Risky Business

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

They were old and powerful. They were also smart. By the time the third vampire became human and died within the city limits, they recognized the pattern. To calculate the boundaries they turned local residents into vampires and set them out, not caring about the destruction of human life. They had a mission and were willing to do whatever it took to accomplish it.

The magic being gone from Mystic Falls provided the best protection for its inhabitants. There were no vampires within the limits and the humans who knew what was going on, like her mother, Matt, Jeremy, and Tyler were safe.

A compelled human was sent into town to gather information on the residents and some residents in particular. Once they passed through the plane, the compulsion wore off. The compelled subject, another sheriff, was able to talk to Liz and tell her what he had been asked to do. She immediately called her daughter with the news.

"Caroline, it seems we have a bit of a problem. Peter was compelled while in Jefferson to get some information on any vampires who might have been in Mystic Falls last year. We haven't been using vervain since, well, you know. He did mention the vampire had an accent, but it wasn't anyone he recognized. Luckily I was able to get to him and explain it all away as a joke. Do you know what this is about? Are you in trouble?"

Jefferson was the next town over from Mystic Falls.

"No, mom. I have no idea what's going on. Other than Enzo, I haven't seen any other vampires who are new. Let me talk to Elena and Stefan and get back to you. Please be careful."

"That's my line." Liz tried to be encouraging, masking her concern. "Love you."

"Love you, too."

Caroline set down her phone on her bed and swiveled to look at her roommate.

"Elena, did you hear that?"

"Just parts. I wasn't paying attention until I heard my name."

Caroline repeated what her mother asked her about.

"Yeah, that's weird, Care. Why would someone be interested in something from a year ago? It's probably nothing. When I talk to Jeremy later, I'll ask if he knows anything. I'm going to the library now."

Elena picked up her book bag and gave Caroline a wave as she left.

Caroline began to bounce her pen on the top of her desk and bit her lip. Something about what was happening at home bothered her. The fact that she could never return home also bothered her.

The Other Side collapsed a few weeks ago. Caroline and Elena were staying at Whitmore for the summer. They didn't have a lot of options. With Alaric's return and professorial job, he arranged for them to be able to stay on campus without compulsion.

The deaths of Bonnie and Damon still weighed heavily on her. She hated change and everything was changing around her. Elena was devastated by the loss of Damon and threw herself into her studies. She'd decided to become a doctor like her father. At least Caroline could see Elena every day. Without her, she'd be completely alone unless everyone she loved moved from their homes.

Stefan was not the same best friend she had before The Other Side was eliminated. He acted as if the death of the brother who had been with him for over 150 years didn't bother him at all. It was never all sunshine and roses with Damon, but they were brothers. He didn't turn into a ripper, but his facade hurt. He wasn't being true to himself and it hurt to see him that way.

Caroline threw herself into figuring out how to make everyone else ok. That's the only thing she could think about. They needed her. She needed a figure out a way to go back home.

While she didn't think vampires could actually get headaches that weren't caused by an injury, she'd had a constant headache for weeks. Everyone was relying on her. They might not have said it, but she felt it. She felt the pressure to come through. That's what she did. Take care of everyone.

Putting down the pen, she rubbed her temples, willing away the pounding in her head. She picked up her phone.

"Stefan, hey. How are you?"

"Hey. I'm fine, just like I was yesterday and the day before that and the day before that."

"Ok," she tried to keep the frustration out of her voice. "I think something is going on in Mystic Falls. Will you come with me to check it out?"

"This doesn't have anything to do with Damon, does it?"

Damon was gone. There was nothing anyone could do and he didn't want anyone trying. It was time to move on and start a new chapter.

"Nope. My mom called me about something else and I just want to take a look."

"Fine. I'll be there in twenty minutes."


Jefferson was a town of ten thousand. It was similar to Mystic Falls except for all of the supernatural goings on. She knew a few people in town and with Stefan, they started at the local diner to get a sense of what was happening.

"Goldilocks, what a surprise."

She rolled her eyes as Enzo ambled over to stand in front of their table.

"Enzo," Stefan nodded.

He started to scoot in the booth seat with her and she gripped the table and didn't move. He'd only get her to move if he made a scene. He smirked and moved over to Stefan's side of the table who did give him space.

"Enzo, go bother someone else. We're having lunch."

Popping a french fry he pilfered from Stefan's plate into his mouth, "I noticed. I'm hurt you haven't called. You either, Stefan."

"How long have you been here in Jefferson?" Stefan tried to get them back on track. Enzo might be their best source of information.

"I set up shop about a month ago. I wandered a bit, but decided to stick around for a while."

Putting her palms flat on the table, she leaned in. "Have you noticed any new visitors in town here?" She lowered her voice. "Any other vampires?"

After stealing a french fry from her plate, which she watched with an aggravated expression, he leaned back.

"What's it to you?"

She scoffed. "Let's go, Stefan."

As she was pushing up out of her seat, he answered her softly.

"Did you mean the group of twenty who took over the local bed and breakfast two weeks ago? Well twenty was all I could see."

She sat back down and turned her head from side to side.

"Are any in here now?" she whispered as quietly as she could.

"No. They've tended to stay in a group and I saw the ones I've seen a few times exit while I was on my way in."

"Have you talked to them?" Stefan asked.

