"I know why the caged bird sings." -Maya Angelou

Where was it?

Hiccup stuffed his numb hands into his coat pocket as he craned his neck to look down the alleyway. It had only been a few hours ago that he had found the dog, and it was nowhere to be seen. He sighed in defeat and turned back around. There was no use in looking for it-

He spotted paw prints.

They were in the mud path leading into the forest, a whole trail of them extending for at least ten feet. Hiccup glanced at his watch. It was only seven, there was still time. He sighed again, and his puff of breath was visible in front of him.

Too damn cold, he thought. His sneakers made a strange squishing sound as he walked through the mud, and it stuck to the ridges in his sole. The paw prints stopped when the trees began to dense. After thirty minutes of aimlessly walking around the forest, he decided to give up. The dog was obviously not here. He smacked at a tree branch in frustration and it snapped back and hit him in the eye. "Ow-" He became silent when he heard a faint whimper.

Hiccup pressed on and saw the dog limping around a cove. It gave up and laid down, resting its furry black head on its paws. He crouched behind a tree and watched it for a minute. The dog hadn't noticed him yet, and was simply up again and trotting around.

Slowly, he edged his way down the side of the cove. A mere three feet before reaching the ground, Hiccup slipped and tumbled down.

Now the dog noticed him.

Hiccup clambered to his feet and and backed up against the dirt walls of the cove. It came closer and sniffed Hiccup's jeans. With a final growl, he limped back over to the other side of the cove.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna help..." He slowly walked over to it with hands out stretched. The dog growled and backed up further.

Hiccup continued and pulled out a bandage from his coat pocket. "Can I, uh, see it?" He reached out and the dog didn't protest for once. His hand was just a few inches away-

It gave yet another growl and scampered over to the other side.

"What about some food, huh? Would you let me take a look at it if you had some food to eat?" Hiccup asked it. The dog barked what he assumed was a 'yes!' in response. "Okay, I'll be right back. Don't move."

Hiccup used a large rock as footing and climbed his way up to the top. He ran back to his house and desperately searched the fridge for something for the dog to eat. He had no clue what dogs ate.

Meat? Dogs like meat, right?

There was none, unfortunately. Only a whole boatload of fish in the freezer. Hiccup shrugged and mumbled, "close enough." and pulled half of it out. He placed the fish in the pan and impatiently waited for it to cook. Then he found an old knapsack and stuffed them all inside.

The dog was still there when Hiccup climbed down.

"I didn't have dog food or anything...so I hope this is okay." He dumped the fish out and took a few steps back. The dog slowly walked over to the pile and began to eat. Hiccup took that time to check out its leg. The fur was still stained with blood, and he couldnt pin point the exact location of the cuts. He took out the washclothe he brought and dampened it in the large pond before carefully cleaning its left leg. Then he took out the bandage and wrapped it around just as the dog finished eating.

It looked up and finished eating the last piece. Hiccup watched and noticed something strange. "Are you toothless?"

The dog growled and bared his teeth.

"Guess not."

Not even a full minute later, it was already back on the other side of the cove. It curled up and fell asleep. Hiccup stayed and watched the dog sleep before remembering he had to be back at ten. He gathered his things and shouted goodbye as he climbed back up and ran home.

Fishlegs and Ruffnut were already at the door when he arrived. And they were being surprisingly civil to each other.

"You're early." He said as he took the final few steps to his door.

"Yeah well I had nothing better to do. This is better than sitting at home, eating ice cream, all alone..."

Ruffnut rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up already."

Hiccup took out his key and opened up the door. "Where are the others?"

"My idiot brother is grounded. I dared him to set the neighbor's pool on fire and he did. But he got caught. I don't know about Astrid or Snotlout."

"How do you set a pool on fire?" Hiccup asked.

Ruffnut smirked. "Talent. Or sheer stupid luck. Same thing."

He raised an eyebrow and let the two of them inside. It was strange having her in his house, since it was probably the first time she actually came. Normally it was just Fishlegs and him, sitting cross-legged on the floor, flipping through phonebooks every Saturday.

