My first ever Free! FanFic. Huge Makoto fan as you can see as you read. This is pure WHUMP like seriously. It gets better...

Rated T- mild language. Very, very mild. rating will go up!

(heads up: this is newly renovated.)

Read and Review



I watched Makoto as we walked, I always did. Out of the corner of my eye. He was telling me about his family's trip to America. They were leaving today. I pretended not to care, yet his enthusiasm and his pride for his siblings captivated me every time. Today was no different.

He really was too selfless. I had seen that attribute get him hurt many times. And yet for some reason he never changed, he was just a kind and caring as he had been back when I met him in elementary school. He was oblivious to his own charms. No wonder he had so many friends. It made me jealous. Not of him, of his other friends.

He always called me his best friend. I denied it every time, yet we both knew it was true. And I was happy.

He buzzed with light and optimism. It was blinding sometimes.

We were walking our usual route, the one that lead by the ocean. The breeze was warm and sweet, the scent of water, cheery blossoms by the bay, tellers selling early morning breads and the sugar smelling reeds that decorated the sand. I never knew what they were called but every spring they would grow a deep blue flower, and every year Makoto would pick one for his mother.

I stared at my shoes, watching the cracked cement pass below me as we walked, Iwatobi looming before us like a fortress, the gates open like a dungeon.

Makoto's story had long ago ended and we walked in silence. My eyes on the ocean besides us. Occasionally I would look over and he'd be staring ahead, smiling... humming? What an idiot. We passed the gates and the ocean disappeared, walking the last bit in the darkness of a view without water.

When we reached the slightly run down school Rei and Nagisa were there waiting. They greeted us and we walked together the last few minutes to our classes.

"We'll train extra hard today!" Nagisa exclaimed flapping his arms like wings. What a child. I looked away and to the blank walls that consumed the hall.

"Is there an upcoming event I am unaware of?" Rei asked, pushing his glasses into place with a wire-thin finger, "I thought the next few weeks were free?" my eyes fluttered up to Makoto who's face was unreadable.

"They are, but…I want to practice extra hard to swim like Haru-chan before he leaves for the university!" Nagisa voice cracked with childish emotion. And I rolled my eyes

"True!" Rei lit up "I do too, Haru is leaving soon and it's our last chance to swim beautifully with him!" My gaze wandered from the two enthusiastic swimmers, falling back on my best friend. He looked crestfallen. His head slightly bowed, olive hair hanging loosely in his face.

I realized that although this was his last year too, neither had mentioned him.

My heart ached and I opened my mouth to say something but just as the saddened look came it was erased from his face, replaced by that smile we all knew too well.

"Me too!" the others looked at him and smiled not even realizing their own stupid mistake. I knew they hadn't meant anything by it, they adored Makoto, yet… his eyes twinkles and his mouth parted into an exaggerated grin.

"I just want to swim with Makoto" I said, I felt Makoto turn to me, hazel eyes glittering, mouth melting from the grin into a gaping void of shock.

"Haru…" he whispered, surprised at my sudden statement.

"If anyone swims "beautifully" it's him…" I realized I may have sounded too admiring, and I blushed, my eyes snapping back to the blank walls. "I just want us to all swim together." The school bell rang.

None of us noticed the storm clouds rumbling in the distance.


I sat in class thinking about what Haru had said. "I just want to swim with Makoto…if anyone swims beautifully it's him."

I had never felt more filled with happiness and pride then that moment. Which is probably why the instance kept replaying in my memories. I stared at the window. The horizon consisted of a solid black line. Storm clouds. They'd be here by night. I hoped it wasn't too bad, I hoped everyone would be alright…

My fingers traced a name someone had carved into the desk, it was written so poorly I couldn't tell what it read. I stared with an T. the rest was lost in the grains of the wood.

The metal from beneath the desk burned cold into my thighs, my arms rigid in hard bumps. The room was cold, causing the windows besides me to be covered in a thin white mist. I silently rubbed some away so I could see outside. My palm becoming wet from the condensation.

The teacher's voice brought me out of my thoughts, she was saying my name. As I snapped to reality I noticed the class was staring at me and I blushed, bowing my head in shame.

"Makoto, are you all right? Do you need to see the nurse?"

"No, I'm fine…Gomen." I smiled sheepishly "I must have dosed off." My cheeks burned in embarrassment, I heard a girl near me giggle.

