A/N: So, this is what I've been working on instead of MaOLL because I got creative and got sidetracked. Sue me. I expect this will be a triple shot, so it should be fun. Also, headcanon abounds, I apologize, and I apologize as well for an OOC-ness of the characters I draw from other related works that aren't the anime, because I haven't read/played them.

Now that you have been fairly warned, on with the show

Samhain: Celebrated between October 31 and November 1, one of the four 'Great Sabbat's in Wiccan culture that sits opposite Beltane, also known as Walpurgisnacht. A festival of darkness, during which those who died are celebrated, and the veil between this world and the afterlife is at it's thinnest.

Mami Tomoe stepped lively through the halls of Mitakihara Middle School with her head held high, a warm smile on her face and a calm demeanor that drew the attention of all she passed, if the twin drill hairstyle she had didn't do that already.

That attention may have had as much to do with her outfit as it did with her aura of friendliness and general popularity though, she was dressed to impress, her current outfit a departure from the usual school uniform, but it was a change that no one objected to, as far as she could tell anyway, and certainly not at this moment.

She wore a strapless dress which stretched to cover her not inconsiderable bust, divided into several layered sections by frills at the end of each portion, The top part of the dress was orange, with the space between her cleavage white with an orange flower in the middle. The next layer was a shade of mustard yellow, shifting into a repeat of the orange on top, followed then by an orange-red, and terminating at her knees with a small layer of magenta, the different colors blending well as her shifting form let the dress move and change which ones had prominence. She wore brown stockings and orange shoes that were tied with red ribbons. On her upper right arm she wore a small, slightly frilly white armband, and on her hands she wore orange gloves, those held in place by red ribbons tied with bows as well.

Her hair was dressed up in her usual dual drill style, but she had augmented it with pearl earrings, a pearl necklace, an orange bow atop her head with a brass brooch next to it, and a fluff of white fur next to that in turn to complete the image. Add in some tactful application of makeup, and she cut herself as quite the sight to behold.

She wasn't the only one dressed up though. Far from it. Billowing capes, a mishmash of styles, and a bevy of colors confronted her as students moved through the hallways, with some outfits familiar and some not. People dressed up, the presence of costumes and teachers indifferent, jack-o-lanterns, black cats, ghosts, and other spooky decorations, led to one conclusion. It was Halloween.

This was one of the holidays that Mami actually enjoyed when it came around. It wasn't oriented towards family, which she lacked, or anything that could make her remember what she had lost. No, this was about dressing up in silly costumes, having a good scare, and otherwise having fun. And that was something she could appreciate. With all the hard work she put in with school and being a magical girl, bright moments like these were what she had to look forward to.

At first, she had opted to wear her magical girl outfit, to show off what she was now and let people see without it seeming weird or unusual. She didn't want to make people think she was going crazy or something. And in that she had gotten a good reception. But the days after the accident rolled past, and she became more and more involved in magical girl affairs, to the point where that was her life, and school was a break. She was still popular and all, but being a magical girl had become almost mundane for her. Halloween was about dressing up, being something other than yourself, and wearing her gunners costume wouldn't let her do that.

So she'd returned to dressing up in costumes like everyone else. In fact, this particular costume she had made herself, as something to do in her free time. Kyoko might find it silly (an opinion she had voiced numerous times when she was around) but Mami enjoyed it nonetheless, and now she had the chance to show off the results of her hard work.

By what she heard and saw, the comments as she walked past and the gazes that shifted to linger on her, Mami would say that it was a success. Not that she had deliberately set out to be a focus of attention, but if others put her in the spotlight she wouldn't refuse. If it lessened the loneliness she felt sometimes from the burden of responsibility, then so much the better.

A trio of girls approached her as she moved through one of the glass hallways, one dressed like a magician, another like a cheerleader, and a third like a pirate. Interesting choices, but Mami held off on making any judgment at the moment as they moved to pass by.

"Oh my, Mami, you look wonderful," said the lead girl, brandishing a plastic wand.

Mami bowed gratefully, her hands clasped in front of her. "Thank you Miyoka. You look good as well."

The cheerleader to the left hefted her red and white pom poms as she looked Mami over. "If you don't mind my asking, what is your costume?"

Mami was more than willing to answer that question, enjoying the interaction while it lasted. "Of course Hoshiko. I'm dressed up as a singer. Or pop star if you prefer." She'd wanted to be a singer before the accident, so the concept had appealed to her.

"Ah." Without any attempt to expand upon her comment, Mami was prepared to move past so she could get to her next class on time, but at the same time she was reluctant to go. This made it easy for her to be stopped by Miyoka. "Actually Mami, I'm having a Halloween party at my place tonight, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming. I know everyone would love to see you there."

Mami gave the offer the consideration that it deserved, unsure of what to say at the moment. She was inclined to go and be with peers and friends, which would be nice. But at the same time, she also had her responsibilities as a magical girl, which were a significant time investment, and she could never really predict how long it would take to handle the Wraiths that appeared every night.

Still, she was too polite to outright refuse, and there was always the possibility that she would actually have time to attend this party. "Sadly, I already have arrangements for tonight, but I'll come if I can," she relied with another small bow.

