A/N: All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney

Disclaimer: ABC & Marlowe may own them, but my dreams are my own business

Beckett's eyes blinked open. She found herself incapable of any movement, with the exception of her left index finger. She slowly realized her head was lying on the left side of Castle's chest, right over his heart. That explained the steady drumming she'd heard out of her right ear. Her right shoulder was on the bed tucked under Castle's armpit. Her right leg was stretched down the bed, while her left was sprawled across his waist. She was naked. She was soaking wet. She was probably giving off steam. She had never felt better in her life.

Her left arm was splayed across his torso, culminating in her hand over his right breast. Her left forefinger was slowly teasing Castle through his t-shirt. She watched her finger as it moved. It seemed to have a mind of its own, circling and stroking his nipple. It was obviously exciting him, based on the size and hardness of the protuberance from under the soft material. From her close angle of observation, it actually looked larger than her own nipple when excited, which hardly seemed fair. Her finger continued to move of its own volition.

That wasn't to say none of her other muscles were working. Every few seconds, a different group of muscles would twitch involuntarily, as if someone had arbitrarily applied some sort of electronic stimulation to them. Her right hand shook, lying next to Castle's left ear. Then her right thigh shimmied, then a foot, followed by her left buttocks. It was very peculiar. She wondered how she got into this bizarre situation.

A very Castle-esque theory formed in her mind. Perhaps, through a freaky weather amalgamation, a violent storm cloud had formed within her hotel room, and a bolt of lightning had struck her in the head. That would explain everything: her memory gap, her twitching muscles, her paralysis, the electric hum her entire body was experiencing, her euphoria. Or, she could admit to herself, that something even more fantastic had happened to her: Richard Castle.

Castle's left hand was lightly drawing circles on the small of her back, while his right hand was plucking her sweat soaked hair off of her cheek, one or two strands at a time. He was muttering under his breath as he tenderly moved the hairs behind her ear. "There's another one. C'mon, get over there. Okay, now this one. Time for you to move now." Maybe the lightning bolt had hit him, too. Maybe it had caused brain damage. She hoped it was only temporary.

She tried to assess her current state. Was she happy? Ah! So, that's what the word 'delirious' really meant! She'd had no idea. So, what other words can she use to describe her condition? Well, the word 'sated' came to mind. She'd always thought that had meant 'done with sex for the night', but now she had a totally different understanding of the word. A half smile formed on her face, again muscles working without being asked. More words cycled though her sluggish brain, words she'd never associated with herself: 'calm' and 'content' and 'complete'.

Under Castle's ministrations, she felt cherished, treasured. Those were words she hadn't used for over twelve years, and had never fully appreciated them until it was too late. She appreciated them now. A hum of pure joy escaped from her. So, where do you go from here, when 'here' is nirvana? This never-to-be-mentioned night was certainly going to be a tough act to follow.

These last few hours have been unreal! She felt so fortunate. Because of her ungodly hot wet dream and Castle's vivid imagination, she had lucked into the perfect encounter with her partner. Luck had never before been a particularly salient feature of her life or their relationship up to now. Maybe their luck was changing. She'd managed to tell him of her fears, explain her hopes, and ask for his patience. He now knew about Dr Burke, and hopefully understood how diligently she was working towards their common goal. Most importantly, he now knew about her memory of Montgomery's funeral. The guilt from that secret was no longer between them, weighing her down. Hopefully, he understood why she'd been incommunicado for the entire summer. Although he couldn't possibly be happy with her reasons, he couldn't help but be ecstatic about the result. Especially, if moments like this were to be the end product.

She now knew things she could only hope for earlier. She knew Sophia Turner was full of shit. If anything, the attraction and respect she had for her partner had increased exponentially. If there was the slightest chance to feel half this good again, she'd seize it in a heartbeat. Yet, when Monday rolled around, she was confident that they'd slip back into their well practiced routine at work. Banter, inappropriate innuendo, and building theory would be better, not worse, because of tonight.

