Renesmee's POV:

I left Seth's house and walked to calm myself down. Even though Seth always seems to calm me down just enough for me to relax and take a breather, but it's never enough.

I first walked towards the beach. I was freezing but being at the beach relaxes me just like it does the same for some humans. I watched the dark clouds disappear before my eyes as the sky cleared to reveal a beautiful sunny day later today. I stayed there for at least two hour watching the waves, listening to the waves softly hit the shore. Looking the beautiful stars and the crescent moon. Smelling the scent of the beach and the forest too. God, I love here so much it's just beautiful. I wanted to stay longer but it was late as it is and Charlie would be waking up to go to work soon.

I walked all the way to Charlie's as I reached his neighborhood, I began to hear his T.V on. He always falls asleep watching T.V on the couch. But this time it was different he was awake. Most likely waiting for me, I slowly opened the door and walked in. Charlie got up at the sound of the old creaking open then closed. I heard him let out a soft sigh that couldn't be heard with human ears.

"Where have you been?" He asked me. I just stood there trying to figure out how mad he was at me.

"I've calling you since I got home" He said. I touched my pockets and realized my phone wasn't in them.

"I... Umm lost my phone" I let out.

"You lost your phone. Oh ok... And you couldn't use one of the people's that you were hanging out with phone's" he said looking at my oversized male hoodie. I had completely forgot about Jacob's sweater and that I was wearing it. Charlie continued.

"It's almost 4 o'clock Carlie. You can't be doing that to me-" I interrupted.

"Yeah, I know but I wasn't with anyone just now... I was alone" I said. The look Charlie had, I've seen it too many times on my dad. he wasn't mad at me, he was worried about me.

"You were alone? Just now?" He questioned.

"Yes. At La Push" I answered quickly. It wasn't like I was lying to him.

"La Push Beach? Carlie that's like a 5 hour walk from here. And you didn't even bother to take a car" Charlie took a deep breath.

"Carlie... I know you've been through alot. And i know sometimes you just want to be alone. So I need to ask and I need you to be completely honest with me... Are you ok?"

"Yes, Charlie. I was just there... because I thought it would be a nice view to paint. All the ones I have are in the day so I wanted to see how it would look at night. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be out late especially at night but... I don't know, I didn't think you would be this worried about me. It won't happen again. I promised"

"You're right it won't because... you're grounded"

"Grounded?" I questioned. I had never been grounded before.


"For how long?"

"Next Monday... And for more your punishment... Tomorrow, you and me are going to spend the whole day together"

"Oh, ok" I said as Charlie gave a slight smile.

The Next Day

Me and Charlie spent the whole morning and afternoon together. The day wasn't sunny like i thought it would be but it was warmer than usual and more brighter than usual which turned out to be a perfect day for me. Today was the only day it wasn't sunny out and I wasn't cold.

We started off with a morning hike. Then we just were spending time around town. People kept looking at us, it was just plain weird. With my vampire hearing, I heard Charlie explain to people that I was his son-in-law's niece. Charlie was so loved here, which brought me joy. Every now and then I would catch myself just looking at Charlie thinking to myself all the times I could have met him but regretted the offer each and every time. Charlie was a beautiful human being. Today, it's wasn't like I was hanging out with Charlie, it was like I was hanging out with my grandfather. We stopped by this small diner for dinner.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Charlie asked me smiling while trying to chew his food at the same time. I smiled at him.

"Nothing. I'm just really having a good time; spending time with you that's all" I said.

"I'm sorry we can't do this more often but I'll do my best to try and make this a regular thing" He said honestly.

"I would like that very much" I said and smiled back at him.

Jacob POV:

My sister Rachel decided it was one of those days to have a family dinner. Things with my family weren't that great. Me and dad hardly ever talk and when we do talk, he's always telling me to do something which annoys me. And Rachel doesn't understand what's really happening just like my dad and because my other sister Rebecca doesn't live around here anymore. Everyone thought it would be best if she didn't know about me. Even though it's hard to keep this a secret because she always wants to see me. And I can't see her and she can't see me because I still look like around 17 years old, how do I explain this to her? I always say I want to tell her but when I'm on the phone with her. I'm at a lost for words.

The main reason I want to tell her is because I missed everything. Her wedding day, her birthdays, my nephew's birth and his birthdays, holidays. I can only talked on the phone with her. And even then she knows something's not right. It's gotten to a point where I just sent her cards, letters, even emails because I can't keep lying to her when she ask me if I'm ok. She can hear it in my voice, she can feel it that I am not ok. Honestly, I think deep down no one is but we were forced to accept what I am and being ok with it because what else were we supposed to do.

Rebecca has been my therapy. She's the only one that I can really pretend like everything's normal. I love it and hate it at the same time. Me and my sisters have always been close which is why it hurts me that I've been lying to her for this long. Rebecca has helped me with everything. She stepped in as the older sister that she was when our mom passed away. Talking to her, hearing her voice over the phone reminds me so much of my mom. Like the way Rebecca is, is how I pictured my mom to be.

I missed Rebecca just like I missed Rachel when she was gone but then Paul imprinted on her and things changed just like that. When he told her what he was, I feel obligated to tell her what I was, even though I wasn't ready yet. Rachel was starting to think like my dad and it irritated me like my dad does. Rachel was so much like him.

Rebecca and I don't talk everyday. With everything that I've missed and the most precious moments she cherishes, I wasn't there for. I know she's hurt and angry about it. I keep telling her I will make it up to her but there's only so little I can do. I think she only calls because she knows I need it not because she really wants too. I guess her not being here and not knowing what I am makes it easier for me to talk to her. It feels like I wasn't Jacob who turned into a wolf but I was just Jacob again. Human Jacob.

