded throughout his stomach, the force of impact sending him back a few steps.

Blood laden spittle flew from his mouth and a startled, broken cry split his throat in half, more blood gushing from the fatally large gap that used to be his stomach. The perfumed substance rolled over and coated the bottom half of his body as he slowly lifted his head in utter shock, gaze inches from that of a mirror, red and black that cut through his hazy mind and into his deteriorating soul.

"Centipede," Kaneki smiled again, eyes wide in an unseeing fervor. His fingers tightened rigidly against each other and he drove the pointed tips into Shirazu's chest, ripping out a hunk of flesh before examining it with sick fascination. He didn't pause for another second as he shoved the sopping fistful into his mouth, gulping loudly as it slipped down his gullet.

A satisfied growl escaped Kaneki's bloodied mouth, closing his eyes to feel the repulsive meat absorb almost instantly into his body, rinkaku slithering restlessly in the heavy air.

Kiku cringed and resisted the urge to slap a hand to his mouth as Shirazu fell lifelessly to the ground; he had a feeling the impulsive idiot wouldn't rise for the rest of the night. The burning between his shoulder blades grew to a hearty flame as Kaneki brushed a thumb over his index finger, effectively cracking the digit.


The blade thrust from over his shoulder, glinting sharply under the bleak light. He felt it settle strictly over his bicep, secured tightly as he brought the tendon swinging over his head. Urie silenced the continual warnings plaguing his mind, feverish anticipation seizing his limbs and he took two automatic steps forward, the beginnings of a smile pulling at his lips.

Kaneki sighed in slight agitation as Urie displayed initiative aggression, bobbing his head to the side before cracking a finger. His skin splintered almost satisfyingly as his familiarly plated kagune finally revealed itself, unraveling with a bloody flourish.

"Selfish, inconsistent, opaque, irrational turmoil hidden behind a tortured mask; I hate you, Urie."

Urie's mouth contorted into a snarl before he heaved his ukaku high into the air, proceeding to smash it violently onto the pavement.

Kaneki stood only for a few seconds as he watched the fragmented spears hurdling in his direction.

"I'd eat that bitch all over again if I knew she'd do this," Kaneki muttered bitterly, dodging the fleeting, curved spines of kagune flying at his head and chest. His momentum from avoiding impalement had landed him only feet from the CCG officer, who whirled around to send another array of shards his way. Kaneki felt a wicked grin split his face in two; too late.

The second before his kagune could lash out and strike through Urie's stomach, a fate similar to Shirazu, a sudden weight redirected the splintered column's descent.

Intense chagrin clung hotly to Kaneki's chest as he straightened, every sense alert in the toss up of dirt and debris now surrounding him. The scratch of shoes against the asphalt veered his attention toward the source, muscles strained and prepared for another attack, until two distinct aromas attacked his waiting nostrils.

With wide eyes and halted breath, he watched two familiar silhouettes reveal themselves from the smog.

"Kaneki-kun," the dark-haired woman cooed, stepping forward to swipe blood off his chin, "I knew you'd look good in red."

The male ghoul froze in awe as she fussed over his appearance, sparing him a wink and cheeky grin. Her companion sighed wearily before peering around stoically, hands shoved into his slouchy harem sweats.

"Itori-san, I wouldn't cling to him like that after he's been bathing in blood," Uta said in a voice as singsongy as it could get with his monotonous slur.

Kaneki managed to reattain his blank stare, feeling quite unsure about what to do with the pair of old acquaintances. Who also happened to be in league with The Clowns.

"What are you doing here?" He asked lowly, eyes darting around. He was anxious with them redirecting his attention, currently fighting off a pesky pursuer.

"Do you not know?" Uta turned mildly curious eyes on the bicolor-haired man. He hid his surprise at realizing he was almost eye level with Kaneki.

"We've come to fetch you."

Kaneki took in a sobering breath and exhaled loudly, leaning back against his chair. Itori gazed at him expectantly, taunting stare topped off irritatingly by clasped hands supporting her chin in a smug rendition. Uta's expression was unreadable behind dark shades and an inexpressive pout of his lip.