She also knew that she could be better, she could become whole again. Her walls were not a permanent character flaw. She and Castle had done more in the last few hours to remove them then months of therapy with Dr Burke. She wasn't there yet, she knew she was still screwed up. However, instead of the curse of Sisyphus, who constantly rolled the boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down again, she had an optimism that had been totally lacking earlier. The oppressive feeling of no progress and futility had given way to positive advances and imminent success. It was exhilarating.

Lastly, she was thankful that she could do something for Rick. She could feel his breathing regulate, his murmuring becoming more sporadic, as he began drifting off to sleep. The dear, dear man had contented himself to wait for her, with very little overt encouragement. She'd been so worried that the smiles and little touches between them would be insufficient as the weeks turned into months. Showing him what he was waiting for, what could be in their future, might ultimately be the greatest development of tonight's adventures. She no longer had to rely on the memories of a stolen, undercover kiss in a dark alley.

But what a kiss! She still got excited thinking about it. It was almost the polar opposite of tonight's love making; unbelievably stormy, passionate, and far too quick. It was that kiss that triggered the beginning of the end for Josh, and made her realize that her denial of her feelings for Castle was ultimately doomed to failure. It was too bad they didn't try that again tonight.

Holy shit! She was so stupid! She practically shouted "WAIT", jerking Castle alert. She surged up on her elbows so she was just above him. Their eyes locked, Castle returned her gaze looking puzzled. She looked at his mouth, and back to his eyes. "Thank you Castle. For everything. Tonight. This morning. It means more to me than you could possibly know." Her eyes slid back to his mouth as he smiled. She licked her lips. Her left hand, now on his shoulder, patted him to punctuate her words. "Best. Partner. Ever."

Her mouth descended bit by bit onto his, creating a perfect seal. His lips were soft, warm, inviting. Her tongue swiped along his lower lip, and was granted instant access to his mouth. She began to explore his mouth deeply as she poured all of her hopes and passion into this kiss. His hands came up and ran through her hair, his tongue exploring her mouth just as wantonly. Her right hand ran through his damp hair behind his ear, her left stroked his cheek. He wrapped her hair in his hands and lifted it off her back, allowing the cool air access to her neck. She went from overheated to goose bumps in seconds. Her breasts firmed, her nipples hardened.

She deepened the kiss. Dear God, he was a fabulous kisser. Their tongues danced without fighting for dominance. His hands never stopped moving; now he had one on her neck while the other splayed on her back, pulling her closer. The now familiar coiling of lust within her was becoming incredibly intense unbelievably fast. She tried to convey all her feelings for this man, this huge torrent of gratitude and friendship and love and desire, into this single action. The kiss, impossibly, deepened more. Her vision was blurring around the edges. She had no air. She'd investigated victims of asphyxia that got more oxygen than she was getting. Castle seemed unaffected; the bastard must be breathing through his ears.

Then, both she and Castle moaned at exactly the same time, deep and wicked. Oh, God! Was that an orgasm? You can't have an orgasm from a kiss, can you? Based on the clenching from her core, and the moisture running down her thigh, she'd just had an orgasm! Castle made her come with a kiss and a moan! Talk about super powers! That's absolutely ludicrous! She did not want to break this breathtaking kiss, but passing out was not an option either. Just as she was placing her palm to push off, Castle backed off and they separated. Castle was reading her mind again.

She was panting like she'd just run a marathon. She stared into his eyes, those fantastic baby blues. His expression practically screamed his love and devotion. By the smile that lit his face like the sun, she was confident that her expression, for once, mirrored his. She could feel her smile explode across her face.

Once her breathing had calmed down, exhaustion began to overwhelm her. She noticed the pre-dawn light filtering through the room. Wow! Had they been screwing all night? She looked at Castle from beneath her long lashes, the smile still plastered across her face. "Remember, Castle, this has just been a dream" she murmured . Beckett yawned, fatigue dragging her down to his shoulder. Castle reached down and pulled the sheet up to her chin, covering them both. He wrapped his arms around her as she cuddled next to him.

"Just a dream, Castle" she repeated, as sleep reached up to grab her. "You're dreaming my dream."

Finis: Hope you liked it