She leaned forward: he drew back. She'd speak up: he'd cover his ears. He questioned: she remained silent. He'd try to keep her: she would try to get away.

Sonic and Sally had essentially destroyed the bond that the pair had built up over time, replacing every memory of joy with methods to distance from the other. But it would be wrong to say that they hadn't tried to fix it; sometimes, one of them would bring it up. Unfortunately, it would only end in ignorance each and every time.

Typically it would be Sally, speaking up and asking him to talk, with the blue hedgehog either covering his ears or speeding off. The few times he agreed to her request, however, he'd silence her with one simple question:

"How could you do that to me?"

She never had an answer, even after she pondered and pondered about it. Never one to want to admit her own faults, Sally remained speechless each and every time. There was really no excuse; her blind anger had gotten the best of her along with the anguish the chipmunk had felt after finally thinking her lover and best friend to be dead.

It was no excuse though. And anything she could say back to him would sound like one.

So she didn't respond.

"Sonic," Sally breathed, finally determined to clear the tension between them.

Turning his head towards her just enough to be looking at her, but not enough to engage the chipmunk in direct eye contact, Sonic offered a small nod. "Sal," he answered, giving her permission to speak. The two were within a local warehouse, and had been working in silence as they made sure that the supplies for their next mission with the freedom fighters were all correct and organized.

"Sonic...can we talk about...that day?"

It was the same question she'd always ask, with the same hesitation and tone. This time, however, confidence lingered on her voice as she once more brought up that day, the day that Sally had lost herself. The day she had slapped Sonic across the face in front of everyone, the day that everyone was supposed to be celebrating, the day that she had ruined by embarrassing Sonic and herself in front of the entire kingdom.

Sonic didn't require even a moment to process what she meant by "that day".

"We can," he mumbled, "if you'll tell me-"

"I can't tell you why."

"Well then we can't ta-"

"Because I don't know why."

It was the first time Sally had dared to speak after Sonic had popped his typical question, causing the blue hedgehog's eyes to widen and for Sally's usual affliction to instead affect him. He was the speechless one.

"It was selfish- I was selfish. I didn't want to hear that you'd be leaving me again and I messed up. I messed up. I made a fool out of the both of us, and caused a public display that hurt you that much. And I expected...something...something that wouldn't make you be you anymore." Tears began to flow freely from Sally's ocean blue eyes, but it didn't stop her words.

"Sonic it wasn't right. I don't have a reason as to why I did it other than that I was so scared of losing you right after I got you back."

"That's no-"

"I know it's no excuse," her voice was becoming strained from her desperate explanation. "But I wouldn't have done it if I was just trying to mess with you. You don't think that the Princess of Knothole just smacks people in public for her own fun, do you?" A small smile found its way onto Sally's tear stained face.

And Sonic found himself returning the smile.

"I...uh...sorry for givin' you such a hard time about it," Sonic's gaze dropped to the floor as a pink hue coated his cheeks. "I guess I was being selfish too, never hearing ya out, Sal."

"Don't be silly," Sally's smile grew. "What I needed time until the two of us could really talk about it. I mean, imagine if you had done what I demanded: you wouldn't be the person I love if you were missing all of that heroic charm." Sally rolled her eyes, knowing she was feeding his ego.

Sonic, though, was smirking with a rather smug expression. Sally opened her mouth to protest.

But then it hit her.

'...the person I love...'

"So ya love me, huh Sal?" Sonic wagged a finger as his stance loosened. Serious subjects were uncomfortable for Sonic, and they always caused him to stiffen up.

"LOVED! I meant loved..."

"Did not! You said love, meaning you L-O-V-E me!"


The close friends began to bicker like old times, a large smile plastered on both of their faces as they bantered just like they used to.

Neither of them noticed, however, a giggle that resonated from nearby.

"I guess time really can heal all wounds," Amy Rose smiled and walked away from the window of warehouse, so glad to see her friends reconciled that not even a tinge of jealousy went through her mind.

Wow this turned out a lot longer than I intended.

I tried to write SonSal, because while I prefer SonAmy a lot over it, I really don't like any other couples, I decided I needed to try some things I don't usually do. I'll probably do a ShadAmy too. If you have any ideas for a couple/situation for me to drabble about, let me know!

I hope you enjoyed! Please review and follow if you want more!

Oh and I hate writing long author's notes, but I figured I should put this here: I am not discontinuing any of my stories. I know Fierce hasn't been updated since April, but I almost have the next chapter done, and I have pretty much all of my chapters halfway done for my ongoing stories. Dear Friend was dumb and is discontinued however (I don't think anyone even read that) because it's overdone and wasn't fun to write.

In the works I have:

A one-shot of a strange couple I'm actually kind of okay with. Being who I am it'll probably be really weird for some of you, but I have good plans for it.

A Shadow/Sally one-shot for PoeticLover1996 (wow I'm slow in writing this one) but I'm about 2,000 words in.

And a couple of other SonAmy one-shots. Check out my other stories if you're looking for more! I have 17 now, I believe! (Even though only about 10 of them are good) Thanks for your patience everyone, and if you read up to here, for dealing with my long note. I'm going to try not to let senior year and my college applications hold me back fromwriting. =)