"Don't worry about being found out. They'll probably be expecting you to have booked it by now. Besides, you look a bit different."

"Wouldn't they be expecting me to alter my appearance, of all things?"



His hands rose subconsciously to his newly dyed hair. Black. How nostalgic.

"That's not what I'm worried about," he sighed tiredly, accepting a coffee graciously as a young waitress set it down on the table. "Where's Rize?"

Itori took a contemplative sip and remained silent, her watchful gaze never leaving Kaneki's. Uta looked absentmindedly out the window at strolling passerby, successfully fueling Kaneki's restless conscious.

"Close," Uta hummed lightly, suddenly interested in a plump man shuffling into the small bar. Kaneki tsked and frowned in frustration, leaning heavily on his elbows. He opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off.

"We've all been very close, Kaneki-kun. Always." The older ghoul continued to scope their surroundings, intense stare betraying his languid appearance. Kaneki winced and cast his eyes downward.

"I realize that. But I need her." He met Itori and Uta's piqued glances after a few seconds, determination and renewal making him look many times his youthful age.

"I need her to find Touka-chan."

"No you don't, Ken." Itori adopted a suspiciously gentle sheen over her large eyes, small hand cupping Kaneki's in a foreign contemplation of reassurance. He gazed imploringly into her eyes for better understanding.

"Stick around here for a bit longer. Do some sightseeing, realize where you are. This place might be a bit more familiar than you thought, and I'm sure the thing you seek the most is right beneath your cute little sniffer."

Itori's hand suddenly felt very cold atop Kaneki's, and he felt the light recede from his eyes after contemplating whether this was a trick, a ruse to keep the Clowns entertained.

"If you're lying, I'll kill you."

Itori appeared pleasantly surprised for a second, a bark of a laugh leaving her lips. Uta's face remained stoic as she grinned and replied,

"I wouldn't doubt you. But, since we're not, focus that energy on finding Touka-chan, will you?"

He held her even gaze for a long moment before sighing again and sitting back against his chair, withdrawing his hand to take a sip of coffee. The fragrant beverage whirled up his nostrils pleasantly and the bittersweet taste sat on his tongue even after he set the cup back down, eyes downcast in a daze of thought.

Kaneki suddenly looked up again, tucked a bill under his drink, and stood. Without a word, he turned toward the door and nodded politely to the waitress. Just before he walked out of the small café, he threw up a hand in a gesture of goodbye and was gone in the next second with the chime of a bell.

Kaneki shoved his hands into his pockets, exhaling generously and watching it congeal around his face before withering into the freezing night. He lifted his eyes to the sky, as if he could see the stars through the fog of Tokyo's smog that hung over the skyscrapers.

He closed his eyes and pulled his hood over his head, sighing again before veering off into a dark corridor in the city. The scent of thousands of different people tickled his nose, and he wanted it gone.

The alley gave off a somehow welcoming, damp fragrance of oil and garbage. Kaneki preferred it largely over the abundant, pulsing skin he found himself divulging in when spacing out. His feet hit the asphalt with a consistent, wet splat, watching his shoes all the while.

The overwhelming sense of lonely longing ate at Kaneki's aching heart as he swung his head up to watch a startled cat yowl and wedge itself under a dumpster, eyes growing heavier by the seconds. He tried to latch onto his false sanity derived from the past couple of years, but the yearning for something that was just tauntingly outside of his grasp was sending him over the edge.

Kaneki growled loudly and fisted his hand, cocking it back and leaning into a punch into the wall that send a sickening tremor down his arm and spine. A disjointed pop and crack met the disintegration of brick as Kaneki's arm broke momentarily before he quickly stepped back and set the injury. More than the pain, anger coursed through his body, elicited from the agony of not being able to see her.

"Touka-chan." A tear wormed its way down his face.

"Touka." A sob splintered through his voice, made his head bob and hang between his shoulders that slowly began to tremble.