Miyoka and company accepted graciously, giving their own small bows in return. "Alright. I look forward to seeing you then. Do you need my address?"

Mami shook her head, dual drills swaying in the motion. "No, I think I can manage." The conversation ended there as Mami and the trio passed each other, each intent on their own destinations. She didn't regret her tacit acceptance of the offered invitation, but it did make her wonder and wish that she was once again a normal girl, to not be alone anymore and be able to enjoy such things, to enjoy life without worry. Those dark thoughts that seemed to haunt her as she pushed them below the surface once again, soaking in the attention directed hr way.

Lunch was on the roof, a meeting spot that had been decided via silent acclamation by the magical girl quartet back when it was a quartet. Kyoko wasn't actually supposed to come here since she didn't attend the school, and most of the time she didn't except when she snuck in, but it was a solid bet that either Mami or Homura would be up here.

The marble steps were calmly ascended, and Mami emerged into yellow sunlight, the sky dotted with small white clouds. There was a breeze, but it wasn't bothersome beyond ruffling her dress and trying to snatch the fur she wore from her grasp. And that she could prevent easily enough.

At the moment there was only one other person present up on the rooftop, and Mami made her way over to where Homura sat, seemingly absorbed in her own thoughts as she ate. Mami was a bit disheartened to see that Homura hadn't joined in the spirit of the holiday, but it wasn't entirely unexpected. Ever since Sayaka had been taken by the Law of the Cycle she had become more reclusive, withdrawn, more focused on magical girl affairs and solitary, hiding her emotions behind a brick wall. It was something Mami had tried to stop, but her attempts invariably met with varying degrees of failure.

"Hello Homura," Mami said with a bow before moving to take a seat near the magical girl.

The welcome drew her attention, and Mami noticed a rush of...something, through Homura's lavender eyes before Homura returned her attention to her food. It was recognition, hurt, and a confusing sea that threatened to overwhelm, and Mami could barely begin to comprehend it. "Hello Mami Tomoe," Homura replied, as formal and cold as usual. "You look well."

"Thank you," Mami replied, opening up her lunch and beginning to eat. "And how are your classes going?"

"Fine," Homura replied succinctly, working over her lunch with chopsticks and not doing anything to further the conversation.

Mami was quick to notice that the other girl's lunch had been mostly picked at, and not really eaten. "You should eat more. You'll need the energy," she advised, as she took her own advice.

Staring at her food with dull eyes, Homura took a few tentative bites, still pointedly ignoring looking at Mami for the most part. "Kyubey did say that the miasma had been thickening the past week."

Mami ate carefully, not wasting any of the home made meal as the remark brought back memories of a time as a younger magical girl. "That's right, this is your first Halloween isn't it."

Homura nodded her confirmation, and Mami began an explanation, while letting off a mental sigh at the other girls obsessive preoccupation with magical girl affairs, beyond what even Mami showed. "Halloween is an old holiday, about holding back oncoming darkness, and at the same time it intersects with a period where magical abilities and influence are heightened. This results in a swelling of emotions and powers that mean a surge in Wraith manifestation as the embodiment of human despair, and makes them stronger than usual around this time."

Concern bled through her expression as she looked over to the raven haired girl. "I really think you should reconsider working alone as you usually do, at least for the next couple nights. There is safety in numbers after all and we're better able to handle what threats may arise together."

It was a plea on the part of the blond, genuine concern for her welfare and safety, and a desire to crack that shell more and include the reclusive Homura in their activities. They were in this together, and had no reason to not work together.

She had to work to keep a disapproving frown away from her face as Homura shook her head. "If the Wraith are going to be more prevalent than usual, then it would be better for us to be separate, so we can cover more ground and ensure a maximum coverage of the city in a rapid fashion."

What she said made sense in the terms of the collection of Grief Cubes, but Mami couldn't help but wonder if Homura was underestimating how strong the Wraith would become with the swing in magical energy. It seemed impossible for her to not worry about her, as one of the remaining three magical girls in Mitakihara and as a friend. But she wasn't sure the feeling was reciprocated. After Sayaka died it was like Homura didn't trust her any more, and deliberately tried to not interaction with her. That light she had had seemed to die upon seeing the reality of the life they lived, and though she had tried, Mami just seemed unable to rekindle it.

Still, she wasn't about to turn this into an argument, not here, not now, and not without significant reason. She wanted them to be friends and cooperate, not cause further divisions by squabbling amongst themselves. That didn't help anyone. "If that is how you feel. Please be careful though." Her eyes fell as she spoke. "I don't want to lose you too."

Homura nodded and rose from her seat, packing up the remains of her lunch. "Rest assured Mami Tomoe, I have no intention of dying tonight." With a flip of her hair as she spun on her heels, Homura departed the rooftop, the conversation ended.

Somehow, Mami wasn't comforted by the confident statement, and she couldn't keep from dwelling on what might happen tonight, her appetite suddenly gone.

