
Ok there is a rape scene in this chapter. So if you don't like this thing don't read it.

"text" = talking

'text' = thinking

****************Chapter 2:Resistance**************

Nicole stumbled out into the hallway. She heard the door shut behind her and fell to her knees. She felt dirty and scared. She just wanted to die right there. She looked down at her watch and saw that it was only 4:00pm so she quietly went to her locker, got a spare change of clothes, and went to the locker rooms to take a shower.

Nicole stepped into the shower stall and pulled the curtain all the way across. She washed herself all over hoping to get the presence of that bastard off her. She finally quit cleaning and sat on the ground holding her knees, and just letting the warm water fall freely on her. She buried her head and started sobbing.

'Why did this happen to me? I didn't do anything wrong. I..I just don't know what to do.'

An hour later Nicole got out of the shower, dressed, and walked outside to the parking lot. She was shaking from the cold and her fear. She wrapped her jacket around her and hurried quickly over to her blue 2003 Mustang Coupe. Nicole unlocked it and climbed in. She turned on the car and started the heat. She sat there a few minutes wondering if she could face her family. She put the car into drive and left the school. She didn't go home; instead she just drove around for a while. After a half-hour of driving she went home. She parked and got out.

' I'll just go in and go straight to my bedroom.' Nicole unlocked the front door and went inside. She locked the door and almost got to the steps to go upstairs.

" Oh Nicole, we were so worried. B.J. called us and said you missed band practice and she didn't know where you were." Said Nicole's mom, Jane, as she went over to Nicole to give her a hug. " I'm so happy you're...." She stopped talking and moving when she saw Nicole cower away from her touch. Jane's eyes were full of the pain of rejection and sympathy. " Honey, what's wrong?"

Nicole's fear was getting too much for her and she couldn't take it. She ran up the stairs and into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She leaned her back against the door and listened to the commotion downstairs. Her mom was crying softly and her dad was trying to comfort her.

Nicole flopped down on the bed as tears formed in her eyes. She didn't think they were from fear, rather anger, towards her history teacher. She was mad that he had forced himself on her, she was mad he had made her get afraid of her own mom and make her cry. But there was nothing she could do. So she cried and eventually fell asleep.

Nicole woke up around 12:38 at night. She rubbed her eyes and got up. She pulled on her shoes and went downstairs. Nicole went to the kitchen and put a frozen dinner in the microwave.

" Rroogw..roof"

Nicole jumped at the sound but smiled when she realized what it was. She looked in the direction of the sound and saw the only one she could trust. The greyhound trotted to her side and licked her hands. Nicole bent down and stroked his head.

" Well I guess you would like to go outside and use the bathroom, right?"

" Woof."

"Ok. Let's go." Nicole turned off the house alarm and unlocked the back door. She stepped outside and the dog followed her. They walked out to the middle of her field and Nicole sat down as the dog ran around sniffing. Suddenly her dog started barking at something in the shadows. Nicole got up and walked over to the greyhound.

" There's nothing there honey." Said Nicole soothingly as she petted the dog.

"That's where you're wrong." Hissed a familiar voice.

Nicole gasped, grabbed her dog's collar, and started to run away. The figure caught her around the waist and grabbed her arms, causing her to let go of her dog's collar. He threw her to the ground and pinned her down with his body.

" Get off me you freak! I am not your plaything." Nicole's features showed that she was scared but she wasn't going to submit to him. Unfortunately her insults earned her a punch to her face.

" Why do you resist damnit!"

"Why should I give you the satisfaction of knowing you can take advantage of me anytime you want? ...Fred." The last word was said in a mocking voice.

Cook smirked, " So you think you can get me to go away by being all brave. Well we'll see if you're brave after I'm done with you."

He ripped her shirt off and gazed over her unhidden breasts. She flinched under his gaze but she couldn't move. He noticed the flinch and smirked. Before she could realize what was happening, his mouth was on her nipple. At first he licked it gently with the tip of his tongue but he quickly started to bite it and suck, hard. Nicole writhed in pain but she didn't scream. She didn't want to give him that pleasure.

" ..You're sick." She spat with venom dripping from every word.

He stopped and scowled at her, " Fine if you want it hard then that's how you'll get it." He roughly took off her jeans and then took his off. Nicole immediately started kicking and screaming and trying to get away. Luckily her struggling caused her to kick him in his arousal. He let go of her and held himself trying to ease the pain. Nicole took her chance and got up and started to run away from him. He noticed this and, despite the pain, started to run after her. She was running faster then she had ever ran before but he still was able to catch up with her. He was almost right behind her and with a final burst of energy he pounced on her and they went crashing to the dirt.

" No! Get off!"

He didn't bother responding to her plea. Instead he just thrust his swollen penis into her. He was more than mad at her for kicking him and he wasn't about to let her get away with it. He went in deeper and deeper with each thrust. Her cries became louder and more desperate as he neared his climax. He started to worry that people might hear her screams, so he slapped her and put his hand over her mouth.

Finally his climax came and he spilled himself into her. Nicole gasped for breath as he got off her. She just laid there for a few minutes trying to catch her breath. When she looked up at him he was fully clothed and looking down at her with an evil grin on his face.

" Did you enjoy that?" He asked, his grin growing wider at the look she gave him. She just turned her head not bothering to answer him.

" Fine. Be that way. I've got better things to do than try and get you to submit to me. That will come later." He walked off into the bushes and was soon out of sight.

" Bastard." The word was said without feeling. The beating had been too much for her and she finally blacked out.


" Well well well. What do we have here? Another pathetic human." Coal black eyes gazed over the limp body before them. The young female human was naked and she looked really beat up. She had beautiful brown hair but her eyes were closed so the voice couldn't see what color they were.

" Sire, there seems to be an abnormal growth on her side." Came a 2nd voice. The 1st speaker smacked his hand over his eyes.

" That is a dog you idiot."

" Well it still looks like an abnormal growth."

" Just shut up and take both of them to the ship."

" Yes Prince Vegeta. Anything else you need?"

" Yes Radditz. Tell the crew we are leaving in half an hour."

" Yes sire."


Ok another chapter done. And as I promised, I put DBZ in this chapter. Ok if I don't have a lot of homework this next week than expect an update around Friday or Thursday. Until then.
