Poison liked to think that she was getting better at learning German but she also didn't think it was healthy to lie to herself. The conversations between Poison and her father were often stilted and in those instances when she couldn't bear to sound stupid in German she would switch to Russian - which would consequently end the lesson because it was speak German or don't speak at all.
He would, of course, help her find her words and explain grammar but even with her more mature mind learning the language was still hard. Though nevertheless, she resolved to master the language if only to say she hadn't been bested by germanic grammar. But though linguistics was something she was slowly mastering, Poison was made to learn the Mafia law like the back of her hand.
Of course, she was starting with the bare basics, ranging from inter-family rebellions and the decrees of lawful revenge to Mafia wars and everything in between. It was interesting and she found it very fascinating to learn about the dynamics of this violent subculture and she enjoyed her lessons.
Living with the Vindice she was privy to many arrests that took place, Bermuda himself wanted to show her just how everything operated and she had been suitably shocked and more than a bit horrified about what she saw. It was a terrifying notion to realize that those chains that could be found wrapped around her body as a means of transport could turn deadly in a second. Of course, her father never showed her the especially grisly things, just enough to let her know being the correctional force of the underworld wasn't something to be taken lightly.
Other than her schooling - which no longer encompassed childish academics since she had proven beyond capable of the basics things she had been given to learn - there wasn't much for Poison to do except for wander and get to the know her father's guards and so she did.
Which of course at first was a terrifying prospect and she kind of avoided doing so but then common sense happened and she realized none of them would hurt her lest they incur her father's wrath. Not to mention they were insanely loyal to Bermuda and she doubted the thought to harm her would even occur to them. Which was why she sucked it up and decided to socialize - well that and she assumed she'd take over the Vendice eventually and it wouldn't do to be on awkward terms with her future employees.
Naturally, she already knew Jager and he introduced her to Jacque and Alejandro.
The former of which was rather loud and had a mouth that could out do a sailor though he often tried to censor himself for fear of Bermuda's wrath.
Alejandro was also a feisty character but he wasn't as outrageous as Jacque tended to be but they were twin brothers so it only made sense that they would be similar. Alejandro didn't curse but he was extremely blunt - which often equated to being rude because he had no filter employed. Ever.
Then there was the red headed Gaia and the black haired Maira, the two female officers in her father's personal guard. They were generally of a more quiet variety but when prompted they often spoke up and had a lot to say.
And despite not seeming like it, the two female were especially doting on her. It wasn't obvious at all but it showed in the little ways they paid her attention whenever she was near or how their eyes warmed up from their ice chips when directed at her.
Her family was a bit odd she would admit but it was no stranger than being reincarnated into a fictional world.
When Poison first got her filtering mask it was the first time she had ever been outside.
It had been at random when Bermuda first suggested it but all at once her entire face lit up excitedly. As interesting and entertaining as Vendicare could be, she had yet to actually see the sky since being reborn. So here she was dressed in a parka, hat, and gloves standing near the largest wall in the large room practically bouncing with her need to be not inside.
Turning the moment she felt the pulse of night flames she grinned at both her father and Jager as her dull baby blues momentarily flitted to the briefcase clutched in the tall bandaged man's hand and she was reluctantly curious.
And she was even more so when without saying a word her father hopped down, took the briefcase, popped it open and pulled out a gas mask.
Narrowing her eyes she noted that the gas mask in question was different then she was used to seeing. Frowning as her father raised it to her face and hooked it on, she sent him a questioning look to which he promptly gave an answer to.
"You were born with a set of sensitive lungs," He explained patiently. "the air out there, initially, will not be a bother but after extended exposure, you will find it exceedingly difficult to breathe."
Blinking at the news she worriedly pressed her hands to her chest and rubbed.
"But won't this mask eventually get in the way?" She questioned with a furrowed brow. "Not to mention it would draw attention when in public."
Her father hummed.
"This is only a temporary solution. As you get older we will, of course, find alternative methods to dealing with this deficiency." Bermuda said, sounding so sure that she didn't doubt that he would figure something out. Nodding her head she reached out to grab onto the offered hand of Jager and with a step through a portal they were standing ankle deep in snow.
Crowing in delight she without shame threw herself face first into the snow and laid there for a solid ten minutes. Glad that her inner night flame enabled her to withstand cold temperatures better than most, she rolled over and wiped the wet snow off of her chin with a wet snow covered glove.
All in all, it wasn't very successful.
Grimacing at the damp feeling on her skin Poison stared up at the sky, arms and legs spread starfish as she just - enjoyed.
She didn't particularly feel the need to run around screaming her head off nor did she feel inclined to anything other than just lay there and so she did. For a long moment of her playtime she allowed herself to just be before she rolled over to her knees, stripped off her mittens, and began lazily molding snowballs.
Inwardly marveling at the contrast of her brown skin and the lily white snow, the blonde felt a little surreal when she noticed that her fingers didn't feel cold.
It was odd.
Poison wasn't sure how long she sat there building little round bunches of ice but when Bermuda caught her attention she saw the sky had darkened and she was surrounded by her winter creations.
"Is it time to go?" She asked before dropping the half-formed ball to the ground at the nod she received from her father and standing.
Wandering over she latched a hand onto Jager's pants and within seconds she was standing in her rooms with her caregiver waiting off to the side with a cup of steaming something. Accepting the mug - that warmed her fingers through her gloves - the small blonde took a sip and hummed.
"Did you enjoy yourself today Matryoshka?" Bermuda squeaked and Poison nodded as she lifted her foot to allow Nataliya to remove her boots.
"Of course father." She answered in the best German she could manage. "It was very...nice."
Removing her gas mask she handed it back over and this time flashed them a visible grin.
"Thank you both for sparing me that amount of time, I know you're very busy."
Jager inclined her head, black hair falling around his shoulders and he placed his hand formally over his heart.
"You are most welcome Poison." He said soberly as her father took the silent approach and nodded.
Watching both of them step through a portal she shivered a bit and looked up as Nataliya placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Would the young miss like a soak to warm herself up?" She asked kindly and without preamble, she nodded.
That sounded positively grand, she was feeling a bit clammy.
Edit: 4/11/17
Boom another update! Please review and I'll try to have a new chapter out soon! They'll probably be a time skip chapter next where Poison learns how to fight and more about Mafia law.