School had passed by and the sun now dipped towards twilight, painting the sky in a fusion of oranges and reds. The evening drew closer, when the Wraith would emerge from the shadows to walk the streets, and magical girls such as herself would sally forth to fight them for the soul of humanity. It was an ironically simple, yet time consuming lifestyle that she lived.

Mami hummed to herself as she worked in the kitchen, doing a bit of clean up from the last meal she had prepared for later as she waited for Kyoko to arrive so they could go out on patrol. She didn't mind the wait, even though being with Kyoko could sometimes be a hassle, since it gave her the desired company of one who was more similar to her than any of her classmates. And with their previous issues resolved, Mami found herself enjoying the time she shared with the feisty red head.

Fortunately, the wait was not a long one as the door shuddered from a series of jarring impacts. Mami carefully laid down the towel she held and preemptively sighed in slight annoyance as she moved to the front door. It swung open to reveal Kyoko in her magical girl uniform already, a couple plastic bags full of candy hanging on the spear she had resting on her shoulder.

"Yo. Smells good in here," Kyoko commented as she stepped inside, brushing past her senior.

"Thank you," Mami replied gratefully as she stepped outside to check on the bucket of candy she had placed by the front door, in lieus of her actually being there to greet visitors. Unsurprisingly, a good portion of what the bucket had started with was missing, and a culprit conveniently presented herself as Kyoko stretched out on the couch, looking out to the painted skyline as she began to rummage through the bags with her for a treat to snack on.

This position meant that she couldn't see Mami, who approached Kyoko form behind with that ever present smile on her face, and a purplish black aura emanating around her. While the hair on the back of kyoko's neck prickled in reaction, making her wonder what was up, it wasn't soon enough for her. A whack to the back of the head landed as Mami grabbed one of the other candy filled plastic bags and pulled it away from Kyoko's short, desperate lunge.

"Oww, what was that for," Kyoko protested as she rubbed the impact zone on her skull, making that halfhearted lunge for her departing candy.

"Now Kyoko, you know that that candy was for trick-or-treaters. Not magical girls with inexhaustible appetites," Mami replied cheerfully as she made her way back to the entrance to empty the appropriated bag into her bucket of candy before closing the front door and returning to the living room.

"Hey, I'm a trick-or-treater too," Kyoko called as Mami returned from the front door.

Back, Mami walked over to the kitchen and poured two cups of tea, one for her and the other for Kyoko. "Yes, but that is no excuse for you to take candy from me, especially when I provide you with so much food already."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Kyoko was still somewhat disgruntled, yet she accepted the tea cup with nary a complaint. "So, we expecting Tall, Dark, and Grumpy to show up tonight?"

Taking a measured sip of tea, Mami shook her head as she lowered the cup. "Homura believes it is wiser that we split up to cover more ground, so she will be patrolling on her own as usual." she tried to keep her disapproval out of her tone, but she couldn't tell whether she had succeeded or not.

Laying her own cup on the table, Kyoko put her hands behind her head as she leaned back. "Man, she's stubborn, ain't she? It's almost like she doesn't like us." That was accompanied by a shrug. "Oh well. More Grief Cubes for me."

Mami felt something along the same lines as Kyoko, though not with the same casual disregard for Homura's well being and opinion on the gathering of Grief Cubes. For the moment though it couldn't be helped, much as they might try, so they would continue on as they had in the past few months. It hurt though, to see Homura more receptive to Kyoko than herself, as if there was some bond built up and trust there that their own relationship lacked, and Mami didn't know how to create it.

"I am a bit worried," she admitted. "This is her first time experiencing Halloween, so I'm not sure if she's prepared for how strong the Wraith will be compared to normal."

Kyoko picked up her cup and finished the tea she had before shrugging again. "I'm sure she'll be fine. I mean, she has freaking wings and all." Her opinion given, Kyoko returned to her bag of candy, pulling out a mini twix bar to eat.

"Yes, I suppose you're right." Mami's worry still wasn't dismissed, though she fell silent. With only three girls to watch over Mitakihara, she wasn't sure she could handle losing another one, not even one as aloof as Homura was. Not that she voiced those fears. They had a job to focus on after all.

Finishing her tea in turn, Mami glanced over to see the position of the sun in the sky, purple starting to sneak it's way into view, the town still busy as holiday goers took to the streets for the night's festivities. Somewhere down there was a party that she would not be attending, but she had other things to consider for the moment. "Well then, shall we be going?"

"Sure." Kyoko fairly jumped up, stretching a bit and leaving her candy behind as she moved to the window. "Better hurry up then, or I'll be done by the time you show up," she half taunted, before opening the window and jumping out, landing on a rooftop below.

Mami shook her head with a smile as Kyoko departed via rooftop before rising as well. Her Soul Gem materialized, shining with bright golden amber light, and she clasped it tightly between her palms as she spun about, releasing magical energy as she transformed to magical girl. When it faded away she stood in her gunners outfit, and she wasted no time in going after Kyoko.

Rooftops were vaulted over as the two moved in tandem and scanned below, a growing white mist permeating the streets below that only they could see, and in which normal people walked unawares. Wraith dwelt in the miasma, gathering where it was thickest, and that made it that much harder for the two of them, with innocent civilians possible in the crossfire of a fight. The miasma was particularly thicker tonight, making it harder to find Wraith to start. Kyubey wasn't around to help, but if they needed him he would probably appear.