Ruffnut sat down on the couch and absentmindedly played with her braids. Fishlegs sat on the loveseat opposite of her. Hiccup stood off awkardly to the side.

"So, Fishlegs, how did it go with Rapunzel?"

"Oh dear Gods you just had to ask..." Ruffnut complained.

Fishlegs shot her a look. "Horrible. She has a boyfriend. And he's not even that cute, I can't tell what she sees in him."

"Not like you're a step up."

"Ruff can you not." Fishlegs snapped. "Anyway-" The doorbell rang and cut his sentence short. Ruff shot up and sprinted over to the door.

It was Astrid, and she was invited inside and pushed into the living room. "Everyone's here so you can shut up now." Ruffnut ushered her over to the couch and the two of them sat down. Astrid glanced between the three of them and frowned. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing." Ruffnut replied a bit too quickly.

Hiccup coughed. "Uh, doesn't look like Snotlout is coming so let's get started." He was secretly happy Snotlout didn't show up, they all probably were, but he decided not to voice it.

He brought out the phone book and placed it on the coffee table. Fishlegs leafed through it and stopped at a page in the middle. "Veronika Olvirsson? I don't think we tried her yet." He dialed the number and handed the phone to Hiccup.

It rung for thirty seconds before she picked up. A man's voice came over the speaker. "Hello?"

"Uh, hi. Is there a Veronika there?" Hiccup asked nervously. A part of him was desperately hoping that this was the woman he was looking for. Another was terrified that it was.

A pause.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"My name is Hiccup. I'm a...friend. Hopefully. Can I speak to her please?"

He waited patiently as the phone was handed to her. "Hello? How can I help you?"

Hiccup took a deep breath. "Do you have a son?"

"I'm sorry?"

"A son? Named Hiccup?"

"No. Just a daughter." She replied. Hiccup felt his excitement go out like a light.

"Are sure? Do you know anyone who's name starts with 'v' that has a child by that name?" His hands were beginning to sweat now. What if she truly didn't know? And he never found her?

"I'm sorry, but no. I can't help you."

"What about-"

"Stop." Astrid but in. Hiccup mumbled an apology to the woman and she hung up a second later. "Hiccup, please. We've called everyone. You have to accept that she's-"

"No." He said sternly.

She threw her arms up in exasperation. "Oh come on, Hic! It's been five weeks. She's dead. You're my best friend and I hate doing this, but you need to stop. You're not going to find her."

Hiccup knew it was true. As much as he wanted to believe that she was still out there, he had to face the music. Ever since he'd found that stupid letter...and it had ignited false hope...

Astrid sighed and bit her lip. "I'm sorry..."

"No. You're right. Just forget it." He snapped the phone book shut and refused to look at it. There were still four that he hadn't tried...

He shook his head and looked at the ground. An awkward silence fell over the four of them, as though they were all too afraid to say anything. That wasn't too far from the truth. They'd all opened their mouths to speak at some point, but thought better of it and closed them right away. Nothing needed to be said, anyway.

The door burst open. Astrid instinctively reached for the phone book on the coffee table to use as a weapon. She lowered it slightly when she realized it was just Snotlout.

"Do you know how to knock?" She snapped.

"Yes. Doesn't mean I have to." He eyed the four of them strangely for a minute. "Geez, who died?"

Astrid smacked her knee. "Snotlout!"

"Sorry! So, are we all done here? I really have to go.."

"Yeah." Hiccup said, standing up from the arm of the couch. "All done here." He gave them each a look that they roughly translated into 'I'm going upstairs, but you weirdos can stay and hang out in my living room for a while'.

He sat on his bed and wrung his hands in his lap. He wasn't going to sit there and sulk, he was simply going to lay down and stare at the ceiling in an angsty teen manner. Much manlier.

He could hear them all the way from up there, they were all talking considerably loudly after long moments of whispering amongst each other. Hiccup rolled over, still listening faintly to the conversation. At least they weren't talking about him.

"Let's hope she looks somewhat decent, or you'd have some pretty ugly kids." Ruffnut said.

"Thank you for that self-esteem boost, Ruff. I appreciate it." Fishlegs.

"You're welcome."