"That's unlike you…maybe you should go to the infirmary anyways, just to be sure."

"Gomen, gomen…"I bowed my head repeatedly until she went back to her lesson, he tapped her chalk on her desk and looked at me with curiosity and concern.

"Get more rest, Makoto" the class turned away from me and I breathed a sigh of relief, slumping in my seat. As the teacher resumed her lesson, I noticed a pair of ocean-blue eyes burning into me. I met Haru's gaze which was more criticizing than concerned and I shrugged with an awkward smile.

I knew Haru had trouble expressing concern, but his eyes also screamed "is everything ok?" and I couldn't help but laugh at how readable he was. Even if he denied it.

I looked back to the window, a very soft rain began to tap at it. My gaze circulated the empty school yard about three stories below me, luckily I had a window seat, I didn't want anyone to think I was staring at them.

The courtyard was bare, soil. A large Sakura tree in the middle surrounded by petals and benches.

My eyes landed on a man standing in the middle of the courtyard.

He was just standing there.

With a startle I realized he was staring straight up, his eyes locked into mine. I looked away sharply, blinking. I must have been mistaken, why would anyone be looking up at me? It was a simple coincidence. I focused my eyes on the teacher, my mind elsewhere.

Thinking of why Nagisa and Rei didn't want to swim with me, only Haru. That was a selfish thought.

My eyes wandered back to courtyard and my heart skipped a beat. The man was still standing there staring up at my seat. I looked away again, he was too far away to see his features, did I know him?

Careful not to turn my head I turned my eyes back to the window. Trying to take in the man's clothes, they were black, or dark blue. Maybe he was just curious about the school…a scout? And my heart raced in an instant.

A scout!? I turned my head fully. It made sense. Was I going to get scouted? My head pounded with adrenaline, exhilaration…joy. I had been heartbroken when Haru had got scouted and I hadn't. Would I get to swim with him some more? The thought was pure excitement. I stared at the man, my hopes and dreams seemingly revolving around the man himself. My phone buzzed silently in my pocket, carefully I drew it out, hiding it from the watchful eye of the teacher.

I looked down at the phone in my lap, it was a small bit of warmth in the icy room. It was Haru. I looked up at my friend across the room who was sitting straight facing ahead, the soft glow of his phone in his hands.

I read it.


You look like an idiot smiling at that window.

Haru never texted but when he did it was just like real life… careless and blunt. I bit back a bark of laughter, he was probably right. But no one, besides Haru had been paying any attention to notice my sudden excitement. I smiled and began to put my phone away. Turning back to the small porthole I had cleared myself in the window.

When it buzzed again, thinking it was Haru, I eagerly read it. When the words sunk in I sat shock still, smile rapidly fading from my lips.


Your friend is right.

My eyes immediately snapped back to the window, but the man outside was gone.


"Makoto dozed off in class!?" Rei exclaimed, disbelief ringing in his voice. He laughed almost sadistically. "Don't let your grades slip, you have to keep your reputation!"

I looked up from my bento and to Makoto who looked bored, sipping on a milk box. He talked through his straw.

"And what would that be?" I chewed on a bite of mackerel silently. The rain had stopped, but it was obvious more was to come, his eyes looked troubled. I had noticed the change in class, he had looked scared for a moment, but I didn't ask why.

"You know!" Nagisa said nonchalantly "your perfect, goody two shoes, mama's boy reputation." Makoto laughed finally finishing his milk and tossed it at the garbage can near the edge of the roof. He missed.

"Enough, enough" he said waving away their teasing, he got up and brushed off his pants. I heard his phone buzz and watched him fish it out, visibly tense. He flipped it open with trembling fingers. My eyes widened slightly as I saw the trembling.

Neither Nagisa nor Rei noticed it, as they were already arguing about something trivial. I watched Makoto out of the corner of my eye, as he flipped his phone closed, almost violently and went to throw away the carton of milk that had missed earlier. He sat down beside me and stole a piece of my mackerel, I let him. To busy studying him to protest. He quickly joined in on the argument, but I couldn't shake the worry growing inside me.

The wind was blowing across the roof, sending our hair into a gentle array, and our napkins tumbling away. The soft breeze changing often and causing the small white squares to dance across the roof in different directions. The air no longer smelled sweet. It smelled musty, wet. Of rain.