Mami was alert and focused as they patrolled, looking for their foe. The sooner they found them, the less likely it was that innocent people would get hurt by the Wraith. And that was something she would prevent at any cost. Do you see any, she asked telepathically.

Nah, not yet, Kyoko replied. There was a pause, before an addendum to the message came. Maybe we should split up after all. Just so we can find them faster.

Alright, Mami ceded. But stay in telepathic range. And be careful.

Please, 'careful's my middle name, Kyoko said with a fanged smirk. I'll let you know if I find any good packs. And with a flash of red she departed, leaving Mami to scout alone.

Mami's focus returned to the searching out where the Wraith that had to be in the area where. For those who currently enjoyed the life she had given up, she would not allow harm to come to them at the hands of these creatures. But she had to find them first. And that was proving frustratingly hard.

The miasma thickened, ebbed and flowed like an engulfing sea of white laced energy. The Wraith swam in this sea like sharks searching for prey, and she was a hunter. Her magical signature and soul gem would be the tools she used to flush out the Wraith, and then dispatch them.

There was a pulse at last, a thrum of energy that resonated with her soul gem and sang through her bones, a pulse she was all too familiar with. She took on a determined expression as she altered her path to aim towards where the sensation had come from, and preparing at the same time to summon muskets at a moments notice. She briefly considered contacting Kyoko to inform her that she had found some Wraith, but instead she held off, figuring that she should at least see how many Wraith she had to deal with before doing so.

A rooftop crested, and she pulled to a halt as what she was searching for came into view. There were four Wraith, masked figures with white robes that obscured the rest of their bodies, shimmering black forms lurking beneath the cover. They moved together as a group, coordinating action without any audible communication as they searched for prey, weaving through the white mist.

Mami paused to calculate the odds before she sprang into action, literally jumping off the rooftop to land on the ground before she flipped off her beret and waved it in front of her, rifles dropping from the opening in the headgear to land muzzle first on the ground. They stood in a row, silver glittering in the light as Mami returned the beret to her head and got to work.

Smooth, practiced motions brought an additional musket to her shoulder and she took careful aim down the sights of the barrel at the nearest Wraith before firing. She felt a bit of energy slip away as the gun slammed in her grip, a magically formed bullet exiting the barrel to hit the target dead on. The Wraith jolted from the impact and the others reacted, but she moved in a smooth rhythm while she had the element of surprise, using the recoil from the shot to toss the gun away before grabbing another gun and firing again, each hitting with pinpoint accuracy on the part of the expert marksman.

Magical ammunition hit home, punching through white pseudo-fabric to rip at the black form beneath, causing a ghoulish shriek of pain and anger to emanate from the unmoving mask that looked like a frowning face. Current stock of weapons depleted, Mami leapt away as beams of red magical energy flew towards her, hitting where she had just been and shattering the concrete.

Landing with steady feet, Mami summoned another musket and fired. The Wraith didn't have much more to say as a hole appeared in its mask, and peppered with shots as it was, it died in an explosion of magical energy. Wind whipped from the death of the thing, and grief cubes clattered to the ground for Mami to retrieve at her convenience. That was one less to deal with.

The remaining three moved in then, more arcing beams of magic headed her way as the trio surged forward. Wispy, almost formless black limbs slipped from concealing white cloaks to strike fast and hard, sweeping through the space ahead and ripping through the white mist that flowed around them.

Mami hopped away ahead of the attacks and pulled out two more muskets as she landed, quickly reorienting and firing before making a backwards leap out of the way of the retaliatory strike. Graceful twists and spins let her bring her summoned weapons to bear as she fired in a rapid pace at the Wraith, shifting her target from one to another, pirouetting with guns barking all the while.

The Wraith struck back though as bullets poked holes in their white cloaks, and Mami soon found it harder to move as the Wraith switched to a more insidious tactic. Glancing down, she found small strands of white mist wrapping themselves around her arms, legs, and torso, making it feel like she was trying to move underwater as the miasma thickened around her and resisted her movements.

"You're going to have to try harder than that," Mami said to the unanswering Wraith, undaunted by this turn of events. She kept her calm and forced herself to greater efforts of exertion to resist the hindering influence upon her with the aid of magic, a tactic that was fairly effective. She jumped back on her heels as a blade of wispy black stabbed at her while she acclimated to the change, catching her clothes but not hitting skin.

In response, more guns were brought to her grasp as she dual fired at select points, using the space the attack gave her as the targeted Wraith shuddered under the double impact to throw out ribbons at her surroundings, lashing around a metal street pole that she used to yank herself some distance away from the trio.

Landing with a slight huff, yet gracefully, Mami twirled her hat for another batch of guns at her call, repeating the process she had established. The stream of firepower hit the already injured Wraith and delivered the death blow, a shriek echoing forth as it dispelled in the same manner as the first.

