The text for teleport statue on Vifrost bridge, strangely sinked deep into my mind. Heimdall, my favorite NPC for unknown reasons, stands near. So, adding two and two together, I got inspired and produced something very few are going to read. I don't care - there is not enough Heimdall, so I will read this myself on cold nights, until I get sick of it.

City guards and patrol garrisons – mighty and honourable daevas, standing as a first wall of defense for Asmodea. On outposts and fortress walls they keep their watch.

But the most worthy of them – those who earned glory and fame in thousands of raging battles – guard the very heart of their people. They are birds of prey locked in the golden cages of wait, because no enemy has dared to try and conquer Pandemonium, not yet. Bored they are, belittled in their riches.

And Heimdall is held captive too; left to watch humans, daevas and shugos that come and go, come – and go, day to day, Thursdays off.

One day she comes. Stomps towards him, determined, recently ascended, with dark circles under her eyes and raging headache. She is half his size and twice his vigor, she breathes anger, she is cracked and rough around her edges.

Still young now, in her late twenties, with little sullen wrinkles in corners of her mouth, and still young she shall be – until the day Abyss rips her soul away.

He almost pities her – his own soul well protected within the golden chambers of Pandemonium, sung to safety through wondrous chants of silver-tongued bards. Teachings of Munin fade in him; glorious days of battles turn to crumpling memories of his past.

But she is petite and her sword is a toothpick to him, so Heimdall thinks she resembles an unleashed hedgehog.

He will laugh at her to himself, only to be stung by one of her spikes, poisoned and pulled into whirlwind of her greedy heroic antics.

She will protect Altgard from one of the bigger threats and when Munin will ask about her, he will find it in himself to be surprised. "I want to see her now" – Heimdall will think.

The passing moment will come, when she is on everyone's lips and she will frequent Pandemonium for a month, tortured with ceremonials and formalities. That's when something will change in the turn of her head. That's when he will start to wait for her visits.

Reassigned to yet another fortress, she will move her day off to Thursday, but annoy teleporters on any other day, to sometimes pop out of nowhere right next to him.

Her words will get kinder, her touch – softer and sly Doman, always knowing about who goes where, will know what is going on first. Others will found out a little later and Heimdall will hear enough of talks and gossips in next few weeks.

They will learn and stumble, and get stuck, they will rise back to their feet.

She will find his routine dreary, but will balance it with her temper.

He will find most of her comments ever so slightly unacceptably-inappropriate, but in little studio in Pernon he will learn how truly won-der-ful-ly inappropriate she can be.

And when she will appear beside him one day, with her "So daeva, mau and shugo walk into a tavern" – always less of a joke, more of a silly story, one of those she collected on windy Ishalgen – he will let her finish, cautiously listening how flames of his soul rekindle, burning away through his own cage.

Heimdall will blaze once again, but right now she comes to the bridge Vifrost.