This idea came to me while I was re-re-reading AllAmericanSlurp's story, Heart of Stone. It's a pretty amazing story till now (it's on one chapter), and it kind of inspired me to write this. That, and my love for Chase's insecurities and hidden suffering.

And before you all ask, no Chase does NOT turn evil. Well, not wholly anyway. And this takes place after 'You Posted What?!'. So, let's get on with it! Oh, and most of this chapter is a flashback. Just lettin' you know.

Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats. I only own the plot of this story.

"They belong to me now."

Sure, he had said something different, but everyone had translated it in their heads by now. And it was repeating over and over.

Each of them knew the main thing which was being expressed, but the future played differently in each of their minds.

For Donald, he showed misery. His children, well not exactly his, but the length of the time they had spent together made some sort of attachment which lead him to think of them as his own, were going to be sent away to the government. And there was nothing he could do. His family had been torn apart.

For Adam, he showed worry. Now he wasn't usually a thinker, but he was a protector. There wasn't a lot of things he was good at, but good at or not, he needed to protect his siblings. His younger siblings. Sure, he didn't treat Chase like a wad of cash, but in the end, if he ended up getting hurt in Bionic Brother Toss, or if a repeat of the avalanche happened, but this time more unfortunate, then he'd be plagued by guilt. Who knows, they might even separate them, like Agent Graham said when they were on lockdown. He couldn't protect them anymore.

For Bree, she showed loss. She would never have a normal life again. With Mr. Davenport and Douglas, she had not too intense training. But according to Agent Graham, they were the ultimate weapon. That probably meant intense training throughout the day, no school, no shopping, no texting whatsoever. Almost like the life before Leo came. Almost, except for the fact that because of the intense training, someone might get hurt. One of her siblings.

For Chase, it was series of mixed emotions. Guilt, because even though he scanned the site, he should've at least used his super hearing for sound of motion. Sure, this all wouldn't have happened, they wouldn't be recognized, but they wouldn't have been planned to be owned by the government. They'd still be one big, happy family with a partially normal life.

Fear, because who knows what they might do to them. They might experiment on them, even though Graham finally came to his senses and admitted that they were normal people too, but that might've just been a bunch of baloney. They might make them fight in wars. Attacks on other countries. Harming people, killing people. Chase didn't want to do that. He didn't want to be a weapon. A thousand other probabilities to what might happen soared through his mind.

Anger, towards the mercilessness of the government, and the fear of the people. Why couldn't the government just let them be? Why couldn't the people realize that they were normal people like them, too? Most probably they'd get whispered at, named 'freaks' or 'weirdos', or something like that. Sure, the government did explain that they were harmless in the end, but then how many people actually paid attention? Chase knew that they'd be treated differently, most probably for the worse.

He also felt misery, worry, and loss. He'd probably never get to see Mr. Davenport, Douglas, Tasha or Leo again. His siblings might get torn apart, either physically, or socially, to each other. He must've lost his position as mission leader, and he had lost his 'nerd' reputation at school. It wasn't the best reputation, but he was content with it.

But there was one emotion he couldn't figure out.


First, Chase had mentally slapped himself for having such a completely unrelated emotion, but that just made him think deeper about it.

With the government's help, he could be extremely powerful. All those people who made fun of him, and still do, will now fear him. Not in the way that they'll call him a freak, but in the way that they'll bow down to him and plead for their lives.

It wasn't a great and heartwarming sight at first, but then he began to warm up to the thought.

He could finally have respect. Equal with his siblings. No longer be the weakling of the group. Maybe even higher than his oh-so caring siblings.

Now Chase actually slapped himself for having that thought dripping with jealousy.

Everyone looked at him weirdly.

"Are you okay, Chase?" asked Adam. But then he realized that he had just imagined Adam saying that. And when he processed it more, it came out more like, "He's gone crazy!".

And he figured that was more appropriate, because first of all, he was Adam, who would make a joke in any situation, and second, everyone had a smile or a grin on their mouths.

And one thought lead to another.

Adam always making fun of him and throwing him around, Bree always standing there, laughing, Mr. Davenport letting them off with a single verbal warning.

Chase still remembers the time when he insulted Adam when he was helping him win Student Of The Semester.

Bree and Leo had backed him up, because they thought he always made Adam feel stupid.

Well, if thought about, that was nothing compared to what Adam does to him. Not only does he physically hurt him, he also manages to do it verbally.

"We're kicking Chase off the team?" Adam had said, eagerly.

"Congratulations, you finally did something!" with enthusiasm.

"I know you're pathetically weak, but can you at least try kicking free?"

"And if your head explodes, the survivors will move on to plan B."

"No offense, Chase, but your super intelligence is no match for our hustle,"

"-And muscle."

"Oh, that'll make a great team name! Hustle, Muscle, and Ch...ussle?"

"They have flash, but you're the glue which keeps them together... you're Flashglue!"

"But... what if we end up with Adam's head on Chase's tiny doll like body?"

"He's like a big, fun monster in your sad little body!"

Tiny, weak, pathetic, Lady Locks, lady golfer, short... The comments kept pouring on and on in his head.

The others noticed that Chase's eyes had turned visibly cold and cruel. The smiles wiped off their faces.

"What's wrong with that one?" asked Agent Graham to Mr. Davenport.

"Chase are you okay?" asked Bree.

"Chase, you're freaking us out now..." started Adam.

Suddenly, Chase closed his eyes and let out a menacing cry of anger. His arms flipped wide open, and everyone in the room, that included Agent Graham, Mr. Davenport, Adam, Bree, and some of the people who were still in the room, crashing into the walls, along with every single other item in the room, including cameras, chairs, table, etc.

Chase opened his eyes. They were filled with fury, jealousy, anger, and the lust for power.

The sight he saw was disturbing- people lying on the ground, chairs, tables and cameras either under them, or crushing them, His siblings lying against the walls, almost knocked out, Agent Graham, unconscious, Mr. Davenport, clinging against one of the curtains.

And now he was showing only one emotion- regret.

So he ran as fast as his legs could take him, and exited the building.

He now knew that was dangerous. A weapon. A monster.

-chuckles maniacally- Oh, how I love Chase suffering. No offense, Chase, but you're incredibly hard to not have pity on.

Anyway, I love daphrose's stories, 'I'm A Monster', and 'I'm A Weapon', so I thought I'd add a reference to it at the end.

So, see you in Chapter 2! Hey... that rhymed!