The remaining two didn't seem phased by this turn of events and surges forward, beams of magic issuing forth from their eyes and white cloaks flapping from the rapid movement. Mami danced backwards as they advanced, firing as she went while the miasma persisted in clinging to her. Her opponents were moving faster though, forcing her to move faster as well. Battle damage started to accumulate, scratches and light wounds received from near impacts and flashing, cloudy black limbs.

Her soul gem gradually darkened through use as she crafted ribbons and muskets, bands of red and yellow lashing out to trap the Wraith so they were motionless for her weapons fire. She got in a few punishing shots with this tactic, but the Wraith twisted, writhed, and her ribbons severed with a snap of dissipating magic, forcing her to move once more.

Now Mami was slightly worried. The effects of tonight were showing at last as the night deepened, since the Wraith should not have normally been able to escape her ribbons as easily as they did, much less the current manipulation of the miasma that was working to her detriment. Sure, it was to be expected, but it didn't make it any less concerning. She wouldn't back down though, not with only two left in this group.

In the air, she summoned a spinning wheel of muskets, each individually aligning on it's target in a rapid fashion before firing and then rotating to a fresh gun in the circle. She landed in a crouch, but before she could move again she was struck from behind, a trio of beams tearing at her clothes and skin, earning a cry of pain as Mami was sent stumbling from the blow.

As she recovered she spun about to confront her attacker, eyes widening as she found four more Wraith looming in front of her as if answering a summon by those she was already fighting, and she had to quickly move out of the way as more beams flared through the air, her skin warm from the nearness of the attacks and the power involved.

The situation had taken a dramatic turn for the worse, and it was now that Mami reached out telepathically to enlist her partners assistance before she suffered for it. Kyoko, I've found some Wraith and could use your help, if you'd be so kind as to assist me.

There was silence in response, nothing except dead air to give her an answer. Eyes widened as Mami clung to her calm composure, dodging and firing with actions growing more agitated the while. Kyoko, are you there? Is everything alright? Please, answer me. Kyoko!

Her broadcasted thoughts grew more frantic the longer the silence persisted. While it was possible that the troublesome redhead just wasn't in range of communication via telepathy, she couldn't stop herself from assuming the worst, that her pupil was in danger and she wasn't there to help, if not already gone. It might have been irrational to think, but she wasn't going to take any chances. Not with someone she cared so much about.

With that consideration in mind she leapt high into the air, magic flaring out as she formed a veritable wall of muskets, aimed it in the direction of the tightest concentration of Wraith, and fired. Thunder filled the air as the wall exploded, sending a hail of magical bullets raining downward. Some hit, and were destroyed by the volley, but to her surprise and shock, many of the Wraith flickered and vanished just before the storm could hit, leaving only white miasma behind.

Frantic amber eyes swept the area as she came down, hoping to catch the Wraith when they reappeared as she brought out more muskets to use. Then just as abruptly as they had vanished, there were three looming to her side and she was struck again, a painful blow to the torso that she nonetheless overcame to return fire.

A cry split the night, drawing her attention away from the fight at hand as more attacks lanced around her. Mami chose to ignore those thought to see what the source of the noise was, firing in motion as she sped towards it.

Vaulting around a corner, she saw the missing Wraith advancing down a dead end alleyway towards a group of teenagers, all too evidently intent on feeding on the fear and despair of their caught prey. She had a guess as to what it must look like to them, clouds of inky black mist advancing ominously, and their growing terror was obvious to see.

Mami wasn't about to let that continue though, and she fired as she bore, scoring a hit and causing the attention of the Wraith to be diverted from the teens to herself. "Your fight is with me, not them," she said firmly, before darting forward.

More muskets moved to her grasp as she closed in to fight, weaving around strikes as she shot the Wraith at point blank range. A low sweep brought her to a near flat angle, and the vertical fire of her weapon blew the mask off the Wraith she nearly touched, revealing the formless blackness beneath it before she snapped back up and spun, finishing it off with a concussive slam to the head area.

The Wraith swarmed around her, tall pillars of white with golden brown weaving between them as black ephemeral limbs slashed and magical energy flowed back and forth. It left her the worse for wear, to be sure, yet she persevered. In spite of the enhancements her magic provided, her muscles began to burn from exertion, from the effort she put in in the defense of these teens and from the restraining hold the miasma had upon her. But she had the situation under control, at least in her minds eye, as the number of Wraith dwindled.

It was a dance, a devastating ballet of fighting, and one she was well versed in, yet even Mami couldn't predict all the moves in this dance. Not tonight of all nights, when her enemies were stronger than they usually were.

Mid motion, a looping sweep that would give her a wide range of fire, she was taken by surprise as one of the Wraith reoriented and attacked. Not her though, but the teens still there, cowering in the back of the alleyway. The ones she had come here to protect.

"No," she cried as she shifted and sprang forward, placing herself directly in the line of fire. At the same time she tossed out ribbons, wrapping out around the group and bodily throwing them up to a nearby rooftop where they would (hopefully) be safe. Mami didn't have time to dwell on the possibility though as she was struck, thrown through the air by the hit with another cry of pain.

