A/N: I apologize for the extended delay. I recently published another story, "Volver" that I will be continuing with, so look out for the next update it should be up by the end of the week. Also, even though I could have spent a ton of time writing about Bo and Lauren's honeymoon, (believe me I could have written 10 chapters on that alone.) I need to keep this story going so I apologize if I made the honeymoon too short for you. There is still a lot I want to do with this story and I want to get it all in there without dragging it out too much. Someone mentioned that this story was becoming all fluff and smut. Well it is Bo and Lauren so plenty of fluff and smut should be expected, however, I do have an actual story to tell so please bear with me. So without further ado, here is the latest installment of "Starting Over" enjoy!

As always, Lost Girl characters belong to Lost Girl and its creators. I just borrowed them for this story.

Chapter 27


Bo squeezed Lauren gently as she took in her wife's sleeping form. Lauren was curled up next to Bo with her head resting on Bo's chest while her leg and arm draped over Bo's body possessively. The brunette loved it when she woke before Lauren; it gave her a chance to silently appreciate the natural beauty her wife possessed. Bo had always thought Lauren was the most gorgeous woman she had ever laid eyes on, she came to that conclusion the moment they met in the Dal almost two years ago.

Bo thought back to that day in the Dal, remembering how she shamelessly allowed her greedy eyes to roam all over Lauren's body. She had made it her personal goal that day to uncover what those tight jeans and Dodgers T-shirt were hiding. During the first few weeks of knowing Lauren, Bo quickly realized how different Lauren was from any other person she had wanted to bed. She found herself wanting more than just one night with Lauren and that scared her immensely. But she couldn't keep herself away from the blonde, not that she really tried. She was inexplicably drawn to Lauren from the gate and it was something she decided not to fight, looking down at her wife sleeping in her arms, she realized it was the best decision she had ever made.

Bo's eyes drifted from Lauren over to the balcony's sliding glass door that was opened allowing a cool morning breeze to filter into the bedroom. She sighed contently as she took in the view of the ocean and the beautiful glow that surrounded the beach from the early morning sun.

"What time is it?" Lauren rasped out.

"Just after eight." Bo kissed the top of Lauren's head gently.

Lauren turned her head to look at Bo, "how long have you been awake?"

"Not long, a half hour maybe?" Bo grinned.

"You should have moved me off of you so you could get up." Lauren said.

"Why would I do that?" Bo traced Lauren's jawline with a delicate touch before placing a soft kiss onto her lips. "I love it when you sleep on my chest; it feels so intimate, so… perfect."

"And I love to sleep on your chest, the sound of your heartbeat relaxes me, makes me feel safe." Lauren smiled widely as she kissed her wife's chest, right above her heart. "I can't believe today is our last day here."

"I can't believe we actually did some touristy stuff." Bo chuckled. "My original plan was not to let you out of the bedroom."

"Oh really?" Lauren laughed.

"Uh huh." Bo bit her bottom lip to try and hide her smile. "But…" Bo sighed dramatically. "I married a sexy nerd who would have been disappointed had she not seen the historical sites and I refuse to deny my wife anything."

"Good answer Mrs. Dennis." Lauren nipped Bo's shoulder playfully.

"So what does my amazing wife want to do today?" Bo asked.

"Well, let's see… we did the biking tour, the historical tour, we went snorkeling and scuba diving…" Lauren scrunched her eyebrows together as she tried to recall everything they did in the nine days they had been in Bali.

"We took in a show at the Bali Theater, which was unbelievable." Bo beamed.

"Then there is only one thing left on our, to do list." Lauren smirked.

Bo sat up on her elbows and looked at Lauren. "Please tell me you're being serious."

"Like you my love, I refuse to deny my wife anything." Lauren gave Bo a quick kiss. "So we'll be venturing out to the waterfalls and checking off another thing on your naughty bucket list."

"Making love under the waterfall!" Bo fist pumped in the air in excitement.

"I'm all for doing this Bo, but if there are too many people around then…" Lauren trailed off.

"I know I wouldn't risk us getting arrested for my naughty bucket list." Bo looked at Lauren mischievously. "Although, reenacting the scene between Alex and Piper in the chapel from "Orange is the New Black," would be hot."

"Don't even joke like that." Lauren chuckled. "I love you more than anything, but going to prison in another country is not something I want to do, even for you."