Even as Makoto's eyes crinkled with laughter and it floated across the roof, it still seemed forced. Not like usual. Usually his laughter, so light and genuine, was enough to make me feel better. Today for some reason it made me feel nervous. I worried for him, although I'd never admit it. What was going on today?

Had something happened to his family in America? Was he worried about them?

I closed my bento box. Makoto didn't realize how much I watched him, if only people watched him more…


When my phone buzzed on the roof with Haru and the other's I was immediately filled with dread…what if it was that man again? Was it even that man who had texted me? The joy of being scouted was immediately in that moment squashed into fear. Should I check my phone or ignore it?


You shouldn't litter.

My eyes flew to my milk box which had fallen besides the trash can. I had just gotten up to retrieve it when the text came in. that meant who ever had sent the text had to be close enough to see me.

What was worse is that they…they were watching me. But why? Why me?

I reached down and picked up the milk carton, squeezing it momentarily until a few wet, white drops dripped down my fingers. I tossed it away, looking around for a moment. No one. The sky was getting even darker and the wind increasing, I ran my hands through my hair to hold it in place and stretched, a button popped open on my chest and I took a moment to refasten it. It was then I realized the slight tremor in my fingers. I hoped there wouldn't be too bad of a storm. I'm scared of storms.

For a moment I realized I was home alone this week. With these weird texts, I really didn't want to be alone right now. I turned and scurried back to my friends. Maybe it was a prank? The thought relieved me and I pushed the thoughts of the mysterious texts aside, joining in on my friend's conversation.

Haru was staring at his bento, saying nothing nor eating. I reached over and stole a piece of his mackerel, sure that would break him free from his daze. He said nothing as I chewed it.

I made a face, I don't like mackerel. I watched my best friend until briefly we made eye contact. His blue eyes boring into mine with an odd expression, I bit my lip as he looked away.

I hope he's all right.


It was the last class of the day, rain was pouring from the heavens outside. It looked like night.

I wouldn't get to swim today. My heart ached slightly, I should just go home. The clock mocked me, the seconds felt like minutes. I looked over to Matoko who was busy scribbling notes furiously into his notepad. His face was thoughtful, somewhat sleepy like normal, it made me smile.

Maybe he really was ok, maybe I was just over reacting before.

I notice his finger tapping his desk quickly, like he was impatient…nervous? Then it hit me.

Him looking out the window earlier, his unease…he's scared of storms. It wasn't a hunch, I knew he was. He'd confided in me back in middle school. "Storms are like beasts, they howl and bark…and people are fools to think they can be tamed" Makoto was scared of a lot of things, wasn't he?

The thought made me laugh inwardly. Something about that was comforting.

The school bell rang loudly, like a scream, causing my skin to lurch. With a loud scuffling students stood and gathered their things for home. The overhead speaker tackled and the principles voice wafted over us.

"Students, school is canceled tomorrow due to typhoon warnings…please go home immediately and seek shelter." When the announcement ended the class buzzed with excitement, I sighed. Idiots, it's just water. I slowly gathered my things from my desk. Makoto made his way to me and handed me his notepad. I looked at the worn blue cardboard that he was offering me, I reached for it.

"My notes, I noticed you weren't taking any" I gently took the notepad from him and placed it in my book bag. My eyes met his, they were kind and he offered me a sweet smile. "No need to thank me." I fastened the buckles on my bag, the leather steps sliding through my fingers.

"I wasn't going to." He laughed genuinely and swung his own book bag over his shoulder. "Don't you need these notes for homework?

"Nah, I'll just call Rei…he helps me out with my homework" an unexpected pang of jealousy drove through me like an icicle. I stood straight and turned away holding my bag by my side, I took a step towards the door.

"Hey, Matoko?" I stopped and turned back to him my eyes slid up to search out the unfamiliar voice, a boy in our class was making his way through the lingering students, pushing his way to my friend. Matoko turned on cue, surprised to be confronted by this boy who he had never spoken to before.

"Yes?" the strange blonde boy smiled,

"Can I borrow 1,000 yen for the bus? I'll pay you back" I knew he wouldn't, my eyes flashed with anger, I turned my attention to Makoto who still looked surprised but was busy fishing around in his pockets. He drew out a crumpled bill and handed it over.

"Sure…be safe." The stranger took the money and turned away pushing his way back through the students, he hadn't said thank you, anger boiled inside me. I swore I heard him mutter under his breath

"What a pushover" but I wasn't sure so I said nothing. Once again Matoko was being too selfless and it had caused him to get hurt. I curled my fingers into his jacket cuff and pulled him from the class room eager to leave. I heard his phone buzz in his pocket, he ignored it.