Her side and back hurt when she moved, wounds that she knew from experience were serious injuries. Her clothes that weren't black from the scorching were stained red with blood and yet she struggled to rise regardless of that. She felt the pain slip away as she focused on severing the connection between her dulling soul gem and her body, isolating the pain that afflicted her so she could keep fighting.

She shakily rose, another musket trembling in her grip as she held back grimaces of pain, but she was struck before she could fire, a trio of blasts sending her to he ground again. Her vision blurred as her body screamed in pain despite her efforts to isolate herself from that even further. Her head rose haltingly as she tried to stand up, to see the remaining Wraith circled around her, ominous in stance and garb as miasma leaked between them to cover her.

She lashed out with ribbons, but those were evaded with swift movements backwards, and then she couldn't hit anymore. They struck again, and again, pummeling her body with hammer blows of magic and their limbs as her magic drained and her mind faded. All her efforts to summon guns or use her ribbons were for naught, and a blanket of general, all consuming pain descended upon her.

Kyoko, I'm...sorry, she thought sadly as her eyes closed and reality left her. There was a flash of pink, and then oblivion.

Cool mint tea met her lips as Mami sipped from the cup she had prepared. At least, she thought she had. Closed eyes flickered open to find herself in her apartment, everything as she had left it before going out on patrol, and a full moon high in the sky. She was wrapped in a comforting atmosphere, one that filled her with warmth and made her instinctively want to sigh in contentment.

There was a single intrusion into this aura of peace and calm, and yet even she felt like she belonged here. Warm eyes settled upon the girl with short brown hair that sat across from Mami, holding a teacup of her own from which small wisps of steam rose. She had green eyes and light freckles, though she was shorter than Mami, and wore a plaid green skirt with a white top, a silver bracelet on her left wrist as well.

"This is good tea," the girl commented, voice soft in tone.

"Thank you," Mami replied with a grateful smile, slipping ever into the guise of hostress before she paused in thought. "I'm sorry, do I know you? There's something familiar about you but I can't remember your name." She hated to forget someone's name, and knew it was annoyingly on the tip of her tongue, but she just couldn't grasp it.

Fortunately for her, if the girl was offended she didn't show it. "It's alright Ms. Tomoe. It's been a long time."

"Please, call me Mami," Mami interjected.

The girl nodded before taking on a distant distant look in her eye as she thought back. "We met in a park, near night time a couple years ago. It was shortly after you became a magical girl, and you found me and my mother being attacked by Wraith. You came and fought them, but it was too late for me in the end."

Eyes widened as her words made Mami recall that incident, and her hands took on a visible tremble as her heart panged. "You were...her," she asked, voice shaking.

The girl nodded quietly as Mami struggled with the surge of emotions that the confirmation sparked. That had been shortly after the car accident, when she was still new to being a magical girl. During one of her erratic patrols around the city, she came upon a mother and her young child being attacked by Wraith in one of the city parks. She had leapt to their aid upon seeing it but the Wraith had been too strong, and she and they had killed the child, and nearly the mother as well. It was an event that haunted her to this day.

"Aiko Sakamoto, that was my name," the girl said softly, bringing her teacup to rest on the table between the two of them.

Mami nodded and memorized the name, burned it into her mind, so she would not forget if she had known before. "If you're here, then does that mean that...I'm dead? I'd like to think that this is heaven but I don't know if I deserve to go to such a place if it exists."

Aiko shook her head, softly smiling. "No, you aren't." There was a bit of a pause before she continued, revising her first statement. "Well, not really. You're more in a space somewhere between life a death. You could go back, or you could pass on. It hasn't been decided yet."

Not the most consoling thing, but Mami was willing to accept it, weird as it was. "If that is the case, then why are you here Aiko? You're older than I remember."

Aiko sat as respectfully as she had the entire time, but it was apparent that this question brought up her spirits some. "To see you," she replied. "I guess I'm, well, what you'd call the 'ghost of possibility', for lack of a better term. I'm what could have been if events were different, a future me."

Mami's breath caught in her throat as she looked on the girl in a new light, her heart lurching as she realized that this was what Aiko would have grown up to be, what she could have been if Mami had been stronger that night. It was a poignant reminder of her failure, and it hurt to look at, but she didn't turn away. Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes, but she fought all the same to hold them back and present a strong front.

Despite her effort, it appeared that Aiko was able to see the emotions running amok inside her. "That night, I know it meant a lot to you."

Mami nodded, trying and failing to keep from being flustered. "You were the first one I lost, just because I wasn't strong or smart enough yet." A slight frown grew as her hands busied themselves with idle work, pouring two new cups of tea from a nearby pot. "It's what made me take my responsibilities as a magical girl seriously."

Aiko had a nervous expression as well, which was odd from Mami's perspective given that she was already dead. "You don't have to blame yourself you know. You did all you could at the time."

Mami knew that in her head, she truly did, but in her heart she couldn't deny that most of the blame should rightfully fall on her in this affair. She was the one who could see the Wraith, who had the power to defeat them. She'd gone over that night so many times in her head, thinking of what she could have done differently. Perhaps she might not have been the magical girl she was if she succeeded, but Mami was willing to trade that pointless death for how she was now.