"Don't worry babe, I would never put you in that position." Bo laughed. "But maybe we can do a little role play someday?" Bo wiggled her eyebrows at Lauren.

"As long as it's in the comfort of our bedroom, I'm in." Lauren winked. "Now come on, let's go take a quick shower and have breakfast. I want to get to the waterfall before all the tourists start showing up." Lauren rolled away from Bo and out of bed.

"So does that mean no shower sex?" Bo pouted as she followed Lauren into the bathroom.

Lauren looked back over her shoulder at Bo with a smirk. "I didn't say that… it'll just have to be a quickie."

"A quickie, I can work with that." Bo gave Lauren's ass a little pinch as she passed her and turned on the shower.

Later that evening…

Bo stood out on the Balcony taking in the beautiful view as she leaned on the railing. The sun was beginning to set, the air was warm, and the ocean was calming. Lauren stood at the sliding doors and admired her wife's form. Bo was wearing her black bikini with a sarong wrapped around her lower half. Her hair hung down loose and a light breeze made it dance around softly.

Lauren flushed lightly as she remembered peeling her wife out of that sarong as they made love in a little cave they discovered behind the waterfall. It was one of the most romantic settings Lauren or Bo had ever made love in and they took full advantage of it, and each other, repeatedly.

Lauren crossed the distance between them with two glasses of wine in hand.

"It really is beautiful here isn't it. This sunset is spectacular." Lauren handed Bo a glass of wine then gave her a tender kiss on the shoulder.

"It is beautiful…" Bo took a sip of her wine then looked at Lauren. "But not nearly as beautiful as my wife."

Lauren threw her head back and laughed. "You could be so adorably corny sometimes." She leaned in and pecked Bo's lips. "And I love it!"

"I know you do." Bo grinned. "We are perfect for each other. You're geeky, I'm corny…" Bo laughed. "Our kids are going to love us!" Bo and Lauren laughed together before falling silent once again as they gazed out at the sunset.



"When do you see us having kids?" Lauren asked hesitantly. "I mean, I know we just got married, and we have a lot on our plates at the moment, and-"

"Lauren…" Bo stopped the Doctor's nervous rambling when she placed a gentle hand on her forearm. "Why do you get so nervous when you talk to me about kids, or house shopping, or anything pertaining to our future together?" Bo lifted her sunglasses from her eyes and placed them on top of her head.

"I'm sorry." Lauren sighed before removing her own sunglasses and placing them on the railing. "I just…" Lauren looked down at her toes.

"Hey, babe, look at me." Bo lifted Lauren's chin so they could make eye contact. "You're my wife, my partner in this life, and the only person I want to plan a future with. Please don't be nervous or afraid to talk to me." Bo kissed Lauren slowly before pulling away slightly and whispering against her lips, "You can ask me anything you want." She kissed her once more before pulling back to look into the blonde's eyes.

"I just don't want you to ever feel like I'm pushing or rushing you into anything." Lauren admitted.

"That's why we talk about things, discuss things open and honestly, just like we always have." Bo reached out and took Lauren's hands in to her own. "We won't always see eye to eye, but I promise we will always come to a decision that we are both comfortable with, we're in this together. Equal partners with equal say." Bo smiled.

"You're pretty incredible you know that." Lauren squeezed Bo's hands.

"I am aren't I." Bo winked. "So… kids?" Bo wrapped her arms around Lauren and pulled her in close. "I was thinking we could start the process of having kids within two years. By then I'll be done with school and my internship, and hopefully on my way to running The Dennis McCorrigan agency."

"Two years would also give us plenty of time to get a house and settle in." Lauren smiled widely. "Well Mrs. Dennis, it sounds like we agree on a two year time frame."

"See, nothing to be nervous about." Bo brushed her nose against Lauren's. "I love you."

"I love you too." Lauren sighed happily.

Two days later…

"Come on Bo!" Kenzi whined.

"No, not until Lauren wakes up." Bo reiterated for the umpteenth time.

"You guys have been back from your honeymoon for 48 hours now, 36 of which you guys slept away." Kenzi argued. "I have been staring at all these wrapped gifts for two weeks and it's killing me!"

"It's called jet lag and I'm not opening a single gift until my wife wakes up, end of discussion." Bo raised an eyebrow at Kenzi, letting her know the decision was final.