"What about your bus fare?" I asked, I noticed him blanch as he allowed himself to be towed. Idiot, he just gave away his bus money. "You don't have any do you?"

"I-it's ok, I'll walk today."

"There's a storm."

"I'll run."



We had gotten home safely. It had taken me a little longer than 2 hours to run from Iwatobi to here. I was soaking wet by the time I had arrived at my house, I had an umbrella with me but it's not easy to run with it apparently. I had somehow convinced Haru to take the bus without me and by the time I reached my door, the lights in his house were already on. At least he got home safe and dry.

I shivered, my bones aching in the cold. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I chided myself as my fingers trembled turning the doorknob. My nose was running down my upper lip and chin. I was sure to get a cold after this. At least my family wasn't home to catch it from me. That was a small comfort.

Finally I let myself in and dashed upstairs to the shower, throwing off my clothes and stepping in. the hot water seemed to burn me but I welcomed the warmth. I pressed my head on the cool tiles as steam consumed the tiny room.

Suddenly I remembered the text I had gotten while leaving with Haru this afternoon, I reached out of the shower and grabbed my phone. Flipping it open, a small seed of dread grew in my stomach. I wiped the condensation of the screen and read the message.


You can come home with me.

That one seemed nice enough, I sighed in relief. And flipped my phone closed. Tossing it back on the counter. Finally I stepped from the shower pulling on clean boxers and threw my clothes in the hamper. As I placed a pot on the stove and waited for the water to boil my mind wandered back to the texts. Did…

Did I have a stalker?

I nearly laughed out loud. Who would stalk me? I'm not special. I placed the ramen in the pot and sat back down, replaying the day in my head. Thunder boomed and I involuntarily gasped, pressing my palms against my ears. Slowly I pried my hands away and sat, my skin trembling until I recomposed myself. I ate, then headed upstairs for some sleep.


Rain plummeted the window, I found myself watching the drops roll off the glass pane. It reminded me of when I pull myself from the pool, the drops of water running down my skin. I rolled over. Away from the glass. And closed my eyes. It was already morning, there would be no sun today. The typhoon had given up attacking the town. It was nearing the end of the storm and I was restless, unable to sleep.

My bed was soft, swaddling me like a warm pool of water, I seemed to sink into it.

The house was silent, still like a corpse. I was alone. That always made me uneasy. The power had long ago failed and the block was thrown into a powerless, black. The house was dark and grey from the storm, unearthly silent except for the constant soft pattering of rain.

There was a boom of thunder and the window trembled. My skin itched, crawling like bug's limbs.

I didn't mind the day off. Sometimes, I guess, it was nice to be alone.


The doorbell. My skin jumped at the sudden sound.

A visitor during a storm? My mind flew to take in the possibilities. It was probably a serial killer who needed a place to wait out the storm, I stopped dead and trembled. I shouldn't scare myself like that.

I swung my legs out of bed and stretched, my muscles pulling taut against my skin. I couldn't remember how long I had laid there trying to sleep. After a second I pulled a pair of sweatpants over my boxers and walked to the stairs.

It was probably Haru. Come over to check on me while my family was away. I was afraid of storms after all. Only he knew that.


"Coming, be right there!" My voice echoed eerily in the empty house, I didn't like the way it sounded. Far too lonely in our big house. Lightning flashed and the house shook. I swallowed heavily. I checked the clock on the wall. 7:36 AM

My phone vibrated obnoxiously in the pocket of my pants, the sound drowned by the silence and pattering drops. I nearly jumped out of my skin, making my way towards the door, I flipped it open. The screen lit up my face, I hadn't expected it to be so bright, I blinked in the sudden glare until my pupils adjusted. It was a message.


Answer the door, Makoto. I don't like to wait.

I froze in mid step, re-reading the message. My mind reeled. Then the person at the door wasn't Haru? I swallowed heavily and looked up at the door, which seemed to loom dangerously mere feet away. As if my joints were consumed by ice, I was chilled to the bone.

I had forgotten about the mysterious texts yesterday…I looked back to my phone, my mind once again flying trying to think of all the possibilities.