"That may be" she replied, taking a sip of her tea. "But to look back on it, I didn't try as hard as I could have. You were the first I lost, and I can't forget that, or forgive myself for my failure." Amber met jade as she looked at Aiko. "For all I struggle, I can't save everyone. You were the one to show me that. And if I can't, then what happiness do I deserve?"

Whatever answer Aiko may have been expecting, it seemed like she was almost disappointed, though Mami couldn't really say. "I'm glad you didn't forget me. But you've grown a lot since then, and even if you can't save everyone, you still try your hardest, and that's what's important. As long as you make that effort, you aren't letting anyone, including yourself, down."

Mami smiled a bit more, glad that Aiko apparently didn't hold any grudges over what had happened. It would be best to check and not leap to hasty conclusions though. "You don't have any regrets?"

Aiko paused in thought before giving her answer. "Regrets? I suppose I have a few. Things I was never able to do, places I was never able to visit, people I could never see because my time was cut short, but I'm not bitter about it. It's just what was fated to happen. I forgave you a long time ago."

Her racing heart slowed a bit as Mami calmed and relaxed, relieved to hear those words from her mouth. It was a visible weight off her mind and soul, and for that she was grateful. She took another sip of tea before glancing about. "Thank you," she said heartfelt emotions audible then, before she resumed her posture of pleasing hostess. "What is to happen to me?"

Aiko's nervousness had returned somewhat, her hands ruffling the hem of her skirt as she replied. "It's your decision Mami. If you want you can pass to the beyond, to join the Goddess and the rest of the magical girls in your final reward." She nodded to the side, and Mami's gaze was drawn to a door that had not been there previously. It was simple, wooden, without any adornments or embellishments, yet bright white light radiated from the frame, causing her to look away lest she be blinded. "Or you can return to the real world and the life you had." Another nod, and Mami looked to her front door, which seemed unchanged.

Almost inevitably, she looked back to the first door, the intensity of the glare somewhat lessened in the seconds she hadn't been looking at it. "I'll be with everyone? Even..." Her voice choked before she could finish, apprehension swelling inside her.

Aiko nodded in confirmation. "Yes, even Sayaka Miki, as well as your parents. They may not be magical girls, but you will still be able to see them there."

Mami's breath caught again, eyes trembling almost in reflex. To see them again, to be with her parents at last after she wasted her wish by not saving them as well, it was a riveting possibility. What would they think of her, of what she had become? Would they be proud of their girl, who had had to grow up so fast? And to have a respite from the neverending fighting at last, she wouldn't lie and say that she found the prospect unattractive. Sayaka was there too, and she was sure the bluenette would be glad to have some company after her death.

It was as if Aiko could read the very thoughts running through her mind as she spoke again to the slight distracted magical girl. "Though, you would be leaving people behind if you chose that option. Homura Akemi, Kyoko Sakura, and others. Even though you would be with Sayaka Miki and your parents again, how will those you've left behind feel when they find out that you've moved on?"

To Mami, her statement sounded an awful lot like Aik was trying to guilt trip her into going back to the life she had, yet she did have a point. It wasn't like she would be slipping away unnoticed. Friends, classmates, people who looked up to her and respected her as a person, she just couldn't abandon them like that, could she?

She glanced down, somewhat ashamed of herself and her selfishness. "You're right," she admitted, however reluctantly. "There are people who would miss me. Especially Kyoko. I think she sees me as the closest thing she has left to family. But i'm not sure Homura feels the same way. She's grown so cold to me recently that I don't think she would care too much if I was gone."

Aiko reached across the table, taking Mami's hand in hers as she emphatically shook her head. "Homura Akemi cares for you a lot, though she may not show it. She just has her own issues that she is struggling with, and her own way of dealing with them. But rest assured, you and Kyoko are two of the few people in this world that she truly trusts."

Another burden lifted away by the girls words, though it was almost immediately replaced by the worry of what Homura was struggling with that she felt she couldn't tell the rest of them. But that was something that Mami wouldn't learn here. She and Aiko rose together as the brunette let go of the magical girls hands, and they moved together to stand before the two doors, her two choices awaiting her action.

Aiko turned to face Mami and bowed deeply, smiling warmly the while. "It was a pleasure to meet you Mami, especially when I could still make a difference for you."

Mami shifted to face her companion in turn, shaking her head before bowing in turn. "No Aiko, the pleasure was mine, meeting you at last. It has been a heavy weight off my mind, and for that that I am grateful."

Aiko looked back over to the doors that waited for Mami, hands clasped as she stood there. "So what are you going to do?"

Mami took a step forward, looking between the two doors before returning her attention to Aiko, who would be able to see the confident smile the magical girl wore. It seemed her mind was made up. "I'm going to go back," she said, walking over to stand at her front door. "After all, I have people counting on me. Heaven can wait."

Placing a hand on the doorknob, she took a breath to ready herself for what she was about to do, before looking back at Aiko and giving her a happy wink to go with the warm atmosphere she was radiating. "Goodbye Aiko, I won't forget you."

"I know," Aiko replied calmly as Mami opened the door and resolutely moved through the gateway, vanishing after a few steps, back to the land of the living.