The crack of a heel against the pavement nearby made his head jerk up; a was shadow inclined in his direction.

Kaneki drew over a mask of indifference and made a move to turn on his heel before the shape passed under an awning of moonlight, making him halt mid-step. His eyes widened and lips parted, air leaving his lungs in a hasty escape.

A slender woman in a familiar uniform lugged a rather large garbage bag, but was seemingly unfazed by the weight. She looked much more deterred by the sight of him, and it was mutual.

The rendition of Kaneki's dream stood right before him.

They both stared silently at each other for several very long moments, dark olive into glimmering lilac.

Kaneki's jaw slackened, lips parting to utter something, anything, but the words caught in his throat. His heart thrashed against his chest. He was burning, every cell of his body on fire with the desire to rush the grown woman so different yet so similar from his memories standing before him, but smartly held himself back. He could see many emotions swimming in her vivid gaze, but knew he shouldn't make sudden movements or he'd have a nostalgic fist piercing through his stomach. His mind was reeling in the shock and relief of finally seeing her again.

She was beautiful. Her hair remained the way she left it; a layered bob that swept over her right eye charmingly. Her eyes embraced a more confounding, sagacious glimmer, posture displaying a womanly confidence. Touka was breathtaking, and yet she didn't seem to be one bit different from the day he truly left her.

"Touka-chan," he managed to choke out, relishing the breeze that brought her familiar scent—coffee and soap—washing over him in a thick blanket. He took one step forward, another when she didn't take up an unwelcoming stance. If anything, she was the most vulnerable he'd seen her.

Her gaze went wide, and the severed light reflected wetly against the tears brimming along her eyes. They spilled over and ran in delicate rivulets down her heated cheeks; Kaneki felt his own spiral warmly down his face. His small steps brought him feet away from Touka, until he felt her small, fast breaths against his chin.

"Touka-chan," Kaneki whispered again, hoarsely, wrapping her into his embrace tightly. Touka responded instantly, dropping the bag weighing her tired arm down to lock it behind Kaneki's back in a hug that could break a grown man's entire upper body. Her erupting cries were muffled into his thick sweater, only growing louder as he murmured broken apologies into her ear, stroking her hair tenderly.

They stood like that for a long time, long after their tears dried and their haggard voices reduced to nothing. Silence enveloped them in their own dimension, surrounded by each other's familiar scent, breathing in synch.

"Where the fuck were you?"

Kaneki managed a croaky laugh, pushing his nose into Touka's temple. Her skin radiated a delicious heat he desperately desired to lose himself in.

"Doesn't matter. I'm not gong anywhere," he mumbled seriously, pulling away enough to stare into her eyes. His fingers grasped her chin and tilted it up when she wavered at his unyielding gaze, a small smile lifting the corners of his mouth.

They both gave a collective sigh as Kaneki leaned in and planted his lips tentatively on hers, his finger leaving her slight chin and ghosting over her smooth skin in a rendition of his satiated love. He felt her arms coil around his neck as she pressed herself lightly onto him, familiarizing themselves again within seconds.

"I missed you," he whispered against her lips, breathing her in. "Without even knowing it."

She sighed, threading her fingers in his thick hair, tugging his lips down to hers again as if in agreement. Their lips molded more fiercely, passionately, a silent pact; a vow. When they pulled away again, they were breathless, hearts swelling.

Kaneki leaned his forehead against hers, fingers splayed across her cheeks. Touka gazed at his closed eyes with heavy eyelids and gripped at his jacket as he spoke gently to her.

"I'm gonna take you away."

Her grasp on him tightened considerably in shock, and she recoiled slightly at this. Touka wasn't indignant or unsure about the notion, but wasn't expecting something so rash to come out of Kaneki's mouth, no matter how deranged he truly was.

Her fingers found themselves in his hair, brushing the pitch black tendrils from his forehead.


His eyes flew open, a burst of crimson and black, olivine. He suddenly seemed much younger, a carefree grin pulling his lips apart to reveal a set of perfect teeth.