"I did use my gentlemanly ways to chat with one of them, yes." He winked at Caroline. "Some of them appear pretty old and there were definitely some Europeans in the group."

"Can you let us know if you hear anything? They're interested in Mystic Falls for some reason and I'd really like to know why."

"Hand me your phone and I'll put in my number," he requested with his hand out.

"Can you give it to Stefan?" She gave him one of her fake smiles. "I seem to have left mine in the car."

"That's good enough for now, gorgeous."

She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for Enzo to make sure Stefan had his number, which he already did, and left them.

"What do you think?"

"Something is going on." Stefan thought for a moment. "What could they be interested in with us? It has to be us, right?"

"I think so. Are you up to snooping around the hotel with me?" She gave him her sunny smile.

"You'd go without me, so yeah, let's go," he sighed with a smile.

They posed as a happy couple looking to view the function and hotel rooms. They smiled at each other and she had her arm wrapped around his. She used her daylight ring in place of an engagement ring. Pretending to scout the location for a wedding would allow them into more parts of the facility than just getting a room which might not be near where they wanted to go.

At one point after she watched him die, she considered Stefan more than a friend. He was kind and good. After her breakup with Tyler, she was looking for someone good. She thought her feelings for him were turning into romantic ones, but he never looked at her "that" way. Certainly not the way he looked at Elena. Rather than alienating him by creating a one-sided relationship, which she swore she'd never do again, she let it go. She put those feeling aside and focused on her friend who needed her, even if he wouldn't admit it.

There was just one person who gave her "that" look. In fact, he was the only one who gave it in such a way she was sure he could see inside her soul. It was terrifying, feeling that exposed. She didn't want to think about it, but if Stefan looked at her the way He did they would be together.

It was easy to imagine what He would say if he knew what she was thinking or even what she was doing. She shook her head to clear those insidious thoughts. He was gone and she sent him away even after he moved. She was happy he wasn't there, right?

The hotel manager led them through the grounds and all the rooms the guests would be able to use. It was really a beautiful setting for a wedding, but she was more interested in the trio of women sitting in the small bar area.

"Do you mind if my fiancé and I sit for a bit, maybe get a cocktail while we talk?" Caroline charmed the manager.

"Absolutely. Enjoy yourself and please call if you'd like to book our facility for your wedding. Congratulations."

They watched her walk away

"How did I get roped into this again?"

"You're lucky to get a girl like me to marry you." She bumped his shoulder with her own. They had to keep up the act. If in fact there were vampires there, they could likely hear anything.

"That's true." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and found them an empty table not too close to the only others in the bar. "Something sweet?"

She nodded and focused on listening in on the women.

"What does she plan on trying next? The trail ends there and we can't get in."

"We've come this far. I was with Thomas for three hundred years. I'm not giving up."

Stefan put down the drinks in front of her and she kept her eyes down to keep her focus on the conversation.

"I'm not either. Danielle was my best friend," the girl's voice hardened. "Miguel told me she's planning something big. They're obviously protecting someone and these local vampires have to be involved. They must be the ones who helped kill Kol Mikaelson. For that, we'll kill them."

"Did she ever hear back from Rebekah? I thought they were close?"

Caroline heard one of their chairs being pushed back. "We'll find out soon enough. I'm hungry. Let's go find a local snack."

The three stood and left the room, not noticing the expression Caroline tried to hide as they passed. Her shaking hand reached for her glass, downing it in one go.

"We need to go. Now."

They left their empty glasses and the hotel without attracting too much attention.

She waited until they were well away from the hotel, heading back towards Whitmore before she felt like she could take a deep breath.

"Jeremy. They're after Jeremy Gilbert…and us."

She tried to take deep breaths to calm her erratic heartbeat. They could not lose one more person. Jeremy was brought back to life by Bonnie. Bonnie's sacrifice would be in vain if he didn't live a full, long life.

"Someone must have figured out their vampire friends were killed when Jeremy completed the hunter's mark."

"If they were able to figure out about an Original's line dying when they die and were able to track down Mystic Falls as Kol's last location, these are serious players, Caroline."

"It also sounds like they know Rebekah Mikaelson too, who could tell them about us." She ran her fingers through her hair. "Do you think they know Rebekah? Are they from her line?"

A dawning realization had her go cold and her head spun as she considered all of her options, but there was only one.

They walked inside her dorm room and she immediately started to pack, throwing things inside with no care to what was actually in there. Adrenaline kept her going. They needed her. Everyone needed her.

She talked to her mom and explained what happened. Jeremy was safe as long as he stayed in Mystic Falls. She also left a message for Elena to meet her back in their room right away.

She finished packing and Elena wasn't back yet. Stefan handed her a blood bag. She needed it.

"I know what I need to do."

They hadn't talked about it, but he knew where she was going.

"I'll talk to Elena and we'll hold down the fort. It's dangerous there, Caroline. Please be careful."

He pulled her into a hug which she welcomed.

"I will. You too. Please keep your phone on. Maybe Enzo will help to figure out whoever 'She' is. Matt promised to make some calls." She paused at the doorway, "I'll come back with her."

Failure was not an option.







You know who is going you know where.

A new multi-chapter story. It will be following mostly canon TO and TVD, so it will include some people who may not be universally loved. If you can't deal with them, you probably shouldn't keep reading this story.

What do you guys think so far?