Last Authors Note.

I have taken everyones advice and decided to keep this story up (A lot of you starting to panic and were basically shouting for me not to delete this XD I really apprectiate the support from you guys, :) It helps me a lot). The new story is posted with the first chapter! You can easily find it on my profile :) Please go follow, favorite and review to tell me what you honestly think. Is it better than the last version? I read it to my friend and she seemed to like it, but, then again, friends sometimes tell you that too make you feel better :P Anyway, please tell me! I'm really happy with it and hope you will be too! :) Like I said before, I'm not going to have a bunch of the same things from this last version in the new version, and I think I am going to capture the characters a lot better than the last version as well. :)

~Allison Prince