Alone now, Aiko looked up to the ceiling. "She's going to do amazing," she said to no one in particular, as the room faded away in a haze of bright white light, and there was nothingness.

"Haaa!' Breath, wonderfully clean air gasped down as Mami awoke from unconsciousness. She then broke into a hacking cough as she recovered, raising her head to assess the situation in between almost pained breathes. Everything was the same as it had been just when she became unconscious. Amazingly, apparently no time had passed in the duration of...whatever she had just experienced. The only difference, and a fairly major one at that, was that her reserve of magical energy was overflowing, easily enough to heal her wounds and do whatever she needed to for tonight.

Her sudden revival was noticed by the Wraith around her, and to their credit they were quick to react, but as they did Mami was already in motion, rising from where she had laid on the ground to stand amidst the circle of enemies once again. At the same time as she did that, ribbons snapped out and twisted at her command, molding themselves into firearms, but not her usual muskets. No they were shorter, with a flared opening at the end of each barrel, and through her rising motion Mami ended up with two aimed at Wraith on the opposite sides of the circle, while tracking her opponents.

"Apologies," she said, as if she was apologizing for spilling tea. "But you won't be killing me tonight."

Then she fired, guns bucking in her grasp with a roar as the two Wraith she had aimed at got facefuls of magical buckshot from the blunderbuss' she had crafted, killing them instantly. She spun, reloaded, and fired again just as quickly, taking down two more in a matter of moments before those who remained around her were able to flee, blinking away into the white mist.

Return fire came her way in the form of more red beams of magical energy, but she was done playing around and easily dodged those strikes, at the same time dislodging the hold the miasma had upon her. Now the situation was reversed, with her as the hunter and the Wraith as the prey, and she chased them with a calm determination, picking off another in flight as she alternated between the her blunderbuss and her muskets.

As they neared where this had all started, Mami swiftly moved forward and in for the kill, to end this at last. Ribbons swept outwards and caught up the Wraith, twisting and throwing them, lashing them firmly together in the middle of the street, with her magic keeping them from breaking free as they had before. Targets caught, Mami came to a stop before them, ready to deliver the finishing blow.

There was only one way really to do that, and she went about it with smooth familiarity, marshaling her energy for the attack before leaping into the air. Ribbons stretched out and changed shape, forming a large hand gun that she pointed directly at the Wraith, and with a cry of 'TIRO...FINALE", she fired. The Wraith were engulfed in the blast of magical energy and destroyed completely as Mami landed delicately, sipping tea from a teacup that she had produced seemingly from nowhere.

The fight most definitely over, Mami placed her teacup aside before walking over to where the Wraith had just been to retrieve the deposited grief cubes to hold on to for later, while at the same time checking her soul gem. To her surprise, it was glowing a bright yellow, brighter than it had been in a while, to the point where one might mistake it for a soul gem belonging to someone recently contracted, as unsullied by despair as it was.

Pocketing the collected grief cubes, Mami looked up to the midnight sky and bowed respectfully. "Thank you Aiko," she said to herself and to the long dead girl that had provided her with one last gift.

Mami, who are you talking to? Her attention was drawn away form the stars to a nearby cluster of trash cans and dumpsters, from behind which emerged the white form of Kyubey, as if out of thin air.

"Just someone I once knew that happens to be important to me, that's all," she replied as she walked over to white alien.

Really? I didn't see or hear anyone else with you, Kyubey replied as it jumped up to stand atop one of the rusted brown dumpsters for a better vantage point of the street and of Mami.

Mami got a distant look in her eyes as she remember the meeting that had just happened. "She isn't here, not in the physical sense anyway. She died a long time ago. But I know she's up there among the stars, watching me and cheering me on."

Kyubey cocked its head in a gesture to express it's confusion. I'll never understand you humans, it announced. Talking to the dead without the assistance of a wish is incredibly unlikely, and the odds that a metaphysical entity such as the 'God' that most of your species believes in actually exists is astronomically low, and the existence of such a thing cannot be proven to any scientific degree as it is. To be honest, you sound like Homura Akemi when she talks about her Madoka Kaname.

Mami considered that for a second. Yes, it did sound somewhat like how Homura talked when she had tried to explain to both her and Kyoko about that girl Madoka that she claimed they once knew. She would have to give her more of a benefit of the doubt in the future. As it was, she wasn't all too surprised by Kyubey's lack of understanding, given the opinions it had expressed to her in conversation before.

"Be that as it may, I know she's there. I can feel it," Mami replied, having to keep from glancing up at the sky once more.

Kyubey seemed to let the matter drop before speaking up once more as it leapt across the gap to take up a position on Mami's shoulder, a careful balancing act it managed with ease. It's a good thing I found you when I did though. Kyoko and Homura are in trouble and need your help.

Reminded of her mission and duty to those she cared about, Mami turned from the all too recent memories to the task at hand. "Well, let's not keep them waiting," she replied before moving into a sprint, Kyubey guiding her through the city on the way. The past could at last peacefully in the past, and she could focus on the present. She had friends to save, and she would not let them down.