Kenzi groaned dramatically before looking at Bo with a huge smile.

"What?" Bo asked.

"It's just so weird to hear you say, 'my wife.' Who would have thought Bodacious Bo would take the plunge and get hitched?" Kenzi teased.

"Bodacious Bo, geez…" Bo laughed. "I don't think you've called me that since I started dating Lauren."

"That's because Bodacious Bo was the old you that didn't do relationships, the Bo whose motto was, 'hit it and quit it!' Now you're all…" Kenzi squinted at Bo. "Married and whipped!"

"There's nothing wrong with a little whipping every now and then." Bo smirked. "We have this feather crop that is perfect for-"

"No, no, no!" Kenzi put her hands over her ears as she shook her head. "I do not need to know about your 50 shades of Grey role play."

"We experiment quite a bit but, I can assure you there is no S&M going on in our bedroom." Lauren said as she entered the living room. She leaned over the couch and placed a lingering kiss on Bo's lips.

"Hey you." Bo whispered as Lauren pulled back from the kiss.

"First off TMI, second, Hotpants is up! Now can you open your gifts?" Kenzi looked at the couple expectantly.

"Yes we can." Lauren chuckled. "Let me just grab a drink first."

45 minutes and a mountain of gifts later, Bo was collecting the ripped wrapping paper to throw away, as Lauren continued to make her "thank you" card list.

"Wow! You guys got a lot of shit." Kenzi stated as she stacked the gifts in the hall closet. "When y'all get a house you'll be set."

"I think your right." Lauren placed the note pad on the end table and made her way into the kitchen. "Would you two like a glass of wine?" Lauren asked while reaching for the Merlot.

Bo and Kenzi both answered with a "sure" as they continued to clean up. Bo was reaching under the coffee table for the last of the trash when she discovered another gift. This one had no card or anything indicating who it was from. She shrugged it off and went into the kitchen to hand it to Lauren.

"Hey Babe… I found one more gift, but it doesn't say who it's from." Bo gave it to Lauren and then went downstairs to toss the trash out.

As Bo was heading back up the stairs to the apartment she heard what sounded like breaking glass then Kenzi shout, "Lauren!" Bo ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time as she hurried into the apartment. She rounded the corner and seen her wife standing against the counter, a look of pure terror etched onto her face. Bo was at her side in an instant.

"Lauren, babe, what's the matter, what is it?" Bo had her hands on Lauren's biceps as she tried to get the blonde to make eye contact.

Lauren covered her mouth as tears began to roll down her cheeks. She couldn't form a single word as she gasped for air. Kenzi looked around for the source of Lauren's reaction and found a picture frame faced down on the kitchen floor, covered in broken glass and wine. She bent down to retrieve the frame and flipped it over. Bo gathered Lauren into her arms to try and comfort her. Lauren immediately latched onto Bo and buried her face into the brunette's neck.

"Um… Bo?" Kenzi said hesitantly.

Bo turned her head towards Kenzi, still holding Lauren close. Kenzi held the frame up for Bo to see. The minute Bo's eyes made contact with the frame's contents she clenched her jaw in anger. In the frame was a photo of Bo and Lauren in an embrace, it was the same picture that was used for their "Save the Date" announcements. But someone had cut out Bo's face from the photo and replaced it with Nadia's. At the bottom of the photo was written: "Enjoy it while you can."

"Get rid of it, destroy it, burn it, I don't give a shit! Just get it out of here!" Bo instructed Kenzi. She was livid, but she had to control her temper to make sure Lauren was okay.

"I'm on it." Kenzi responded before leaving the kitchen.

"Baby you're trembling." Bo whispered into Lauren's hair as she rubbed gentle circles on the Doctor's back. "Come on, let's go to the couch."

"Don't let me go." Lauren's voice cracked.

"I won't, I've got you." Bo scooped up Lauren bridal style and headed toward living room while continuing to whisper, "I've got you."

Bo sat down on the couch with Lauren settled on her lap, her head still nestled in Bo's neck. Bo squeezed her wife and peppered soft kisses on her forehead and the top of her head. After long minutes of silence, Bo decided to speak.

"I won't let anyone hurt you Lauren, please believe that." Bo sighed.

