Hi! This is my first fic EVER! So I hope you like it.


Chap 1: Fine Sights

La Libertad, El Salvador

She quickened her pace through the crowded market as fast as she could, pushing people aside and softly saying excuse me as she made her way to the pier.

When she arrived she went to the nearest table and sat down, she took out her sunglasses from her handbag and putting it on and removing band that held her blond ponytail up, she took off the jean jacket she was wearing and threw it in the trash that was beside her. She than took off her tank top off revealing a bikini piece. After putting the tank top in her handbag she picked up the menu that was laid out in front of her and started to read the restaurant specials.

As she was reading she decided to take a look at her surroundings. The pier was crowded with natives, and tourist from all over who were here to enjoy the sights. She saw a vendor give a balloon to a small, gleeful child, an elderly couple holding hands as they made their way down the pier heading to the beach.

She decided to look into the restaurant only to see it crowded with patrons, all the seats were filled with a customers except for one. One customer wasn't seated at all but it didn't seem to bother him at all

Dressed in an olive green tank top that defined his muscles very well, white shorts that stop below his knees, and dark ray bands that hide the color of his eyes but brings out the color of his auburn hair.

He had his back against the counter of the bar with a drink in his left hand, He seemed to surveying the area in front of him as he took little sips of his drink.

She didn't know why but the man had caught of the blonde's attention for some strange reason, her stare seemed to caught his attention because now both seemed to be staring at each other.

The young man smiled as he waved to the blonde. Even if she was wearing sunglasses he still saw her blush as she turned away with a smile on her face, but her smile went way as she saw five uniformed officers with guns burst through the crowd at the entrance of the pier.

The men separated from each other and started to talk to some of the tourist that were around.

She couldn't make out what they were saying but she knew it wasn't good.

"Perdone , Senora"

The blonde jumped at the voice as she saw one of the uniformed men appear behind her.

"Estas, Sola?"

The blonde looked at the man with a confused face as she tried to understand him

"Are you alone?"

"Oh" exclaimed finally understanding him

"Can you please answer the question madam"

"Right… actually I'm waiting for my…. my…." she says with a nervous look

"My what, Senora" the man said with a stern look

"Is there a problem officer"?

Both the blonde and officer raised their head to see the man who was at the bar right in front of them

The man took off the ray bands he was wearing revealing his emerald eyes to which caused the blonde to smile.

"Who are you" said the officer with an annoyed look

"I'm the boyfriend of this lovely lady to who you are talking to" replied the man while giving a smile to the blonde making her blush much more.

"Oh…I apologize"

The man sat across the red-faced blonde before turning his attention back to the officer.

"May I ask why you were asking my girlfriend if she was alone"

" A local drug lord was murdered while in custody "

"Oh my" said the blonde

"Yes, The only information we know is there was a tourist who was somehow involved"

"Well I hope you find the suspect" said the man with a smile

"Thank you, and again I apologize for interrupting your vacation and we hope you enjoy your stay in our lovely country" the uniformed man said with smile before turning and walking away back to the group

Both the man and woman were watching him walk away, as soon he was gone they both turned their attention back to each other

"Thank you for saving my butt" said the blonde with smile on her face

"Hey, I see a pretty lady in trouble and I got to react" said the man also with a smile on his face.

"I'm Astrid by the way" she said extending her hand to him

"Hiccup" he said taking her hand and shaking it

"So Hiccup, care for a drink"

"As long as I pay for the food"

"Oh I see your some sort of gentleman"

"I dabble in the gentleman arts"

Astrid couldn't help but laugh a little as hiccup gave him a crooked smile

They both saw something in each other that both couldn't hold back a smile knowing that something big was happening right in front of them with out them knowing.


Wow I hope you enjoyed the chapter and Ill try to update it as soon as I can.