The message sounded friendly enough, I had many friends whose numbers weren't in my phone…the possibilities were endless and yet something about the message made my skin crawl. Probably the fact that yesterdays were just as unnerving.

My phone buzzed again, out of the corner of my eye, I read it.


I know you are in there. I can see you.

This had to be a prank. It had to be. One of the guys must have gotten a new phone and was…

The screen lit up once again.


You don't want to make me angry.

I felt the color drain from my face. What was going on? My friends wouldn't threaten me even if it was a joke. It had to have been that man yesterday...I felt tempted to throw my phone. But I stood there frozen, gripping it so tightly I was surprised it didn't shatter. My fingers moved across the keyboard in a blur.


Who is this?

Was it that man from yesterday? My phone buzzed almost immediately.


A fan.

My mind reeled. My mouth felt like cotton. I was scared, and this time not of the storm. But of what was in it. I darted away from the door and back upstairs, grabbing a baseball bat from the back of my closet throwing clothes out upon the floor as I did. I slammed my door, turning the lock with an audible 'click'

I sat panting in the corner. I was over reacting probably, I knew that…but I was terrified. I was shaking so hard my teeth chattered. The doorbell did not ring again, nor did my phone receive any more texts. After a while, my shaking subsided and I pried my fingers away from the bat, my knuckles white from the grip. I pulled myself up to the window sill and looked outside. The rain had died considerably and the sky was a bright grey, of a sun trapped behind clouds.

The rain was merely a sprinkle now. How long had I been hiding? I checked the clock on my phone 8:07 AM. 30 minutes? My eyes trailed down to the sidewalk leading to my front door. It was empty. I breathed a sigh of relief and slid down the wall until I was sitting again, throwing aside the baseball bat with a 'thud.'

Why was this happening to me? I felt tears sting my eyes and my throat grew heavy, I wanted to cry. I scrubbed my face with my hands.


Suddenly the stairs squeaked, and my head shot up so quickly my vision swam. Was he in the house? I scrambled for the bat and pulled it to my torso like a lifeline. My eyes, so wide they grew dry, my breathing so heavy my throat ached.

My door handle rattled against the lock. And I bit my lip trying to blend into the shadows. It rattled again this time more forcefully. The baseball crackled under the pressure of my grip. My lip began to bleed. I was going to die

I was going to die...

"Makoto? It's Haru."


I watched the storm die away outside my window, the sky would be clear by noon. Makoto must had a tough night with the storm, it had reached its peak at around midnight, the street was littered with plants and some small trees. I grabbed my coat, it was almost 8, I was sure Makoto wouldn't mind the company.

When I got to his door, I noticed a pair of wet foot prints, was Rei over to help with his homework? I pushed my way inside, not bothering to knock. The house was dark from the power loss, I noticed with some surprise Makoto had no candles lit.

The house was nice, modern, basic. Usually light brightly to reveal bamboo colored furniture and white mats, always clean expect for kids toys from his siblings crowded in corners.

I heard a soft 'thump' upstairs. And followed the sound.

"Makoto?" I called, nothing. I ascended the stairs to his room, and opened the door. It was locked? Maybe stuck? I rattled the handle again.

"Makoto? It's Haru." Nothing, finally the door eased open, my best friend peeked out. He was a mess. My eyes scanned his body, taking in the details. "You look like crap. The storm's not that scary." He smiled forcefully, he looked terrified. Why was he so scared? I looked around the dim hall.

The door opened more, I scanned his shirtless, sweaty frame and messy hair. His sweatpants hung dangerously low on his hips, I blushed and looked away suddenly putting the pieces together. The appearance, the 'thump,' the nervous expression, the bloody lip, the footprints.

I had caught him with company. Company as in: he was having sex. I blushed even more furiously and turned my face away, embarrassed, annoyed and jealous. With who?

"What's going on, Haru?" he left his room and closed the door behind him, "is everything all right?" he had a bewildered face at my expression. He licked away the blood on his lip and sucked on it. "Want some tea?"

"Aren't you busy?" I spat almost venomously, he flinched, eyes hurt and wide at my tone.

"What? Of course not…" I squinted, accusation radiating from me like an aura. I shoved open his door and let myself in. I looked around frantically, his usually neat room was messy, closet yanked open clothes strewn out, bed unmade. But as for company...

The room was empty. There was no one here. Ashamed I blushed madly.

"Gomen" I closed my eyes, "I thought you had company." I opened my eyes to see Matoko blushing as well as he realized what I meant. He averted his eyes.


