"I'm sorry by the way." Eret sighed to Hiccup. He could see the pain in the boys face. He was battling back tears and losing. The former dragon trapper looked down at the injured dragon and continued to stroke it's neck." Hiccup?" He reached out to touch Hiccup's shoulder but his hand was smacked away." I said I was sorry will you just talk to me!?" He shouted having lost his patience.
"No! I won't talk to you! This is all your fault!" Hiccup screamed at the top of his lungs. Tears poured down his cheeks. Eret leaned back in shock." All of it! You kidnapped me! You kidnapped Toothless! You're the one who got us into this mess! Do you think sorry is going to make up for it!" Cloudjumper groaned and tried to move over to his son. But he couldn't do it.
Eret gulped. He was pretty loud for such a small boy. "What do you want me to do? Go back in time?" Eret hissed. Hiccup shook his head and buried it between his knees. Eret sat up on his knees." Look, I know I've made a lot of mistakes. But I can't undo any of them. I've learned that the hard way." Hiccup glanced over at him." But I have to at least try." Eret admitted and held out his hand."Is there anyway I can help?"
Hiccup rubbed the tear lines from his cheeks." You can help me get back to Berk."
"How do you plan on doing that? We have no boats. And we can't leave him here alone." He gestured to Cloudjumper whose eyes fluttered open.
Hiccup laid a hand on his adoptive fathers wing." I don't plan on it." He jumped to his feet and held out his hand for Eret. The man took it and winced as he stood up." Hold on." Hiccup scanned the area until he found a spear that had been left behind. He snapped the sharp end off on his knee and tossed it to Eret as a walking stick." I have an idea." He knelt down to Cloudjumper who lifted his head slightly."I'll be back okay?" Hiccup nodded and forced a smile. The Stormcutter closed his eyes and purred, nuzzling the boys head.
"Be careful." Cloudjumper coughed. Hiccup stood back up."Follow me." He ordered and sprinted toward the volcano. The owl like dragon grinned slightly and drifted off to sleep. For dragons, rest is the best medicine they have.
"Can you please tell me where we're going?" Eret mumbled to Hiccup through the cloth pressed to his mouth. The cloth was the only thing keeping the volcanic dust out of his lungs.
"I think we're here!" Hiccup climbed over a large boulder.
Eret stuck his walking stick into one of the cracks in the wall and hauled himself up."Uh..." He slid down into the dragon nursery." This is your plan?" Young hatchlings raced around the area. It was much larger without the adults. Eret lifted a little gronkle into the air." They can't even fly?"
Hiccup took the gronkle."He can't. But they can." He pointed to the larger dragons, still asleep in their respective nests. One female zippleback snapped at her little brother as he tripped over her tails.
"But won't Drago just take control of these guys too?" Eret watched two nadders as they nipped at his injured ankle.
"Old enough to fly." Hiccup held out his hand to the Zippleback and mumbled something to her in dragonese." But to young to be taken control of. You gonna be able to handle it?
"Handle it? I'm the finest dragon wrangler this world has ever seen." He tumbled back as the nadder snapped down on his ankle. "Even this one." He squeaked out and glared at the hatching.
"Obviously." The teen smirked.
" Dad?" Hiccup patted Cloudjumpers shoulder gently." Are you any better?" He asked hopefully. The orange dragon winced as he attempted to sit up.
"A little bit." He peered over his wing at the wound on his hind leg.
"Can you make it to the beach?" Hiccup attempted to keep the extremely heavy dragon upright. Cloudjumper leaned only slightly on Hiccup as he limped over to the beach.
"What the?" He tilted his head as he saw his sons plan. A few yards away from the sand was the front half of a wrecked ship. Five young dragons were tied to it. Eret was riding the Nadder on the far left.
"We have to help Toothless. And I'm not leaving you behind." Cloudjumper smiled proudly. He waded into the water. He swam quickly as the salt burned in his cuts. He pulled himself onto the boat.
Hiccup smirked and hopped onto the Zippleback. The dragons dragged the boat for hours. A couple were beginning to become to exhausted to go on and perched on the ships mast. "Don't give up now. Come on. You can do it." Hiccup reassured the panting Zippleback.
"You might want to see this." Eret called Hiccup's attention the devastated island on Berk. The Bewilderbeast clinging to the side of the cliff.
Sorry I haven't updated in so long. But I've been really busy with my new account. It's called Jadepandacub. Actually once this story is finished I'm going to move it over to that account. Along with a rewrite of "Chiefs little embarrassment" and "Adventure through the eyes of a dragon". Any other unfinished stories are up for anybody to finish if they like. If you would like to take over a story you can PM me about it.(All the information is on my profile by the way). Back to the story. The next chapter will be set a couple hours before the end of this one. It's about Drago invading Berk. Thanks for reading and please review!