I knew this evening wasn't going to be great. I could feel it in my core as I drove over to Rachel's and Paul's home. There house was simple. It was a brick built house which the pack and me well mostly me put a lot of work into fixing it up. There was only 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms. With time my dad took up their second room. I mean he helped them pay for it anyway so might as well. Rachel says it's because she loves having dad around and that way she can keep up with his medicine and doctor visits or if he needs something she just a couple feet away even though that could all be true and I know it's to get away from me sometimes.

As I pulled up, I could smell the food that was ready to be served. It was just a some Lemon Herb Chicken and Rice with some vegetables. Rachel wasn't really good at cooking, she was more good at cleaning. Which worked great for Paul because he's kinda a slob and could eat anything. But with time Rachel's food became more editable. Her food was never bad but it was never really good either but the cooking shows she watched helped her so that the Lemon Herb Chicken and Rice was actually my favorite meal that she made. It was basic really, could never go wrong with it.

I walked in greeted my sister, my dad and Paul. Paul was in the living room watching tv. My dad was at the dinner table reading the newspaper and Rachel was in the kitchen getting all the food ready. Something was off about my sister, i couldn't tell what. But something was different about her.

I didn't know where I should go so decided to just go out back and call Sam. I knew he would have something to tell me that took up 5 to 10 minutes and I was right. Leah and her mom went to see some Cherokee tribe called Aniwaya known as the Wolf Clan. For what? I honestly I don't know and I didn't care. But apparently Leah and Sue are staying longer than they planned which means we would have to work around Leah's absence which means a new schedule and a new rotation would have to be made. Sam told me to tell Paul. When I got off the phone and went back inside. I told Paul. I could almost feel my dad and sister sudden attention. Paul was mad and annoyed as much as I was. Patrol was boring just imagine walking laps around a field around 3 in the morning, constantly smelling and hearing everything all around you. You're sleepy and you just want to go home. It was a chore really.

After Paul and I tried to figure out how Sam would divide Leah's shifts among us all, dinner was ready. We all sat down around the table. Rachel served us all and then took a seat. After like a minute of just us eating. Not saying one thing to each other. Rachel began to glance at Paul, me and my dad. I wasn't looking at her, I was looking at my food but I would see that she was doing with my peripheral vision. She inhaled a bit then she began trying to make a conversation.

"Jacob, so how have you been?" she asked.

"Fine." Was all i said just continuing to eat my food.

"Why don't you come around the house anymore?" she asked. I sighed very lightly already annoyed.

"Because I'm busy protecting the town, Rachel" I answered. There was a moment of silence.

"Becca called me yesterday" I heard her say. I looked up at her and she was looking down at her food. I looked at my dad then Paul which was doing the same.

"What did she say?" I asked. Everyone knowing she got my attention.

"Not much... Mostly that she misses you and just that she's been trying to talk to you but no one is ever home when she calls"

"I have a cell phone, you know. Did you give it to her?"

"No, because she didn't ask for it. I told her how you've been. I can't tell her exactly everything because she's gonna wanna come home" she said talked about how I was with Dad but it was she meant it would be a huge problem if Rebecca came home. I looked at my dad who remained oddly silent this time.

"I told you. She's my sister. Our sister. I don't care if she knows about me… and the reason she doesn't know about me is because of all of you"

"It's better for her, Jacob" my dad said in a very stricted voice but never looking up at me.

"She has a life. A normal, happy, and better life. Without all of this" my sister said. And just like that I could feel my skin heating up.

"Without All Of This!? You mean me! A more normal, better and happier life without me!" My voice raises to a shout, and I slammed my hands against the table before I raised to my feet.

"I didn't mean it like that" Rachel was quick to say.

"Yes, you did. Because with Paul it's easier for all you because she didn't know him. I'm the one that doesn't get to see my own sister! You don't think I know exactly what she thinking each time I get off the phone with her. You wanna know why I don't come around the house? It's because you and Dad wanna act like nothing's happening. Like everything is fine. Like what I am is no big deal but when it comes to Rebecca. You act like I'm this monster that you have to shield her from. Like she's not gonna wanna talk or see me after she finds out like she gonna be afraid of me!" I yelled. Looking at the guilt in my sister's eyes as they began to tear up made me calm down. I didn't want to hurt her in anyway but I still felt the heat running in my veins. As I watched as Paul went into this protective mode that I've never seen in him before. He should be gone by now. He should have taken his food and run to another room by now. Why was he still here? Hovering around my sister. Ready to protect her if he needed too.

"You know what, forget it. You'll never understand. And you two can quit worrying about me. I won't come around anymore. And if anything happens Paul will tell you" I said making my way out.

"I'm pregnant!" my sister yelled to my surprised. I stopped right in my tracks and to just looked at her. And the pieces came together.

"Congratulations. And good luck, you're gonna need it with dumbass Paul as a father" I said and made my way out.

"Dude…" I was all I heard from Paul as I opened and closed the door. And I stormed out and left.

Hello, wow ok. So I haven't written in a while of course. But yes! I think I set up everything I wanted to so now what you guys actually came here to read it's time for Nessie and Jake and to start setting things up for them. Thank you so much for being patient with me. This all started because i needed to improve on my writing skills. I know it took too long and I completely forgot where I was going with these stories but I will continue to write until I am done with the stories. So thank you again and LEAVE A REVIEW PLEASE! And I try to write more if you all want me too :)