Warm tears where pouring down the proud powerpuff leaders flushed cheeks as she flew at lightning speed away from her hometown. Away from her sisters. Away from Brick.

Ugly sobs ripped in her chest, and only got worse when she tried to suppress them.

He had used her. Trying to find a weakness, or sneer himself in to her heart in an unbreakable web. Just when she had noticed that she wasn't that bothered by him. That she might just actually like the attention. But no. She would never talk to that red haired jerk again.

The land passed almost too fast for her to see. She was no longer in America. She must have headed north without noticing it. The landscape around her was isolated and covered with ice.

She slowed down. She couldn't hear, see or feel anything moving around her. All she knew is that it was terribly cold. Maybe running of without an explanation was a little too hasty.

She had gotten over the worst shock after she reprocessed her earlier experience with the high and mighty leader of the rowdyruff boys. He was stubborn, cocky and rude. Quick and insulting comments were his home base. Something he would never fail at. And most of the time he's pretty ironic and doesn't even mean half of things he says.

Her thoughts was interrupted by a particularly cold wind from upfront. It pulled her hair, tore through her clothes and forced her to fly lower.

You would think an ice woman like her would be able to handle the cold. In reality she was pretty damn sensitive to outside cold and loved the warmth. A thick cloud like fog was headed her way to, and without no time to avoid it, it hit her with full force.

The violent blizzard immediately swallowed her up whole. She couldn't see ten meters in front of her. The winds threw her around like a ragdoll before finally smashing her down on earth. After that it was all cold. Only cold.


He felt like there had been an eternity since he had blasted of after Blossom. He had already admitted to himself that he did not meant the words he spoke. And with that acknowledged a whole new feeling inside of him.

The landscape had gone from green to yellow to white below him while he flew after her. Though he did not see her anywhere near him, he could feel her presence. And currently that presence was growing weaker and weaker by the moment. Something told him he should speed up.

The faster he went, the hotter he felt in the cold skin numbing weather. In fact he was burning with rage and excitement. When he saw the blizzard further up ahead he just knew she would be in there. That goddie goddie was always at the wrong place at the wrong time. When he found her, he would tie her up on a chair, throw her in a cage and keep guard at her in his room. Make the sassy brat understand who pulled the shotguns here.

Even if he said something pretty horrible, she shouldn't have run away like that. It's common sense. Do that shit didn't really matter to him. He was called insane anyway. Back to point. It was all a tease at Butch and her annoying tomboy sister Butterbut anyway! Urgh… He had to focus on his task right now. Find pinky. Make sure she's alive and breathing. Scold the shit outta her for running away without talking to him.

No one made him this unsettled without punishment. Especially not that girly leader girl.

"Blossom!" His mighty voice actually made itself heard somewhat clear inside the storm. He didn't understand. He should have been able to see her by now.

The earlier feeling of her fading presence made its way back into his mind. He allowed his hart to freeze for a second before returning to normal pace. He clenched his teeth hard together.

"Pinky… I'm gonna fricking kill you if you die on me now…" His hushed voice whispered out. That's when he heard it.

"B…b…Brick…" Her voice was barely a whisper, but his superhuman hearing picked up the sound of her voice without even trying. His body reacted before his mind could process the source of the sound.

She was buried about half a meter under the snow. Her skin looked deathly pale, and her lips a darker shade of blue. But her bright pink eyes didn't falter from his.

"B…Br" She tried to speak once again. He silenced her with a feather light kiss and a low whisper in her ear.

"Stay awake blossom…"Was the only thing he said before looking up again. He positioned her with his arms tightly wrapped around her body and her face at the crock of his neck. Then he heated up. His eyes took a look at their surroundings, trying to see the end of the blizzard. He could see absolutely nothing.

Flying was absolutely pointless. It would be way to straining on his counterparts side. She was already in a bad condition. She had been sick not too long ago. And all his efforts to follow her here and save her would be to total waist.

He decided that if he couldn't find shelter, he would make one. If a half meter snow fell over Blossom before he reached her, this area must be incredibly deep under this powdery over layer. To carry all that weight without fail must mean there was rock underneath. That meant he could blast a cave up for them. Of course that meant he had to get rid of the thick layer of packed snow and ice.