Lauren was silent for a moment before raising her head to look Bo in the eyes. "I know… and I'm sorry I freaked out like that… it just took be by surprise." Lauren smiled sadly at Bo.

"I know it did. I don't know who put that frame with our gifts, but I promise we will get to the bottom of it. Whoever is responsible for this sick little joke will be dealt with." Bo reassured her.

"Hey…" Kenzi entered the living room, cell phone in hand. "Sorry to interrupt, but I just called Hale, he's on his way. He said he'll take the frame and photo and have it dusted for prints as well as see if they could somehow trace it back to who purchased it."

"Thanks Kenz." Lauren took a deep breath. "Let me get that glass cleaned up."

"I got it Hotpants you just take a little breather there with BoBo." Kenzi nodded and went about cleaning up.

"Maybe we should just drop the whole thing." Lauren whispered.

"Lauren…" Bo placed a finger under Lauren's chin and gently coerced Lauren to look at her. "Talk to me, why do you want to ignore this?"

"Bo I…" Lauren trailed off, not wanting to give a voice to her biggest fear.

Bo looked at Lauren as she tried reading her. "Babe, please… tell me." Bo pleaded.

Lauren leaned and pressed a kiss to Bo's lips. "I'm okay now, there's no need to worry. Let's just forget the whole thing."

"We'll need to talk about this eventually." Bo gave Lauren a pointed look.

Lauren sighed as she moved to stand. "I'm going to take shower." Lauren stood to her feet, "Call me when Hale gets here."

Bo nodded and flashed a forced smile. She watched Lauren walk into their bedroom and waited until she heard the water cut on before making her way into the kitchen. She took a seat across from Kenzi at the island and rested her head in her hands. She didn't want to push her wife into having a much needed discussion, but it was frustrating to see Lauren try and avoid the situation entirely.

"You okay Bo?" Kenzi looked at Bo with concern.

"No, I'm not." Bo responded before getting up and grabbing a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. She poured herself a drink and downed it before refilling her glass and pouring one for Kenzi.

"You know I'll never turn down a drink, but I don't think this is going to help this situation at all." Kenzi said as she sipped the whiskey.

Bo downed her second glass in one drink and poured herself a third helping. "I know, but I need something to calm myself down. I wish I could fix this, make it better for my wife, and ensure that she'll never have to live in fear again. I just hate that she doesn't want to talk to me, it makes me feel…" Bo clenched her jaw so tight she felt like it might snap. "Useless!" Bo huffed.

"Hey!" Kenzi reached out and took hold of Bo's hand. "You are not useless. Your wife went through a lot with that crazy bitch and even though she has moved on and found happiness, she still has a lot of deep emotional scars, and I bet you that picture just sent her through a loop. Give her some time to process, when she's ready, she'll talk to you."

Bo gave Kenzi's hand a squeeze as she nodded in agreement. "You're right… thank you Kenz. I love you, you know that?"

"That's cuz I'm very lurvable!" Kenzi smirked.

Before Bo could respond there was a knock at the door. Bo put her glass down and headed over to see who it was. She looked through the peep hole and saw Hale in his signature fedora standing on the other side. She opened the door and smiled at her guest inviting him in. They walked back into the kitchen where Bo took her seat once again at the island as Hale went over to Kenzi and greeted her with a quick kiss.

"Kenzi filled me in over the phone, how's Lauren holding up?" Hale asked.

"She freaked out initially, but she seems to have calmed down some. She's in the shower; I'll let her know you're here when I hear the water turn off." Bo responded.

"So, before heading over I contacted my buddy in the states and he confirmed that Nadia was still locked up. But, that might be changing soon." Hale said hesitantly.

"What! What do you mean by that?" Bo questioned. Just then they heard the water turn off.

"Sounds like Lauren's out of the shower. I'd prefer to wait and tell you both at the same time." Hale said.

Bo sighed heavily. "Let me go tell her you're here."

As Bo disappeared into the bedroom Hale turned to Kenzi, "I know Lauren has to be shook up, but how's Bo doing with all this?"

"She's pissed. She loves Lauren so damn much and feels helpless to stop Nadia from tormenting her. I think that's what's really getting to my bestie." Kenzi reached for her glass and downed the rest of her drink.

"Well, they have a lot of people who love em' in their corner, we are going to get to the bottom of this." Hale reassured Kenzi.