"Gomen" I repeated, turning and walking towards the door.

"I-it's ok, Haru-chan" my toe nudged something and it drew my attention.

…A baseball bat?



Nothing else had happened yesterday with the mysterious man, no texts, no more visits. Luckily the weekend had just started, and I had plans with Nagisa, Rei and Haru. I wouldn't be alone.

We had decided to go to the beach for the weekend, I wasn't so scared of the ocean anymore. More like…uneasy. It was almost noon, it had been over 24 hours since I had last received a text, it put me at ease.

It was all over. Deep inside I knew better.

But I held onto the false hope I'd never hear from him again. So when Nagisa and Rei knocked on my door to come get me for our trip to the beach. I was nothing but smiles. Back to my old self. I grabbed my duffle bag with packed clothes near the door and swung it over my back. It hit my shoulders more roughly than I expected and I stumbled slightly.

"Hey, Makoto-chan!" Nagisa chirped hanging on me like a jungle gym, I didn't bother to shake him off. "You're really lucky!" my head tilted slightly.

"Lucky?" Rei grabbed my hand and led me out the front door and turned me to face my house, a large tree had crashed besides my home barely missing it. I blanched. How did I not hear that? The thick root stuck up from the ground like a crown, stretching fingers for the cloudless sky.

"You could have been killed!" Rei cried, dramatically flailing his arms.

"Oui, Makoto-chan! We could have lost you!" Nagisa cried drawing out each word far too long. He whined like a child, rubbing his forehead into my shoulder, it made me laugh.

My phone buzzed, and I hummed in fear. Drawing the attention of my two friends. Damn, just when I thought I was going to be left alone. Stupid, false hope. I'm no one to curse, but my nerves were fraying.

"What's wrong, captain?" Rei asked, glasses gleaming in the sun. "You look discomforted."

"Gomen. It's nothing…" Nagisa shrugged and leapt onto Rei's back. I vaguely heard him cheer

"To the beach!" while I checked my messages.


Wonder what will happen when they do?

Do? Do what? "Oui, Makoto-chan! We could have lost you!" it hit me like a punch and I stumbled for a moment in shock, blindly following my two friends as we walked to the station. I put my phone away, shaking my head. Once again the man must have been close enough to hear the conversation. How could I not see him? I looked around almost desperately.

Where the hell was he?

"Makoto! What are you doing? Did you drop something?" I looked up at the eyes of my blonde friend, curiosity inscribed on his face.

"Ah…um no. there's usually a stray cat around here I feed…I was just looking for him."

"Aw. Mako-chan! You're so cute!" I couldn't help but blush I looked away shyly. My eyes still scanning for the man.

"Typical Makoto" I heard Rei said, a tone of fondness in his voice. Not used to all this attention I blushed harder. We walked the shaded street, a tunnel of tree of trees, the ocean unseen behind the canopies. Several cars buzzed past.

We arrived at the station before Haru or Gou, she had decided last minute to tag along. As we sat on the bench, we watched busses pass and shared a bread. I heard Rei mutter

"You know Makoto. We're really going to miss you." My eyes snapped towards my two friends who looked uncharacteristically solemn. Chewing their bread with little enthusiasm.

"Rei…Nagisa" I whispered "what do you mean?" the bread was sticky and sweet in my mouth, for a moment it was hard to swallow.

"When you go off to your university in a few months!" Nagisa said, emotionally. "You're going to go away and we'll never see you again!" I searched his tearing eyes and felt my heart melt, I smiled and tussled his hair

"Of course you'll see me, Nagisa" I looked to Rei "Rei"

"It won't be the same." Rei whispered, a bus passing nearly drowned it out.

"You are my best friends." I said, warm inside at their caring, "I'll do anything to make sure we stay that way." Their eyes shimmered, and I'm sure mine were too. "Let's enjoy our time together!"

"Hai!" they both chorused. Smiles bright on their faces. I took in that light for a moment relishing in its warmth. I was so lucky, to have friends like them.

This time when my phone buzzed it was Haru. He'd be here soon. I told him to take his time.


I walked with Gou in silence, she had bought a Popsicle from the family store and shared it with me. With our mouths full of sweets we were far too preoccupied to make small talk. It wasn't until the station loomed in front of us did one of us talk, it was Gou

"I'm so excited!" she said, spinning her umbrella. "I love the beach! And we're staying at a lodge with hot springs!" she squealed girlishly, "I'm so glad we decided to do this!" she didn't love the beach, she loved the muscles. But I said nothing and took a small bite of my Popsicle. She waved frantically at the others as they came to view. "Good Morning!"