He smirked. His feet flamed up. This would be easy. The flame quickly evolved into a furnace of blazing hot fire. The layers of ice quickly dissolved into steam under him. He made sure not to get Blossom anymore wet than she already was.

The red pair continued to sink deeper down into the ice before the greyish color of stone finally was visible. The hole brick had created in the snow was as broad as Car. The larger kind. He angled Blossom in a direction where his work wouldn't harm her and started digging, tearing up large pieces of stone, throwing them up behind him.

He created a big hole and prepared a fitting stone to cover his "Homemade cave". He snorted at his own thoughts. This was something he didn't think he would ever do. He added it together with the all the other things he would probably never had done if he hadn't met Blossom. Then again. He was created to destroy her. Without her he probably wouldn't be here. In a way.

He made it comfortable for himself and his pink partner, before closing up the hole. He lit up a flame in the air for light. This fire power definitely was very useful in times like these. It would be in grate use for heating up red to.

He took of his jacket seeing no reason for him to wear it, with his inner fire keeping him warm and yada yada, and sloppily folded it into a pillow for her to use.

He inspected her clothes. They were freezing wet. He was just about to undress her, the clothes doing more harm than good, when Blossom grabbed him by the hand.

"You…Y…You j… You jerk" She wheezed out. Her face was still ghostly pale. He gave her a small grin, and pulled her hand of his and continued. She finally showed a little more action.

"Brick… Stop it! I… I'm warning you!" Her voice got steadier to.

"Babe. You know as well as I that you have to get out of these rags. You are strong. But in your current condition… Not so much" He snapped back at her, never losing his confident grin. Seeing the recognition in her eyes as she gave in to him was incredibly pleasing.

"Why do you care? You just want me dead anyway…" She whispered weakly. His red eyes immediately forced her to look at him. For once he looked a little… Serious.

"If I wanted you dead pinky, I would have ripped out your heart the moment I found your frozen body" His gaze made her uncomfortable.

"But you said…" She started.

"Those words were for Butch, they hold no meaning" he interrupted her while he went for her jacket once more.

She stopped her struggle and let him undress her. With a closer look, her face was finally getting some color. A nice shade of red.

He got her out of her jacket, shirt and skirt and as he made an attempt to take her underwear of as well, she finally had enough. She slapped his hand away as he chuckled smugly.

She jumped away from him taking his jacket-pillow with her, wanting to keep distance from her counterpart. She made it for a minute or two before her body began its violent shivering again. He smirked at her when she gave him a grumpy look before scooting up against her. An even bigger grin replaced the earlier one when she snuggled even closer, finding his warmth extremely soothing.

"I'm still… still mad at you" She squeaked out, pleased with her almost restored voice.

"You'll forgive me" he shrugged.

"How do… do… do you know?" She looked up at him under her eyelashes. He had a calm look on his face.

"You would be bitching about it now otherwise, weak or not" He leaned back towards the cave wall, trying to find a comfortable position. The air was getting thinner so he surprised blossom by blasting a hole in the cave roof with his laser.

"Eeeeek!" She let out the most girlish scream he had ever heard. He laughed outloud in that mocking way of his.

"Brick!" She whined. He stopped laughing but kept the cocky smile.

"Guess it's just you and me now red…"


Okay! I did it! I finally updated. You who now when my last update was, I don't even remember my self, must think that I'm pretty lazy. And personally I hate when authors quit the story without a clean break. And then I go and do the same thing. But at least I get why some don't have energy enough to wright all. Especially those who wright like 5000 words per story.

For some time I lost my interest in this story. It's not like I got bored with pairing, I just ran out of ideas that could please me. This happening is very identical to my other story "we are" With nalu pairing. Fire power… blabla… He takes care of the gir… blabla… and all that. Well at least I made something!

So thank you for those who are reading this story and please review if you see any grammar faults or repeating sentences. Also if you have any tips!

See you in the next chapterer! Bye!