A few minutes later Bo and Lauren emerged from the bedroom hand in hand. Lauren greeted Hale with a hug and got settled into the chair Bo previously occupied. Bo stood next to Lauren, her hand resting on the blonde's lower back.

"So let's hear it." Lauren said as she took a deep breath.

"As I was telling Bo, I got confirmation that Nadia is still in prison. However, my buddy told me that she is on a short list of inmates that may be released in the next year due to overcrowding in the prison." Hale put his hand up as Lauren and Bo were both about to express their outrage. "But, she would be under house arrest and would still be required to serve the rest of her sentence."

"Are you fucking kidding me, house arrest?" Bo's temper was starting to flare. "That's bullshit!"

"Babe…" Lauren whispered as she took hold of Bo's hand.

"What the fuck kind of justice is that! House arrest in a lavish home in Calabasas is going to be so rough on her." Bo stated sarcastically.

"Remember, the FBI seized that house, she isn't going there." Hale pulled his cell phone from his pocket and scrolled through his text messages. "According to my buddy, if she got out the FBI would place her in a halfway house where she would be under a constant watch." Hale looked up at Lauren, "I don't think you'd have anything to worry about."

"Then if this wasn't Nadia's doing, then who's responsible for this?" Lauren asked.

"That's what I am going to try and find out." Hale removed a small notepad from the inside pocket of his coat. "If I remember correctly, you said Nadia was seeing someone?"

"Yes, a woman named Tori." Lauren said. "I don't anything about her, except she visits Nadia in prison."

"Okay, I can get the visitors log from the prison to see who exactly has been visiting Nadia. I'll start with this Tori person and go from there." Hale put his pen and notepad back into his pocket. "I do have to be honest though… a crime hasn't technically been committed. So, I'll call in a few favors, but I can't make any promises."

"I understand Hale." Lauren smiled weakly.

"I promise you Lauren, I will do everything I can on my end, but can I suggest something to you ladies?" Hale asked politely.

"Anything if it could help us get to the bottom of this." Bo answered quickly.

"Look into hiring a private investigator. They can get information a little easier than we can and they don't have a bunch of rules, regulations, and policies to adhere to if you catch my drift." Hale quirked an eyebrow as he gave Bo a knowing look.

"That's not a bad idea." Bo looked at Lauren to gauge her reaction.

"I don't think that's necessary." Lauren responded. "We should just leave well enough alone."

"Lauren, seriously?" Bo looked at Lauren in disbelief. Lauren put her head down, clearly not wanting to have the discussion in front of everyone. "Guess we'll talk about it later." Bo mumbled.

"Well, let me give you the name and number of the people Dyson and me use from time to time." Hale jotted down the info and handed it to Bo. "They're really good at what they do, they get results and quick."

"Thanks Hale." Bo hugged her friend before slipping the piece of paper into her back pocket.

Hale held up the bag the frame was in. "I better get this down to the station and see what we find." He bid the ladies a goodnight, kissed Kenzi and headed out.

Kenzi decided to head downstairs to the Dal and see if Trick needed any help and at the very least enjoy a drink. She also wanted to give the newlyweds a chance to discuss what their next step was going to be in private. As Kenzi left, Lauren went over to the drawer in the kitchen that held take-out menus. Bo stood back and watched her wife curiously.

"Thai or Italian?" Lauren smiled at Bo as she held the menus up.


"I'm not really in the mood for Thai…" Lauren studied the menus to avoid looking at Bo. "I could go for some lasagna though."

"Are we going to talk about this?" Bo's patience was wearing thin. She knew nothing good could come from pushing Lauren, but she couldn't help it. She needed to do something about the situation, there was no way she could just sit around and wait for the next threat.

"We could, but I know how much you love Mario's pi-"

"No Lauren, you know what I'm talking about!" Bo's irritation finally bubbled over. She didn't yell but she came pretty close to it.

"I think I just lost my appetite." Lauren dropped the menus back into the drawer and shut it forcefully. She passed Bo and headed for the bedroom.

"Why won't you talk to me about this?" Bo placed her hands on her hips as she watched Lauren walk away.

"Because I don't want to deal with it and I certainly don't want to talk about it, so just drop it!" Lauren disappeared into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Great, two and a half weeks into my marriage and I've already been banished to the couch." Bo uttered under her breath.