"Morning." They chorused.

"Can you believe there was a typhoon yesterday? It's so bright and beautiful today!" Rei said beckoning around him. Nagisa shook his arms violently, face contorted into a childish pout

"Enough small talk! Let's go swim!" I threw away the rest of my Popsicle, I couldn't agree more.

We arrived at the beach around 1 PM. The sun was scorching and everyone immediately shed into their bathing suits. Luckily the water was cool and gentle, it felt like a cold blanket draped across the hot earth, and I relished it.

Nearby Matoko, Rei and Nagisa were splashing like drowning penguins, and Gou was floating screaming at them to take it easy.

I guess he was ok today. My mind floating back to Makoto. I drifted along, I couldn't shake that look of terror he had yesterday morning from my memories. Every time I thought it, I winced.

With my eyes closed I felt the soft fingers of the oceans gently caressing me. Cold like powdery snow, as if I were being rocked by the arms of a ghost. It lapped up over my ears, my hearing muffled I could only hear blissful silence which seemed to hum.

I opened my eyes and stared up into the sky, the water guiding me along, suddenly my eye caught something troubling and I trashed, stopping my peaceful drift, as I bobbed up and down I stared at the shore.

There was a man, standing deep in the shadows. But what scared me the most was that we was staring out over the water, straight at the unsuspecting Makoto. His eyes following his every move. I too looked at Makoto, then back to the shadows. By then man was gone.

My skin crawled. I didn't like this at all.

The sun set quickly and soon it was sunset, we lay sprawled on the beach, Nagisa and Rei fast asleep on the sand. The soft snores drown out by the waves, and Gou had left to check into the lodge. I stared at the stars.

Makoto rolled over to look at me a sweet smile on his face, his eyes were tired.

"The oceans not so scary like this" he said, muffling a yawn. The waves were gentle and soothing, and I nodded in agreement. I turned my head to look at him. The last time I had seen him lying in the sand was when he had drown. The thought made me shudder. "You ok, Haru?"

"Yes." My thought fluttered back to the man I had seen earlier "I saw this man today…on the beach." I realized that was too vague so I added "staring at you." There was a moment of silence, when I looked over I saw he had tensed.

"Maybe he thought he knew me from somewhere?" I guess that made sense so I turned my eyes back to the stars.

"Yeah maybe." We listened to the silence for a while, both thinking to ourselves, I wondered what he was thinking about.

"We should carry Nagisa and Rei back to the lodge."

"Yeah, ok." I didn't want to leave the water, but for my friends I'd do anything.


I was lying in bed, arms crossed behind my head, thinking about what Haru had told me. "I saw this man today on the beach, staring at you."

I had already given up pretending like nothing was wrong here. I was being stalked. I was constantly checking over my shoulder and by now I had put my phone on silent, even though I had received no new texts. It sent my heart into a frenzy whenever I felt the vibration, so I just turned it off.

Haru had seen a man staring at me…so Haru must have guessed something was up. I hadn't been myself lately. I looked over to the bed next to me, Rei was sleeping soundly. I smiled softly and swung my legs out of bed. Careful not to wake him I pulled up his covers and returned to my own bed.

Should I just tell everyone? I didn't want to worry them but I was afraid. Maybe I should report this to the police? I sat up in bed hurriedly and grabbed my phone off the side table, not wanting to wake Rei I decided to use the lobby phone. I went to the door.

The answer was so clear! Why hadn't I thought of telling the police earlier? Careful not to wake Rei I slipped out into the hall. Not caring that I was shirtless I dashed down to the lobby.

"Hey? Excuse me?" I called at the front desk ringing the small bell. No one was there. "I just need to use your phone." My phone rang in my hand. A call? I answered it.

"Hello, this is Makoto-" a breathy voice interrupted me

"I wouldn't call the police" my blood froze, "You left your hotel room door unlocked" the man sighed and there was a pause I was too scared to think, my voice failed me "poor Rei."

Well, what did you think. Very sorry for any typos I typed this all on a touch screen so my fingers may have slipped a few times.

Hopefully you can forgive me.

review please. It keeps me posting!

Your writer,