Hiccup walked home with Fishlegs Monday afternoon, and was stuck hearing all about his plan to become a crazy cat lady. At this point, he'd stopped questioning his friend and simply nodded along and suggested cat names.

He waved goodbye as they reached his house (he'd offered to let Fishlegs in, but he declined, as cat planning was more important) and jiggled the key in the lock. His father was already seated at the kitchen table, scrutinzing an envelope in his large hands. He was so focused on that piece of paper...surely Hiccup would be able to sneak past...

"Where are ye going?"

"Upstairs. I have lots of homework."

"Ah. Well come down when yer done, we have lots to discuss."

Hiccup nodded and gave his dad a fake smile. I am never leaving my room. Ever.

He set his knapsack down on his bed and booted up his computer. Nothing from Merida, yet. He was slightly worried, it had been days since he had sent his email. Maybe he had said something wrong? And now she was ignoring him? He looked back over his email, over analyzing every word, looking for something she might have thought was stupid or offensive. Nothing. Perhaps she thought his sarcasm was dense? It wouldn't have been the first time. Hiccup shrugged and shut his laptop.

There was no use putting it off any longer.

Hiccup walked downstairs as slowly as possible, so he could delay the inevitable conversation. Stoick was in the living room now, the envelope laying in his lap. There was something in his hands that looked vaguely like a picture frame. No, it most definitely was. Hiccup watched for a moment. Then his foot creaked against the wood floor and caught his father's attention.

"Ah, son. Come sit." He set the picture down on the side table and patted the space on the couch next to him. Hiccup wearily walked over and sat.

"Uh, so you said you wanted to talk?"

"Yes. A letter came today. Ye got accepted into the school in Reykjavik!" Stoick was actually smiling at him. He looked proud...it was a look Hiccup had never seen before.

"Oh wow that's...wow."

Stoick nodded and placed a giant hand on his son's shoulder. Hiccup nearly collapsed under the weight. "Ye'll be going into social sciences...economics, business administration...whatever ye choose. And-"

"I don't...want to go."

His father stared at him quizically and Hiccup instantly felt bad. "Of course ye do. Now, there's plenty of time to prepare, it doesn't start for another six months-"

"No, I don't." His voice was shaky no matter how hard he tried to sound confident.

"Why not?"

"I already told you. If I have to go at all then I want to go the the States-"

"Yer not going to the States, Hiccup."

Hiccup jumped off the couch. "What? But you said..."

Stoick rubbed his forehead with his hand and looked away. "It's too far away, son. I'm not letting you go across an ocean just to attend school. There's no need for it. The university here is-"

"You don't mind if it's far away, you want me to leave!" He was fuming now, his voice getting higher the angrier he got. His father stayed perfectly calm.

"Hic, ye know that's not true."

"Isn't it? You think I'm a nuisance, a screw-up, and you can't wait for me to get out of your hair." He wasn't even thinking anymore, just spouting out words without a second thought on what he was saying.

Stoick stood up to his full-height, towering over his son as he spoke. "Hiccup, son, stop. Where is this even coming from?"

"No you stop. Stop pretending...Gods. I could handle the awkward small talk, and the silence, and the empty house all day long, and that disappointed look you always have. But this? Lying and pretending you don't want me to leave when it's really just because you want to scowl at me a little longer-"


Hiccup took step back. He stopped to catch his breath after blurting everything out. It felt good. But yet he still felt utterly horrible.

"Enough." Stoick repeated in a softer tone. "Just- go upstairs. We'll finish this conversation later."

Hiccup mumbled an apology (low enough that his dad wouldn't hear but he wouldn't feel as bad) and walked upstairs, not looking back once.


i'm one of those weird perfectionists where I'll scrutinize every detail but after a while I'm just like "lol frick it this is getting uploaded" and that's how this happened. /rolls away/

omg hiccup he bared his teeth at you like ten times how do you not know he has teeth gEEZ

and just to clear things up, this chapter takes place on Saturday/Monday, but the next chapter will continue on Sunday. this story literally goes all over the place.

(side note: does hiccup seem ooc in this? or am I just being paranoid and slightly sleep deprived again?)