She sighed heavily as she reached for the bottle of whiskey and her glass. She walked over to the couch and dropped down with a huff. She couldn't understand why Lauren didn't want to get this thing resolved, why she didn't want to discuss it like they've discussed everything else. Bo was at a loss, she wanted so badly to make things better, to take care of this black cloud named Nadia that loomed over Lauren's head once and for all, why couldn't her wife see that?

She sipped her whiskey as tears welled up in her eyes. Lauren had never shut her out before, figuratively or literally and it hurt. Lauren trusted her with everything else, why not this? They never really had a fight before, not like this. Sure they had disagreements, what couple doesn't, but they always came to some sort of compromise, and they never shut down on each other.

Bo looked toward the darkened hallway; it didn't look like Lauren was going to be coming out any time soon, if at all… at least for the remainder of the evening. Bo set her whiskey down on the coffee table and reached for the blanket that rested on the backrest of the couch. She got as comfortable as she could and covered herself. This was their first official fight and that thought is what finally pushed her tears to start falling. Bo cried silently until sleep came for her, her last thought as she drifted off was that she hoped Lauren would be willing to talk to her in the morning.

An hour later…

Lauren tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable in the large four post bed. She rolled on her side and ran her hand slowly over Bo's unoccupied side of the bed. She missed her wife and she wanted to go and get her, but she was so embarrassed about how she handled the situation.

Ultimately, Bo was right. This situation that has Lauren living in fear whenever she thinks about Nadia and her threats has to stop. Logically she knew that there was no way Nadia could have sent that photo, but what really had Lauren on edge was that Nadia had to have someone nearby doing her bidding, but who? Did Nadia get someone to just harass her, or was her intentions more sinister than that? Was the message on the photo truly a threat or was it just stupid mind games that Nadia loved to play?

When they were together Nadia got a kick out of keeping Lauren walking on egg shells, always making her nervous and worried that she was going to beat her if she made one wrong move. And now here she was playing the same damn games from a prison cell on the other side of the continent. What makes things even worse is she has managed to cause Lauren and Bo to have their first real fight.

Lauren wiped a few stray tears from her cheeks as she thought about her wife, her beautiful wife who only wants to help, who would do anything to protect her. Lauren knew that Bo would do anything to protect her and that scared her too. The last thing she wanted was for Bo to be hurt or worse because of her. She would never be able to forgive herself if she lost Bo to Nadia's sick and twisted games.

Lauren sat up in bed and looked at Bo's pillow. It was time to bite the bullet and talk with her wife because there was no way she was going to be able to sleep peacefully without Bo next to her. She pushed the blankets off of her and stepped out of bed. She grabbed the kimono that hung behind the door and slipped it on before leaving the bedroom.

As she walked into the living room she stopped for a moment at the foot of the couch and gazed at her wife. Lauren swallowed the lump in her throat when she noticed tissue and a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table. She was disappointed in herself for hurting her wife when she shut down and refused to talk. Lauren moved toward Bo quietly and kneeled next to her. She reached out and brushed some of the unruly dark locks out of the brunette's face.

"Bo." Lauren whispered. She placed a warm and gentle hand on Bo's cheek and whispered her name again. "Bo."

Bo automatically turned into Lauren's touch as she slowly opened her eyes. Once she was able to focus, she could tell that Lauren had been crying by the puffiness around her eyes. Bo lifted the blanket inviting Lauren in, "Come here."

Lauren immediately accepted the invitation and climbed under the blanket with her wife. She snuggled into Bo, nuzzling her face into Bo's neck, and squeezing her tightly around the waist.

"I am so sorry baby, so, so, sorry." Lauren's said softly as her tears began to flow again. "I shouldn't have shut you out like that."

"It's okay babe." Bo squeezed her wife tighter, placing gentle kisses on her forehead. "I know it's a lot to deal with and I shouldn't have pushed you… I should have given you time to process." Bo wiped away Lauren's tears delicately. "But I need you to know, I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you." She placed a kiss on each of her eyelids and a lingering kiss onto her lips.

Lauren kissed Bo back then laid her head on Bo's chest and listened to the strong heartbeat. They lay in the dark cuddled up on the couch together for a long moment without saying a word. Bo knew Lauren was processing what she wanted to say and how she wanted to say it. So she just held the Doctor in silence and patiently waited for her to speak.

