It was an old, dark, vacant building. Formerly owned by a major corporation before the economy crash. No one ever demolished the building. No one ever tried to repurchase the building. And so it just sat there.

People reported noises coming from it late at night, but no one ever bothered to look and assumed the people claiming these things were crazy.

So of course, it was perfect for Team Rocket to have their meetings. Well, it was more like Partner Rocket; there were only two members, Jessie and James. But they were always on the lookout for someone as twisted as them. The right person just hadn't jumped out at them yet.

Another night, more planning. James lit a cigar and sat beside Jessie with a smirk on his face.

"I'm assuming you've heard by now." James stated, taking a puff off the cigar.

"About what was seen at Oak's today?" Jessie asked.

"Yep. So another kid's getting involved in this? Haha, if only they knew."

"If anyone knew the things about Oak that we did," Jessie started. "we could get him locked up for a real long time."

"But we can't do that." James replied. "After all, if we, work something out with Oak, we could easily forget what he did."

"I don't want to work something out. I want all the money he has. It's not fair that we're all broke and yet..."

"Shh. I know, there's no need to go on a rant right now. After all, eventually this will all be over. All those rotten kids will be eating out of our hands, or dead. And Oak will be a problem no more."

"I can't wait." Jessie muttered to herself, suddenly getting louder afterwards. "It sickens me to let him have the glory for even one second! Especially considering we were the ones who..."

"Shh. It's alright, dear. You get too riled up at times. After all, we've got a little something no one else does."

Just as James finished his sentence, a loud growl came from the other room.

"Looks like it's time to go check on our little something." Jessie said with a smile.

The two of them walked off together into another room.

The first noticeable detail about the room was the large cage. While it was too dark to make out much detail as to what was in there, it was certainly big. Its teeth almost looked like fangs, and from the sounds of the growls it was making it was hungry. Pokemon also growled sometimes when they were hungry, but not to the extent this was.

The second noticeable detail about the room was what was handcuffed on one side of the room. Two men with bloodshot eyes and duct tape over their mouths, their eyes suddenly going wide as Jessie and James entered the room.

"How are our little slaves?" James teased, taking the cigar out of his mouth after one last drag. However, instead of simply throwing it on the ground, he burnt himself on the leg with it, making a little sigh of pleasure as he did so. He then stubbed it out on the ground.

Jessie took the tape off of the men's mouths. One of the men began to scream out with a familiar voice.

"You can't do this to us!" The voice screamed. Jessie simply smirked at the man.

"Oh, can we not, Onizuka?" Jessie asked with mischief in her voice. "What exactly are you going to do about it?"

The other man had a much different tone to his voice; one of fright.

"Please! Don't kill us!" The man shouted. "Please...I give up, I give..."

"Give? Give me what?" Jessie asked with a smirk, coming closer to the other man.

"No, I wanna give...I wanna give you..."

"You said you were gonna give me something, right? Well, spit it out. I'm right here. What the hell are you gonna give me?"

"Please! I'm serious! I wanna give..."

"Would you quit your mindless babbling?" Jessie spat at him. "You gonna give it to me or not?"

The man fell silent.

"That's exactly what I thought." Jessie stated, turning towards James. "James, release the beast."

"Gladly." James replied.

The two men began weeping for their lives, but it was too late. James released the beast, quickly getting out of the way along with Jessie as the beast lunged towards the two men. After a loud chomp, blood squirted onto the cage as one of the men screamed in horror. There were sounds of slicing and chomping around Jessie and James as the blood continued to spill; soon enough, the other man's screams became simply whimpers, followed by dead silence.

James stared at the bloody sight with delight in his eyes. Jessie simply smirked at him.

"You like this, don't you?" Jessie asked James, teasing him by dipping her finger in the blood. "You're a real twisted freak, you know that?"

James playfully slapped her on the arm, and then put his arm around her shoulder. "Oh, Jessie. We're both twisted freaks, and don't you forget it."

A/N: Sorry for the long delay; going to try to get chapters out faster now. Probably not multiple times a week like I was hoping for, but at least one to two times a week. As usual, R&R highly appreciated! If you liked this chapter, please leave a review. If you didn't, then feel free to give me a bit of constructive criticism about what you didn't like. I don't bite...maybe.

See you all next time!