"I know you said its okay, but it's not Bo. I should have never shut down on you the way I did and for that I am truly sorry." Lauren lifted her head to look at Bo. "Will you forgive me?"

"I already have." Bo smiled.

Lauren captured Bo in a slow, thorough kiss. She whispered "thank you" against her lips as she pulled away.

"You're welcome… are you ready to talk about it?" Bo asked gently.

Lauren took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "I'm scared… I'm scared that Nadia is going to destroy everything we have." Lauren choked back the tears. "But my biggest fear is that Nadia or whoever she has doing her bidding, is going to try and take you from me. It would destroy me if I lost you, I can't lose you Bo." Lauren sobbed.

Bo held her wife until she relaxed a little. Once Lauren settled Bo began, "Lauren, I know realistically I can't promise you that nothing like that is ever going to happen. Bad things happen to good people every day, but baby, we can't stop our lives and live in fear, and we can't ignore this and hope it goes away." Bo lifted Lauren's head gently so they could make eye contact. "I have so many hopes and dreams for our future together… I want children with you; I want a house with a dog or cat, and a basement apartment where Kenzi can live." Bo grinned. "I want to finish school and run the family business; I want you to open your own clinic or research center one day. You are the love of my life and I want it all with you Lauren Dennis. We need to tackle this problem head on and deal with it. Because I refuse to let anyone stop us or rob us from planning our future together, a future I want so badly."

"I want it too." Lauren sniffled.

"Then let's meet with those private investigators and see what they say. But no matter what, let's keep moving forward; let's keep building and working toward our future. And if it makes you feel safer we can get a big, ferocious guard dog, with the deepest growl, and the scariest bark we can find." Bo grinned.

"I don't need a ferocious guard dog; you make me feel safer than any dog ever could." Lauren pecked Bo's lips. "And you're right… about everything. We'll call the P.I.'s in the morning and set up a consultation."

"Okay. I am going to get a state of the art security system installed here, no arguments." Bo said as she pushed a lock of Lauren's hair behind her ear.

"Deal." Lauren agreed with smile.

"You know what the best part about having a fight is?" Bo bit her bottom lip as she looked at Lauren with smoldering eyes. She leaned in and took Lauren's ear lobe between her teeth giving it a tug before whispering into her ear, "making up."

"Is that right?" Lauren smirked. She sat up, straddling Bo's hips as she lay comfortably beneath her.

Mmm hmm…" Bo hummed. She slowly untied the belt of the kimono Lauren was wearing. Once it was undone she opened the kimono and discovered that Lauren was only wearing her panties and a camisole. The Doctor's nipples were hard and begging for attention as they strained against the thin material. Bo slid her warm hands underneath Lauren's top and gently brushed her thumbs over the erect buds.

Lauren rocked her hips into Bo as she continued to massage her breasts. She loved the way Bo handled her breasts, hell, the way she handled her whole body. Bo sat up and pushed the kimono off of Lauren's shoulders and then pulled her top up over her head and dropped both to the floor next to the couch. Bo then stripped her own top off before leaning in and capturing Lauren's nipple in her warm wet mouth.

Lauren arched into her with a loud moan. She tangled her fingers in the brunette's hair, pulling her impossibly closer. Bo released her nipple and began leaving a trail of wet kisses up Lauren's chest and on to her neck. She bit and sucked on the soft skin she found between the blonde's shoulder and neck. Bo tugged on Lauren's nipples causing the Doctor to grind harder into her. In one sudden motion, Bo flipped them over. She rocked her hips into Lauren's over and over again as she captured her wife's lips in a passionate kiss that took both their breath away. Bo slid her hand down Lauren's toned belly and into her lacy panties and moaned appreciatively when she discovered how wet she was.

"Fuck Lauren… I love how wet you get for me." Bo pulled the panties off of her wife and stroked her clit a few times before sliding two fingers into her as deep as she could. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having Lauren wrapped so tightly around her fingers. She felt a rush of wetness flood her own panties as she began to move in and out of her wife slowly.

"Ysabeau…" Lauren bit her lip and panted as Bo worked her magic. "I love you, I love you so much."

"I love you too." Bo whispered before kissing Lauren deeply.

They were so lost in their passion they didn't hear Kenzi unlocking the front door. They didn't realize they were about to be caught until the door swung open and light from outside flooded the apartment entryway. Bo and Lauren froze mid-thrust. Lauren pulled Bo down and tightened her legs around her to urge them closer together in an effort to cover her nakedness as much as possible. Unfortunately this caused Bo to penetrate Lauren deeper and hit that one spot that had Lauren seeing stars. Luckily for Lauren, Bo used her free hand to cover Lauren's mouth and muffle the loud moan she knew was coming.

Bo peeked over the couch to see if they were caught and seen Kenzi and Hale in a heated lip lock. Hale had Kenzi pressed up against the door and Kenzi had her legs wrapped around his waist. Bo raised an eyebrow at what was going on as she tried her best not to giggle out loud.

"Wait, wait, wait…" Kenzi said as she pulled away from Hale's lips. "Let's take this to the bedroom; the last thing I want is for Bo and Lauren to catch us." Hale nodded in agreement as he set Kenzi down.

"You're right that would be embarrassing." Hale chuckled.

Bo buried her face into Lauren's neck and laughed silently at the entire situation. Lauren nudged her shoulder to get her stop, because every time Bo's body shook with laughter, Bo inadvertently moved inside of Lauren and it was taking all of her self-control not to moan out loud. Bo picked her head up and gave Lauren a devilish grin. Lauren recognized the look on her wife's face and shook her head silently begging Bo not to do what she knew she was going to do.

Bo brought her index finger up to her lips, signaling for Lauren to be quiet. Lauren shook her head and looked at Bo with wide-eyes. Bo covered Lauren's mouth with her hand once again and began to move in and out of her wife with slow deep movements. Lauren raked her nails down Bo's back as her eyes rolled up into her head. She began to sweat and her whole body tensed as her orgasm threatened to explode through her.

"I'll meet you in the room, I'm just gonna grab us a couple bottles of water." Kenzi stood on her tip toes and peck Hale's lips.

"Don't keep me waiting too long Lil Mama." He smacked Kenzi lightly on the ass before heading off into the bedroom.

Kenzi went over to the fridge and grabbed a couple of waters. She untwisted the cap on her bottle and brought the bottle up to her lips when she thought she heard a noise coming from the living room. She looked into the darkened area for a moment but didn't see or hear anything further so she headed to her room, making sure to shut the door behind her.

No sooner than Kenzi went to her room did a powerful orgasm erupt throughout Lauren's body. Her body quivered as she was hit with several smaller orgasms as Bo continued to exploit her sweet spot. After a few minutes she took hold of Bo's wrist to halt her movements.

"Oh my god…" Lauren panted. Bo giggled as she pulled out of Lauren and brushed her fingertips over Lauren's swollen clit. "No, please babe… give me a minute, I am so damn sensitive right now."

Bo kissed Lauren's forehead and brushed some of her sweat dampened hair out of her face. "I can't believe we didn't get caught just now."

"I can't believe that you did that to me with Kenzi just a few feet away." Lauren pushed at Bo's shoulder lightly.

"Well, you did get a multiple O out of it." Bo chuckled.

"A really awesome multiple O, that's the only reason I'm not mad at you right now." Lauren smiled. "Now, how about we take this into our bedroom so I can return the favor?" Lauren palmed Bo's breasts and gave her nipples a little pinch which elicited a moan from the brunette. "And I need you out of those pants, stat!"

"Damn! Between what you're doing to my boobs and the doctor talk, I'm about ready to fuck you again on this couch." Bo stood to her feet and pulled Lauren with her. "Let's go Doctor; I am in dire need of some of your patented bed side manner."

"Good… because I plan on giving you a full work up, Mrs. Dennis." Lauren brushed past Bo completely nude, making sure to add an extra twist in her hips. "And be a dear and grab our clothes from the floor please." Lauren winked at Bo over her shoulder as she made her way to the bedroom.

"You are so fucking sexy!" Bo growled as she scooped up their discarded clothes and followed after her wife.

She entered the bedroom and locked the door behind her. Bo then dropped their pile of clothes in a nearby chair before stripping down completely. Lauren stepped into their closet and when she reappeared she wore a huge smile and Bo's favorite strap-on. Bo clenched her thighs as once again her center was flooded with wetness; it was going to be a long night of making up and they both looked forward to it.